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The United States of The Islands News


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The Chief Editor of the Island's Post sat back in his office and smiled. His buisness partner walked in, "What's got your gitty up?" The Chief Editor, Richard, sat up and cracked his knuckles, "Oh nothing. But a foreign government is criticizing our news paper. A socialist one from what I understand." Richard's buisness partner and best friend stepped forward, "Haha. I guess the commies got angry we have our own ideals." Richard laughed at how his friend stereotyped communists and socialists in the same pot and he took a sip of this new thing called "coke" and stood up, "If a government is reading a local newspaper then do you know how many more hits we are getting? Think about it, a foreign government.." he stopped in his words, "Dude this is outstanding. Should we reply? Give attack adds?" Richard laughed up a storm, "How about we just let them make criticism all they want? It's getting us sells and hits in a time when we should be suffering.. In fact.." Richard reached over the counter to a series of graphs, "You and I are $15,000 richer amigo." Richard's partner dropped his coffee and jumped in happiness.

Richard smiled, "I say we give everyone a pay raise. What do you think?" his partner smiled, "Yeah, they deserve one. A big one."
With so many more papers being sold in the Island this could only mean good for buisness and his employees.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1297988109' post='2637056']
"Xinyan does nothing but comment on the incorrect situations at the incorrect time. If they wish to be taken seriously, they should reconsider when to speak.

We are unsure of these "childish announcments." The Ottoman Republic has made not one announcement since the royal family came to power."
First of all, you were the one who decided to use the USI's news channels to !@#$%* at us, for whatever reason. Nothing here involved you.

Second of all, then who, kindly, just made that announcement? It came from someone, didn't it?

OOC: @ PresidentDavid: I'm not Communist :v

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The United States is now on the DEFCON level of FOUR - having been moved from five.


Several world members have joined the International Organization known as [i]Red Dawn[/i] which, in the preamble, have stated disturbing things that have put the United States on a state of alert.
Because the United States does not support forcing any nation to change government or have Espionage forced onto them, the United States is now at a since or readiness.

Status - [b]DEFCON FOUR[/b]
Why - The United States Feels Under Threat From Red Dawn



The air force has been put on stand by, the ground forces have been warned to be ready if called upon, Homeland Security (Civil Defense) have been called to take extra precautions on peoples from the Nations that have signed [i]Red Dawn[/i] and everyone other than the Kingdom of Ireland - if they have family in The United States.
Other precautions may be taken.

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[quote name='Chernarussia' timestamp='1298443665' post='2642619']
OoC: yo dave, just letting you know DEFCON 4 is usually lower than three

OOC: I understand that. DEFCON 5 is basically peace mode and DEFCON 1 is basically prepare for nuclear war/war.

EDIT: I see how I messed that up now, thanks partner

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[i]The Island[/i]

Ten fighters were scrambled over the Island.
The President of The United States and his cabinet were moved to a secure and disclosed location.

Seven thousand Marines were put on standby.

War Probability: 9%

[i]The Western Isles[/i]

Two fighters were scrambled and all military personnel there were ordered to:
"Stay on alert" and "Stay on standby"

[i]Reason For Emergency Actions[/i]

The Free Association is a friend of the United States. Any attack or threat to them would be taken as a threat to the Islands.

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[b]Emergency Act of Congress[/b]

An emergency act of Congress was called and they came to a conclusion that, due to risks of National Security, any citizen of any Nation of Africa will not be allowed to enter the United States and those who are here will be sent back to their mother nation. This is effectively immediately and accounts for all nations EXCEPT Artica and the Free Association.
This is due to the recent conflicts in Africa which involved the United States and Great Britain.

Because not all nations in Africa are a threat to the United States, for example Artica, the majority of African nations will be able to have their citizens go into the United States freely soon but this was an emergency move taken because security in tel warned there may be some sort of Leave-And-Go terrorism plot that might involve the United States.

Again, the United States apologizes to all African nations for this act however the National Security of The United States is vital.

Here are a current list of nations we believe may cause a threat to the United States:

+The former Ottoman Republic
+Republic Du Fleuve

If any other nation was not listed then most likely you will be taken off this list within a week. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience.

Also, all citizens in Africa are being called back to the United States and must return within 72 hours. Every 14.4 hours each citizen out of the United States will be called and asked to return to the United States. Upon returning, they will have to prove they are a citizen of the country and will be questioned by family members to ensure their identity.


Nations that might be a threat to the United States:

-The former Ottoman Republic
-Republic Du Fleuve

Nations that might:

-Kingdom of Chunia

[b]Above Top Secret[/b]

David took a sip of whine and shook his head while Badb wrote an essay for her English class. Robert walked in to say something but before he could David said in mono-tone, "Do whatever needs to be done to make sure no one who can harm us gets in here." Robert nodded and walked back out to his office.

Vice President Robert himself made his way to the Department of Homeland Security (formally the Department of Civil Defense) and went talk to the Secretary of Homeland Security. "You need to go all out Mr. Secretary. [i]All out.[/i]"


Effective immediately, emergency actions will be taken to protect the United States of The Islands and to defend it's security.

Anyone of Arabian or African nationality(1) will be searched thoroughly, questioned on why they are coming to the United States and how long they will be here. If any suspicion of any kind is taken that they might be a threat to national security, they will be peacefully sent back to their nation. If any attempt to leave the area is taken, there will be authorization to shoot with intention to kill.

Security will be heightened for every civilian of any nation wishing to enter the United States, for the exception of Caucasian citizens of Ireland.

These extreme measures are being taking because those who wish to harm us are believed to be Arabian and most likely Muslim of Islamic.
Homeland Security personnel will be doubled in Airports and Sea Ports.

As of now, no high ranking government position will be given to anyone unless they are asked to be appointed by someone higher in position.


The Threat Level of The United States has been raised to Severe. The United States of The Islands is under threat.


The capital was set on high alert and several snipers with thermal sights were set on top of the Orange House and Capital Building.


Fifty fighters were sent into the air and were to remain there - they would be refueled in air - and would circle the Western Isles and The Island. The Irish Sea would also be patrolled and an eye would be kept to make sure no one would try to get into Britain who didn't belong.

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1299124534' post='2650650']
[b]Emergency Act of Congress[/b]

An emergency act of Congress was called and they came to a conclusion that, due to risks of National Security, any citizen of any Nation of Africa will not be allowed to enter the United States and those who are here will be sent back to their mother nation. This is effectively immediately and accounts for all nations EXCEPT Artica and the Free Association.
This is due to the recent conflicts in Africa which involved the United States and Great Britain.

Because not all nations in Africa are a threat to the United States, for example Artica, the majority of African nations will be able to have their citizens go into the United States freely soon but this was an emergency move taken because security in tel warned there may be some sort of Leave-And-Go terrorism plot that might involve the United States.

Again, the United States apologizes to all African nations for this act however the National Security of The United States is vital.

Here are a current list of nations we believe may cause a threat to the United States:

+The former Ottoman Republic
+Republic Du Fleuve

If any other nation was not listed then most likely you will be taken off this list within a week. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience.

Also, all citizens in Africa are being called back to the United States and must return within 72 hours. Every 14.4 hours each citizen out of the United States will be called and asked to return to the United States. Upon returning, they will have to prove they are a citizen of the country and will be questioned by family members to ensure their identity.


Nations that might be a threat to the United States:

-The former Ottoman Republic
-Republic Du Fleuve

Nations that might:

-Kingdom of Chunia

[b]Above Top Secret[/b]

David took a sip of whine and shook his head while Badb wrote an essay for her English class. Robert walked in to say something but before he could David said in mono-tone, "Do whatever needs to be done to make sure no one who can harm us gets in here." Robert nodded and walked back out to his office.

Vice President Robert himself made his way to the Department of Homeland Security (formally the Department of Civil Defense) and went talk to the Secretary of Homeland Security. "You need to go all out Mr. Secretary. [i]All out.[/i]"


Effective immediately, emergency actions will be taken to protect the United States of The Islands and to defend it's security.

Anyone of Arabian or African nationality(1) will be searched thoroughly, questioned on why they are coming to the United States and how long they will be here. If any suspicion of any kind is taken that they might be a threat to national security, they will be peacefully sent back to their nation. If any attempt to leave the area is taken, there will be authorization to shoot with intention to kill.

Security will be heightened for every civilian of any nation wishing to enter the United States, for the exception of Caucasian citizens of Ireland.

These extreme measures are being taking because those who wish to harm us are believed to be Arabian and most likely Muslim of Islamic.
Homeland Security personnel will be doubled in Airports and Sea Ports.

As of now, no high ranking government position will be given to anyone unless they are asked to be appointed by someone higher in position.


The Threat Level of The United States has been raised to Severe. The United States of The Islands is under threat.


The capital was set on high alert and several snipers with thermal sights were set on top of the Orange House and Capital Building.


Fifty fighters were sent into the air and were to remain there - they would be refueled in air - and would circle the Western Isles and The Island. The Irish Sea would also be patrolled and an eye would be kept to make sure no one would try to get into Britain who didn't belong.

The People's Republic of Africa is disappointed that a nation, such as the United States, would stoop to such lows as racial profiling.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1299126246' post='2650715']
The People's Republic of Africa is disappointed that a nation, such as the United States, would stoop to such lows as racial profiling.

"Not racial profiling, whether they are brown, black, white, blue, or purple if they are from Africa then they now have restrictions against them except for two nations. I apologize my friend, this will be sorted out shortly. This was an act of congress, I vetoed the bill but unfortunately a two thirds majority over ruled me. I will see to it you are the first taken off the list. You have my deepest apologies."

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"All African nations, including the People's Republic of Africa, are now allowed to send citizens into the United States as long as they obtain a visa as before and as long as the nation meets the criteria to have this type of diplomatic relation with us.
The exceptions for this nation are:

-The former Ottoman Republic
-Former Republic Du Fleuve

These areas are still under investigation."

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Great Britain must make some notes:

The Ottoman Republic no longer exists as a sovereign entity and is under occupation by Coaltion forces until further notice whilst the insurgency is quelled.
The Republique De Fleuve no longer exists as a sovreign entity and the terrotory is to be transferred back to Rebel Army.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299172379' post='2651235']
Great Britain must make some notes:

The Ottoman Republic no longer exists as a sovereign entity and is under occupation by Coaltion forces until further notice whilst the insurgency is quelled.
The Republique De Fleuve no longer exists as a sovreign entity and the terrotory is to be transferred back to Rebel Army.

"Hence the word 'former.'"

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Earlier actions taken to ensure security of the United States have been canceled but the orders were successfully taken out. (Orders concerning Muslims)

DEFCON Level[/b]

The United States DEFCON Level is now four. Previously it was at three however it will now be at four and probably five soon.

The United States is entering peace mode.

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[b]Ash Wednesday[/b]


This afternoon Islanders flocked to their local churches to receive their ashes.
"It was a beautiful thing to see everyone with there ashes" said Vice President Robert, "I love to see everyone connected with their faith."

With so many churches packed the Treasury of The United States Catholic Churches (TTUSCC) is trying to raise money to either expand or make new Churches. President David has in fact given some of his own money for plans to build a cathedral in Douglas and another in New Dublin.

For Lent the President reported that he would be giving up alcohol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[b]Defense Spending[/b]

Today the President made an official request to congress to raise the defense budget.
The President announced that he wanted to increase the military strength of the United States by 100% in the next few months. With the favor ratings of the president at 91%, it is very likely he will get what he wants.

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[b]Presidential Term Coming Up[/b]

President David Anthony O'Reilly is the first President of The United States of The Islands. He has been President for three years, however he was President of The Congress of the former Union of Island Nations as well. The President essentially only has one more year until it is time for a new election. There is nothing limiting the President from running for office again so the question is will he? The President's approval rating is among the highest out of any politician or group of politicians in the entire nation.

The current approval rating for the president is 91% among the population of the Island and Western Isles. The approval rating of the congress is close but under the president at 87%. It seems that no one could out run President O'Reilly unless he does everything he can to make his last year his worst. So much has happened with President O'Reilly - he won the Civil War for the south and kept the nation united, he stood up for capitalists world-wide without fear of the UFE, this man is either crazy enough to take chances or he is the bravest man in the islands.

The Congress supports him, the people support him, who could stop this man? With the merging of Ireland and a foreign body many Islanders have begun to question if the culture of Ireland will stay intact however President O'Reilly has assured us that Ireland will stay Ireland. With that said the only person on the planet that could harm the President's chances for reelection besides himself is the King of Ireland [The United Kingdom]. The people of The United States pledge allegiance to their flag however Ireland is their homeland. What happens there matters over here. The King of Ireland does not have a tie to United States politics however any Islander would take his word into consideration. Only time will tell what will happen.

[b]Political Parties?[/b]

With the election for the President nearing in a year and - around the same time - a new election for the Senate some congressmen have begun taking sides with one another. The United States is not torn on economic issues because an overwhelming jaw-dropping majority support Capitalism however aggressive issues such as where to put our nose and where to keep it out are disagreed upon. Along with that, the internal budget of the government is also disputed. With high revenues the Treasury is filling up with money and no one exactly knows where to put it.
Along with those, the two most pressing issues are who we should be allies with and should states be made out of the Western Isles?

From what we know down here at the Post, there are three unofficial political parties that exist in congress however none have been recognized by the government. This could have a whole new meaning to Islands politics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[size="4"][b]Political Parties[/b][/size]

The majority of the members of congress have joined political parties and have taken sides on certain topics. All parties are still unofficial however they do exist. Here is a list of the three largest parties as of this month.

[b]Republican Party[/b]

The Republican Party is one the strongly supports all liberties and Freedoms currently enjoyed by citizens and wishes to keep these liberties alive and strong.

-The Republican Party (GOP - Grand Old Party) agrees with the current aggressive stance that President David has and thinks the United States, while keeping our culture in check, should be involved in world affairs and stand up for freedom and Republics world wide.
-The GOP believes that a large portion of the budget should go towards Defense Spending and towards weapons to help defend the Republic when needed and offend others if necessary.
-Also, with the large amount of surplus money in the Treasury the GOP believes half of it should be put into a "Rainy Day" fund and the remaining money should be used to expand the nations infrastructure.
-The Republican Party supports gaining strong Capitalist, Conservative allies - preferably in the immediate region of the United States or North America.
-The Republican Party would like to reform the current states. Along with uniting a few on the Island, the GOP also supports making most of the Western Isles each a State (unless if they have a very limited population).
-The GOP, while upholding separation of Church and State, believes in holding up Catholic values and morals.


[b]The Union Party[/b]

The Union Party supports keeping the country together and strong in every way it can; economically, culturally, and politically.

-The Union Party believes that the country should be just as loud in world affairs.
-The Union Party believes that much of the budget should be focused towards incentives for citizens and corporations to be innovative and some of the money to go towards defense spending.
-The Union Party agrees with the GOP on using the Treasury's money for a "Rainy Day" fund however they think most of it should be used for infrastructure.
-The Union Party believes that the United States should acquire stable allies in Western Europe with good, honorable histories. The Union Party believes that the culture of the United States should be preserved by all costs.
-The Union Party believes that the Western Isles should be made into two large states or at least something along that line.


[b]The Independent Party[/b]

The Independent Party has no exact set of principals however they are made up of the politicians that did not want to join either Republican or the Unionist parties. Out of all the things the do not have in common, they do all believe in the founding principals of the country. With their low numbers, it is a question if they could win a majority at this election.


There are other minor parties however they are being quickly gobbled up by the GOP and Union Party. There are no Socialist or Communist parties however there is one oddball out of the bunch. The "Monarchy Party" which seems to support the establishment of a Monarchy. They have not announced who they would want as a King or Queen however it is a stable minority party. In the mean time, we will try to get a statement from the President on what he thinks of the Monarchy Party.

[i]-The Islands Post[/i]

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[b]The Military Expanding To Engineering

The Army Corps of Engineers
The National Guardsmen of Civil Engineering[/b]

With President O'Reilly promising to expand the reaches of our great military two new divisions have been created. "The Army Corps of Engineers" and "The National Guardsmen of Civil Engineering".

The National Guardsmen of Civil Engineering has been created so that it can help when natural disaster strikes the Island or outlaying Western Isles. The President has even gone as far as to say that we could send them to help other nations to help restore civil infrastructure in times of crisis.
The National Guardsmen of Civil Engineering would have a experience in the following subjects:

The sealing of leaks on dams
Constructing efficient road ways
Designing sturdy buildings that can withstand strong winds
Ecosystem restoration
-The Islands Post[/i]
Bridge Building
Building design

With that being said, another organization was created for more military building, The Army Corps of Engineers.

The Army Corps of Engineers will be more in the field of base construction and facility design. While this regiment is more classified then the National Guardsmen of Civil Engineering, they will still have all if not more of the knowledge of some of the greatest engineers in the islands. The Army Corps also has experience in power grid construction and ship building and repair.

With both of these regiments belonging to different sections of the military (the Army and National Guard) all members are trained to use firearms and are also very skilled engineers. Their average salary is double that of a normal soldier with additional benefits and a better retirement fund.

This could be the industrial boom of the United States.

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To: President David O'Reilly, President of the United States of the Island.
From: Orlik Wojtyla, Leader of the Town Council of Torun

Dear Sir,
My government is developing a research station in Antarctica. We however are woefully short of engineers who are skilled in the matters of Cold Weather Construction. We would appreciate if your government would consent to sending a team or two of engineers for our project. It would be a wonderful first step in establishing quality diplomatic relations.

Orlik Wojtyla

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To Orlik Wojtyla, Leader of the Town Council of Torun
From: President David Anthony O'Reilly of The United States of The Islands

"We would be delighted to send a few regiments from the Army Corps of Engineers to assist you in every way possible. If you have materials already available then that will be great, if not we would be willing to sell them to you."

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To President David Anthony O'Reilly, of The United States of The Islands
From: Orlik Wojtyla, Leader of the Town Council of Torun

To my most esteemed Friend and Colleague:
Thank You for the aid offered to my government, Please send the construction teams to "Research Station Torun" which I have marked for you on the attached set of maps(OOC: too lazy to make a map copy at 5:17 AM)This tie of friendship shall not be forgotten and from this day forth you will have to look no further than the Free State of Torun for a noble and staunch ally in all your endeavors.

Fondly and with the Warmest Regards,

Orlik Wojtyla

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[b]The Islands Have Awakened[/b]


In the past week, the United States economy has risen to heights never seen in it's history. Unemployment is near [i]3%[/i] as thousands of buisness have sprung up and thousands of factories have reopened. The stock marker has risen to historic levels while the wealthy class has begun investing money they were once holding onto for a rainy day.
With this huge economic boom the government has decided to lower income taxes by 5%.

This seems to have happened over night however we do have someone to thank. About a week or two ago the congress and President decided to rent out one of the Western Islands to the Kingdom of Cochin to build a military facility. With this, hundreds of orders for various products have been pouring in from the military facility - especially cement and steel. With that, factories have sprung up to see how can make it the most efficient and who can make it with the cheapest prices while doing it - capitalism at work. Whatever steel or whatever products were denied are being sent all around the world as products are being made at rapid rates and many of these products are being sold to locals as buildings are rising at unbelievable rates. In New Dublin alone thirty cranes have sprung up to build buildings larger than ten stories.

With so many things being built, the mean to transport goods have strained local roads and old rail lines that need repair. Because of this, the National Guardsmen of Civil Engineering have made plans to spend a few million dollars to rebuild the old rails stretching from New Dublin to Douglas and to also connect the North to the rest of the country. In addition to that the two lain roads going from Douglas to New Dublin will be built to be two lanes for each way across, expanding the amount of cars that can travel along it and letting wider loads pass as well.
What Civil Engineering is doing will create an estimated 1,500 jobs.
-Islands Post[/i]

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[b]A Sleeping Giant Has Awakened[/b]


Recently, their has been a boom so large in the economy of the United States, a new chart had to be made to show the scale of the stock market. Gains are above even the best predictions, and employers are not only hiring more people, but actually need more people to work for them and compete with others. Manufactured goods have now become the number one export of the country. Production of things like steel and bags of cement have soared through the roof. The agricultural community has, so far, not taken a hit. Some farmers are now taking part-time or full-time jobs in factories. Because of this, they also have to help tend to their farms in the afternoon or early morning so they do not get neglected. One local farmer put it this way,
"Everyone knows to water your crops at night - that has always been common practice. Most of the things we would usually spread out over the day we are now compacting into the morning and afternoon routines of our lives. The only thing on the farm that would ask for my attention constantly were my animals but my children are doing a fine job of taking care of them."

Only a month ago the United States had it's biggest export as wheat. But today, only three weeks and four days later, the largest exports are now manufactured goods. Thousands of people have applied and have been accepted for jobs all around the country. The National Guardsmen of Civil Engineering has made plans to build several rail systems to help expand transportation and movement of goods and have also made plans to expand highways from one lane for each side of traffic to now too. The number of jobs for these projects combined have passed the estimated number of 1,500 to now 2,250.

With the standard of living and the average amount of income per household expected to rise, the percentage of homes on the power grid are expected to go past the current 39% and possible exceed 70% in the next few months to come. Because that would put additional strain on the power grid PowerCo Incorporated is expected to be building several more wind-turbines to meet the demands. Along with infrastructure, several cities are making funds and places in their budgets to expand ports and make them more accessible to more and bigger ships. This will in no doubt increase the volume of trade and income to each individual city, state, and the Island as a whole.

Previously the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country was at a stagnate $1.5 billion dollars but it is now $3.1 billion and rising. It is estimated that, maybe in a few months, it could rise all the way to $5.0 billion dollars - something never seen for a country our size.

This has all happened only after two weeks of President O'Reilly being the leader of our nation. Good job Mister President, we are all proud of you.

[i]-The Islands Post[/i]

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