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When the chips are down, you start running...


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[quote name='Eggman Empire' timestamp='1296035709' post='2602507']
Gary turned the radio off and turned to face the LTG member. "Now that we all now each other-" Gary patted the man's temple with his Eagle barrel. "-why don't you tell us what's at 3120 South Halsted Street?"
"Th-th-the police station. That's where our two targets are at and we-we-we are suppose to kidnap them without alerting th-th-the cops. I-I-I don't their names..."

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Gary put two and two together. He smiled cordially at the man. "Thank you. You've been a wonderful help!" Gary said, before cracking the man over the head with his Eagle. As the man slumped over unconscious, Gary patted Oliver on the shoulder. "3120 South Halsted Street. That's where our targets are at. Be on the look-out for other LTG vans. Lets go." Oliver nodded and stepped on the gas. They soon made their way to the police station. After they parked the van in a spot where it wouldn't be noticed, they settled down and waited for something to happen.

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[quote name='Eggman Empire' timestamp='1296084399' post='2603508']
Gary put two and two together. He smiled cordially at the man. "Thank you. You've been a wonderful help!" Gary said, before cracking the man over the head with his Eagle. As the man slumped over unconscious, Gary patted Oliver on the shoulder. "3120 South Halsted Street. That's where our targets are at. Be on the look-out for other LTG vans. Lets go." Oliver nodded and stepped on the gas. They soon made their way to the police station. After they parked the van in a spot where it wouldn't be noticed, they settled down and waited for something to happen.
The Happy Smilers would have to wait for about two weeks for Alex and Grace to be transported to the court. That wouldn't be their primary concern though.

A LTG member walked over to the Happy Smilers' van with a box of doughnuts and two cups of coffee. If she gets close enough, she might notice something is odd and report it to the LTG. However, if the HS catches too much attention, they would alert the police that is right next to them. Especially when there were hidden security cameras stationed on the police station.

To the police, it was nothing ordinary. What's a woman with a box of doughnuts and two containers of coffee going to do? Splash them with steaming hot liquid onto them and shove doughnuts down their throats to kill them?

Edited by HHAYD
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The Smilers noticed the woman walk up to their vehicle and came up with a cunning plan. Oliver got out of the car, walked to the woman, looked her strait in the eye and said "Thanks! I [i]LOVE[/i] free samples!" Before swiping the food and scurrying back into the van.
In the meantime, the [i]Viperfish[/i] had got out to open sea and was making it's way home. And there was someone who wanted to talk to Christa. She'd been taken to the communications center and placed in front of a screen. Next to her was a web cam-n-micphone device. The screen turned on to reveal a man whose face was blocked out. "Greetings Mrs. Hamas. Enjoying your trip so far?" There was a sound distorter preventing Christa from hearing his actual voice.

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[quote name='Eggman Empire' timestamp='1296189530' post='2606747']
The Smilers noticed the woman walk up to their vehicle and came up with a cunning plan. Oliver got out of the car, walked to the woman, looked her strait in the eye and said "Thanks! I [i]LOVE[/i] free samples!" Before swiping the food and scurrying back into the van.
In the meantime, the [i]Viperfish[/i] had got out to open sea and was making it's way home. And there was someone who wanted to talk to Christa. She'd been taken to the communications center and placed in front of a screen. Next to her was a web cam-n-micphone device. The screen turned on to reveal a man whose face was blocked out. "Greetings Mrs. Hamas. Enjoying your trip so far?" There was a sound distorter preventing Christa from hearing his actual voice.
The woman walked away, knowing that the person who swiped her food was not a LTG member. Plus, she saw the busted rear window. She walked another few blocks and entered LTG's command van.

"The Free Candy van has company in it."

"I knew it. We can't just drive by and pump them full of bullets, the cops are right next to those !@#$%^&*."

"Eventually they will have to get supplies or use the restroom. They can't camp there for two weeks straight."

"Good point. We'll hit them when they aren't so close to the police."
"Not really. I'm worried about my husband and my daughter." Christa replied.

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Gary divided up the doughnuts the woman had brought and gave the other coffee to Oliver; Doc didn't want any. Gary then decided to let his partners know what was going on. "Whoever she is, she knows something's up. My guess is LTG. If she was a cop, she'd probably have tried something. So our cover is blown but they can't get us 'cuz the cops are right next door. Therefore, they'll try to do things quietly. That meaning when we go out for supplies or bodily functions, they'll try to get us. I know everyone here won't have a problem with amateur assassination attempts, I'm just letting you all know to keep things quiet. No guns, and no bloodstains on walls. Got it?" He directed that last part at Doc who merely shrugged and rolled his eyes. "Right, it's been a while since we've had some sleep. I'll take first watch, Oliver will have second, and Doc will be third. Any questions." The other two shook their head and Gary nodded. "Good. Make yourselves comfortable. This is going to be a long haul."
*back on the sub.*
"I understand your concern for your husband and child. Don't worry as we have our finest agents working on extracting them." Even with the voice distorter, it sounded like he wouldn't care if her family spontaneously combusted. "But aside from that point...Mrs. Hamas, you understand that at this current moment, you're something of a commodity, right?" Without waiting for a reply, he continued. "Now obviously you understand the amount of trouble we had to go through to get you, so it's clear we'd rather not loose you to someone else. So, my question for you is: Besides being back together with your family, is there any other conditions you have?"

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[quote name='Eggman Empire' timestamp='1296259479' post='2608156']
Gary divided up the doughnuts the woman had brought and gave the other coffee to Oliver; Doc didn't want any. Gary then decided to let his partners know what was going on. "Whoever she is, she knows something's up. My guess is LTG. If she was a cop, she'd probably have tried something. So our cover is blown but they can't get us 'cuz the cops are right next door. Therefore, they'll try to do things quietly. That meaning when we go out for supplies or bodily functions, they'll try to get us. I know everyone here won't have a problem with amateur assassination attempts, I'm just letting you all know to keep things quiet. No guns, and no bloodstains on walls. Got it?" He directed that last part at Doc who merely shrugged and rolled his eyes. "Right, it's been a while since we've had some sleep. I'll take first watch, Oliver will have second, and Doc will be third. Any questions." The other two shook their head and Gary nodded. "Good. Make yourselves comfortable. This is going to be a long haul."
*back on the sub.*
"I understand your concern for your husband and child. Don't worry as we have our finest agents working on extracting them." Even with the voice distorter, it sounded like he wouldn't care if her family spontaneously combusted. "But aside from that point...Mrs. Hamas, you understand that at this current moment, you're something of a commodity, right?" Without waiting for a reply, he continued. "Now obviously you understand the amount of trouble we had to go through to get you, so it's clear we'd rather not loose you to someone else. So, my question for you is: Besides being back together with your family, is there any other conditions you have?"
At the police station:

"There are three vans parking around our police station. They arrived within several hours in between, but no one exited the vans. One of their occupants even took some food from a random woman before slamming the door in her face. And I think I see a busted window on one of the vans. Suspicious much?"

"What should we do?"

"How bout' walking up to them and say hi in their face?"

Outside, in and around the parking lot:

Three police officers exited the building and proceeded to walk toward the three vans, including the Happy Smilers' van. As soon as they reached the van they tapped on the windows using their hands with a sinister smile on their face. The two LTG surveillance vans squealed away within seconds, their occupants knowing that their covers were blown.
Inside the "Free Candy!" van:

The knocked out LTG driver started to mumble nonsense, half awake from the head bashing.
In the Viper submarine:

"I don't have any other demands." Christa replied.

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"CHEEZE IT!" Gary exclaimed. Oliver stamped on the gas and tore out of the alley-way. The van speed away from the police station in record time. The trio cursed. The last thing they wanted was to get involved in another high-speed chase.
"So, Mrs. Hamas, if once reunited with your family, you could care less if all three of you were stuffed into a closet for the next twenty years; only seeing the light of day when we drag one of you out for tissue extraction or testing?" The censored man asked her. "Want we want is to make you comfortable. Surely there's something you must want in exchange for working with us and donating your tissue." He pressed.

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[quote name='Eggman Empire' timestamp='1296300519' post='2609379']
"CHEEZE IT!" Gary exclaimed. Oliver stamped on the gas and tore out of the alley-way. The van speed away from the police station in record time. The trio cursed. The last thing they wanted was to get involved in another high-speed chase.
"So, Mrs. Hamas, if once reunited with your family, you could care less if all three of you were stuffed into a closet for the next twenty years; only seeing the light of day when we drag one of you out for tissue extraction or testing?" The censored man asked her. "Want we want is to make you comfortable. Surely there's something you must want in exchange for working with us and donating your tissue." He pressed.
In the police station:

[i]Bursts of laughter erupted from the office[/i]
Inside the van:

"Cheese? Oh sure, dump the truckload on me..." the half-awake LTG member mumbled.
In the sub:

"A normal life is all that I ask, no goons chasing after my family or me or being involved in a gun fight. And no, being stuffed in a closet was something I did not expect."

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"They're not following. I guess they still think we're those LTG schmucks from around here." Oliver reported, looking in his mirrors. Gary breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good. The last thing we need is more heat. Now we need to find a less suspicious mode of transport." He said. The LTG member began mumbling again and Doc gagged him. Another knock on the noggin would be bad for his brain. Gary looked wearily out the window in hopes of finding a place they could crash. Despite not showing it, all three of them had been up for over 72 hours since any of them had a decent rest. And though Smilers could stay awake longer then normal humans, they still needed sleep eventually. "Over there." Gary said, pointing to a derelict building. After a few minutes of scouting, they determined that no one lived there. They hid the van with some old tarps lying around and settled in for a nap. Gary took first watch, listing to the radio they had brought with them from the LTG's van. His channel of choice? A Eggman Empire number station that would keep him apprised of the current situation.
"Yes, well, the "closet" comment was a joke, mind you." The mystery man told Christa. "There is another important issue we must discuss with you. In order for this to have legal protection, I suggest you ask the Eggman Empire to provide you and your family an asylum. Thus, if anyone does find out where you're at, it will won't look like we kidnapped you. All you need to do is have a written document claiming you feared for the lives of your family and yourself when you stayed in your old country. And that you contacted us for protection. After the asylum is written up, I'm sure we can also start working on giving you temporary or permanent citizenship. What do you think?" The man asked Christa.

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Across the street from the derelict building 4 men wearing suits over bullet proof vests and armed with silenced pistols walked out of an apartment complex form across the street while one man stays inside of the apartment and another walks up to the roof with a sniper rifle. The man in the apartment begins talking into the radio "This is communications officer Sigma is everyone ready?" "Sharpshooter Epsilon ready." "Squad leader Alpha ready." "Explosives officer Beta ready." "Heavy weapons officer Gamma ready." "Vehicular officer Delta ready." Sigma began speaking again "Alright you all know what to do." The group of four began moving towards the derelict building entering it while drawing their weapons and moving up to the floor where the smilers were sleeping in.

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The other two woke before Gary could tap them on their shoulders. They were all thinking the same thing. Intruders. Heavy footfalls indicated there were multiple hostiles wearing gear. Gary tapped his Eagle against his kneecap and arm. Disabling shots unless they had to cornered and forced to kill. The Smilers wanted to know who they were dealing with. They quickly came up with a plan.
As the intruders got closer, they heard a noise from one of the rooms. After a quick stack-up, they breached and swept the old apartment. There in the center was the captured LTG member; tied up and helpless. With their attention focused elsewhere, the Smilers were free to sneak up on the intruding team. With the other two outside the room providing back-up, Gary snuck in and suddenly grabbed the man closest to him and pressed his Eagle to that man's head. "It's rude not to knock." He stated tersely. "Move and I'll blow his head off." Gary said as the men reached for their weapons.

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Gary shrugged. "And you should've had someone pull security on the door so I didn't get the chance to put a barrel to your head. Guess we all make mistakes. Now, I don't know who you are or what you want, but I don't need any trouble right now so how about I release you and you fellows bugger off somewheres else." He said, pushing the muzzle into the man's forehead a bit harder.

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"Unless you have the sanctioned approval of my boss and the paperwork the back it up, I'm not interested. Now go on and take your cavalcade of thugs away from here." Gary said. He was not interested in surprise help and was angry at himself for not noticing the straggler, but if the goo hit the fan, Doc and Oliver would come out of their hiding spots and take out the rest.

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Gary snarled. He released his hostage and roughly shoved him away. "Come on out Doc." He growled as he holstered his Eagle. Doc emerged but refused to holster his weapon. Nor did Gary ask him to. "Alright champ, looks like you got us over a barrel. You said you want to help us. Whats in it for you?" He asked the leader.

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