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LE is recruiting for Round 16

Brokeback Psylent

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Hello all. I've been assigned to notify TE that after two rounds of denying applications to join LE, we have opened the gates again.
So here tis the path to applying for membership to LE:

Visit our forum at: http://z8.invisionfree.com/LafayetteEscadrille/index.php?

Once you register for the forum visit the [b]Enlistment Office-Check In Please[/b] subforum and follow the posted directions. Be patient if your request isn't responded to within the first hour. One of our officers will respond but R/L takes precedence and there are times when no one is available.

I wish I could come up with some inspiring words as to why a player should want to join LE. Alas, all I can say is we like to fight. And fight, and fi..... Well, you get the drift. But fighting requires active players. So, ifn ya like to fight and you're an active player, LE might be a good home to you. Part of the recruitment process demands being active both ingame and on our forum. No activity will result in the rejection of recruit's admission into LE.

Good luck and good hunting mates.


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[inspiringwords]Note to the more skilled unaligned players here that they should take this opportunity while it's open. LE is a pretty exclusive group - it usually only accepts a certain number of applications before closing its doors completely, and very often requires new members to actually be invited before applying. I wouldn't bother clicking the above link if you're looking for a relaxed group where you can just sit around, do your own thing, and try things out (you can pick any random group for that) - but if you're serious about TE, and are looking for a group that will test and build your skills to the max, LE is probably the place for you.[/inspiringwords]

And this ends your free plug for the round. :P

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I joined TE and learned how to anarchy a nation within the span of a 7 day war.

I joined LE, and we anarchied a whole AA with a single blitz :awesome:

:smug: Ask Far, it's true :smug:

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