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Message to Disparu


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[quote]To: The Government of Disparu
From: Walker Scott, head advisor of Labrador.

Who it may concern,

Labrador has recently become uneasy and nervous about our dangerous relations with each other. Any more disputes could easily result in war, which would be terrible for both of our nations. We hope our nations can forgive each other and would like to discuss an improvement of our relationship in whatever location you would prefer. As you most likely do not trust us, we will not ask talks to be hosted in Labrador. If you would like talks in any of your cities that would be wonderful. I myself will be attending if you allow. This is a very important, and urgent, meeting. we MUST have.

~ Walker Scott[/quote]

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[b]TO/À:[/b] Walker Scott, Head Advisor of Labrador
[b]FROM/DE:[/b] Lilian Meridian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Disparu

[b]DATE:[/b] le 30 novembre / November 2011

Greetings Mr. Scott,

The Federation is certainly glad that Labrador has finally seen the light and is willing to settle its disputes with Disparu. As we also desire peace in our volatile region, I myself will be willing to meet with you and other Labradorean officials. If you wish, we may meet in the city of Eterna, Almia; the largest city in the Federation. It is close to Labrador, which you may find to your liking.

Thank you for your time, and I eagerly await your response.

Lilian Meridian
MInister of Foreign Affairs, Disparu
Member, Empire Party[/quote]

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OoC: Largest city in the Federation, right on the border? I like this. :awesome:


Wonderful. Reyers and myself will be arriving. Please watch for Flight Number 190, a Boeing 747. We will message you the flight routes. We prefer to take arrive in a government plane than some sort of ground vehicles.

~ Walker Scott[/quote]


Walker Scott, Harold Reyers and the crew of 190 began to load the 747 and prepare for takeoff after Flight Number, Routes and take off times were sent to Disparu.

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The Labradoreans' plane was immediately rendezvoused by the 22[sup]nd[/sup] Moltres Elite Defencive Squadron; an intimidating team composed of twelve T-50 fighter jets. As the squadron positioned themselves around the 737 in combat box formation, the lead pilot for the squadron radioed the Labradoreans' own pilot, clearly stating that they were friendly aircraft and were there to escort them. This, to an extent, was true: Disparueans would always escort visitors' planes, regardless of their relationship with the nation (of course, friendly and allied nations, such as Ursalia, would get special treatment). However, the squadron had a more sinister purpose: they were there in case the Labradoreans were up to something fishy. Recent relations between the two states had made the Federation more wary of the lands which they had formerly harboured. They felt the Labradoreans were beginning to devolve into the former enemies to the west, the military junta of the Great Lakes Provinces. Unknown to the Labradoreans, their plane's path was being tracked below by defence systems, just in case.

Two hours later, the city of Eterna's towering skyline soon came into view.


As the plane and their escorts landed and came to a halt at one of Eterna International Airport's numerous runways, the Labradoreans would notice that the entire runway was filled with V-22 Osprey helicopters: three or so fully armed soldiers stood buy each one. The red carpet leading out of the stairway connected to the Labradoreans' plane had officers of the Disparuean Forces' Special Operations stationed on either side of it. At the end of the red carpet, amongst the snow, stood a man wearing a white beret and an equally white cloak. He was patiently waiting for the Labradoreans to exit their plane.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When Walker Scott looked out of the plane window to see the many Osprey's, he was quite surprised. "We must not be very popular here." Walker whispered to Harold.
When the plane made its landing, Mr. Scott was quickly escorted to the man in the white beret. "[i]Are we going to be arrested here or something?[/i]" he thought. The Labradorean leader stuck out his hand towards the man covered in white. "I'm Walker Scott, and this is Sir Harold Reyers. We are here to solve the disputes, as you probably know." He said, looking at the helicopters and the troops. They failed to intimidate.

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The man in white smiled and return Scott's handshake. "I'm Wallace Muddkip, the Federation's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. It's nice to meet you, really," he said with genuine enthusiasm. "My apologies for the rather...unusual setup we have here. The Government likes to present itself in...various ways," he continued, whispering. "Shall we, then?" he quickly inquired, motioning to the limousines parked a few metres behind them.

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As the limousine passed through the labyrinthine streets of Eterna, Wallace attempted to make small talk with the two men. It was, after all, part of standard protocol, and breaking the ice and establishing a more amicable environment would certainly help out their more formal (hopefully) meeting later on. Talking to the Labradoreans would also probably distract them from the clumps of protesters lining the streets outside, most of them bearing placards condemning Labrador's imperialist and adamant moves. Some, of course, also criticized the Government itself; those who were were bearing placards that said "The Government is a pack of liars!" and were burning Disparuean flags.

Soon, after going through a large street packed with protesters on either side, Railings and other blockades had been put up everywhere, and riot police were blocking the protesters' from entering the limousine's destination: a large, empty plaza that bore a fountain and several fashionable benches. It had obviously been decorated for the state visit: the flags of both Disparu and Labrador adorned many areas, and a red carpet laid on the ground led to a massive tower made from glass and steel.


As the limousine stopped in front of the carpet, two Judicial Police officers dressed in riot gear approached it and opened the door. They then stood on either side of the carpet and saluted the officials inside. Wallace disembarked first, nodding a the two officers, and waited for the Labradoreans to do the same.

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Walker Scott was reluctant. Who would step out into an empty plaza surrounded by protestors? Who says one of the protestors doesn't have a gun? Well, if he was shot and killed, Disparu would pay for it. He stepped out.
Reyers silently chuckled. "[i]They say we're unstable? We don't have riots over government meetings.[/i]" he thought to himself.

As Walker and Harold walked down the long aisle, they, once again, admired the beautiful architecture. The largest city in the Federation may not have had the prettiest civilians, but its buildings were beautiful.

They stepped inside the glass tower.

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Wallace, hearing Reyers' quip, was somewhat offended. Despite his usually good demeanor, he was not willing to let an adamant ignorant compare protesters to a state that immediately announced its nuclear capabilities after their equally ignorant head of state was assassinated through simple means. "Gentlemen, with all due respect, I'd like to ask you to look outside," said Wallace calmly, referring to the protesters outside. "I believe there's quite a difference between citizens utilizing their [i]democratic right[/i] to assemble and express their opinions, and a full-scale riot. Of course, I wouldn't expect ignorant men like you to understand what rights are, considering your nation's recent track record." He paused for a bit as he gathered his thoughts. "Furthermore, the last time I checked, a full-scale riot consists of massive civil disorder, not a bunch of placard-holding protesters being held at bay by the police. In fact, I originally thought that the riot police was too much of a Draconian measure, but seeing how you two are acting at the moment, I'm really tempted to dismiss them and throw you at the masses, considering that you're the reason why they're here in the first place."

And with that, he stormed off, leaving the two men alone in the glass tower's massive atrium. He passed by a young couple wearing more casual clothing—the woman attempted to run towards Wallace to ask what his problem was, while the man merely glanced at him and walked briskly to the atrium, where the Labradoreans were.

"My apologies for Sir Muddkip's rather rash behaviour...he usually isn't like this," said the man, smiling weakly. "I am Paul Berlitz, the Legislative Triumvir of Disparu. I presume that you are our Labradorean guests. Please, follow me."

Paul led them to the hallway where Wallace rushed off; at the end were several elevators that appeared to be made of glass (with the exception of the floor, of course). The shafts where the elevators were were even made of a glass-like substance. He led the Labradoreans in, and pressed a button. After disembarking the elevator and navigating more hallways, the trio finally arrived at a massive meeting hall. The wall facing outside was made of glass and steel, while the other ones were made of brick; various paintings by both professional and amateur Disparuean artists were hung everywhere. At the centre of the room was a circular table once again made of glass and steel, and was surrounded by several ergonomic and aesthetically-pleasing leather chairs, some of which were already occupied by Government officials. On the table were microphones, glasses of water, and several piles of dossiers and documents. This central fixture was itself surrounded by dozens of chairs which were occupied by journalists and the rest of the media.

Paul led the two men towards the central table and took his seats. The two men would recognize many faces in this table—sitting opposite of them were Foreign Minister Meridian, Deputy Minister Wallace and Chancellor Atkin. Next to them was Triumvir Berlitz and the woman they had seen with him earlier. Lance Pikachurin himself sat next to the Chancellor and was reviewing various dossiers next to him.

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OoC: Does Sir Muddkip have mind reading powers? :smug: It's fine, keep it the way it is.


The Labradorean were shocked at his reply to the small joke. What an overreaction. And there was no need to be rude. Nevertheless, they moved on.

After meeting Paul, they followed him into the elevator, where once again, they were impressed. This structure was a marvel of engineering, nearly everything was made of glass, and in a spectacular fashion too.

Upon reaching the hall, they were slightly impressed. It was more or less expected. They sat down in two empty seats, Reyers reaching for a glass of water. He took a large sip. "Excuse me for starting this meeting with something as informal as taking a drink, but the flight here left me thirsty. Now, it is a pleasure to meet all of you. Shall we begin?"

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OOC: Sorry, I thought Reyers was talking. This is what happens when you post at one in the morning. :facepalm:

"Ah, just a moment..." said Atkin, turning around as a Government aide approached them. They talked briskly in French, and then in English, and back again in French; had anyone fluently bilingual in the room eavesdropped in on the conversation, they would notice key phrases such as 'Gardenia', 'video-chat', and 'chocolate'. Meanwhile, Lance gave the two Labradoreans a look of utter contempt (he recognized Reyers from his meeting with the late Labradorean Empress, while he recognized Scott from a recent dossier he received labelled 'Labrador'. He immediately went back to sorting his already-neat papers, lest the media noticed his act.

The aide and the Chancellor soon finished their conversation, and rushed back out. As she passed throught the door, two men pushing carts filled with three LED screens, computers, microphones, and HD cameras entered and proceeded towards the central table. These equipment were recently bought from Ultor, a Sri Lankan computer company. The Government immediately wanted to put them into use as the Official Opposition was beginning to think that they were merely wasting money on 'fancy gadgets' and had made the fortune they had spent on Apple products pointless. The men set up the equipment on the three unoccupied tables and turned the computers on, quickly opening Skype and contacting a few select persons. Bowing slightly at the officials, they quickly scurried out of the meeting chamber, bringing their carts with them.

"Just a few more extra things, and we should be able to begin..." said Paul to the Labradoreans, somewhat apologizing for their meeting's delay.

A woman rose from one of the chairs surrounding the central table. "[i]Mesdames et messieurs, veuillez vous lever pour l'hymne national du Disparu![/i]...Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the national anthem of Disparu!" All Disparueans in the room promptly stood up; three guards from the Judicial Police marched into the room, bearing the flag of Disparu, as [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lroZWFhYPvo][i]Gens du Pays[/i][/url] was played. As the anthem's last notes finally played, the woman once again stood up and proclamed, "[i]Mesdames et messieurs, veuillez vous lever pour l'hyme national du Labrador![/i]...Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the national anthem of Labrador!" The Disparueans, being quite respectful, remained standing; three more guards from the Judicial Police marched in, now carrying the flag of Labrador, as Labrador's [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T_YtklLyyo&feature=related]anthem[/url] played. When all was said and done, everyone finally took their seats.

"Now we can finally begin," said Lance, chuckling. "So, what brings you to the Federation, Reyers and Scott?" he inquired.

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Walker Scott was upset at the site of Dorothy. "Hello Mrs. Smith. Eh, Lance, why is Mrs Dorothy here? I realize Garcidia(ooc:thats what it is?) is your all, but isn't this a Labradorean and Disparuean issue? If she has a legitimate reason to be here, then she may stay."

Reyers coughed. "Ahem. The issue is what we should discuss. Now, Lance, Disparu seems to have....problems with Labrador. We obviously cannot exist side by side like this. We both face very dangerous fates. Nuclear deterrence seems to be the answer. Mutual assured destruction. An invasion of either side would result in a nuclear war, which can be stopped easily with this idea. But we do not have the time nor funds to create a strategic defense initiative. We know your security would be threatened if you removed yours. Do you have any solutions? Think while I discuss the next issue."

"As I said earlier, an invasion of either side would result in nuclear warfare. I want to eliminate the threat of either side attacking completely. Your side has a superior naval, air and ground force, so we are very nervous. Once again, lowering your forces is not ideal for either of us. So, I suggest we make some sort of pact to prevent this? Possibly trade and NAT?" He looked at Lance.

Edited by Fizzydog
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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1293831825' post='2559494']
Walker Scott was upset at the site of Dorothy. "Hello Mrs. Smith. Eh, Lance, why is Mrs Dorothy here? I realize Garcidia(ooc:thats what it is?) is your all, but isn't this a Labradorean and Disparuean issue? If she has a legitimate reason to be here, then she may stay."

Reyers coughed. "Ahem. The issue is what we should discuss. Now, Lance, Disparu seems to have....problems with Labrador. We obviously cannot exist side by side like this. We both face very dangerous fates. Nuclear deterrence seems to be the answer. Mutual assured destruction. An invasion of either side would result in a nuclear war, which can be stopped easily with this idea. But we do not have the time nor funds to create a strategic defense initiative. We know your security would be threatened if you removed yours. Do you have any solutions? Think while I discuss the next issue."

"As I said earlier, an invasion of either side would result in nuclear warfare. I want to eliminate the threat of either side attacking completely. Your side has a superior naval, air and ground force, so we are very nervous. Once again, lowering your forces is not ideal for either of us. So, I suggest we make some sort of pact to prevent this? Possibly trade and NAT?" He looked at Lance.

OOC: It's Gardenia


"Well Mr. Walker. Gardenia does have a reason to be here due to us being quite alarmed at the fact that your nation is now in possession of nuclear weapons and the government's instability is not only a threat to Gardenia, but a threat to the continent at large."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1293831825' post='2559494']
Walker Scott was upset at the site of Dorothy. "Hello Mrs. Smith. Eh, Lance, why is Mrs Dorothy here? I realize Garcidia(ooc:thats what it is?) is your all, but isn't this a Labradorean and Disparuean issue? If she has a legitimate reason to be here, then she may stay."

"Essentially what Mrs. Smith said, Mr. Scott," said Lance. "The proximity of Labrador to Gardenia, as well as their rather close political relations with Disparu, has also threatened their own security; as such, I believe that it is quite reasonable that they should have a voice in this meeting."

[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1293831825' post='2559494']
Reyers coughed. "Ahem. The issue is what we should discuss. Now, Lance, Disparu seems to have....problems with Labrador. We obviously cannot exist side by side like this. We both face very dangerous fates. Nuclear deterrence seems to be the answer. Mutual assured destruction. An invasion of either side would result in a nuclear war, which can be stopped easily with this idea. But we do not have the time nor funds to create a strategic defense initiative. We know your security would be threatened if you removed yours. Do you have any solutions? Think while I discuss the next issue."

"As I said earlier, an invasion of either side would result in nuclear warfare. I want to eliminate the threat of either side attacking completely. Your side has a superior naval, air and ground force, so we are very nervous. Once again, lowering your forces is not ideal for either of us. So, I suggest we make some sort of pact to prevent this? Possibly trade and NAT?" He looked at Lance.

"Your observations are quite correct, Mr. Reyers," said Lance, who was calmer now. "Disparu, indeed, has problems with Labrador. As you may have deduced from our previous...meetings, our main problem with you was your attempt to expand your influence to Manitoba. Now, no matter how much you twist the story, it is clear that such a move was quite imperialistic. Now, I understand that you adhere to imperialism as an ideology, you are an empire, after all; however, it simply isn't acceptable to us when you unrightfully attempt to subjugate people who do not even have any business with you, while endangering the continent's security in the process." Lance paused for a bit to let his words sink in. "Furthermore, we also disapprove of your government's rather disrespectful and ignorant view on foreign affairs. We have been observing most of your public statements, and frankly, we're quite infuriated. Now, we're not here to suppress your opinions–doing so would make us hypocrites–but we would prefer it if you were more...polite and considerate, perhaps."

"Though yes, I do agree that this brouhaha cannot last forever; it is extremely dangerous for both sides and will also threaten stability and order in the long run," said Lance. "Disparu and Lance were once united under one Throne, Mr. Reyers. Even though we are now ruled by different heads of state, perhaps a greater degree of amicableness can diffuse this rather tense situation. As you've said, we can perhaps encourage trade between our two nations, and sign a non-aggression pact that will put our governments' minds at ease."

Lance turned to Dorothy's screen. "Now, before we continue, does Mrs. Smith have anything to say?"

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[quote name='Pikachurin' timestamp='1293865145' post='2559913']
Lance turned to Dorothy's screen. "Now, before we continue, does Mrs. Smith have anything to say?"

Dorothy spoke up. "I think that in order to make sure that nothing occurs, we should have something akin to a hotline where all three of us can be reached at anytime in case of an emergency. As well as Labrador needs to be helped in rooting out any anti-government elements that may cause instability in that nation, but not through the use of military force. Rather what I would like to see is each party here send a representative to the anti-government force(s) and try to understand and get a serious feel for why they are not pleased with the government and try to address their concerns, while at the same time making sure that the state still has the monopoly of legitimate force."

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Harold Reyers laughed, "Ah yes, a Non Aggression Pact and a little free trade. NAPs solve everything. Hitler had NAPs, and everything worked out fine. Yessir, it worked out all right. I'm sure a couple of words on a paper will solve everything. Mix in some free trade and we will just be the best of friends. Disparu and Labrador: Greatest allies since Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. I can see it now." Reyers eyed the Disparuean officials not in the friendliest way.

Walker Scott cleared his throat, "I think Dorothy has the best idea of all of us here." He paused for a moment. "Now, the only problem with your second suggestion? We don't know of any official groups. Sure, maybe a couple websites that talk trash about us and some group of college students critizing our doings, but no official anti-government groups. I suppose we could investigate further to look for some rebel villages that may be angry because their funds have been sent to St. John's, which is, in my opinion, unfair. We'll do the best we can in finding any of these but most of Labrador is loyal to the government."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1294272744' post='2564956']
Harold Reyers laughed, "Ah yes, a Non Aggression Pact and a little free trade. NAPs solve everything. Hitler had NAPs, and everything worked out fine. Yessir, it worked out all right. I'm sure a couple of words on a paper will solve everything. Mix in some free trade and we will just be the best of friends. Disparu and Labrador: Greatest allies since Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. I can see it now." Reyers eyed the Disparuean officials not in the friendliest way.

Walker Scott cleared his throat, "I think Dorothy has the best idea of all of us here." He paused for a moment. "Now, the only problem with your second suggestion? We don't know of any official groups. Sure, maybe a couple websites that talk trash about us and some group of college students critizing our doings, but no official anti-government groups. I suppose we could investigate further to look for some rebel villages that may be angry because their funds have been sent to St. John's, which is, in my opinion, unfair. We'll do the best we can in finding any of these but most of Labrador is loyal to the government."

"Your sarcasm during such serious talks is not appreciated in least," Dorothy said coldly. "I sugguest you confine things of that nature to your head, seeing as how it shows your ignorance more than anything; as well as if you don't, you may very well embarass yourself in the future and put talks more crucial than this in jeopardy. I also suggest that you do your best to try and find out if there are any anti-government forces, which there are, seeing as how your queen was assassinated."

Edited by kitex
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