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Cuban Summit


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OOC: Closed to Bull Run, zzzptm, the Zapatistas, Sargun, Californian (Ty), Shadowsage, and Yawoo

Request for attendance may be sent via PM to Yawoo for approval/denial. Do not clutter up this thread with requests for attendance, any requests posted in the thread will be ignored.


The plane carrying the Latin American representatives attending the conference would be escorted by four Louisianan fighter jets once it reached Louisianan territory. At the airport, an honor guard of Louisianan Marines waited to make sure the representatives got on the limousine which would take them to the Chancellor's residence. An escort of Marines in MRAPs would escort the limousine to the Chancellor's residence. A pair of Army helicopters would fly above the limousine to make sure it didn't stray off course. The planes carrying the representative from the Holy American Empire and Atlantis likewise would be greeted with an escort, in this case, just two planes apiece as the nations were friendly to Louisiana. At the airport, another honor guard of Louisianan Marines awaited the Holy American Empire and Atlantis representatives, two separate limousines were prepared for each delegation and an escort of federal law enforcement personnel would escort both limos to the Chancellor's residence.

At the Chancellor's residence, the limousine carrying the Latin American representatives would be diverted to the "X" zone, where the Louisianan Security Agency agents took over from the Marines. The representatives would be required to leave any weapons, writing devices (pens, pencils, etc...) electronics - including cell phones, cameras, laptops etc... with the L.S.A. agents prior to moving on. Should the representatives comply, the L.S.A. would then lead the representatives through various security checks including a string of metal detectors, full body X-Ray machines, a pat down by L.S.A. agents and then finally a final wand waving by the Chancellor's personal L.S.A. agents. Should the checks not find anything that would harm the Chancellor, the representatives would be allowed to proceed to the North Wing escorted by the Chancellor's personal L.S.A. agents to the meet with the Chancellor himself.

At the Chancellor's residence, the limousines carrying representatives from the Holy American Empire and Atlantis would e diverted to the "H" zone, where the Louisianan Security Agency took over from the federal law enforcement personnel. The representatives from both countries would be required to leave any weapons with the L.S.A. agents prior to moving on. Should the representative comply, the L.S.A. would then lead the representatives through a metal detector, a full body X-Ray machine and then the Chancellor's personal L.S.A. agents would escort the diplomats to the North Wing for the meeting with the Chancellor.

Edited by Yawoo
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Ambassador Sepulveda bristled with feigned outrage. "No writing devices? What, will we sign the final communique in blood?" Then he smiled. "Perhaps such an arrangement would be for the best. Less likely to be broken."

After all had passed through security and were seated at the table, Sepulveda opened the discussions. "You know La Liga Indigena is concerned about the status of the peoples of Cuba. But before we air our views, perhaps it would be for the best if the delegates from Louisiana spoke regarding their designs on Cuba and their justification for such designs. And I do not speak as a judge, but as a village elder, seeking to understand a situation from another's point of view."

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Arturo Chavez bristled with feigned outrage. "No computers? I never go anywhere without my computer." Then he smiled. "Perhaps such an arrangement would be for the best. Less likely to be dependent."

After all had passed through security and were seated at the table, Sepulveda opened the discussions. After he spoke, Chavez took his turn. "Before the Louisianians speak, I would just like to note that La Liga Indigena is cocerned about the status of the peoples of Cuba rather than who owns it. We are not looking for a chance to expand our power through control of the island, and any misconceptions about the intent of this meeting should be dispelled immediately. Thank you."

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After taking his seat at the table, Ambassador José Santigo simply asked in Mexican-accented English, "why does Louisiana [i]need[/i] Cuba? Other than spoils from war, is there any necessity to ruling over the Cuban people?"

Edited by the Zapatistas
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"Before I begin answering questions, I think it would be best to wait until the other two participants have arrive to the meeting. I have invited both the Holy American Empire and Atlantis to join the summit, as what ever happens in the Gulf and Caribbean regions will affect both of their nations a great deal." responded Chancellor Croix.

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"I thought we [i]were[/i] all here... did they head to the water closet already?" Sepulveda shot a look at Chavez and then smiled anyway. "Perhaps such an arrangement would be for the best. If we have all taken care of that business, we would have fewer interruptions once we're all ready to speak."

Sepulveda stood up and walked out of the room. A few minutes later, he returned, the perfume of florid hand soap hanging about him.

As he re-seated himself, he said, "Those are some [i]fantastic[/i] toilets you have in there. I'm going to have to find out where you got your fixtures after the conference is over."

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Roxas, designated diplomat for high-level meetings when the Emperor was otherwise disposed attended the summit. He was in fact sitting at the table and raised an eyebrow when the Himynamistan diplomat left the room for the toilet.

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Lawrence Cannon bristled with feigned outrage. "No firearms? I never go anywhere without my pistol." Then he smiled. "Perhaps such an arrangement would be for the best. Less likely to be a bloodbath."

Cannon quickly passed through security and took his assigned seat. He did not need to speak yet, and simply listened to the other representatives talk.

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Ambassador Sepulveda bristled with slightly less-feigned outrage. "Will you guys quit copying my style? Sheesh. I'll tone it down if you cut it out." Then he smiled, but it looked a bit forced. "Perhaps such an- oh, forget it. Let's talk about Cuba."

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The Chancellor smiled and nodded towards Sepulveda and said, "After the meeting, I will give you the name of the company who installed and fabricated the fixtures. Now, onto Cuba. There is no reason to be concerned about the Cubans, they enjoy every right that Louisianans in Louisiana enjoy. Once the Louisianan military does a final sweep on the island to ensure no Tahoean military presence remains, elections will be held to elect Cuban representatives to Alexandria. As has been stated time and time again, should the Cuban people no longer view the relationship between Louisiana and Cuba as beneficial, they may lobby via their representatives in Alexandria to leave Louisiana. In regards to Ambassador Santigo's question, Louisiana needs Cuba for many reasons, one of them is to ensure that the Cuban people enjoy the same freedoms Louisianans enjoy. Why is it, that nations who have been around for less than a year view Cuba as something to be concerned over? I would think, that nations less than a single year old would be more concerned with stabilizing themselves before condemning an established nation such as my own over land acquisition."

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"Just because our nations are young does not mean we are. I was not born yesterday, and I would appreciate it if you would understand that all people on this planet deserved to be cared about. I am concerned about all human beings, my citizens or not."

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"Himynamistan would have been around much longer, under a different name, had not imperialism taken the freedom once had that we now have again. No one is here to be insulted, not you, not us. Would you prefer La Liga Indigena walk out of this conference? You have said Louisiana needs Cuba. Why, then does Cuba need Louisiana?"

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Ambassador Emanuel Ortiz, sat quietly for a time, stroking his grizzly beard as he listened in on the conversation. An ardent revolutionary to the last as his commander Che, he personally wanted to see Cuba freed from all foreign control, [i]"Chavez's words are very true, the concern for the sovereignity of our fellow human beings reflect little on the age of our nations, which themselves are tokens of the people's victory. We would like to see such victories throughout the Caribbean and Latino America."[/i]

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"You are all taking what I said as an insult, it was merely a question. As for walking out of this conference, it was not Louisiana who requested this summit, do try to keep that in mind. Cubans need Louisiana for the same reason Louisiana needs Cuba, to ensure that Cubans enjoy the same freedoms as Louisianans. On their own, Cuba would be engulfed in warlords and hostile nations looking to profiteer from the chaos. As a member of Louisiana, Cubans can be assured of stability and of prosperity."

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[quote name='Bull Run' date='08 June 2010 - 03:50 PM' timestamp='1276030218' post='2329138']
[i]"While Cubans *supposedly* will enjoy the same freedoms as Louisianans, will they not also be subjects to foreign governing, Louisiana laws, & practices?"[/i]
"Cubans are citizens of Louisiana therefore they are subject to their own country's laws, Louisianan laws."

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"But Cubans are not Louisianians. Cubans are Cubans. Your same line of reasoning can be applied to us having Cuba for ourselves, which for all intents and purposes means you have nothing to offer the Cubans except rule under a foreign country. Tell the truth: what geopolitical advantage do you gain from owning Cuba?"

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"Cubans are Louisianas - Cuba is apart of Louisiana. Now, I suggest we hurry this meeting along, I have more pressing matters than to continue to go in circles on a subject that has been closed."

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[i]"Cubans are a part of one country: Cuba. That holds true even throughout Louisiana occupation." [/i]Emanuel sat back, crossing his arms as he stared directly at the Chancellor as if to say [i]"I got all the time in the world, buddie."[/i]

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"I find difficult that the government that has shown such chauvinism to the nations of La Liga Indigena will show full equality of opportunity to the people of Cuba. You don't honor our words with the dignity they're due. You search us more closely than the other diplomats. You are willing to treat us as second-class nations, so what's to stop you from doing as we fear, treating the [i]Cubanos[/i] as second-class citizens? And, yes, we do take what you said as an insult and if you cannot see why what you said is insulting to us, you will likely also not understand why we fear for the actualization of the promised freedoms for the [i]Cubanos.[/i] Well sir, [i]tenemos fuerza ... tenemos poder ... pero sobre todo, tenemos [b]verdad[/b].[/i]"

Sepulveda glared across the table as a translator whispered, [i]He said, 'We have strength, we have power, but most of all, we have truth.'[/i]

"Our eyes are on Cuba. What will we see? Give us specifics in your plans and be sure they're good enough to not be the mistake that plunges this region into war. Huitzilopochtli is prepared to receive us all whenever we're ready to meet him, but the heaven of Quetzalcoatl finds the man who finds the peaceful way. [i]Macuahuitl nozo chinampa?[/i]"

Sepulveda, calming down, looked left and right as the translator whispered, [i]I'm sorry, sir, I'm not sure what he just said.[/i]

"And that's not the only thing you don't seem to understand here. Now try again and give us straight answers with proper details. Nobody wants to leave here without an accord. You have a chance to earn our forgiveness. I don't want to threaten and I'll redact any threats I may have made, knowing or unknowing, if you can treat us [i]con todo el respeto[/i].

The translator whispered, [i]'With total respect', sir.[/i]

Sepulveda held his arms out to his sides, the palms of his hands up. He nodded toward the other side of the table and waited.

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Chancellor Croix glared at Sepulveda and calmly began to speak. "You dare come into my home, my country and accuse me of being chauvinist when it is from me that you even have a country? It was not Louisiana who was hostile to La Liga Indigena, it was La Liga Indigena who for no reason started off hostile to Louisiana. You were searched more thoroughly than other diplomats because of La Liga Indigena's continued hostile rhetoric towards Louisiana. All non-friendly nations are searched more thoroughly than allied nations whom Louisiana holds a treaty with. Louisiana owes it to no country to make public what her plans are for her territories so, no, you will not learn what Louisiana plans for Cuba. You talk of respect that is due to you, but you've shown none to Louisiana. The fact is, Cuba is part of Louisiana now, that is not going to change despite La Liga Indigena unfounded demands to the contrary."

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Sepulveda's voice stayed quiet and measured. "We are a new nation, but we are an ancient people. We are of the first nations... and we learned, long ago, it is not for man to say what can or can not be changed. It is only for man to hope that the changes he does not desire do not come his way. The nation that forgets its poor does not stand, remember that... and I notice you have not denied my contention that you plan to enslave the people of Cuba. Will you elaborate on that, or is that another item you plan to not speak publicly about?"

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"You invade Cuba. You conquer them. You annex Cuba and refuse to allow her citizens to do what they wish with themselves. You then refuse to allow a public vote, and you refuse to even shed some light over what you plan. You are an openly imperialistic nation, so yes, we DARE come into your home and accuse you, because all evidence points to it. You have offered nothing to your name. You invite us here to discuss, but when we ask for simple things you insult us and tell us no. You, sir, are a liar, and unless you wish to continue to be so I expect you to treat us with respect. We are the representatives of sovereign nations, and we will not be treated like second-class peons."

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[quote name='zzzptm' date='08 June 2010 - 04:59 PM' timestamp='1276034322' post='2329206']
Sepulveda's voice stayed quiet and measured. "We are a new nation, but we are an ancient people. We are of the first nations... and we learned, long ago, it is not for man to say what can or can not be changed. It is only for man to hope that the changes he does not desire do not come his way. The nation that forgets its poor does not stand, remember that... and I notice you have not denied my contention that you plan to enslave the people of Cuba. Will you elaborate on that, or is that another item you plan to not speak publicly about?"

"I ignored your contention that Louisiana would treat the Cubans as slaves because of the sheer hilarity of the statement. I've already said, time and time again that Cubans will enjoy all the freedoms, civil liberties and other such items that Louisianans in Louisiana enjoy. So, to imply else wise is just ridiculous. I do not claim to understand La Liga Indigena's hostility towards Louisiana, for we have not ever acted in a way to earn such criticism. I think it would be best that La Liga Indigena trust in Louisiana to make sure that the Cuban people are well looked after, unfortunately, I do not think you will take that to heart. You may be an ancient people, but Louisianans have stood against tyranny and oppression for a very long time now. To say that we'd be the ones doing the tyranny and oppression is a very great insult."

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[quote name='Sargun' date='08 June 2010 - 05:04 PM' timestamp='1276034656' post='2329211']
"You invade Cuba. You conquer them. You annex Cuba and refuse to allow her citizens to do what they wish with themselves. You then refuse to allow a public vote, and you refuse to even shed some light over what you plan. You are an openly imperialistic nation, so yes, we DARE come into your home and accuse you, because all evidence points to it. You have offered nothing to your name. You invite us here to discuss, but when we ask for simple things you insult us and tell us no. You, sir, are a liar, and unless you wish to continue to be so I expect you to treat us with respect. We are the representatives of sovereign nations, and we will not be treated like second-class peons."

"Louisiana didn't invite anyone - you asked to come to Louisiana, and we accepted your proposal. If you want to be treated with respect, I suggest you provide respect first. Louisiana does not have to prove anything to anyone, so your continued demands will not be answered. As has been said time and time again, the Cuban people, should they find the relationship with Louisiana not to their benefit may lobby via their representatives, which they will elect, in Alexandria to leave Louisiana. The Cuban people will be well represented in the legislature."

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