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Happy Birthday Cyber Nations



Today Cyber Nations is 3 years old. My where has the time gone? From it's humble beginnings as a very basic game that didn't include most of the bells and whistles that you see today (including trades, foreign aid, improvements, wonders, aircraft, navy, etc...) to where it is today it's all been a great ride and I hope it only gets better from here. Thanks to everyone who played the game during these 3 years especially all of those who've stuck around and played the entire time. A special thanks to all the mods who help keep things orderly and fun around here. And now I leave you old timers with an image that might bring back some memories, way back when everything was simple, the very first Cyber Nations logo.



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Thankyou admin for this great game.

I see now we have tour of generals, I might check it out... but I have alot of time invested in CN I'm not sure I have time to afford getting hooked on another game lol.

I really miss the days where we would have several changes to the game update logs every month... recently we have had very few and I guess its because of tour of generals.

Makes me a little sad, and scared that one day you might pull the plug on CN as Tour might end up being what (I once read) you originally wanted CN to be, a war game using google maps.

Hopefully once tour of generals is running smoothly you will have more time to make more blog entries and updates/additions to the great game of Cybernations, but either way, thankyou once again.

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Tour of Generals isn't a game that takes very long to play i have played 2 games in the past few days and another 2 games half completed. So i would imagine that Cyber nations is the game that will be running for a long time to come. Check out Tour of Generals anyway tho, it is fun. If you like a short version of RISK or Single map of command and conquer you'll like Tour of Generals.

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