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UFE General Movements and News


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All Federation forces are to redeploy to Great War Posture I. Defcon Level is to move towards Level I. Border divisions are to be reinforced. All submarine task forces are to move to Combat Posture. Permanent bomber flights are to begin immediately. Government Bureaus are to go on Media Blackout aside from the Office of the August Imperator. Protocols of Imperial Succession are now put into effect. All Ambassadors are ordered to minimize communication, and only act on positions issued by the Office of the August Imperator. All civilians are to be ready to move to fall out shelter systems, at any time. All shelters are to be resupplied to maximum. Plain clothed reserve forces are to be prepared to be deployed, if the invasion of the Homeland begins.

[quote]Public Dispatch from the Office of the August Imperator of the United Federation of the East:

In this time of global tension, it shall be the policy of this government, that any attack or violation of the air space of the United Federation of the East, Austria-Hungary, Blue Heaven, the Lu Empire, or Mascurian Siberia and military action not authorized by this Office or the Governments of our Dominions, Vassals, and Protectorates shall be treated as an attack on the United Federation of the East regardless of treaties we currently hold.

Further comment shall be given at a later date.[/quote]


The United Federation of the East will not engage in war against the Kingdom Of Cochin, Sri Lanka, Dalmatia including the Imperial Defense Pact expeditionary forces, Athens including the Delian Expeditionary League Forces, if this crisis comes to war. We may defend allies against other forces involved. The United Federation of the East will look extremely poorly on the use of nuclear weapons in offensive roles or ones which target civilian centers. [/quote]

Edited by Triyun
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[b]Further Dispatches from the Office of the August Imperator, United Federation of the East[/b]

Regarding this potential upcoming conflict. The United Federation of the East reserves the right to destroy any submarine operating within the South China Sea that is not from Selenarctos or the UFE. It shall exercise this judgement on a case by case basis. It shall claim the same right in the Sea of Okhotsk, which is not of an IA or UFE origin. In the Pacific Ocean, the United Federation of the East may act pre-emptively to prevent SLBMs launched over the Pacific. We maintain a similar policy regarding the areas around Burma, Thailand, and Malaysia. Further the UFE will declare war on any power that engages in a nuclear first strike against one of our allies, or takes steps provocative to increase the chances of a potential conflict going nuclear. We advise Cochin and Athens to brief their friends about this.

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By order of the August Imperator reserve equipments are to begin being prepared for war and pre-positioned along in key secure areas, for redeployment to various Army Groups, Air Forces, and Fleets.

OOC: Most of this is all the planes, tanks, ships, etc I've repossessed from nations that brought weapons from me and then disbanded.... so yes it is probably huge as $%&@.

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[quote]xxx Classified / Secure xxx

To: United Federation of the East


Over the past few weeks we have been seeing increasingly heavy mobilization of your armed forces. Could you appraise us of the situation that warrants it? If it is a situation that would necessitate the honoring of our Mutual Defense agreements we would have to prepare our forces likewise.


General Mahesh Varma,
Royal Cochin Defense Forces

xxx End xxx[/quote]

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[quote]To: The Kingdom of Cochin
From: The United Federation of the East
Subject: Response to Inquiry

Body: We do not anticipate calling upon the Cochin MDP at the moment, our stance is purely defensive posture. We are however curious about the exercises of the Cochin Armed Forces on our border.[/quote]

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[quote]To: The United Federation of the East

It is a newly raised Army Division that is engaging in exercises to increase its combat proficiency as part of its Divisional Training. The Division has yet to be commissioned by the King as a full fledged Combat Division of the Royal Cochin Army. We are however seeing global escalation of military readiness by several nations most of which are close allies of the United Federation of the East and are thus perplexed at what may be the cause that would require such a global elevation of war readiness. We hope that UFE would share the rationale with us so that in case a Global war did break out we may do what we can to ensure the safety of our citizens and ensure our citizens are not present in the said theaters of war.

Ministry of External Affairs,
Kingdom of Cochin[/quote]

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To Tianjin Shipyards:
Re: Aircraft Carriers

Currently the Marscurian Siberian Navy is looking to purchase two aircraft carriers to support overseas operations. Seeing as no shipyard in Marscurian Siberia is large enough to build these ships, we are turning to your services. Since the home port of the 2nd Fleet is about to be iced over until April, now is a perfect time for construction to begin. We eagerly await your reply.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1317691440' post='2815240']
Can you give us an estimate of the tonnage and type of carrier you're seeking?
We are seeking a medium-sized carrier, suitable to carry a small air wing of STOL naval fighter aircraft. Tonnage should ideally remain between 25,000 and 35,000 tons (about the size of the Clemenceau-Class carriers from France), and takeoff can be either catapult or ski-lift assisted.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1317699164' post='2815466']
We can build a vessel based of our flat top L-Class Carrier optimized for launching aircraft rather than a mix of it and amphibious assault.
May we see some pictures and specifications of the carrier? Also, what is the price for each unit?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Message to UFE-Boeing Corp.
Re: Fighter Jets

The Marscurian Siberian Navy is looking for a carrier-based fighter jet for use on the new ships being built. We already have a contract with a Cochin company, but we are looking to purchase a set of five F/A-18 fighter jets to be an air-superiority fighter as opposed to the MF/A-21S, which is more suited towards ground-attack roles.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1318733310' post='2825978']
We can and shall fulfill the order for five of these jets.
We appreciate your cooperation. Payment shall be provided upon request.

Message to Tianjin Shipyards:
We again reiterate our desire for pictures or statistics on the L-Class Carrier.

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Zeon Class Amphibious Assault Carrier
Length: 280 meters
Displacement: 50, 000 Tones
Specialized Systems: Sun Tzu Integrated Combat Control System (Vastly improved version of AEGIS, including ballistic missile defense and all platform networked warfare), Next Generation Phased Array Radar, Satellite-linked: Oceanic Reconnaissance, Satellite Imaging, Synthetic Radar Aperture, All direction looking Primary and secondary infrared electro optical sensors, LIDAR, Long range X/S-band Radar, Passive and Active Sonar, Radar and Sonar Electronic Countermeasures, Many Chaff and Flare launchers, Directional Infrared Counter Measures, Anti-Satellite Laser, Amphibious Floodable Dock
2 57 mm Naval Guns
4 SeaRAM
2 40 tube VLMS Launchers

We would modify it, removing the amphibious floodable dock and installing a skilift jump.

In anticipation of losses in the war, the UFE has authorized the production of the 24 F-5 Super Quantum for replacement of F-1 losses, and 36 F-5 Strike Quantum for replacement of losses of the F-2.

Edited by Triyun
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1319131109' post='2829319']

Zeon Class Amphibious Assault Carrier
Length: 280 meters
Displacement: 50, 000 Tones
Specialized Systems: Sun Tzu Integrated Combat Control System (Vastly improved version of AEGIS, including ballistic missile defense and all platform networked warfare), Next Generation Phased Array Radar, Satellite-linked: Oceanic Reconnaissance, Satellite Imaging, Synthetic Radar Aperture, All direction looking Primary and secondary infrared electro optical sensors, LIDAR, Long range X/S-band Radar, Passive and Active Sonar, Radar and Sonar Electronic Countermeasures, Many Chaff and Flare launchers, Directional Infrared Counter Measures, Anti-Satellite Laser, Amphibious Floodable Dock
2 57 mm Naval Guns
4 SeaRAM
2 40 tube VLMS Launchers

We would modify it, removing the amphibious floodable dock and installing a skilift jump.
That is simply amazing. However, we wonder if we could replace the SeaRAM CIWS with the domestic Kest system? If not, we shall take the ships as-are.

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To: The Office of the Executor
From: The Office of the Ryukyu Islands Proving Ground
Subject: F-5 Development

Development Log:

The F-5 'Super' Variant has begun testing in sorties against both the F-1 and F-2 Block III fighters. At the moment the F-5 enjoys comparitive advantages of 30% kill efficiency over the F-1 Block III and 110% kill efficiency over the F-2. These are within the expected parameters. Silver nano-wire based coating and increased honey comb radar absorbent structures from the F-1 to F-5 series have largely eliminated increases in radar cross sections between the F-1 and F-5 frames despite a 20% increase in size. Additionally the increased cooling system on the F-5 gives it greater infrared stealth even compared with the F-1.

The F-5s increased space has also allowed for it to employ both embedded sensors in the body, and a powerful modular systems, bringing an increased level of processing and detection power to bear. Additionally the F-5 has seen the employment of new large engines which can both provide greater thrust at WVR, and greater power for BVR. Secondarily the increase in size has allowed for a much much more powerful and accurate infrared and visual search and track system.

These overall improvements we believe will make the F-5 'Super' Variant the best BVR fighter in our arsenal. Additionally its increased missile payload and combat range will make it especially attractive to the expeditionary forces.

In WVR the picture becomes somewhat different. The increased control surfaces and larger engines do give the F-5 substantial and competitive WVR capabilities. The F-1 Block III tended to triumph in these situations. Both fighters are highly agile, but the F-1 pilots were routinely able to score kills against the F-5 about 55% of the time when the fight got into WVR. Both planes proved largely capable of defeating most directed energy and short range air to air missiles, thus it came down to a gun fight. With the F-2, the results were somewhat different. The F-2 proved the more agile fighter, typical engagements gave the F-2 an edge in air field defense, however its range was definately a factor in deep missions.

Overall our recommendation is that the F-5 Super Package is a highly capable variant. The F-5 Strike Variant will be analyzed to determine procurement beyond the LRIP. We again state our estimation that the F-5 will most likely be wanted by the Amphibious and Naval Expeditionary Forces for procurement, while the boost in capability for the Air Force is somewhat unclear.

At the moment our recommendations are the Following:

F-1 fleet should remain untouched as it remains high capability. Instead we should focus on slowly phasing in F-5s for F-2 squadrons on carriers and our Deep Pacific Bases. Additionally the B-9s should be replaced with a combination of F-5s and B-11s. This should be our primary procurement for handling deep pacific threats.

We recommend that all fighter lines remain serviceable and able to return to life in the event that we find ourselves in a new great war.[/quote]

Special Operations Orders:

Authorization is made for the construction of 60 STOL transport jet aircraft with the latest in radar absorbent material and jamming technology. Additionally units are designed with IR absorbing material for munitions. These units should be capable of taking light arms fire during landing and take off and capable of rapidly loading and unloaded personnel and light vehicles.

Edited by Triyun
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[quote]To: Mascurian Siberia
From: The United Federation of the East
Subject: Completion of Orders

Body: Please be advised your military orders are completed.[/quote]

48 F-5 Fighters have been completed, with 24 deployed to the Hawaii Sector and 24 to Marianas Sector

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