Tour of Generals
For the past few months I’ve been working on a little side website project. The website is a browser based tactical war strategy game called Tour of Generals. The game is a Risk like strategy game that uses Google Maps and it involves creating, moving, and fighting armies and capturing territories on the map. The game has a wide variety of real world maps to play on including the United States, Europe, Asia, Germany, France, and lots more and many options to customize each game including the ability to set the turn frequency rate from anywhere to 1 minute turns to 24 hour turns. Players can play in multiple games at the same time so that while you’re waiting for a turn update in one game you can be active in another.
I had the idea for Tour of Generals and have been going over various concepts since around June 2007 but only recently started coding on the site in September 2008. A few moderators Cyber Nations and friends began alpha testing the game in early December 2008 and have really had a blast tearing each other apart, although I’m usually the one doing most of the tearing. I'll be managing CN:Standard, CN:TE, and Tour of Generals but we decided to keep the CN forums separate from the ToG forums.
Today, with the arrival of the new year I’ve rolled the game out of alpha testing and into public beta so if you’d like to play I welcome to you check out the site and sign up for free. Tell your friends and see who has the best tactical war strategies among you. To help you get started please read over the About Tour of Generals section and watch the demonstration video. Since the game is so new if you have any problems please report them in the Report A Bug section of the forums.
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