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Your economy is actually stronger at strange times that others. If your infra is 4,100, your economy is worse that if it were 3,999. A good trade set can also make a small nation's economy better that a slightly bigger one's. Also, as you buy wonders and improvements you're economy booms.

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[quote name='magicninja' date='20 June 2010 - 08:31 AM' timestamp='1277033447' post='2343652']
I always liked the 3-5k infra range.
It gets boring if your nation is too big. I kinda want to do one of two things:
-Stay small, but get a ton of wonders and kick butt.
-Get really big, but don't rebuild the next time a war comes by and have even bigger wonders :P

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Nation strength and infrastructure actually aren't related enough to construct a ratio. Infrastructure is just based on infrastructure but NS comes from the combination of infrastructure, technology, and military, among other things. The fact that the two are not mutually exclusive makes comparing the two in a ratio fairly useless.

This is the nation strength formula:

[quote]Land Purchased * 1.5 + Tanks Deployed * .15 + Tanks Defending * .20 + Cruise Missiles * 10 + ((Nuclear Purchased^2)*10) + Technology Purchased * 5 + Infrastructure Purchased * 3 + Actual Military * .02 + Aircraft Rating Totals * 5 + Navy Rating Totals * 10[/quote]

One ratio that is useful is the tech:infra ratio. Basically, you want to have your tech level as close to your infrastructure level as possible. I'd recommend a tech infra ratio of at least 1:2 so 1000 tech if you have 2000 infra. Many alliances are going for more than this but few alliances suggest less.

You can use your nation strength as a guide to comparing your nation to other similarly sized nations. If you click the [url=http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_display_myranking.asp]My Nation Rankings[/url] screen, you can see the nations within war range of your nation. Ideally, you want to have more tech than most of them because tech does a lot to determine the victors in wars. For example, [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=66483]My Nation[/url] at 41,523.837 has 3,566.42 tech and 4999.99 infra. The [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=134954]#1 nation in my ranking[/url] is 55,343.209 NS but has 9,929.99 infra and only 1000.48 tech. Even though he has more infra than I do and so has a higher NS, I have 2000 more tech than him and would do a lot more damage in a war to him than he would be able to do to me. As a general rule, you want to have more tech than most nations in your Ranking page because these are the nations that you will have to fight if war breaks out.

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Thanks for the help, but I was wondering if the economy number went up as you progressed. Right now mine is about $195 and I'm at about 6k strength, so does that mean larger nations can have hundreds of dollars in their economy strength?

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[quote name='Bleh32' date='22 June 2010 - 03:09 PM' timestamp='1277233751' post='2346819']
Thanks for the help, but I was wondering if the economy number went up as you progressed. Right now mine is about $195 and I'm at about 6k strength, so does that mean larger nations can have hundreds of dollars in their economy strength?

Well, yeah, My daily income before taxes is like $430 per person w/out labor camps.

Edited by xenon
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