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How Does DEFCON Affect Your Soldiers?

quigon jinn

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Forgive what might be a stupid question, but how exactly does DEFCON affect soldiers?

[quote]DEFCON 5 - Normal peacetime military readiness. (+2 happiness, +20% initial soldier cost, [b]76% soldier efficiency[/b], tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle)
DEFCON 4 - Normal military readiness, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures. (+1 happiness, +10% initial soldier cost, 81% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle)
DEFCON 3 - Increased military readiness above normal readiness. (+0 happiness, +0% initial soldier cost, 86% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle)
DEFCON 2 - Increased military readiness, but less than maximum readiness. (-1 happiness, -10% initial soldier cost, 93% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle)
DEFCON 1 - Maximum military readiness. (-2 happiness, -20% initial soldier cost, [b]100% soldier efficiency[/b], tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle)

[quote]Beside your solider counts in-game you will notice a number in parentheses such as Soldiers: 100 (135). [b]The number in parentheses beside your actual solider count is your soldier efficiency level.[/b] The soldier efficiency level indicates how well your soldiers control your population happiness and perform in battle. In the example provided here the (135) indicates that your 100 soldiers make an effective fighting force of 135 soldiers. Soldier efficiency levels are affected by certain trade agreements such as Aluminum and Pigs, improvements such as Guerrilla Camps and Barracks, certain events, and certain government types. When fighting ground battles against other nation's battle odds are based off each nation's soldier efficiency level however casualties are based off REAL soldier numbers.

I recently changed from [img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/DEFCON/DEFCON5.gif[/img] to [img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/DEFCON/DEFCON1.gif[/img] but my soldier efficiency did not change. So that has me confused about how DEFCON actually affects soldier strength. The phrase "soldier efficiency" is used all over the game to refer to modifiers for the (#) behind your soldier count, and I'm a bit confused.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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It won't show on your soldier efficiency, but you will notice in a ground battle when your enemy has a DEFCON 5 and you have a DEFCON 1, you will see a boost on your battle odds. So it won't show directly on your soldier efficiency.

Just experienced and realized it today, after a long time I spent to think that question.

(Someone should correct me if I was wrong.)

Edited by Medix
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As was stated above and reflected on in... [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=82985]this thread[/url] it reflects efficiency *in battle*. Not displayed soldier efficiency.

(Note: The thread I linked to is from March.)

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So the information index is incorrect?

The post you linked to doesn't help solve the issue at all as you don't seem to have a full understanding as to how that text is meant in game either (from your posting in the other thread). If it means "effectiveness" instead of efficiency it would be greatly appreciated if the information index was updated accordingly!

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[quote]DEFCON 5 - Normal peacetime military readiness. (+2 happiness, +20% initial soldier cost, 76% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength [b]in battle[/b])
DEFCON 4 - Normal military readiness, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures. (+1 happiness, +10% initial soldier cost, 81% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength [b]in battle[/b])
DEFCON 3 - Increased military readiness above normal readiness. (+0 happiness, +0% initial soldier cost, 86% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength [b]in battle[/b])
DEFCON 2 - Increased military readiness, but less than maximum readiness. (-1 happiness, -10% initial soldier cost, 93% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength [b]in battle[/b])
DEFCON 1 - Maximum military readiness. (-2 happiness, -20% initial soldier cost, 100% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength [b]in battle[/b])[/quote]

The "in battle", at the end of those modifies the whole preceding sentence and limits it to a single area. In other words, the efficiency during a battle, not the displayed efficiency all the time.

Its not really a "bug", excluding one being able to suddenly modify a sentence at its end, which is more a feature of language than a bug.

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[quote name='quigon jinn' date='09 June 2010 - 04:50 PM' timestamp='1276127390' post='2330815']
Doesn't that mean you could anarchy yourself by deploying soldiers in DEFCON 5, if it brings you below the 20% mark (say you have no other soldier efficiency modifiers)?

Self anarchy depends on real soldier count, not effectiveness.

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