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The Dublin Mediation


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[quote name='Ezequiel' timestamp='1290664820' post='2522834']
OOC: Metagaming for knowing the attack would happen, along with calling it? The guy beside the president is hooked up to the Pentagon you know.
OOC: GMs have ruled your post metagaming. Check the GM thread.


After receiving the message from the Timministan government, a message was sent to the two Marine guards stationed in front of the meeting room door, they were under orders not to let anyone leave the room for any reason. A full platoon of Marines were called to the building. The Marines would take positions at all entrance and exits to the building while the remaining Marines took positions in the hall and stairways leading out from the meeting room. At the door, the two Marines stationed there originally would be reinforced by an additional two squads. Once the Marines were assembled outside the meeting room door, they would toss in multiple flash bang grenades before rushing in and, hopefully, taking down all persons in the room without a fight.

At the airport, a platoon of Irish soldiers in addition to air coverage by the Irish Air Force would board the Espanan plane and take all personnel prisoner. The plane itself would be towed to a hanger and held under guard until the Timministan government could be contacted.

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(Private of course)


Bunker 001, Tiministan. Generall Webb received the message from Ireland confirming their thoughts that it was Espana who carried out this attack. It was confirmed by abother message from England saying the route the fighters took indicated they came from Spain.

The message also contained information about the fate of General Mitchell and Doctor Brown. Both dead. The King would not take this well. He walked towards the room where the King was waiting for him. This was not going to be easy.

"Well General, any news?"

His face said it all. "I'm sorry Sire, there were no..." He took a deep breath, "There were no survivors."

The King's lip began to quiver, "Do they know who it was?"

"Yes Sire, it was Espana. The Irish found the wrecks of two Espana fighters, and the English confirmed the direction the fighters travelled indicates they originated in Espana."

"This will not be an easy war. Do you know will we have any support?"

"We are unsure, maybe the Irish. We shall inform the Medeteranian Parliament of what we know, and allow them to pursue the evidence until they are happy to allow us to attack."

"That will have to suffice I suppose. Now leave me, I have to think."

[b]*** Classified message to Ireland ***[/b]

We have arranged for the Athenian Federation to begin an impartial investigation, as they are a member state of the Mediterranean Parliament. They will be sending an observer to ensure the safety of the President. We would ask you detain the President without force if possible.

Edited by King Timmy
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[quote]*** Classified message to Ireland ***

We have arranged for the Athenian Federation to begin an impartial investigation, as they are a member state of the Mediterranean Parliament. They will be sending an observer to ensure the safety of the President. We would ask you detain the President without force if possible. [/quote]

Classified Response:

Negative Timministan, Athenian Federation personnel are not allowed in the Kingdom of Ireland. The Mediterranean Parliament will need to send another observer. We will use any and all force necessary to ensure the safety of our personnel while arresting the Espanan delegation. The Marines in charge of detaining the Espanan personnel are professionals and will not use undue force if not necessary.

Edited by Yawoo
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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1290705078' post='2523095']
Classified Response:

Negative Timministan, Athenian Federation personnel are not allowed in the Kingdom of Ireland. The Mediterranean Parliament will need to send another observer. We will use any and all force necessary to ensure the safety of our personnel while arresting the Espanan delegation. The Marines in charge of detaining the Espanan personnel are professionals and will not use undue force if not necessary.

[b]*** Classified response to Ireland ***[/b]

Ah I understand, we shall request a more approporitae delegate be sent instead.

[b]*** Classified to the Athenian Federation ***[/b]

It seems the Irish is unwilling to allow your delegate to enter Ireland, would you be able to nominate another observer?

Edited by King Timmy
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Upon receiving the proper coordinates, the airborne Valencian fighters quickly in their direction. Suddenly, however, the unidentified dots on the radar collided and disappeared. With nothing left to track, the Valencian fighters returned home.

A report was sent back to command in Valencia. The bogies were headed towards the Iberian Peninsula at the time of their disappearance, and it was assumed they crashed in midair. With Portugal in the middle of a civil war, it was doubtful that they would be wasting air power on a Tiministanian diplomat.

[quote]**Message to Ireland**

Are you able to confirm the identity of the attackers? We have reason to believe that the fighters may have been of Spanish origin.[/quote]

Edited by maicke
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[quote name='maicke' timestamp='1290707196' post='2523117']

Upon receiving the proper coordinates, the airborne Valencian fighters quickly in their direction. Suddenly, however, the unidentified dots on the radar collided and disappeared. With nothing left to track, the Valencian fighters returned home.

A report was sent back to command in Valencia. The bogies were headed towards the Iberian Peninsula at the time of their disappearance, and it was assumed they crashed in midair. With Portugal in the middle of a civil war, it was doubtful that they would be wasting air power on a Timministani (OOC: is that right? xD) diplomat.

OOC: Tiministani[b]an[/b] :P I dunno why people put two m's in it.

Edited by King Timmy
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**Classified to Tiministan**

We expected this from the Irish war criminals. In that case we propose Tiministan to request extradition after which the President can be moved to your embassy in Athens. This will allow free access and security while removing any suspicion of bias.

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1290707399' post='2523119']
OOC: Tiministani[b]an[/b] :P I dunno why people put two m's in it.
OOC: Fixed, though I like Tiministani better :P

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1290708079' post='2523127']
**Classified to Tiministan**

We expected this from the Irish war criminals. In that case we propose Tiministan to request extradition after which the President can be moved to your embassy in Athens. This will allow free access and security while removing any suspicion of bias.

[b]*** Clasified to the Athenian Federation ***[/b]

This is acceptable for us. We will send authorities to Ireland immediately to take custody of the President.

[b]*** Classified ***[/b]

2 Squadrons of F-22s and one Boeing 777 took off towards Ireland along with several tankers. They would not venture within 4000km of Espana. The route would take them around the Western Atlantic ocean and then down over Northern Ireland towards Dublin airport to avoid any more attempted attacks.

[b]*** Classified to Ireland ***[/b]

We have authorities inbound on a Boeing 777 with an escort of 2 squadrons of F-22s to take custody of the president. Would you be able to have him ready to transport and hand over custody at the airport in approximately 17 hours? We would also like you to bring the briefcase and laptop left behind by the late General and Doctor to the Exchange.

Thank you for all your support in this dire situation.

Edited by King Timmy
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OOC: You know I still have to RP, right?


As the Irish storm the room the men are blinded. They are grabbed by what they think are armed guards. Back on the plane, the men are surprised and give in to the soldiers easily.

EDIT: Apparently, when my guys are blinded and stormed they aren't taken to an unknown location.

Edited by Ezequiel
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[quote name='Ezequiel' timestamp='1290714062' post='2523197']
OOC: You know I still have to RP, right?


As the Irish storm the room the men are blinded. They are grabbed and taken to an unknown location by what they think are armed guards. Back on the plane, the men are surprised and give in to the soldiers easily. They are also taken to an unknown location.

OOC: I dunno if Yawoo has actually entered the room yet though. But fair enough.

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[quote name='Ezequiel' timestamp='1290714062' post='2523197']
OOC: You know I still have to RP, right?


As the Irish storm the room the men are blinded. They are grabbed and taken to an unknown location by what they think are armed guards. Back on the plane, the men are surprised and give in to the soldiers easily. They are also taken to an unknown location.

OOC: Please remember you can not RP my people. As I have not stated that they would be taken to an unknown location, you can not put that in your post. Please revise.

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