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The Rooster and the Lion

Karl Martin

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The term [i]Walloon[/i] is derived from [i]walha[/i], a Germanic term used to refer to Celtic and Latin speakers. It originally referred to the Roman populations of the Burgundian Netherlands, but its meaning narrowed during French and Dutch periods, and at Belgian independence, the term designated only Belgians speaking a Romance language (French, Walloon, Picard, etc.) The linguistic cleavage was why the Walloons, Germanic in blood, became under the hold of the French.

This French identity was cracked for a short time when Burgundy rose out of the ashes of the Sixth Republic. The establishment of the Province of Lothringen lead many to refocus on the Germanic origins of the Walloons, and this was a major factor in how over 5 million left for Germany when a rigged voted annexed Lothringen to the French Empire. These Walloons awaited for the time that their homeland would be independent from the all-consuming French, yet when that time had come, the Wallonia government denied these people a right to come back. The grieving shook the earth, and as it reached Burgundaholmr, several people decided to take action on the issue.

OOC: Closed to dotCom and myself for now. May include others in the later parts of the RP.


I love chicks. They are so cute and tasty.

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"Burgundaholmr continues to insist that we accept the Wallonians who left for Germany when Lorraine became part of France again," Allan Chevalier spoke with an almost disgusted tone. "Why we should accept such people, who are no better than traitors and cowards in my eyes, I do not know...but the ultimate decision lies with you. I'm not sure why Burgundaholmr is so eager to give them to us, but I don't trust them--not in the least."

Aurelie was silent for a moment, and then she spoke up once more. "What is the state of our military currently?"

"48,840 soldiers are currently employed in the Wallonian Armed Forces, including the Sentinels," Allan said as he glanced over a number of files in a folder. "Also in our armed forces are 484 tanks, including 150 M1A2 battle tanks...the rest are T-72s. Ten 5-22s, ten F-35s, and ten Typhoons bought from Selenarctos comprise our air force." Allan looked rather proud. "Even if they're bought from another nation, they're still a modern airforce. Even if we couldn't repair it if a bit of paint chipped off."

"And the rest of the air force?"

"Sukhoi Su-35s," Allan snorted. "I mean, they're not [i]bad[/i]. But we should probably purchase more modern equipment."


"Nonexistent. We haven't the capacity for such an endeavour yet."

"And what of the satellite?"

"We plan to begin work soon. Once it's done, if Burgundaholmr makes a move, we'll see it..."

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"It is good that the King is on vacation at Zugspitze, or he will have known of what we have been doing in his absence."

Rüdiger von der Goltz looked at the various letters that hsd been sent to him, concerning Wallonia.

"Wallonia needs to be taught a lesson. Who are they to think they can forgo their real heritage and be the lapdogs of the furlickers? Not on my stand. I have done the right thing not to have signed that pact. Now, to business...."

Burgundaholmr still had 40,000 troops and 400 Panther tanks. It was true that these tanks were from a by-gone era, but this was the best that the Burgundians had. This was supplimented by the thousands of 8.8 cm FlaKs, which would be enough to at least keep the Walloon tanks stalled until the RPGs can come into play. Over a thousand Panzerwerfers and 500 V-2s on Meillerwagens were also to be used, useful in spreading chaos.

One factor that helped the Burgundians was that Germany was heavily militarized, so almost noone seemed to care that the relatively light arms were moving to the Wallonia-German border.


Two divions would be attacking into Lüttich, while one division would be marching into Luxemburg. The remaining division would be put as reserve for the knockout blow.

Everything was now prepared. Only the order needed to be given.

OOC: You have no aircraft in the game, so you cannot have an airforce.

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OOC:...yeah, I do have aircraft IG :/

"Madame President..." Allan was looking over reports from the border patrols. "Aurelie. Look at these reports. Our aircraft patrols are reporting a possible buildup of troops and tanks in the area around the border between Wallonia and Germany."

"...such buildups are common, but..." Aurelie paused. "Germany? We've not even had any communications with Germany. But Burgundy...they're certainly close. We may have a problem."

"Regardless, our military is superior to Burgundy's in every way," Allan smirked. "We have superior tanks, more troops, superior weaponry, and superior artillery. Should Burgundy attempt anything..."

"You forget." Aurelie interrupted. "If Germany gets involved...we cannot stand up against the German military. Burgundy alone, yes. Should Germany aid Burgundy...we will find ourselves under heavy pressure."

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1286508737' post='2478539']
OOC: There seems to be a misunderstanding on the rules...RP aircraft = maximum what you can have IG, times the appropriate multiplier. In this case, times six.

NOT what you actually have IG.
OOC: ...>_> I dunno, I was told that RP aircraft=IG aircraft on #CNRP. Hell, and I spent some good money (not really XD) on that aircraft too.

Thanks, I'll edit my information.

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Léon Joseph Marie Ignace Degrelle was still just a drunkard when someone bashed him on the head and took him somewhere. When Degrelle woke up, we shall a tall figure in the dark.

"Still being a noone, Léon?"

"Who the $%&@ are you?"

"Someone willing to give you another chance at life. Here is something you might like. Use it well."


Meanwhile, in Germany, everything had been set up. The entire group had been registered as a veteran's meeting, and since some of the fighters in the recent Franco-German War were part of it, the authorities just accepted the explaination.

Many of the troops were armed with Raketenpanzerbüchses and FIM-43 Redeyes when it was learned the Walloons had imported very advanced tanks and fighters. This was the only way for the Burgundians to have a fighting chance, adn they would make the most of this.

At exactly midnight, [i]Fall Gelb II[/i] started. The Panzerwerfers, 350 in the north and 150 in the south, fired their Nebelwerfers. The rockets sailed 4 kms into Walloon, striking the towns and any soldiers at the border. The troops, on armored jeeps and Panzerwerfers, started streaming into Walloon with the 8.8 cm FlaKs right behind them. The Panthers would be at the tail.

Yet, this was not the full force of the invasion forces. Over half of the vehicles and 10,000 troops were hiding somewhere, to be used only at the right time. They would be the ones to repeat what had been done in the past.

OOC: I apologize, dotCom, I thought the 30 referred to your tanks.

At the rest: I've already given myself enough handicaps with this show war. We have a bill-locked person going up against a nation that is getting plenty of cash from other CNRP players for this glorious venture. Including all of his shiny tanks and fighters that are way over his tech level, this is really nothing but a show war. Therefore, I will not be recognizing the full use of squadrons for this RP. This has been agreed with dotCom.

From now on, I want everyone except dotCom to not stick their nose into this. Especially you, Tidy Bowl Man. I did say this is closed, so yes, shut up.

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The initial attack was entirely unexpected and took the Wallonian military completely by surprise. Seraing, the only major city near the border, took almost 500 civilian casualties in the first attack. In addition, there were 200 military casualties at border stations as the attack continued.

In Namur, Aurelie Desmarais observed the situation grimly. The Burgundians had indeed launched their attack--and given that they were launching it from Germany, the Germans may have been backing them in this strike. The Wallonian military would have to mobilise quickly, and it would have to make use of strategic and tactical combat.

Wallonian Infantry Armies K; B, and C were deployed to take the enemy head on, a total of 17,000 troops. Meanwhile, smaller armies attacked from the flanks in groups of 4,000 soldiers. Army Group D, also consisting of 4,000 troops, attacked the Burgundian Panzerwerfers and 8.8 FlaKs. Armies K, B, and C were backed by 150 M1A1 tanks and 50 Bionix II AFVs, while 80 T-72s accompanied each flanking army for a total of 320 T-72s. Meanwhile, 50 of the Wallonian Armed Forces' M114 155mm howitzers were transported to the scene of the invasion, where they began bombarding known enemy positions.

The battle continued in the skies as well. A squadron of ten Eurofighter Typhoons flew over the enemy positions, making strafing runs and making use of their air-to-ground capabilities in an attempt to flush the enemy out; where either the Typhoons would gun them down, or the infantry, backed by armoured vehicles, would drive them back. After this, the Typhoons moved to back up Army Group D against the Burgundian Panzerwerfers and 8.8cm Flaks.

"Known casualties for the Wallonian military are reported to be at about 200 by now," reported Allan Chevalier to Aurelie. "We're not sure of the entire strength of the Burgundians, but air superiority is important here, and we have it. On the other hand, their artillery is doing severe damage...hopefully Army D will be successful in taking out their artillery capabilities."

OOC: Where exactly do you have troops hidden, in Germany?

Also, aren't 8.8 FlaK's static?

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"The Burgundians have retreated."

"Feh, typical of those cowards," Aurelie Desmarais scoffed. "They made a foray into our land, and fled from our retribution. I will not allow the Burgundians to get away with taking Wallonian lives without punishment. Send a message to Germany immediately.

[quote][b]Classified to Germany[/b]

To: Germany
From: Republic of Wallonia

As you are surely aware, the Burgundians have recently made an attempted invasion into Wallonian territory. Their attack cost hundreds of lives, including civilian deaths. The Republic of Wallonia will not stand for this. We request permission, thus, to make a military foray into Burgundy to secure their leaders, so that they can be put on trial for this inexcusable act.


Aurelie Desmarais, President of the Republic of Wallonia[/quote]

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