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Operation Spring Cleaning

Captain Enema

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='02 May 2010 - 01:29 AM' timestamp='1272788941' post='2283643']
During the trip to Ben Russel's farm Dellion takes the time to suss out the situation with Ben Russel and his men. He takes the easiest route and spends his time questioning Mrs. Russel who freely offers Dellion all the information he requests. As the trucks lurch and jolt their way over the roads Dellion finds himself in a surreal situation that requires the attention of Major General White. He thanks Mrs. Russel for her cooperation as he motions his Radioman for the hand-piece of the powerful backpack style transceiver. He throws the Radioman a series of finger signs that informs him of what frequency to select and Dellion waits till the man gives him the go ahead.

Once ready Dellion says,"Machete Six calling Blanco, come in Blanco."

"Go ahead Machete Six, I've just been briefed on your change of situation," Major General White responds.

"Blanco we are in one hell of a muddle. I'm currently travelling with the Australians, Sudanese Nationals, and Kickapoo Militia that just revolted against Greenly Morris," Dellion says as he smirks knowing that the Major General is going to have all sorts of fun relaying the information to the President.

"Repeat that last bit Machete Six?" asks White.

"I repeat, we are travelling with Kickapoo Militia that have just revolted against Greenly Morris," replies Dellion.

"Any clue as to what prompted it?" asks White.

"Turns out that there is a sizable faction inside the Kickapoo Confederation that has actively been resisting Morris's policies of brutality against Sudanese civilians. From what I'm gathering a revolt was only months off before we stumbled into this mess," Dellion informs Major General White.

"Do you trust them?" asks the Major General.

"Sir, they have Denard here and the wife of their leader is taking care of him now," states Dellion confidently as he lurches and nearly falls out of the truck due to a large rut in the poorly kept road.

"You have any confirmation from Sudanese civilians on the claims being made?" asks the Major General.

"I will shortly, we are in movement," replies Dellion.

"Yes, you should expect company soon. The OV-10s have just taken off. They'll be on station in a bit," remarks the Major General.

"Sir, if my hunch is right this valley is on the verge of collapsing into total anarchy," Dellion says as the truck rolls to a stop. He is busy focusing on the task of briefing Major General White to see Ben Russel's men start dismounting the vehicles. Their attention is fully riveted on the nearly two dozen white men and women that are hanging from the trees by their necks, dead. Dellion feels his Radioman's hand grab his forearm and Dellion looks up from his work to see the Radioman gesture to the opposite side of the road. "Sir, I take that back, anarchy has just hit the fan. I'm sitting in front of about two dozen or so Kickapoo men and women, they've all been hung."

Dellion motions to the Terrible Ones to discretely gather around Denard's position and to take up a casual defensive perimeter. He doesn't want to spook the Kickapoo men, but he isn't willing to leave Denard unguarded either. The Terrible Ones move into position as Dellion jumps out of the truck and approaches Ben Russel's men and hears, "Everyone of those #$#$#%s got what they have coming to them."

Dellion looks over at Chelliani and asks,"Who are they?"

"Pure evil is what they are," mutters Cheliani.

"Sweet Merciful Allah," replies Dellion as he watches the men begin to reboard the trucks without even bothering to cut the bodies down. He returns to the vehicles and takes up the hand-piece of the transceiver and says,"Blanco, we are going to seriously need to end this quickly. This place is a powder keg waiting to explode. There are going to be bodies dangling from the trees for miles around if we don't get enough men into this place quickly to lock it down."

"Copy Machete, you won't be alone much longer, friendly forces are heading your way," replies Major General White.

Dellion looks over at Clancy and says,"Sweet Allah, I've heard of the wages of sin, but that's a hell of a price to pay," as he looks back at the bodies hanging in grotesque caricatures of humanity from the nearby trees.
This whole situation was very quickly taking a turn from the merely bad--to the bizzarre. Call it fat, call it fortunate circumstance, or design by some higher power, the Colonel was in the same vehicle as Dellion, Mad Dog, and Mrs. Russel, to receive the information freely given by the woman. He occasionally prompted with a question or two of his own, and when they were both satisfied that they had gotten what information they could, Dellion relayed their findings to the high command.

He himself mulled over the information, as well as the communication on the platoon's private frequency that the Holy Legion had yet to arrive. They were already well past the time frame when the enemy should have arrived at the Manor by now, and he said as much to the General. "It's worrying when the other side doesn't show up for the party on schedule," he remarked with grim humor, just before the bodies came into sight.

At first some of the Australians couldn't quite believe what their eyes told them. But it quickly became quite clear that this was no halucination. One of the younger soldiers only just managed to hold until the truck carrying him stopped and they could pile out for a moment before losing his most recent meal. Nothing in their training had quite prepared them for this, and Clancy noted the younger man had probably never seen any sort of action before.

Once they were back on the road, he nodded at Dellion's assessment. "Indeed. Though most would say that slavery is an even worse crime than outright murder. The master doesn't just take their life...he or she wrings every minute of their existence out of them, stealing their very being to support a corrupt ideal." He stares dispassionately back at the stand of trees where over 20 souls had lost their lives, and if Dellion looked closely, he could see the clenched jaw his counterpart held.

He hadn't been speaking abstractly about slavery being considered worse than murder...those happened to be part of his core beliefs.

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[size="3"][b]Objective X-RAY[/b][/size]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2VIySHJXHc&feature=fvw] Legion Etrangere[/url]
SSG Nazir returned to the ORP and realized that there were more Holy Legion soldiers chasing after him than what he thought. He reported the contact to the Lieutenant and the platoon leader reported it to the company commander.

"Saber one zero, this is Saber zero six, bring all of your elements back inside the wire, over," The Butcher wanted his entire company ready to defend their objective. First platoon was making their way back to X-Ray when the Holy Legion came into view. They were on the far side of Hill Pond and swarming to the left and right of the pond as they surged forward.

"Dengali six zero, this is Saber zero six, adjust fire, over."

"Saber zero six, this is Dengali six zero, adjust fire, out."

"Dengali six zero, this is Saber zero six, November Victor fife six eight four one zero, Oscar Tango sixty four hundred, over."

"Saber zero six, this is Dengali six zero, November Victor fife six eight four one zero, Oscar Tango sixty four hundred, out."

"Dengali six zero, this is Saber zero six, Infantry in the open, Victor Tango in effect, Over."

"Saber zero six, this is Dengali six zero, Infantry in the open, Victor Tango in effect, out." The Butcher and the Fire Direction Computer at Battalion mortars went through the Call for Fire commands on the radio. Victor Tango refers to a Variable Time fuze that senses when it is ten meters above the ground to detonate. This provides an air burst meant to rain shrapnel down on exposed personnel. Oscar Tango refers to the Observer to Target Azimuth. This is given in mils, a compass used by Artillery and Mortar men universally. 6400 mils is equivalent to due north or 360 degrees on a lensatic compass.

"Shot, Over," the FDC transmitted to the Butcher.

"Shot out," the forward observing company commander responded.

The FDC knows the time in flight for his rounds and called when the spotting round was 5 seconds from impact, "Splash, over."

Upon hearing the splash on the radio, Captain Hadda pulled his binoculars up near his eyes and watched the expected impact location. The round landed and he could now see the advancing Holy Legionnaires, "Splash, out." The Captain looked through the binoculars and at the Infantry heading for him. "Dengali six zero, this is Saber zero six, drop four hundred, Danger Close, Fire for effect, over."

"Saber zero six, this is Dengali six zero, drop four hundred, Danger Close, Fire for effect, out." The FDC received the adjustment to the rounds. The gunners raised the elevation on their mortars and leveled their bubbles relative to the red and white aiming stakes.

"Bubbles level, Gun up!" yelled the gunner on Gun number one. Each of the other three gunners yelled the same when they were ready.

"Hang it!" The squad leaders yelled to their assistant gunners. The Assistant gunners placed the tail fins into the muzzle of their mortars cupping the rounds with the meaty portions of their palms. "Fire!" the squad leaders yelled and the assistant gunners dropped the rounds into the tube bending down and placing their hands over their ears. The propellant coming out of the tube is not as loud as the explosion on the other end, but it is still loud enough to make a man go deaf.

While the Assistant gunner was dropping the round, the ammo bearers were prepping the next round. Depending on the range a mortar has to fly, the ammo bearer removes one or more powder bags from the fins of the round. Each round comes pre-packaged with 8 powder bags. Discarded powder bags are kept in a wooden box and burned when the fire mission is over.

Each time the Assistant gunner drops a round, the gunner must recheck the bubbles on the sight to insure the rounds are still landing where they are intended to land. Occasionally, the discharge of the round can knock the mortar off its elevation or Direction of Fire. The squad leader supervises, observes and coordinates the activity of his gun crew. When the gun crew fires five rounds, the squad leader yells, "cease fire, out of action!"

The Platoon sergeant yells, "twenty rounds expended, out of action!"

The FDC calls the FO, "End of Mission, BDA, over." The FDC is looking for a Battle Damage Assessment from the FO, if he is able to give one.

Captain Hadda watched the mortar rounds impact. He noticed some damage but the Holy Legion were still advancing, "Thirty KIA and they are still advancing. Drop one hundred, Danger Close, Fire for Effect, over."

"Saber zero six, this is Dengali six zero, Thirty KIA still advancing. Drop one hundred, Danger Close, Fire for Effect, out." The Mortar platoon went through the drill again, dropping more rounds into their tubes.

Meanwhile as the Butcher was directing mortar rounds onto the advancing Holy Legion, his Fire Support Team Chief was doing the same with his battery of 105mm howitzers on Firebase Gloria. The 105mm Artillery shell has a bit larger blast radius than the 82mm mortar round. The Holy Legion were running through the blasts impervious to their effects.

When the Holy Legion soldiers were three hundred meters from Objective X-Ray, the 7.62mm RPK machine guns opened up on the advancing infantry. The Grenadiers in the Fire teams began pumping out rounds; dropping 40mm grenades on the Holy Legion. The mortars and Artillery were shut off.

When the enemy were within 200 meters of Objective X-Ray, every rifle on X-Ray that could see the enemy or suspected they might be in a position was firing on the enemy.

Meanwhile, as the African Legion gunners and Infantrymen were doing their work, the Holy Legion Mortar rounds were splashing down on Objective X-Ray. Small arms fire from the advancing infantry was impacting on earthen berms concealing and protecting their African Legion Paratroopers inside. The ability to hit a man inside an opening that is only 12" x 18" at 200 meters is extraordinary especially with the adrenaline pumping from surviving an Indirect Fire attack and running with a combat load.

First Platoon had arrived just before the fireworks went off and occupied their positions at the southern end of the line. It was quiet there and Sergeant Nazir was able to have his wounded soldiers taken care of.

When the enemy was within 100 meters of X-Ray, the Butcher yelled out over the platoon net and into the opening in his Command Post, "FIX BAYONETS! FIX BAYONETS! FIX BAYONETS!" The soldiers of C Company quickly attached their bayonets to their rifles and continued to fire on the advancing Infantry.

At 50 Meters, the 7.62mm Machine gunners swung their weapons onto their Final Protection Line and held down the triggers. When the soldiers attempt to run through the lead streams of two Machine guns firing down their FPLs, it is not a pretty sight. More than one man was split in two as they were unfortunate enough to attempt to run past that point where the two lead streams bisected.

The enemy mortar fire stopped and the suviving Holy Legionnaires ran past the forward positions of the C Company soldiers. The Butcher blew on his whistle hard and long. Repeatedly blowing on the whistle. His RTO called Battalion headquarters and told them that their position was compromised and they were about to be overrun.

The First Platoon soldiers turned about and took up their supplementary positions facing in towards the center of the company positions. They saw a platoon sized formation of Holy Legionnaires charging towards them. The two RPKs on the flanks opened up in concert with the rest of the weapons in the platoon. Teh enemy kept right on coming. The African Legion Paratroopers jumped to their feet and charged into the on rushing Holy Legionnaires. They met in a hand to hand scuffle with bayonets and Entrenching tools or what have you slashing flesh. The hand to hand fight lasted approximately fifteen minutes until it appeared there were no more Holy Legion soldiers left to kill. When the dust had settled, there were corpses scattered all about the place.

Several Holy Legion soldiers turned tail and ran back in the direction they came from. C Company's Fire Support Team Chief allowed them a parting gift courtesy of the Artillery on Firebase Gloria.

Captain Hadda raised the handset to his mouth and asked for a status report from each of his platoon leaders. First platoon had eight KIA and nine WIA including the ones from earlier. Second Platoon had seven KIA and five WIA. Third Platoon took only two KIA and four WIA. Other Company personnel received three KIA and zero WIA. The Company lost 20 KIA and 18 WIA. The Butcher called these numbers into Battalion Headquarters and also told him platoon leaders to be prepared for another attack. There were many corpses around Objective X-RAY and most of them were Holy Legion. Of the C Company Wounded, 15 of them were still able to fight. This left C Company with 108 soldiers and 105 still able to fight out of the 128 that dropped in the day before.

Edited by Gunther
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[size="3"][b]Dengali Battalion Tactical Operations Center (TOC)[/b][/size]

Major Covington spoke to Captain Mbutu on the radio, "proceed with the class four drops on Victor and Whiskey. Delay the drop on X-Ray until further notice. Dagger and Compass need dust-offs for 31 and 3 Kilo India Alphas, break." pause "Any word on the Engineers?"

Captain Mbutu responded to his Executive Officer, "have not heard from that element yet. Will tell them all to drop on Victor when they arrive, break." pause. "Will have the class four drops ready in two hours, break." pause. "Dengali zero one would like to know if you have any Whiskey India Alphas, over."

"Affirmative on the Whiskey India Alphas for both Yankee and Whiskey. X-Ray is still too hot, we'll have to call you when that one cools off, over."

"Roger that, Dengali zero seven," Kal clicked off the handset.

"Dengali zero four, Dengali zero seven, out." Major Covington dropped the handset. Charlie walked into the TOC and Major Covington briefed him on the Dust-offs, Medevacs and Class four drops.

"Any more word from The Butcher?" Chargin' Charlie asked.

"Not since the last report. They were still using Artillery and mortars on the Holy Legionnaires They should be closing on the positions soon."

"Well, depending on the outcome of this, we'll consolidate C & B companies, either at Whiskey or at X-Ray," Charlie thought aloud. "I'd prefer Whiskey because it is closer to Yankee and Victor."

"It also helps when you're in a stressful situation," Major Covington was referring to distilled spirits.

"Yes it does at that," Charlie did not let the remark go unnoticed.

Master Sergeant Robert Marsh, Battalion Operations Chief pulled a flask out of a field desk. Handing it to the Commander, "here you go, sir."

"Thanks, Master Sergeant," I always knew I liked you for something."

"And all this time, I thought it was my good looks and cheery personality," the Operations chief responded.

"Any word on the NoN attack aircraft?" Charlie asked the Ops Chief.

"Still waiting on them to arrive, sir."

Edited by Gunther
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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='01 May 2010 - 08:32 AM' timestamp='1272717107' post='2282577']
[b]Firebase Gloria[/b]

"Yes, and be sure to pass along the message to the NoN flyboys that once they get word from Dellion to come running to extract Denard," the Captain reminds his Radio Operator.

"Yes sir," replies the tired looking Radio Operator.

[i](Request for NoN air support inserted here)[/i]

<<Mistress, the Sudanese at Gloria are requesting we facilitate the extraction of Denard>>

De Falco and her squadron were in a controlled hover North East of DZ Chick when she heard her copilot's voice behind her. She responded with a prompt [i]thank you[/i], before initiating a transmission to Adahunat Airbase.

[b]"Mother, this is Daughter... Status on the Revenants? Over."[/b]

~Daughter, this is Mother... We've buried them. Over.~

This was good news indeed. The airlifters had completed the secondary objective of De Falco's Aviation Company. The MF-1 Artemis husks were safe in NoN territory, where they would be placed under constant scrutiny. MILAC would labour long and hard over these trophies, working to reverse-engineer the marvels that a first world air force had at its disposal.

[b]"Mother, I request for permission to stay a little while longer with my new friends. Can Keisha come too?"[/b]

This coded message was simple: The Harbinger Assault Transports had already completed their primary objectives, now De Falco would request for them to be resent into the Theatre of Operations, where she could give them new orders- Extract Denard and friends.

~Err... Daughter, this is Mother... We'll give you five minutes.~

The Harbingers would be on their way, landing at Gloria.

[quote name='Gunther' date='01 May 2010 - 09:54 AM' timestamp='1272722071' post='2282618']
[size="3"][b]Objective X-Ray[/b][/size]
Mortar systems are heavy. The 82mm mortar used by the Dengali Battalion weighs 123 Lbs, when broken down into barrel, base plate, bipod and sight, it becomes man portable, but still the base plate weighs 70 Lbs and won't be carried very far.

Light Infantry prefer the 60mm Mortar at company level as it is very light. It may not have the same punch as the heavier 82mm, but even a well fired arrow can kill you. The heaviest part of the 60mm mortar is the ammunition. Typically a Light Infantry Company of 100 to 150 men will divide the ammunition for their 60mm mortars amongst the Infantrymen so each man carries one round. When they walk past the proposed gun position, they drop the round on the ground and move on with their mission. Apparently, this is what the Holy Legion were using on the Dengali Battalion.

A loud KRUMP! crashed in the middle of Objective X-Ray, followed by two more KRUMP! KRUMP! in rapid succession behind the first. The C Company soldiers dove for their fighting positions if they weren't already in them. On this morning, 2nd platoon was pulling security, 3rd Platoon had been sleeping; they performed the night combat patrol and 1st platoon was conducing Reconnaissance and Security Patrols (R&S).

"Saber one zero, this is Saber zero six, over," Captain Ahmad Hadda called over the radio.

Lieutenant Topcu's RTO ran to his Platoon Leader handing him the handset, "'The Butcher' is on the line for you, sir."

"Saber zero six, this is Saber one zero, go ahead over," the First platoon leader answered.

"We are taking mortar rounds on X-RAY. It is random and sporadic. Appears to be coming from the north, over."

"Roger that, Saber zero six. I'll let one one element know. They are in that area this morning, over."

"Roger out," The Butcher clicked off the handset and remained in his fighting position while the rounds fell around his company. A few choice small arms rounds impacted amongst the perimeter, but no attacks emerged from the wood line, "more damn probing."

Senior Private Kasir Said, gripped his AKM loosely and spied the terrain in front of him. He was on point for First Squad, First Platoon, C Company of the Dengali Battalion. At 41 years old, he was in no mood to play games. He was a serious minded individual and possessed little tolerance for horseplay. He was also the squad's designated Marksman, qualifying expert on his rifle each of the past 13 years.

Said came to a trail in the woods and raised his right hand over his right shoulder; the squad halted. He then waved his flat hand palm facing down in front of his throat; letting everyone know a Danger Area was in front of the squad. Staff Sergeant Aaqil Nazir moved up to the point man and observed the Linear Danger Area (LDA). The squad leader touched a finger to the Dengali Battalion patch on his left shoulder instructing everyone how they were to cross the LDA.

Said took a knee and raised his rifle to his shoulder aiming down the left side of the LDA. SPVT Raziq Tuma, A Team Grenadier moved up to Said's right side, taking a knee and raising his rifle aiming down the right side of the LDA. Said sprinted across the danger area, quickly scanned the far side and took a knee aiming the rifle down the left side of the LDA. Both Said and Tuma's left shoulder were now facing the trail as their rifles were pointed in opposite directions.

Each man approached the LDA pointing their rifle down the trail, sprinting across the trail, replacing the far side security and moving into the trees to wait for the Squad to reform. Once the squad crossed the LDA, Sergeant Bitar, B Team Leader initiated a headcount from the rear of the column to insure that all nine soldiers were accounted for. The squad continued to search for the mortar position.

They could hear the "Wump!", "Wump!", "Wump!" from the mortars firing and then the "Krump!", "Krump!", "Krump!" of the rounds impacting on X-Ray. But by the time they arrived at where they thought the mortars were, all they found were tracks in the dirt and some burnt powder bags. The mortar crews were quick shooting and moving.

Staff Sergeant Nazir was determined to find the mortar crew. After being outwitted twice, he waited a few minutes and listened for the guns. This time, he moved quicker to the sound of the mortars. But he was outwitted again. Not by fast moving mortar crews, but by a stationary DShK 12.7mm Machine gun crew. They were accompanied by six Holy Legionnaires carrying automatic rifles and grenade launchers.

The heavy machine gun opened up on first squad, 1st platoon dropping poor Kasir Said into a pool of his own blood. Raziq Tuma was right behind him on the way to meet Allah. The rest of the squad went to ground and deployed left and right to return fire. The 12.7mm Machine gun was too much for the squad even with two RPK Light Machine guns blasting away.

SPVT Khalid Malouf, firing B Team's RPK got off 50 rounds before he was silenced. SSG Nazir saw that this wasn't going well. He'd lost three men in the first minute of this engagement. If he didn't break contact soon, everyone was going to die. He pulled out a can of smoke, pulled the pin and tossed it in front of the squad. He waited for it to billow out and yelled, "Break Contact!"

One by one, the men threw frags, emptied their magazine on full auto and sprinted back in the direction they came until all six survivors were gathered at a Rally Point. SSG Nazir checked his men and found that Sergeant Nabeeh Isa had a bullet wound in his left shoulder and SPVT Sabih Boutras lost a finger on his right hand. They performed first aid on the wounded men and moved out quickly.

"Saber one zero, this is Saber one one, over," SSG Nazir called on the squad radio as he ran.

"Saber one one, this is Saber one zero, go ahead over," the Platoon leader responded.

"One zero, this is one one, we found a Hotel Mike Golf at grid NV 571429, break." pause. "We lost three Kilo India Alpha and have two Whiskey India Alphas, break." pause. "We are moving back to initial Oscar Romeo Papa, over."

"Are your Whiskey India Alphas ambulatory, over?" The lieutenant instructed his RTO to send the coordinates to the Battalion mortar platoon. While the lieutenant spoke to his First Squad leader on the hand held squad radio, the Radio Telephone Operator (RTO) was calling mortar fire on the Platoon radio, a PRC-77. 82mm Mortar rounds crashed on the location where the DShK HMG and Holy Legionnaires were set up. The Dengali soldiers didn't know if it had any effect, but it at least covered the first squad's departure.

[size="3"][b]Objective Victor[/b][/size]
"This is Dengali zero six, requesting NoN Air support north of Objective X-Ray, over, Chargin' Charlie was calling in the Heavy attack aircraft personally. "Enemy forces are firing mortars on X-Ray at this time, over."

[b]"Dengali zero-six, this is Foxtrot zero-six, we are moving to the target co-ordinates. Skull Squadron inbound, standby."[/b]

With a collective roar, the group of 16 helicopters turned South East, heading towards X-Ray.


It was East of Mill Creek when Skull Squadron had its first contact with the Holy Legion. The helicopters came [u]in time to see the 1st Alae's charge south towards X-RAY and retreating Dengali forces[/u].

De Falco looked at her TASS- while it was not calibrated to handle individual infantry units, rather vehicles- it was able to give the rough locations of the Legionnaires and their movements amongst the terrain.

It was not the charge of the 1st Alae that worried her as they moved across the open plains in pursuit of the Dengali forces, but the actions of the 2nd and 3rd. Everywhere she looked, men moved from cover to cover. Thankfully, she could see no armoured units in the vicinity, and picked up her communicator.

[b]"Dengali Zero-Six, this is Foxtrot Zero-Six, with a Sitrep. I see at least three battalions worth of infantry moving to your position... I see no armor, I repeat no armor. This looks like Kevin's (Ie: Charlies for the Cong) big push. I will engage as best I can as I move to your position. Over."[/b]

Skull was in a dangerous position. These men were professionals, and as soon as her forces to combat range, she heard the reports from her Northern and Eastern most flights.

<<This is Oh-Four, we have incoming fire, please advise!>>

[i]"Oh-One here! We've been engaged- need orders NOW!"[/i]

"Oh-Three we are engaged, dropping flares. Permission to attack?"

The groups of four were being attacked by MANPAD systems hidden amongst the foliage along the 1st Alae's Western flank. The pilots under De Falco's command had to use every ounce of skill and sheer will to evade the missiles as they streaked towards them from the ground. The Vanquisher's were most vulnerable- they emitted the same heat the Ravager's did, yet they were slower and less maneuverable. Often times the Ravager pilots found themselves flying between missiles and Vanquishers, only to veer off and drop a flare hoping to lead the heat seekers to the ground. The Black Mamba's were practically invisible to the Legionnaires, and proceeded to dash to and fro, dropping flares wherever they could for the hotter Gunships.
"Oh-Six here, you are free to engage anyway you deem fit, yet continue Sierra Echo." [/b]

De Falco then spoke to her co pilot behind her also absent mindedly, [b]"Take over for a moment,"[/b] she said giving flight and weapons control to her. De Falco became intent on the theatre display on her lap, furiously typing on her keyboard. She was marking the positions of the big push. She would not be able to suppress the Legionnaires solely with her Aviation Company, she would turn elsewhere.

Meanwhile, the three flights engaging the Kickapoo attack found themselves with too many targets to hit, and not enough guns to fire. Report after report issued from their 40 mm cannons- soon the cheek bins storing ammunition for the guns began running low on blast fragmentation rounds. The pilots grudgingly switched to armor piercing incendiary rounds- they would have a drastically reduced impact on infantry although the flammable foliage soon became victim to small brush fire- Nodic pilots were instructed to use these rounds on armor and hardened positions, not flesh and blood. Old habits die hard, and the Gunships found themselves seeking the intended targets for these rounds instead of the infantry. Many a truck and transport were set ablaze.

Surprisingly, it was the Vanquishers that proved the most effective against the big push. Slowly chugging along sideways, the beasts spent dozens upon dozens of .50 rounds on the spear of the Legions advance. While they soon ran out of the saboted-120mm mortar shells they had, the miniguns proved to be the bane of the Holy Legion.

It was like a game of rock, paper scissors- The Mambas flitted about checking for MANPAD launches, once a site was found, they would attempt to engage them. If they could not, they would linger in the area, immediately dropping flares and firing streams of chaff to disorient the missiles as they left their launchers, frustrating the Kickapoo teams and more importantly depleting their ammunition.

When a hidden DshK or other hardened projectile based weapon was trained on the rather fragile Mambas, they would call upon a Ravager to set it alight, or suppress it with rockets. The [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Precision_Kill_Weapon_System"]laser guided[/url] and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-Cost_Guided_Imaging_Rocket"]electro-optical designated[/url] variants of the Spike 90mm rocket proved most effective at destroying these attackers. If the Mamba was engaged or alerted to the presence of one of these positions, it would either train a laser on it, or achieve a visual lock on it, whereafter an assisting Ravager would launch the required rocket from a stand off distance to destroy what the Mambas wished.

When RPG wielding infantry came into the picture, so would the Vanquishers, their twin guns buzzing any approaches. The co-ordination of the Nodic pilots was attributable to none other than De Falco herself. While her co-pilot was tasked with keeping them aloft, De Falco found herself frantically giving orders and switching from flight to flight, keeping the whole Squadron co-ordinated. Disarray and fear is the mind killer, she always said to her subordinates, and she worked hard to keep them out of the heads of her fighters.

[quote name='Gunther' date='03 May 2010 - 08:10 AM' timestamp='1272888639' post='2284920']
[size="3"][b]Dengali Battalion Tactical Operations Center (TOC)[/b][/size]

Major Covington spoke to Captain Mbutu on the radio, "proceed with the class four drops on Victor and Whiskey. Delay the drop on X-Ray until further notice. Dagger and Compass need dust-offs for 31 and 3 Kilo India Alphas, break." pause "Any word on the Engineers?"

Captain Mbutu responded to his Executive Officer, "have not heard from that element yet. Will tell them all to drop on Victor when they arrive, break." pause. "Will have the class four drops ready in two hours, break." pause. "Dengali zero one would like to know if you have any Whiskey India Alphas, over."

"Affirmative on the Whiskey India Alphas for both Yankee and Whiskey. X-Ray is still too hot, we'll have to call you when that one cools off, over."

"Roger that, Dengali zero seven," Kal clicked off the handset.

"Dengali zero four, Dengali zero seven, out." Major Covington dropped the handset. Charlie walked into the TOC and Major Covington briefed him on the Dust-offs, Medevacs and Class four drops.

"Any more word from The Butcher?" Chargin' Charlie asked.

"Not since the last report. They were still using Artillery and mortars on the Holy Legionnaires They should be closing on the positions soon."

"Well, depending on the outcome of this, we'll consolidate C & B companies, either at Whiskey or at X-Ray," Charlie thought aloud. "I'd prefer Whiskey because it is closer to Yankee and Victor."

"It also helps when you're in a stressful situation," Major Covington was referring to distilled spirits.

"Yes it does at that," Charlie did not let the remark go unnoticed.

Master Sergeant Robert Marsh, Battalion Operations Chief pulled a flask out of a field desk. Handing it to the Commander, "here you go, sir."

"Thanks, Master Sergeant," I always knew I liked you for something."

"And all this time, I thought it was my good looks and cheery personality," the Operations chief responded.

"Any word on the NoN attack aircraft?" Charlie asked the Ops Chief.

"Still waiting on them to arrive, sir."

[b]"This is De Falco, we are currently awaiting orders."[/b]

Once De Falco's forces made it to DZ Robin, regrouping East of the Kickapoo advance, they once again broke into Flights to engage Kickapoo Artillery positions. Of particular usefulness would be the 3 out of 4 Ravagers that still had their Fuel Air Bombs underneath them on their respective pylons. The bombs would be used to flatten the flora the Holy Legionnaires were using for cover. If such measures were unnecessary or the Dengali forces requested they not be used, the collective firepower of the Gunships would be more than enough. The Vanquishers in particular had several saboted 120 mm antipersonnel rounds- modifed 120 mm mortar shells. The Dengali Battalion would only need to designate the mortar sites themselves via smoke, flare or laser for the helicopters to move in and attack with appropriate force.

If the Dengali Battalion was unable to respond to such a request, the four Black Mambas leading each flight of the four flights were more than capable of surveying the theatre themselves. Their infrared detectors and nightvision illuminators were powerful- they could even drop illuminating flares on rough areas to flush out any hidden positions. The Mamba's stealthy profiles would mean that they had nothing to fear from enemy MANPADs, if the fear for their less fortunate Ravager-flying comrades was discounted.

Edited by Executive Minister
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(OOC: backing up just a tad to accommodate the inbound rotary wing aircraft.)

The Butcher watched the large killing machines moving in from the west and could see the mortar and artillery rounds impacting in and around the battalion sized element of Holy Legionnaires advancing towards his position.

"Contact battalion mortars and Firebase Gloria. Tell them to shut it off, we have rotary wing aircraft, inbound from the west!" The Butcher shouted at his RTO and Fire Support Team Chief. "Then call Battalion and let them know the Foxtrot element is on station and they can do whatever they want to kill the enemy!" The Butcher was slightly ticked off that battalion hadn't called him to warn him the rotary wing aircraft were indeed coming, but alas he was thankful for their presence, nonetheless.

"Foxtrot zero six, this is Dengali zero six, my Saber element on X-RAY tells me he is looking at a Battalion sized element of Holy Legion advancing on his position. Do whatever you must, to attrit that force, over."

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[quote name='Gunther' date='04 May 2010 - 08:22 AM' timestamp='1272975755' post='2286313']
(OOC: backing up just a tad to accommodate the inbound rotary wing aircraft.)

The Butcher watched the large killing machines moving in from the west and could see the mortar and artillery rounds impacting in and around the battalion sized element of Holy Legionnaires advancing towards his position.

"Contact battalion mortars and Firebase Gloria. Tell them to shut it off, we have rotary wing aircraft, inbound from the west!" The Butcher shouted at his RTO and Fire Support Team Chief. "Then call Battalion and let them know the Foxtrot element is on station and they can do whatever they want to kill the enemy!" The Butcher was slightly ticked off that battalion hadn't called him to warn him the rotary wing aircraft were indeed coming, but alas he was thankful for their presence, nonetheless.

"Foxtrot zero six, this is Dengali zero six, my Saber element on X-RAY tells me he is looking at a Battalion sized element of Holy Legion advancing on his position. Do whatever you must, to attrit that force, over."

This was the permission De Falco was waiting for. While their skirmish with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Alae was damaging, it was not crippling. Using the co-ordinates and positions she marked earlier, she made a call to Adahunat. The Death Crusader squadron would be employed.
"Dengali Zero-Six this is Foxtrot Zero-Six, be advised you have incoming heavy air support. I say again, heavy ordinance will be dropped danger-close, over."[/b]


Adahunat Airbase

De Falco's call did not fall on deaf ears. As Death Crusader squadron pilots broke off to their respective flights, the black or white machines glistening in the desert sun, orders were given. Angel One, the bombers would take off with 70,000 lbs of [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_81_bomb"]unguided bombs[/url] intended for a crushing carpet bombing. Four Recluse Stealth bombers would make up Angel one today, a single flight. The probability of even this reduced capacity being needed entirely was extremely low- nevertheless, the rest of Angel One would be on standby.

Angel two would be made up of multiple flights of A-1 Krieg Fast Close Air Support Craft. Flying in at speeds in excess of Mach 3, these machines would serve as the platform for several highly-reliable [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLU-82"]'Daisy Cutters'[/url] and napalm dispersal canisters. They would be the first responders to De Falco's request.

As the squadron made its way airborne, the deafening sounds of the Kriegs going supersonic resonated throughout the empty air.

Edited by Executive Minister
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  • 4 weeks later...

[b]Ben Russel's Homestead[/b]

The trucks of the Ben Russel's ad hoc force come screeching to a stop in a spray of gravel and dust. Ben Russel dismounts his vehicle as he faces the rest of his men. He says in a loud clear voice that is free of panic, "We don't have alot of time, get the rest of your people inside our lines," as he turns away and runs into his house at a full sprint. The rest of the men pour out of the trucks at rapidly disperse through the trees as they make their way the short distances to their homes. Within a matter of minutes Dellion, the Terrible Ones, Russel's wife, Denard, and Chellani are all that remain outside the house.

Dellion scratches his head for a moment before looking over at Russel's wife and asks,"What does your husband mean by not having a lot of time?"

"Holy Legion is coming our way, he's probably on the radio now getting everyone to get their people inside the perimeter," she replies as she motions for Dari, her assistant, to steady Denard's head as they begin to lift him out of the back of the truck.

Before Dellion can ask another question, Ben Russel explodes from the enterance of the house and screams, "The Holy Legion is here," as the sounds of machine gun fire begins to echo and hammer to the west. Dellion motions to Clancy and says, "I don't know what the hell is going on here, but I bet we are about to be in a world of hurt. I'll take commo, you take close security, I'm going to have my men link up with these native forces to hold off the Holy Legion. The lads speak English as an African Legion requirement, there ought not be too many issues with communications with any of your lads. But I want your people kept close at hand to prepare an inner perimeter as I think we are going to need it," as he leaps off the truck and grabs ahold of Ben Russel and says, "What is happening, how many men do you have, where are they located, and what can you tell me about the Holy Legion."

"I gots about 200 men in a loose perimeter around this homestead," Ben Russel replies.

"Ok, what weapons do you have?" asks Dellion as he motions Jamal and his Radioman to escort Mrs. Russel and Denard into the house.

"Mostly shotguns, few rifles, and such," replies Russel.

"Right, first we need to pull your lines in and get your people equipped, my men are going to go forward and stall the Holy Legion, what can you tell me about the Holy Legion?" responds Dellion as the Terrible ones quietly stand up and disappear into the trees.

"They are Greenly Morris's bully boys, they have the best of everything," replies Russel.

"How many of them are there?" asks Dellion.

"About three thousand," replies Russel.

"How many do you think are coming at us?" asks Dellion.

"I reckon about four to five hundred," Russel says as he begins to gather his wits.

"With all your people massed together, how many can you bring into a perimeter?" asks Dellion.

"About eight hundred or so," Russel states as he motions Chellani to join in on the conversation.

"How long before you can get them all here?" asks Dellion.

"They should be here in the next hour, word was sent out this morning," Russel says as he looks at Chellani and says, "Get the boys back we need to tighten up our lines."

Chellani has a look cross his face, the look of a long suffering underling who is always one step ahead of his boss, and in an instant the look vanishes as he says, "I ordered the men to pull in before we left. The Holy Legion, if that is them, is probably shooting it out with a some of the boys I left on outpost."

"Good show," replies Dellion as he turns away and faces Clancy. He motions to the man to join them as he moves away from the rest to get a bit of privacy.

[b]African Legion[/b]

Lt. Colonel Mustafa, recently promoted to command of the Legion, watches the far bank of the river through his field glasses. His Radioman whispers, "Any minute now sir."

"You said that a minute ago," replies Mustafa.

"I know, but this time I'm positive," retorts the Radioman.

"I see latrine duty in your future," Mustafa mutters.

"Incoming sir!" exclaims the Radioman as the scream of the F-4 Phantom II Fighter Bombers fills the ears of the waiting African Legionnaires. Mustafa looks skyward as the first wave of aircraft roars overhead and drops their deadly cargoes. The heavy canisters of napalm ignites the far bank of the river in a explosive fury.

"Have them drop the next wave deeper into enemy lines," orders Mustafa as he watches several Kickapoo soldiers running mindlessly in circles as the flames consume them.

"Yes sir," replies the Radioman as carries out his orders.

"May Allah have mercy on my soul for what we do today," grunts Mustafa as he watches the scene unfold. To Mustafa, there is a small hope that the Kickapoo forces being infidels might well get him rewarded for this dark deed. Despite this potential windfall for his afterlife, the fact remains that he finds the use of napalm to be unsavory. Still, wars are won by decisive action, not the muttering of philosophy. With any luck the fire unleashed on the Kickapoo soldiers will have reduced them enough to allow the Legion to cross over the river relatively unhindered.

"Sir, second wave has dropped their loads," the Radioman informs Mustafa.

"You say that so very well," chortles Mustafa.

"Heh, indeed, and about that latrine duty?" asks the Radioman.

"Still considering it, I might need a latrine dug tonight," returns Mustafa.

[b]4th Regiment[/b]

"One more push and we are into the valley," notes the tired looking Commander.

"Damn sir, I never for the life of me thought they'd put up this much of a fight," one of his battalion commanders mutters.

"They've a lot on the line apparently," whispers the Commander as he tallies up the loses taken to date. At the rate they are going it could well be the 4th Regiment would need a large influx of replacements to even take the field in a few short days.

[b]The Terrible Ones[/b]

"Manchester," whispers Rol Mbembe, leader of the lost Special Operations Group element, as he identifies himself to the point man of the Terrible Ones.

"United," whispers the confused point man of the Terrible Ones.

"SDF SOG here, identify yourself," orders Mbembe.

"Terrilbe Ones, African Legion," replies the point man.

"The Legion is in the valley?" asks Mbembe.

"Just us and the Dengali boys," replies the point man.

"You going to do something about the piss pot full of irritable looking Kickapoo boys heading our way?" asks Mbembe as he motions in the direction in which the Holy Legion is advancing.

"We are fixing to slow them down some," replies the point man.

"Mind if me and my boys join up?" asks Mbembe.

"Not up to me," states the point man.

"It is up to me," states Fanul, platoon leader of the Terrible Ones, who finishes by saying, "Feel free to tag along."

"Going to hit them in the face or in the arse?" asks Rol.

"We are Legion, of course we are going to kick them in the arse, why fight fair?" asks Fanul.

"A man after my own heart," retorts Mbembe who orders his other three men to join him as they fall into formation with the Terrible Ones.

[b]Holy Legion- Dengali[/b]

The Commander watches with a dull rage as the fires of war eradicate the 1st Alae. Hundreds of men die before his eyes in a flash of fire and thunder. He says, "Pass the word, no man advances unless ordered," as he begins the process of reorganizing his forces around the crippling losses he has just sustained.

[b]Holy Legion- Russel's Homestead[/b]

Fifteen hundred men make a great deal of noise when they advance as one. It is for this reason the Holy Legion is pushing forward a single company to scout out the approaches to the Russel Homestead before flinging out two encompassing arms to trap everyone within. One hundred men, all trained and prepared to die, advance towards their objective. The other fourteen hundred men are quietly massing at their jumping off points as they rest, eat, and quietly write letters to loved ones from under the cover of the trees.

[b]Greenly Morris's Manor[/b]

Greenly Morris watches the fires consume his manor from the forest with a look fury on his face. One small consolation to him is the shooting down of helicopter by his personal bodyguards. Other than that his entire world is quickly unraveling. His already frail mental stability further unwinds as the events run through is mind over and over again. His bodyguards watch him nervously as they silently wait for their orders. If anything they are even more nervous knowing there is an Australian stay behind force not far away. Perhaps with luck they might be able to stifle Greenly in the event he starts ranting or raving again.

Nothing like a well aimed rifle butt to the head to shut up a lunatic, well perhaps a well aimed bullet, but they aren't quite ready to consider that just yet.

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[b]Major General Charles White's Command Center[/b]

"Right then, get two companies of SDF Infantry Mounted up and ready to fly. They'll need help getting all the way to the landing zone, we'll coordinate with the NoN forces coming in to provide suppression fire. I want Dellion and Denard extracted from that area yesterday," barks the Major General as he furrows his brow with worry. The reports coming in over the wire were both good and astoundingly worrisome.

The African Legion from all reports is busy smashing its way across the last major terrain obstacle facing them. Once across the river that has been holding them back and they'll be inside the Kickapoo heartland. From the reports the trouble with these renegades is far from over. Dellion and Denard's current position about to be invested, a sizable force still facing the Dengali Battalion, and the 4th Regiment having taken serious losses as they advanced through a series of narrow roads and passes that made them a prime target for every Kickapoo gunner with an RPG.

Despite these obstacles things were looking better by the moment. The NoN forces had demonstrated a clear superiority in the air. The strength of the Kickapoo forces is showing itself to be waning quickly. Hard fighting is still left to be done, but if the signs were being properly read the end of this campaign is on the horizon. Still, that in itself is a problem given the reports of a massacre of Sudanese and a counter-massacre of Kickapoo civilians, a very troubling problem indeed.

Problems are what gets Major General Charles White's blood pumping. He's a natural problem solver and this is just one of those problems that needs a bit of thought. He thinks to himself, "Well maybe not thought so much as numbers. The right number of men with the right orders to keep everyone inside and to enforce a strict curfew. Yes, that is for the best a curfew and immediate disarming of all the civilian forces. Though, perhaps I'll allow one rifle per household to allay major concerns." With these thoughts in mind he motions to his Radioman.

"Sir?" asks the Radioman.

"Dispatch a message to the following units. The 8th, 9th, and 10th Regiments are to being an immediate advance into the Kickapoo heartland over the routes provided by the 4th Regiment and the African Legion. They will be given orders to act as peacekeepers. They will keep people indoors at night, collect up weapons once the fighting has stopped, and above all they will prevent further bloodshed. Kickapoo renegades needing to be shot or hung will be done so after a trial, a military trial at that," orders Major General Charles White.

"Yes sir," replies the Radioman as he crafts the proper warning orders for the Regimental Commanders.

"Also, I want a full wing of Mi-8 Helicopters on standby. We are looking at a possible insurgency. I want the proper forces in place beforehand. In the event of an insurgency I want the followers of Ben Russel's faction evacuated by air to Red Base 2. They will be given food, water, medical care, and then resettled in a pacified zone under SDF control. They might not like this, but it makes it easier to protect them from our own angry countrymen and possible Kickapoo Renegades wanting revenge," observes the Major General.

"Yes sir, anything else sir?" asks the Radioman.

"Yes, Kickapoo Renegades that surrender are to be segregated from the general population in the internment camps. I have plans for them once we get Denard back here and coherent," states the Major General.

"Copy sir," states the Radioman as he goes about his duties.


He opens his eyes, takes one look at Mrs. Russel, and says, "Damn woman, you look a sight better than that lunatic Greenly Morris."

"Why you old devil," Mrs. Russel says as she tends to Denard's wounds.

"Are you the apple pie and a cigarette before Morris finally shoots me?" Denard asks.

"Oh no, we wouldn't dream of shooting you. You are our guest till that nice fellow Dellion finds a way to get you home," replies Mrs. Russel.

"Dellion?" ask Denard who sort of looks around with a massively confused look on his face.

"Yes Dellion, he crashed near Morris's house right after we found you," she tells Bob as she gives him a drink of water.

"Crashed?" Bob asks.

"Yes,it was very tragic, the pilot sacrificed himself and took out a machine gun after Dellion and the rest of those Terrible Boys jumped out," she responds as she gives Bob another drink of water.

"Terrible Boys," mutters Bob as he struggles to put together the mess of addled thoughts in his skull into some sort of coherent order. After a bit he gives up and asks,"Is there any reason why my hands and feet feel like they are broken?"

"Well I don't want to upset you," stammers Mrs. Russel.

"No worries ma'am, please just tell me why my feet and hands aren't quite right," requests Bob.

"We think Greenly broke your hands and feet with a hammer," she replies.

"Oh, that might explain it," grunts Bob as he firmly vows to have Greenly Morris neutered by a rabid Chihuahua.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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With barely a word as the trucks pulled to a stop, the Australians clambered out of the vehicles, immediately alert and scanning their surroundings for the first hint of trouble. One cannot assume that simply because you are in the company of a presumed ally, that the situation is safe. Especially when you have who knows how many men just itching to be the one who has the bullet with your name on it, waiting just out of sight.

Most of the troops accompany Russel's and Dellion's people inside the house, but Clancy is not one of them. like his soldiers, he is constantly scanning the horizon, with both eyes and ears, tensed and ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. Rather like a wolf, getting ready for a hunt, or more accurately, preparing to face down another pack. The motion he and his men made when the sounds of gunfire were to be heard only reinforced that analogy--if they had had the ears of a canine, they would have been perked up, ready to go. The comment from Dellion brought a nod from Clancy. "Of course. You and they will probably know the terain better than we do. We'll do what we can here.

Once Mrs. Russel begins moving Denard inside, the remaining members accompany her to the door to stand watch from there, and the Terrible ones began to filter out of sight, leaving Clancy, Dellion, Chellani, and Ben Russel alone outside the home. It was clear from the conversation that though these people might be classified as backwards in some of their ways...they were not stupid by any stretch of the imagination. They did have a basic grasp of what to do in this situation. It was nice working with at least semi-competent people for once, and he nodded once to Chellani and Russelbefore following Dellion.

"What is it?" he asked quietly, once he'd deemed them a sufficient distance away for a truly private conversation. "Also, before you go anywere, I have a spare headset in case you need to keep in touch with me and my men. I did leave a small back at the Manor, to act as scouts, and a rearguard if the need arises, but they can't be everywhere at once. Those men have iformed me that the force facing us is substantially more sizeable than 500, too many to get an accurate count."

Even as he talked, he was eyeing the homestead, searching out good positions for an inner perimeter. A bend in that tree was a good spot for a sniper, as was the roof of the house itself. Several trees were close enough together for a number of tripwires to be set, adding the option of leaving few nasty surprises to make the Legion more cautious.

Perhaps, considering the type of warfare this might turn into, they should dig at least a small trench in a perimeter around the house, several dozen yards out. If they had time.


it was mere luck that Greenly Morris and his guards had not been stumbled upon by the fireteam left behind. Understandably enough, they had been more focused on getting a head count on the Legion troops that had passed them by not long previously. There was a mild disappointment when none of the enemy fell into the traps, bypassing the remains of the manor entirely, but it had been a long shot anyway.

Only once the enemy was past them and out of sight did they dare to move again. It was likely only a matter of time before they found Greenly Morris and his troop of guards--or Greenly Morris' group spotted their movements.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Greenly Morris finally snaps as he screams, "I'm GOING TO KILL DENARD!" and begins to pump pistol shots at a tree. His men scatter in every direction. One of them, a rather young lad decides that enough is enough. Without a second thought he raises his pistol and pumps a high velocity round into Greenly Morris's head. Morris dies in a bloody heap at the boy's feet. The boy throws down his pistol and runs for the woods. Those that remain behind scramble about in confusion before one of them thinks to key the microphone to his radio.

"GREENLY MORRIS IS DEAD!!!" he shouts.

The Commander of the Holy Legion shakes his head in disgust as he confirms the death of Greenly Morris. The news makes him face the inevitable. Everything was falling apart and the forces arrayed against them are simply far to great for them to resist. He sends out the surrender order with a heavy heart and organizes his men to lay down their weapons so that they can surrender to the Dengali battalion.

Lt. Colonel Mustafa notices dozens of white flags spring up in the trenches that he's preparing to have attacked. He nods to his radioman and says, "Send out the word, take them prisoner and treat them well."

The Commander of the 4th Regiment watches the surrendering Kickapoo Confederation soldiers being searched and disarmed without comment.

Major General Charles White sighs a huge sigh of relief and gets busy urging the other regiments to get into the valley to keep the peace.

Deltrane looks up from his bed and smiles when he hears the news.

President Charles Mbembe takes a quiet moment during his tour of Paris to breathe a sigh of eternal relief that the fighting is over. He looks over to the Empress of Paris and is heard commenting, "Today got just a little bit more beautiful," as he smiles.

Ben Russel smiles to his wife as they watch the SDF Medical Team load Mad Dog Bob Denard into the MI-8. He's ranting and raving about not being able to give Greenly Morris a radical second circumcison. Chellani joins them and quietly asks,"What now?"

Ben Russel says, "You are part of our family, and this land was yours before we came. There are going to be some changes I'm sure, but I know you are getting the entire south acreage to call you own. That's about eight hundred hectacres, you'll be a popular man with the ladies."

The African Legion proceed to advance till they link up with the Dengali Battalion. Several MI-8s begin to ferry in supplies of beer, steaks, and other luxury items at the order of the President. A small token of his appreciate for the men of the Legion, but one much appreciated.

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OOC: Sorry guys, I need to free up my characters for some other parts of RP. In a week or two I have a possible idea for another RP that might be some good fun for all of us. I'll pass it on in PM. Many thanks for your patience as well, this was a huge amount of fun.

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OOC: I would have contributed immediately following your prior post, but my brain is still mush. I have no short term memory and creativity is lacking at the moment. Once the baby "turns the corner" and starts sleeping through the night I hope to get it back. As of now, it is not good and I don't see an end in sight.

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The Dengali Battalion was finally airlifted out of the Kickapoo Valley. For D and Service and Support Company it was more of a Field Training Exercise. For A Company it was a turkey shoot and for B & C Companies it was a blood bath. The final strength report is submitted.

[size="5"][u][b]Dengali Battalion Casualties[/b][/u][/size]
Service & Support Company (SSC) Authorized: 164 KIA: 0 WIA: 0 On/Hand: 164
A Company Authorized: 128 KIA: 0 WIA: 2 On/Hand: 126
B Company Authorized: 128 KIA: 31 WIA: 0 On/Hand: 97
C Company Authorized: 128 KIA: 20 WIA: 18 On/Hand: 90
D Company Authorized: 128 KIA: 0 WIA: 0 On/Hand: 128
[b]Total: Authorized: 676 KIA: 51 WIA: 20 On/Hand: 605[/b]

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Though they realized they had been lucky, it had been almost disappointing not to have any contact with the enemy for the soldiers of the Crimson Shield. They had been there to do a job, and in the end, they felt shortchanged. Perhaps their very presence had had an important influence on events, who knew, but it felt like they had not been needed.

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