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Friendly Reminder

Vladimir Nikanor

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[font="Microsoft Sans Serif"][i]Dear Leaders of the World,[/i]

I'm asking if people could please stop judging members of an alliance based on the actions of other members of that alliance. On a personal level, it bugs me when I get bombarded with idiocy based on past events I never took part in. To say I'm a coward because of something that happened to my alliance in a time when I wasn't even present is completely idiotic. I see that happening to others in different alliances and it's not only disrespectful but illogical. Please be respectful of other leaders and don't bring personal issues onto others that have no involvement in it. Just because an alliance does something, does not mean everyone in that alliance had a say in it. Honestly this goes for every alliance, so if people could just recognize this, it would be great.

There are people on both "sides" of this war that I have respect for, so I don't appreciate people blanketing an entire alliance based on the actions of a few. For the record, this is addressed to everyone and is just a reminder. I'm not calling anyone out simply because most, myself included, have done this before. This is just a reminder for the future.

[i]With Regards,
Vladimir Dönitz Nikanor,
Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Dresden [/i][/font]

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I respectfully decline.

Alliances are teams. A team is only as strong as its weakest link. Wars are not fought by individual members. When an alliance makes a political mistake, it suffers as a team. When an alliance prospers from victorious actions, it does so as a team. In a team, one person [i]can[/i] screw things up for the rest of the team. If a team leader has decided to lead a team into catastrophic failure, the rest of the team has the option to leave the team and join another team.

I do not sympathize with your point of view. I don't even come close to sympathizing with your point of view. Sorry.

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[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1295909341' post='2597218']
I respectfully decline.

Alliances are teams. A team is only as strong as its weakest link. Wars are not fought by individual members. When an alliance makes a political mistake, it suffers as a team. When an alliance prospers from victorious actions, it does so as a team. In a team, one person [i]can[/i] screw things up for the rest of the team. If a team leader has decided to lead a team into catastrophic failure, the rest of the team has the option to leave the team and join another team.

I do not sympathize with your point of view. I don't even come close to sympathizing with your point of view. Sorry.
In effect: The alliance a nation ruler chooses to roll with reflects upon the ruler, for better or for worse.

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[quote name='Chief Stubbs' timestamp='1295909434' post='2597221']
In effect: The alliance a nation ruler chooses to roll with reflects upon the ruler, for better or for worse.

Yep. You got it. If you're going to support your alliance's decisions, then that reflects upon you as well. If you don't like what your alliance is doing, then leave.

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[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1295909677' post='2597230']
Yep. You got it. If you're going to support your alliance's decisions, then that reflects upon you as well. If you don't like what your alliance is doing, then leave.
The only way I could possibly see someone agreeing with every single opinion formed by the leadership of their alliance would be if they were running it.

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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1295909905' post='2597237']
The only way I could possibly see someone agreeing with every single opinion formed by the leadership of their alliance would be if they were running it.

If you find yourself disagreeing with most of the decisions your leaders are making, it might be time to move on.

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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1295910087' post='2597244']
If you find yourself disagreeing with most of the decisions your leaders are making, it might be time to move on.
That is true entirely.

Though, for the record I never said I disagreed with any of the major decisions made by Nordreich Command. This is merely a posted reminder regarding all alliances.

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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1295909905' post='2597237']
The only way I could possibly see someone agreeing with every single opinion formed by the leadership of their alliance would be if they were running it.
You don't have to agree with every one, but the commitment you make to your alliance, as a member, implies that, even with the ones you disagree with, you stand by the decision. If you don't, then there are plenty of other alliances an individual could choose.

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[quote name='Chief Stubbs' timestamp='1295910741' post='2597262']
You don't have to agree with every one, but the commitment you make to your alliance, as a member, implies that, even with the ones you disagree with, you stand by the decision. If you don't, then there are plenty of other alliances an individual could choose.
[/quote]Of course, but to call someone out for being (insert adjective here) because of something their alliance did (or something that happened to it) when that member was not present is preposterous.

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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1295910856' post='2597267']
Of course, but to call someone out for being (insert adjective here) because of something their alliance did (or something that happened to it) when that member was not present is preposterous.
The identity of the alliance goes a long way towards the identity of the individual. That's simply how this world works.

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[quote name='Chief Stubbs' timestamp='1295910987' post='2597269']
The identity of the alliance goes a long way towards the identity of the individual. That's simply how this world works.
Though I agree that may hold true for a significant portion of alliance members, I feel it is not true for everyone and that is the purpose of this. I know we have members that joined simply because they received a recruitment message. They're not very active, and likely can't recall much of our history upon immediate request. I see nothing wrong with that, and I'm sure many alliances have the same kind of people.

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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1295910856' post='2597267']
Of course, but to call someone out for being (insert adjective here) because of something their alliance did (or something that happened to it) when that member was not present is preposterous.
Sorry but the past events are part of the history of an alliance, therefore they're a part of said alliance. Unless you have a specific agenda (or been closely allied to that alliance), you cannot [i][b]forget[/b][/i] that history ...

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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1295911208' post='2597273']
Though I agree that may hold true for a significant portion of alliance members, I feel it is not true for everyone and that is the purpose of this. I know we have members that joined simply because they received a recruitment message. They're not very active, and likely can't recall much of our history upon immediate request. I see nothing wrong with that, and I'm sure many alliances have the same kind of people.
And those who are inactive are unlikely to care much about such a situation.
IRT Spoil: I suppose I should clarify that that's how I view respect; if it's a lie for you, then by all means, freely give respect.

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[quote name='4SnwL' timestamp='1295911463' post='2597283']
Sorry but the past events are part of the history of an alliance, therefore they're a part of said alliance. Unless you have a specific agenda (or been closely allied to that alliance), you cannot [i][b]forget[/b][/i] that history ...
Knowing history and being a part of it are two different things.

[quote name='Chief Stubbs' timestamp='1295911488' post='2597284']
And those who are inactive are unlikely to care much about such a situation.
IRT Spoil: I suppose I should clarify that that's how I view respect; if it's a lie for you, then by all means, freely give respect.

I give respect to those I do not know. Respect not out of action, but out of the unknown. That relationship may or may not change depending on future events.

Edited by Vladimir Nikanor
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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1295911542' post='2597287']
I give respect to those I do not know. Respect not out of action, but out of the unknown. That relationship may or may not change depending on future events.
If you respect me, then you are mistaken (is that true enough, Spoil? :P ). Without knowing a thing about me, you should not respect me; not in a negative sense, but rather in a neutral sense.

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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1295911542' post='2597287']
Knowing history and being a part of it are two different things.


Being a part of an alliance is accepting it's history. What you can do is to convince other people that this history is long gone (for reference see MK and TOP recent treaty)

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[quote name='4SnwL' timestamp='1295912019' post='2597298']
Being a part of an alliance is accepting it's history. What you can do is to convince other people that this history is long gone (for reference see MK and TOP recent treaty)
That is currently an ongoing process, but I can agree with you on your points made. I thank you for your imput.

[quote name='Chief Stubbs' timestamp='1295912018' post='2597297']
If you respect me, then you are mistaken (is that true enough, Spoil? :P ). Without knowing a thing about me, you should not respect me; not in a negative sense, but rather in a neutral sense.

Aye, but it is a sense of respect towards human beings I share. But I understand where you are coming from and will take it into consideration.

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