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Rebel Army Successfully Creates FTL Drive


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"Are you sure it's going to work?"

"It has to, if it doesn't maintaining a supply link with Mars will be a massive strain."

"How would it be a massive strain if Mars is supposed to be self-sufficient?"

"Let me explain myself... Yes the colony will be self-sufficient [i]eventually[/i], however, early on we will have to ship them tools, foodstuffs, and raw materials in order to get to that stage in the colony's development."

"I see. Other than interplanetary travel, are there other planned uses of this wondrous technology?"

"Yes, we have been throwing around some ideas on future uses. What we will actually do depends on the results and data gained from the first month or so of FTL usage, and it is then that we will be able to determine what size of craft it works well on, how well people are during their FTL trips, etc."

"Thank you for your time Mr. Irbin, I look forward to seeing the results of your project. I am Lenin Correa of the New Rebel Post, signing off."


Up in space, not too far from the terminal of the space elevator, a lone Venture spacecraft is seen, pointing in the direction of Mars.

"So captain... What the odds of us dying a horrible death and this whole craft hitting the &^%$-er?"

"I believe the odds are around one in one hundred thousand. Depends mainly on if there's some notable space debris in our way. If there is, then those odds decrease, and not in our favor."

"I don't like those odds sir..."

"Never tell me the odds! We got a mission to do, one that will change the entire fate of humanity if we do the damned thing right. Do you not understand the implications of this mission? If it is successful, interstellar colonization and trade will become viable on both economic and political levels, opening the door to a new era."

"But... This technology is untested. Hell, I've been on the Mars route before, and I'd much rather make a long @&% trip than test something that's only been developed over the the past two to three years!"

The captain sighs for a moment, before taking a cold, hard stare at his fellow crew member.

"You know what you were in for when you signed up for Caelum. If you want to leave, there's an airlock not too far from the bridge."

The man trembles for a moment, before getting the courage to open his mouth. "I... Understand sir."

Approximately ten and a half minutes pass before an automated voice speaks from the captain's terminal. "Venture spacecraft #006 flightpath to Mars calculation complete. #006 is now ready for departure."

The captain smiles before getting on the ship's intercom. "This is your captain speaking. All crew members, please report to your designated areas. I repeat, all crew members, please report to your designated areas. The [i]Swiftstar[/i] is now ready for FTL departure." He pauses for a moment, allowing for cheering in the bridge, and likely rampant throughout the ship, to ease down. "You have fifteen minutes to make that one last bathroom spot and get seated up. G-dspeed to us all. Captain out."

Surely enough, fifteen minutes later, the craft engaged humanity's first FTL drive, and sped off to Mars. After arriving, gathering their bearings, and getting a good deal of fanfare from the planet below on their comms, the [i]Swiftstar[/i] headed home, once again traveling faster than light. It would be greeted by millions of cheering people in Rebel Army alone, and perhaps billions across the world.


"It's a beauty, isn't it?" Lavo Shalam asked his wife.

"Mmm, it is... It's amazing to think how far we've gone, since the Rebellion."

"Indeed. However, this is only the start. It's time to bring on a new era for mankind."

Later that day Lavo would address the nation, and by extension the world, on the success of the FTL test, and it's implications for the future. Scientists and engineers marveled at the data they received from the [i]Swiftstar[/i], and began the next start of the project, codenamed [i]Dominator[/i], the first interplanetary ship to be designed with an incorporated FTL drive, one of the greatest creations in mankind's history.


Aaron Golan sighed as he closed the book, [i]From Earth to the Stars[/i] by Adam Asimov, one of his favorite authors. A man came up to him and slapped him on the shoulder. "Put the book away mate, we're going to be landing on Mars soon." Aaron put it away and smiled as he did so, hopeful for the future.

OOC: Closed RP, OOC comments are appreciated and welcome.

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OOC: Drat, I would be drooling all over this if I could IC it, but alas I must OOC drool. A few questions though, whats your FTL drive based off of? Some sort of slipspace(Trans-dimensional), foldspace(just this dimension), or just going really really fast(breaking established laws of physics)? Will you be using this as canon or just for fun? And when can I expect someone to make a Space RP spinoff?

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Its an impossibility to travel faster to or equal to the speed of light.
The world around you slows down > time travel, s'all messed up.

Regardless, 99.9% of the speed of light is possible, but not over/equal too.

Stephen Hawking himself Squire.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1288131112' post='2493782']
Its an impossibility to travel faster to or equal to the speed of light.
The world around you slows down > time travel, s'all messed up.

Regardless, 99.9% of the speed of light is possible, but not over/equal too.

Stephen Hawking himself Squire.
OOC: Plus, even if a spacecraft manages to reach faster than speed of light, the maneuverability would be a bit tricky, and ramming into something, even an asteroid the size of a golf ball, can tear right through the space craft. Anything larger and it would pulverize the spacecraft.

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1288131838' post='2493791']
OOC: Plus, even if a spacecraft manages to reach faster than speed of light, the maneuverability would be a bit tricky, and ramming into something, even an asteroid the size of a golf ball, can tear right through the space craft. Anything larger and it would pulverize the spacecraft.

OOC: I think we're going to assume here that this isn't so he can have space battles (though that would be AWESOME). As for the RL possibilities of it, sure you can't yet, but who says someone of Lavo or Lynneths tech caliber couldn't at least attempt it. As for the maneuverability problem, that depends on what the mode of transport is. If it is just going really really fast then yes, any object obstructing it would a good amount of damage. If it is foldspace then only large masses would effect its travel(stars, planets like jupiter, black holes) as it would just bend space to move the ship and only large masses have any impact on ships. If it was Splispace then theres only worry about detritus in the other dimension, which is usually assumed to be minimal, and assuming his space travel is the same as it is in halo, the ship itself wouldn't be moving at high speed, it'd just be using slipspace as a shortcut through real space, so any debris could be either easily avoided, or their impact negligible.

Sci Fi space travel 101, take it.

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[QUOTE]fifteen minutes later, the craft engaged humanity's first FTL drive, and sped off to Mars.[i][u] After arriving[/u][/i], [/QUOTE]

OOC: Wouldn't it be better to say "before starting" given that using an FTL would theoretically bring you backwards in time? (e.g. the sentence would make more sense if you said, "Before they started and in Mars orbit, they gathered their bearings, and got a good deal of fanfare from the planet below on their comms, then the Swiftstar headed home... for the first time engaging humanity's first FTL drive as they were still yet to leave Earth as evident by the doppelganger in Earth's orbit looking oddly at them when they returned.")

Now, if I had an IC comment, I would have the AE request that they aim a projectile using this drive directly at Earth using the FTL. They would like to observe [i]first hand[/i], [i][u]negative [b]imaginary [/b]energy[/u][/i]. That stated, is this actually cannon? I mean, lasers on planes and anti-matter bombs seem easier then this. Besides which, if they set it directly at the speed of light instead of faster, they could create an infinite quantity of energy in an impactor; it would be a great universal annihilation device... Actually, never-mind, on that thought I need 10,000 tech. >: D

Edited by Zarfef
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OOC: As it appears there was some confusion from the post, as I intended by the ending, the entire OP (bar the last bit) was an excerpt from the [i]From Earth to the Stars[/i] IC novel. I made the post as I figured it would be a nice way to reopen my work on Caelum, so to speak. It was also to put out a message, that being the insanity of what some interpret as "future tech". Honestly, it's been way overdone, and sadly, I was not that surprised to see that some people defended and legitimized FTL travel, which is virtually impossible. The [i]Swiftstar[/i] actually is the name of one of the Venture craft, even if I just thought it up when I made the OP. >_>

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