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Admin's Blog

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A blog by game admin.

Entries in this blog


So I found Twitter. Actually I've had the account there since September 2008 but at that time I was only going to use it for personal tweets but apparently my personal life isn't relevant enough to get anyone to follow me. It's either that or my tweets were just totally uninteresting that no one really cared to follow me. Actually it was probably a combination of both. Then on February 26th I was watching Rick Sanchez from CNN use Twitter live on-air and I realized two things 1) using such a s



Programming Woes

I spent much of the afternoon today working on a small addition for the navigation menu in Tour of Generals. It seemed like it was going to be a fairly simple addition at first. I made the necessary modifications and loaded it up to test in FireFox - looked great, loaded it up in Google Chrome - looked great, loaded it up in Internet Explorer - FAIL. I'm not one to bash any web browser as they each have their own benefits as well as drawbacks but this recent episode really made me agree with thi



Upcoming Wonders?

In addition to the updates that I mentioned on 2/12 I'm also working on a couple of new wonders for the game for Missions/Mines/Colonies to the Moon and Mars. I'm still working out all of the details and I have started a suggestion box topic so that you can give your input. Below is a teaser image although keep in mind that the specifics may be very different from what you see below when everything finished.



What's on admin's mind II

I thought I'd take a moment write a quick blog update. As you may have noticed CN has received a bit of an influx of new players lately. I’ve been testing out some new methods for promoting CN and also trying to get those new users who join the game up to speed and involved by putting up the CN Demo video and things like that. Of course keeping the game fresh with new updates helps a lot too but I’ve been in and out lately because of a recent loss that my family and I are coping with right now.



Happy Birthday Cyber Nations

Today Cyber Nations is 3 years old. My where has the time gone? From it's humble beginnings as a very basic game that didn't include most of the bells and whistles that you see today (including trades, foreign aid, improvements, wonders, aircraft, navy, etc...) to where it is today it's all been a great ride and I hope it only gets better from here. Thanks to everyone who played the game during these 3 years especially all of those who've stuck around and played the entire time. A special thanks



Tour of Generals

For the past few months I’ve been working on a little side website project. The website is a browser based tactical war strategy game called Tour of Generals. The game is a Risk like strategy game that uses Google Maps and it involves creating, moving, and fighting armies and capturing territories on the map. The game has a wide variety of real world maps to play on including the United States, Europe, Asia, Germany, France, and lots more and many options to customize each game including the abi



Tournament Reset

I was so exhausted last night. With it being Thanksgiving and all the to-do surrounding that it was also the reset night for Tournament Edition. As early as 9:00 PM I was so ready to go to bed but couldn’t because I needed to stay up to manage the reset. I made it until 10:00 PM and decided enough was enough, man invented alarm clocks for a reason so I set mine to 11:45 PM and sunk in to take a nap. Well my silly alarm clock didn’t go off but I somehow managed to wake up at 11:55 PM. The reset w



What's on admin's mind

Since this is going to be a game development blog I'm going to try to frequent this as much as possible to let everyone know what I'm working on and what's to come for the game. This isn't to be taken as a place where I will make important announcements about the game, but rather just a friendly chat so don't hold me to what I post here. - I'm currently reviewing options for a change to the war declaration range. I agree with just about everyone else that the war range needs to be narrowed down



Admin's Blog

I guess since we have a blog feature now I might as well use it. A year or so ago I did more of a personal blog on Blogger but the thought of linking tens of thousands of CN players to it terrified me and so that didn't really work out. Maybe I'll use this as sort of a game developers blog instead. I think this will be fun.



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