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Ultimatum to Disparu


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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1295070338' post='2575798']
Who are you to call little, we nearly the same size!
Any nation that tries to disturb the peace to fill their ego's should be treated as the tiny, pathetic waste of space that they really are. Your sad excuse of a nation is no exemption.

Edited by Stefano Palmieri
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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1295071364' post='2575816']
An attack on a country of North America should rightly be considered an attack on North American peace on the whole. So it would be for any country of any continent. Not to mention you have made threats of nuclear attack. If Labrador's government expects to make threats of using nuclear weaponry and not expect retaliation from North America and the world at large, then you do not have the qualifications to be running a country in the first place.

We ask Xinyan to please keep to their continent. We do not want a world of hypocrites.

[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1295071833' post='2575822']
Radioactive dust spreads easily, almost everyone knows that they are hazardous to almost all life, including humans. Nobody wants nuclear weapons mushrooming right across their border and then watch their Geiger counters go off the chart.

Drastic times call for drastic measures.

[quote name='Germanic Republic' timestamp='1295076903' post='2575887']
The Federal Republic offers a swift condemnation of this ultimatum, and presses Labrador to reconsider. The lives of your citizens, as well as those of Disparu and other North American nations, shouldn't be tossed away so readily.

So we wait for Disparu to invade us? They have stated before that they WILL invade us! Shall we sit here and watch Disparu capture our towns and cities and slaughter our troops? Or shall we make the first strike?

[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1295077957' post='2575894']
The United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana begs with the nation of Labrador as their oldest ally to not attack Disparu.

It's too late for that.

[quote name='Stefano Palmieri' timestamp='1295102883' post='2576019']
Any nation that tries to disturb the peace to fill their ego's should be treated as the tiny, pathetic waste of space that they really are. Your sad excuse of a nation is no exemption.

"Egos"? Or should we say protecting ourselves! Disparu WILL invade us, they have said this before! We must strike first. They would otherwise be the ones to disturb the peace.

Edited by Fizzydog
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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1295118172' post='2576208']
"Egos"? Or should we say protecting ourselves! Disparu WILL invade us, they have said this before! We must strike first. They would otherwise be the ones to disturb the peace.
Oh? Where has Disparu stated this?

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