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The Mongolian Syndrome

Szent Korona

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The experiemental reactor was a success so far. This time, it was decided that a test should be done using all of the fuel rods. It was dangerous, but if done correctly, would be an effective use of the fuel rods. Early in the day, before the test, the power output of the reactor was dropped in preparation for the upcoming test.

Then unexpectedly, the reactor's power output dropped way too much, almost to zero. Because of this drop, some control rods were removed to bring the power back up. The reactor's power output raised up, and all appeared to be normal. More preparation for the test began later when two pumps were switched on in the cooling system. They increased water flow out of the reactor, and thus removed heat more quickly. They also caused the water level to lower in a component of the reactor called the steam separator.

Because of the low level of water in the steam separator, the operator increased the amount of feed water coming into it, in the hopes that the water level would rise. Also, more control rods were taken out of the reactor to raise internal reactor temperature and pressure, also in the hopes that it would cause the water level in the steam separator to rise. The water level in the steam separator began to rise, so the operator adjusted again the flow of feed water by lowering it. This decreased the amount of heat being removed from the reactor core.

Because many control rods had been removed and the amount of heat being taken from the core by the coolant had been reduced, it began to get very hot. Also, there was relatively low pressure in the core because the amount of incoming water had been decreased. Because of the heat and the low pressure, coolant inside the core began to boil to form steam.

The actual test began with the closing of the turbine feed valves. This should have caused an increase in pressure in the cooling system, which in turn would have caused a decrease in steam in the core. This should have lowered the reactivity in the core. Thus, the normal next step when closing the turbine feed valves was to retract more control rods, increasing reactivity in the core. This is what the operator did.

The only problem was that there was no increase in pressure in the cooling system because of the earlier feed water reduction. This meant that there was already a normal amount of steam in the core, even with the turbine feed valves closed. Thus, by retracting more control rods to make up for a reduction in steam that didn't happen, the operator caused too much steam to be produced in the core.

With the surplus of steam, the reactor's power output increased. Soon, even more steam was being produced. The operator realized there was a problem and SCRAMmed the reactor, completely disabling all fission reactions. However, it was too late. The temperature and pressure inside the reactor had already risen dramatically, and the fuel rods had begun to shatter.

As the fuel rods began to shatter, alarms went off, warning of a nuclear explosion. While it is usually impossible for any PWR or LWR nuclear reactor to explode like an atomic bomb because of the low content of enriched uranium, this reactor was different. Its fuel rods contained over 90% highly enriched Zargathian uranium......

Enriched enough for a nuclear explosion.

Emergency measures were started, as the workers and scientists began evacuating the facilities. The fuel rods that were not unpacked, still in their original transport vehicles, were driven away with an Australian observer aboard, and helicopters were used to take people away. Meanwhile, the unused sixth fuel rods were moved to a truck to be transported. The remaining Australian observers and soldiers helped with this, and soon the truck began moving, toward the town nearby. Time was of essence.

OOC: Closed to all except Subtleknifewielder and myself until I open it.

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The truck with the unused sixth fuel rods entered the northern town. As it reached the center on its way further north, it was struck on the side by a military jeep going at a fast speed. The driver and passenger area was crunched beyond recogniztion. If this wasn't enough, the tank coimg right behind rolled over the front of the truck. Death was certain.

After the Mongolian driver, scientists and Australian observers, soldiers were killed, troops from the military base quickly ran a magnet around teh fuel rods, to make sure they cannot be tracked. The fuel rods were moved to teh airport, where they were loaded onto a passenger airplane. The plane took off, heading toward Dandong.

Two hours after the plane took off, the reactor exploded. The HEU had finally gotten critical, and the nuclear fission went out of control. With the power of 200 kilotons of TNT, the nuclear explosion rocked the desert, swallowing up the fuel storages, the northern town and everything in it.


The plane reached Dandong, but before approaching the airport there, it dropped a package, noticed by anyone, including satellites. The package was picked up by a small container ship nearby. The container ship continued moving, reaching the fleet of other ships that were moving south.

OOC: Please post only immediate responses to the nuclear explosion.

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The United Federation of the East is horrified by the nuclear explosion in Mongolia, we're deploying our crisis response team to inner Mongolia and the neighboring Chinese provinces. We will be testing samples of the radioactive dust around the area. We demand the immediate cessation of all nuclear activity by the Mongolians. Further we demand inspectors from neighboring countries be provided with full access to their nuclear program and allowed to assess all nuclear facilities in the country as they have clearly shown themselves incapable of handling this tremendous responsibility and polluting our common environment.

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There was a national broadcast from the Supreme Leader on the accident.

"There has been a terrible accident today when an experiment using our experimental nuclear reactor went into overdrive. The highly enriched uranium underwent fission, resulting in a nuclear explosion. Many lives have been sacrificed, including the Australian observers who had helped us in the reactor. We apologizes to our neighbors, and shall allow full access to the region of the reactor, since that was our source reactor. We shall also allow access into our nuclear files.

There is something I wish to add. Our uranium source was from Zargathia. Strangely enough, the uranium provided were of 90% enrished uranium, meaning it was weapon-grade. When we were reshaping the uranium for our reacotr, we noticed that it seemed the uranium had been formerly part of nuclear weapons. Zargathia has no need for weapon-grade uranium for their reactors, and we are sure that the Australians did not enrich the uranium for them. We question how Zargathia came into possession of such uranium, since chemical tests show the uranium were not of Australian origin.

We demand that Zargathia, in line with our openness, fully disclose how they have such dangerous uranium, which was most likely used as part of nuclear weapons."

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The Kingdom of Cochin is appalled at the brazen incompetency with which Mongolians have been handling nuclear materials even going on to commit one of the most horrendous peacetime nuclear disasters of recent times. The people of Mongolia has had long association with the Kingdom of Cochin and this coupled with the legacy of Cochin - Vauleyo Buryatian Protectorate Agreement compels us to do everything possible to cleanup this mess. The Kingdom of Cochin is immediately deploying units to stop the spread of radioactive fallout and to do cleanup operations. We recommend Mongolians to not deter us and cooperate with us.

Secondly we also advice them not to make any inflammatory remarks against a fellow nation especially after their own extreme incompetency in nuclear issues.

The 1st Mechanized Division, the King's Regiment is deploying in force from Yining to Mongolia.

[b]Private to Soldania[/b]

In light of the nuclear disaster in Mongolia we hope you would permit us to transit through your territory. We are willing to offer transit charges.

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The United Federation of the East strongly agrees with the Kingdom of Cochin. Zargathia being one of the most peaceful nations in the world would only need to have nuclear weapons for defensive purposes. It does not have a nuclear weapons program and has no interest in developing one. This is known for sure. Furthermore it has no need for such a deterrent given certain assurances.

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[quote name='Szent Korona' timestamp='1291184302' post='2527108']
Mongolia will be accepting any help in cleaning up this mess. However, our point still stands: Why did Zargathia have weapon-grade enriched uranium in the first place?

The first Strategic Command Merat is overflying the disaster area to determine the fallout pattern when KP Varma, Minister of External Affairs would state,

"Zargathia may choose to have or not have weapons grade enriched uranium. As a sovereign nation it is their choice whether to have them. If Zargathia chooses to have a nuclear weapons program there is no harm in that too, seeing as Zargathia's history as a stable and peaceful East Asian power would make it a trustworthy custodians and wielders of nuclear power. Mongolia should be ashamed of itself in trying to fix the blame of their incompetence on Zargathia. We hope the people of Mongolia would open their eyes to the despicable corruption of their Government, which instead of sorting out the damages it did to its people through their own incompetence are trying to fix the blame on to another country."

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[quote name='Szent Korona' timestamp='1291184302' post='2527108']
Mongolia will be accepting any help in cleaning up this mess. However, our point still stands: Why did Zargathia have weapon-grade enriched uranium in the first place?
Perhaps it would be better to allow Zargathia to speak on this matter rather than accuse them of providing uranium previously used for nuclear weaponry. Having once been part of Zargathia itself, the Xinyan Republic highly doubts this.

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"Zargathia does not have, nor has ever needed a supply of natural uranium. As [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=67831&st=40&gopid=1844158&#entry1844158]this treaty[/url] (the second one) clearly shows, Australian technicians have overseen construction of the only nuclear power plant on our soil since the arrival of the first cement truck, up to and including supplying us with the necessary blueprints for it. There is literally no reason why they would have added a facility for enriching uranium given that we simply do not have the technology to safely process it. Handling of radioactive material, including the spent fuel rods we had sent you as per your request, was done solely by qualified Australian technicians. As for the question of why these fuel rods would have weapons grade enriched uranium, we do not know, as mentioned handling and transport of fuel rods was the responsibility of Australian nuclear personnel in the service of Australia, not Zargathia."

"Having said that however, this does not change the fact that a humanitarian disaster has taken place. We hereby offer to send a regiment of radiation cleanup crews to the blast site, but logically we would need permission before having them enter your nation. They will operate under the banner of the White Cross, so regardless of the current discussion they will be able to see to their duties undisturbed."

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The Greater Korean Federation does ahve a thing to say about the uranium arguments: Korea also uses imported Australian uranium after discussions with the Queen, and from the limited data we have the samples from the Mongolian incident is substantially different from the Australian uranium. If it is the case that Austalia provided the uranium, the samples should match, which is not the case.

The Federation therefore asks that Mongolia accepts a completely open investigation into the used fuel rods in possession, and also interviews with the surviving Australian observers. This is a serious case, given that completely new sources of uranium could mean there is something amiss.

In the meantime, we demand that Mongolia explain the recent terrorist attack upon us.


Edited by Kankou
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"For clarity, Australia supplies us with the uranium we need to keep our Australian-run nuclear power plant running. This uranium could come from Australia, it could come from Mongolia or it could come from the dark side of Jupiter, our agreement does not state the uranium supplied to meet demand would have to come from Australia. Much like the Greater Korean Federation we too are wondering something: The fuel rods we have sent were spent, how did these rods become not only weaponized, but apparently also made into weapons and positioned near the other end of our border? We echo the words of several nations that Mongolia accept an international investigation to determine the nature of these seemingly related events."

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[i]"The government of Vauleyo-Buryatia expresses our shock and dismay at the nuclear disaster which is unfolding in Mongolia. Accordingly, we have imposed additional security measures along our border and we have sent teams to our border region to ensure that there is no fallout from the disaster. We urge the government of Mongolia to launch a full investigation into the cause of this disaster and to take concrete steps to ensure that such a disaster may not recur. We also express our profound surprise that rather than focusing on the disaster, the government of Mongolia is seeking to shift attention to Zargathia. We find it most pathetic that at this stage the government of Mongolia, without providing solid evidence, is pointing the finger at Zargathia and making demands of the Zargathian government.

Given the joint interests of Vauleyo-Buryatia and the Kingdom of Cochin regarding Mongolia, our government will be watching this situation closely as it develops. We sincerely hope that the government of Mongolia would not be incompetent enough to throw around accusations in order to cover up their failures.

The government of Vauleyo-Buryatia is prepared to send teams to assist in the response to this disaster if the government of Mongolia accepts."[/i]-Interim Foreign Minister Lt. General Grygory Zelin.

[b]***Classified/Private Message to the Kingdom of Cochin***[/b]

The government of Vauleyo-Buryatia expresses our concern about the disaster in Mongolia and our concern for all bordering states (including the Kingdom of Cochin). We wish to reiterate that, if the government of Cochin needs any assistance in preventing the spread of the disaster, or with managing potential fallout extending into Cochin territory, we are ready and willing to help.

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The fuel had already been of over 90% enriched uranium when we received it. All tests, which were conducted and reported on with the Australian observers, show that the fuel rods were weapon-grade from the beginning. Since these type of HEU are not used for power generation unless they are for experiments like our exploded reactor, we had our suspicions from the beginning.

We do not understand what you mean by positioning weapons near the other end of your borders. We are investigating the aircraft incident.

OOC: Let me tell you something. Never use uranium from nuclear weapons as fuel, since that will be tracked no matter what you do. You used nuclear weapons coming from Manchuria, meaning they were Manchurian uranium. If there is one single uranium source from anywere within your land, they woudl match and your house of cards will fall.

IC: Almost right after the response to Zargathia, there was a massive explosion at the Supreme Leader's Residence. A revolution swept most the Mongolia, and soon the entire country was in anarchy. The Australian observers and their Mongolian protectors fled east to Xinyan and Zargathia with the leftover fuel rods, so keep the truth alive.

OOC: Cochin, please reestablish the protectorate. I shall continue RPing as the remainder of the government and the nuclear scientists, but my time as a nation is now over.

Edited by Szent Korona
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Considering immigration offices and a department for immigration had not yet been opened, and the Republic was not allowing immigrants yet, the Australian and Mongolians would be stopped at the border--and they were particularly curious when they found nuclear fuel rods on these 'immigrants'.

The Mongolians would be detained, while a message was sent to the Greater Korean Federation.
We have detained suspected terrorists who may have been involved in the terrorist attempt on Korea. A number of Mongolians attempted to enter the Republic with a number of nuclear fuel rods, and they are currently in custody. Because they are highly suspicious and have a possible connection to the terrorist attempt on the nuclear reactor in the Greater Korean Federation, we are turning these prisoners over to you, as well as the fuel rods they were attempting to smuggle into Xinyan.[/quote]

OOC: I'm not involved in this, you can't just say they fled into my country if my country is not even allowing immigration.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1291347684' post='2528674']
Reply to Xinyan

We thank you for your action. We shall be sending a transport to take the Mongolians and fuel rods, including any Asutralians that might be with them. We shall pay you greatly for this.
The Mongolian prisoners would be handed over to the Korean transport, along with the fuel rods and the Australians accompanying them and any and all objects found on them that was deemed of no use to Xinyan itself--nothing, in other words.

"We need no payment, we wish to apprehend any threats to East Asia and the world on a whole."

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The official who took the various people and fuel rods in custody smiled at Xinyan's comment.

"Perhaps Xinyan would like its own nuclear power plant. The Federation can provide you with the best that we have to offer. Should you wish to discuss, please send someone in the near future."

With that, the transport left with its new goods.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1291348113' post='2528684']
"Perhaps Xinyan would like its own nuclear power plant. The Federation can provide you with the best that we have to offer. Should you wish to discuss, please send someone in the near future."
[b]Private Reply[/b]

We thank Korea for this offer; a nuclear power plant would be a great bolster to our capabilities. We gratefully accept this offer.

OOC: I suppose I'll start a new thread for it, then.

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The Kingdom of Cochin reestablishes the Cochin- Vauleyo Buryatian Mongolian Protectorate. The 1st Mechanized Division which is already in Mongolia for radiation cleanup would be the Cochin units of the protectorate force with urgent messages sent to Vauleyo Buryatia to send forces of their own.

An investigation was launched by the Kingdom into the nuclear disaster and all efforts are being made to apprehend any fugitives on the run.

[b]Private to Vauleyo Buryatia[/b]

We request to immediately send some protectorate forces for our Joint Mongolian Protectorate. As regards the nuclear disaster we would welcome further technical support and manpower support from Vauleyo Buryatia. We have launched an investigation into what has actually happened to lead to this disaster and Vauleyo Buryatia is welcome to send its own investigators.

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