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IP Clarification


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I've recently been logging in to CN at two separate locations: my own house and own IP, and that of my girlfriend's. This has always worked because no one from my girlfriend's house plays the game and thus there would be no danger in doing so.

It has come to my attention, however, that her brother wishes to play the game. This naturally makes me question whether it would be allowed. I can easily stop logging in at her place, but I'm not sure if that would be enough to let him play. I don't exactly want to tell him he can't because my nation will be deleted, because that's a little bit of a shame as it restricts players. However, rules are rules.

I'd like clarification on whether or not he'd be able to create a nation on their IP if I no longer log into it. I'm unsure if the rule applies to two nations logging into one IP, rather than one nation occupying it, and then another taking over without overlap.

Do I have to inform him he would be unable to play or is this still possible?

Thanks for any response.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The rule is one nation per IP.

Ideally, we'd prefer it stayed that way because it makes things easier for everyone.

However, if you girlfriend's brother really wants to play, you should stick to the rules relating to nation sitting which state that once two nations have logged in on the same IP, they can't aid, trade, or war with each other again.

If your girlfriend's brother creates a nation, you will probably be fine as long as you don't intentionally interact with each other.

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