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Legion goes to Disco Republic

Captain Enema

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[b]Port Sudan, Dellion's Office[/b]

"I'm curious about these guys in Puerto Rico. They seem... oh.. you know.. umm...." Dellion says as he tries to find the words.

"Rhythmic?" asks Deltrane.

"That is one way of looking at it. Still, I like them, I don't know why, but I just do. Send an envoy to meet with them. Offer them a technological upgrade package that won't require them becoming our dogs. Invest in their nation as well, get that little weasel Germaine to busy a few businesses over there and grow some local ties with them. People like that aren't found everywhere, we'd be wise to at least get to know them," Dellion orders Deltrane.

"Can I loot some gold?" asks Deltrane.

"Siggggghhhhssss.. No.." Dellion replies.

"Very well sir," Deltrane grumbles as he dispatches a message to the Disco Republic.

[b]To: Disco Republic
from: Legion
Regarding: Diplomatic Relations[/b]

We like you, don't ask me why we like you, but Dellion - the leader of Legion - seems to like you. He's ordered me to establish contact with your nation and to offer you, free of charge and any other attachments of any kind, a military assistance and upgrade package. With that comes an investment package from one of our larger import and export firms.

Are you interested?


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From: the Offices of the Department of Defense from the [b]Funky[/b] Republic of Puerto Rico
To: Legion

Legion, we are pleased to hear in your inexplicable desire to both like and conduct business with us. As you may have undoubtedly noticed by now, our forces are both under equipped and under developed. Really our police forces sometimes act as a defacto National Guard...in fact, thats exactly what we train our police to be. Our Navy is also, well, nonexistent. The DoD has purchased a number of old and refurbished fishing and Cargo vessels that we have stocked with some weaponry, but nothing [i]Naval[/i], mostly RPGs and AKs and the occasional machine gun. Anything you can send or teach us how to build and use would be greatly Appreciated

-Department of Defense Head Alexander Quantico

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[b]To: Mr. Alexender Quantico
From: Mad Dog Bob Denard
Regarding: Diplomatic Business[/b]

Expect the arrival of a sizable contingent from Legion within twenty four hours. We'll be arriving by sea and our exact numbers will be made known to you once we arrive. Further, runway space is needed for a supply mission of extensive munitions for your National Guard Forces and the quick deployment of two Legion Special Operations Groups for training purposes.

Initial Deliveries of Supplies include the following:

4000 M16A4 rifles
36 81mm Mortars
1000 .45 Caliber Soccom Pistols
1000 Squad Automatic Weapons
Legion Issue Body Armor, Helmets, and Legion Special Issue Insurgency Communications Packages

Further supplies to be delivered include:

Armored Cars
105 mm Towed Artillery
Bell Huey 212 Helicopters
Sand Cat Patrol Vehicles
Various Light Arms

It is important to note that the electronics packages of these units have all been downgraded for ease of use by your forces. They are still highly versatile and upgradable weapons. With time and training you'll be able to upgrade them buying equipment off the commercial market or by producing it in your own factories.

- Denard

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To: Mad Dog Bob Denard
From: Alexander Quantico
Regarding: Business and Diplomacy

Mr. Denard, our Training/Military Base just outside the San Juan city limits will clear space immediately. It also has it's own naval docks, which any Sea Travel can arrive. We eagerly await your arrival


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[b]To: Alexander Quantico
From: Denard
Regarding: Legion Forces[/b]

Excellent, the forces are in transit as we speak.

[b]Legion 1st, 2nd, and 3rd HBCTs en-route to France[/b]

The ships carrying the 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team continues on to France, while the 2nd and 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Teams divert to Puerto Rico.


"You'll be staying here to command the 1st here in France," Denard orders Beckwith.

"And you are going to Puerto Rico?" Beckwith asks.

"Yep, flying out in an hour, Germaine is coming with me as well," Denard replies as he points a finger at Gentleman Johnny Germaine.

"Why me?" Germaine asks with an angelic halo of purity descending about him, or at least the failed appearance of such a thing.

"Dellion is bankrolling your sorry butt for the purchasing of a few local businesses in the PR, looks like you are on the Legion's tit again," Denard snorts as he collects a few papers and places them in his carrying case.

"No place like home," grumbles Germaine as he knows that he'll see none of the profits from these businesses.

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[b]San Juan[/b]

The ships from Legion pull into the harbor and begin unloading the Legion 1st and 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Teams advanced parties. The bulk of the men and equipment will remain on the ships until the road march routes have been clearly marked and inspected to ensure they can handle the heavy loads of the M1A2 Main Battle Tanks. While the advanced parties wait for the Disco Republic guides the rest of the men receive their orders to limber up for physical training. The men are given permission to disembark a battalion at a time for exercise on the dock by taking a two run in formation along the harbor and back to their ships.

The total unloading time of the two HBCTs depends upon the speed they can deploy to the base being provided by the Disco Republic National Guard. The order of battle for the two units goes as follows:

1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team
81st Tank Battalion 54 M1A2SEP MBTs
301st Tank Battalion 54 M1A2SEP MBTs
446th Tank Battalion 54 M1A2SEP MBTs
447th Tank Battalion 54 M1A2SEP MBTs
82nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion 58 Warrior IFV
83rd Mechanized Infantry Battalion 58 Warrior IFV
448th Mechanized Infantry Battalion 58 Warrior IFV
449th Mechanized Infantry Battalion 58 Warrior IFV
84th Services and Support Battalion 130 HCATV, 36 MPEV, 36 AAB (armored ambulances), 36 AAV, 54 AXE Security Vehicles,
85th Artillery Battalion 36 155 SPA, 36 MLRS, 72 Grizzly ADA Vehicles
86th Recon Battalion 120 Sandcats, 54 AXE Spike Vehicles

2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team
91st Tank Battalion 54 M1A2SEP MBTs
302nd Tank Battalion 54 M1A2SEP MBTs
450th Tank Battalion 54 M1A2SEP MBTs
451st Tank Battalion 54 M1A2SEP MBTs
92nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion 58 Warrior IFV
93rd Mechanized Infantry Battalion 58 Warrior IFV
452nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion 58 Warrior IFV
453rd Mechanized Infantry Battalion 58 Warrior IFV
94th Services and Support Battalion 130 HCATV, 36 MPEV, 36 AAB (armored ambulances), 36 AAV, 54 AXE Security Vehicles,
95th Artillery Battalion 36 155 SPA, 36 MLRS, 72 Grizzly ADA Vehicles
96th Recon Battalion 120 Sandcats, 54 AXE Spike Vehicles

[b]San Juan International Airport[/b]

Legion Cargo planes begin arriving and a torrent of men and equipment begin unloading. With them comes the dapper figure of Mad Dog Bob Denard and his roguish cousin Gentleman Johnny Germaine. As Denard steps off the plane he turns to Germaine and says, "I've been assured this lovely place is known for its funky beats."

"Do tell," Germaine replies back caustically.

"Oh loosen up Johnny, you have to learn to live a little," Denard chuckles as he makes his way through the mess of men and equipment being unloaded at a rapid pace.

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