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Operation Spring Cleaning

Captain Enema

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"Charlie," he replies as he straps himself into a fold out seat. The interior of the C-130 is crammed with troops, rations, munitions, fuel, and other gear. It is a tight fit, but with a bit of squeezing they all manage to get belted into their seats. Charlie motions to his 2iC who in turn pulls out a sheaf of documents and hands them to Colonel Clancy. "Colonel, these documents contain everything we know about Denard's place of captivity. You'll find photo recon, intelligence estimates, and the observations we've managed to take from a nearby mountain with a large telescope that had to be hauled up on horseback. Didn't want to give the Kicks the idea we have an observation post up there and all."

Chargin' Charlie then says, "It might be helpful if yall have one of your satellites do a pass over the valley and see what you can pick up with thermal imagery. We've sent over a few night flights, but our thermal gear isn't working out so well for us given most of the fighting on the Western and Eastern flanks is in dense jungle that masks the thermal signatures due to the background heat sources." With that being mentioned Charlie then quietly waits for the flight to end as he utterly loathes flying, and makes himself available to answer any questions the Colonel may have.

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Adahunat Airbase was once again a flurry of activity, its charges would once again be heading north. But it was not into Sarnungian territory that they would be striking, their mission would no longer be of vengeance. The Executive Ministry had ordered them on a mission of repentance- on to gain the trust of the Sudanese.

Men ran to and fro, checking under fuselages and making a last minute sweep of the runway. Although the majority of men and hardware being sent on loan to the SDF were VTOL-capable, the heavier Vanquisher variants of the Ravager Gunship would need to undergo a rolling take-off to get airborne.

The 2 squadrons of gunships of varying classification, role and armament were arrayed on and around the tarmac of the base. Crews were undergoing their final checklist and preparations before Wing Leader [i]announced[/i] her presence.

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79872&view=findpost&p=2173755"]Christina De Falco[/url] placed a heeled boot on an ammunition container. From within her lithe frame emanated an invisible field of power, of authority no-one could help but respect and bow to, even over the din of the preparations. As the first member noticed her posture, one of intention, the knowledge that their Wing Leader was about to speak rippled amongst the ranks and soon everyone's eyes were on her.

[b]"Brothers,"[/b] she said to a number of maintenance crew members, [b]"Sisters,"[/b] she motioned to the majority of the gunship pilots. While men were mainly relegated to ground combative positions in the NoN, pilots were one of the many positions in the civilian and military sectors that were almost completely dominated by females. While there were always a number of male aspirants that enlisted, the skies were mainly owned by the harpies of the NoN.
"Today, we embark on a series of sorties organized by the Sudanese ground forces. We are to provide a lingering close air support and as such, are at the beck and call of all coalition forces operating in the theatre. I expect nothing less than perfection from you all. Do not fail me."

[/b]The noticable lack of fanfare was one of Christina's trademarks amongst the Nod Air Militancy. That, her stern 'by-the-book' demeanor and a remarkable level of ruthlessness that was extremely effective in battle had garnered much in the way of accolades, praise and admiration from her peers. Even at her relatively young age, Christina had risen up in the ranks rapidly.

Putting on her flight helmet, she mounted her Black Mamba command variant helicopter. As the others followed suit, Christina noticed that the fuel lines connected to the Harbinger Assault Transports were beginning to retract into their cradles. Soon, like a swarm of buzzing flies, the black crafts begun to spin their rotors. From the sea of churning blades, three squadrons strong, a number of forms left the ground.

Each squadron was composed of 3 flights each. In each flight that comprised the first two squadrons, a Black Mamba acted as the leading element with three Ravager Heavy Gunships acting as its direct subordinates.

The last squadron would act as a guinea pig for the Nodic aerial armaments producer, MILAC. Each flight that made up this testbed squadron would have one Black Mamba escorted by one Ravager and two Vanquisher experimental gunships. The Vanquishers were essentially stripped down and heavily modified Ravagers that were built around a compact 120mm gun system that rested in a roll-back mount on the plane's chin/belly. They lacked no other armaments save for twin .50 cal gatling cannons located on blisters on either side of the fuselage.

The Mambas were the first to leave the ground, being lighter and infinitely more agile than their heavier and ultimately better armed and armoured subordinates. The Ravagers left soon after, while the remaining Vanquishers taxied along the runway upon their fixed tricycle undercarriages. Their increased weight meant that they could not perform a pure VTO, first accelerating down the runway like a conventional aircraft before lift was achieved.

The helicopters soon hovered in the air above Lake Tana, a ways north of Adahunat airbase. The Harbingers soon articulated their vectoring pylons downwards and to the rear, facilitating a STO. Flying in a box formation, Skull and Eclipse squadron began the escort to Port Sudan.


The trip was uneventful, to say the least. Nothing could even hope to touch the formation of heavily armed craft as they crossed the border. The deafening buzz of chopping blades echoed across the empty landscape and met the ears of the Northern Border forces.

Soon, De Falco's wing touched down in an undisclosed field the Sudanese had designated in a prior communique. The Harbingers followed suit, and the Vanquishers landed with a clunk, their reinforced and crash-rated landing gears preventing any mechanical failures their colossal weight threatened.

Christina silently pressed a few final buttons on her glass cockpit before pressing the canopy release. Stepping out from her craft, she motioned to her co-pilot to follow suit. She would speak to the coalition commander responsible for her mission parameters.



Meanwhile, Daniela huddled beneath a tarp she had thrown over herself, her gaze affixed to a small communicator.

[b]"You want me to do what?!"[/b] she cried indignantly.

[i]"Yes, while you were away a number of important... developments have changed the Ministry's view on your current assignment. I am relaying your new target to you now."[/i]

Daniela watched as the grizzled face of Denard was replaced by what she could only describe as 'country bumpkin'.

[b]"That's quite a down-grade, wouldn't you say?"[/b]

[i]"Indeed, however, this man's death would serve infinitely better than the death of an ally. I expect nothing but results from you my dear, farewell..."

[/i]As the silver tongued voice receded into the dry desert air, Daniela couldn't help but feel a slight anger rise from beneath her. Gathering her belongings, she headed west, towards Kickapoo territory.

Edited by Executive Minister
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[b]Presidential Conference Room, Port Sudan[/b]

"Have the Promised Landers arrived yet?" The President asks.

"Yes sir, and they are in the air heading towards Red One as we speak," replies Major General White.

"What are the odds of rescuing Denard alive?"

"Not looking good sir."

"Explain yourself," demands the President.

"Sir, simply put he's in the middle of hostile territory and probably being tortured more as we speak. It is my opinion they'll kill him the first sight of a rescue mission," replies White.

"Can we do anything to shifts the odds in the favor of Denard?" asks the President.

"We have a top notch team of Promised Landers going in after him, we have NoN aerial support, we have nearly four thousand of our own troops ready to smash their way through Kick lines, and last we have an ace in the hole," replies White.

"What is the ace in the hole?" asks the President.

"Denard's too stubborn to let some tin pot lunatic take him out," replies White.

"I hope so," The President replies as he stares out the window of the conference room.

"Sir, the only thing we can do at this point is hope," White says.

"No Major General, we can do more than that," The President says as he examines the portion of Dellion's report describing the NoN assassin.

"Sir?" asks the Major General who looks at the President with a quizzical look on his face. Having spent more time with the President than most, the Major General is able to decipher that vacant stare that is on the President's face. It isn't the stare of a half wit, it is the stare of a man lost deep in thought.

"Oh, it seems our new found NoN friends are lending some special help to the fray, very special help indeed."

"Yes sir," replies White who knows better than to push for details.

[b]Kickapoo Confederation, Greenly Morris's Manor[/b]

Denard's entire world is one mess of pain and agony. The beatings have been coming his way all to frequently. The latest one given had just finished up a few moments ago. The long bamboo rod left brilliant red marks on his back where he had been beaten with it while being made to listen to bible verse. Of course his comments of, "More rod less bible," probably wasn't the smartest thing he could have said. However, since he's convinced he's a dead man, why pass up a chance to get in a great line like that?

Still, facing his own mortality brings a certain something to Bob's chest. A feeling of dread for not having had a chance to finish those things he has always dreamed of finishing. The chance to spend a day with the orphans in Brisbane, the chance to finish that pesky second Master's Degree, the chance to climb Mount Everest, the chance to give back King Varma that sword he gave him, and the chance to finish up that road trip that got interrupted by the war in Asia. Bob manages to roll to his side and with a supreme effort he gets up on his knees and leans his head against the wall. He mutters, "Damn, a beer would be nice about now."

"Beer at a time like this?" Bob's mother asks him.

"I can't think of a better time," Bob says back with a certain amount of dread building up inside of him. Bob's a man who has a very healthy fear of his mother.

"Bob, you damn fool boy, your drinkin' is going to be the death of you!" Bob's mother shouts.

"Ahhh mom, do you mind? I'm being tortured.." replies Bob.

[b]The Guard outside Bob's Cell[/b]

"Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, I repeat, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot," the guard says to himself as he watches Bob rant and rave about his mother.

[b]African Legion, Western Front[/b]

The men of the 1st Battalion quietly make their way up the slope. They've been joined by several sniper teams from the 1st SOG and the 1st Legion Recon Platoon. It would be bragging to say these men are slipping towards the Kickapoo lines like ghosts. However, with a strict order on no talking, all radios turned off, and their weapons on safe with empty chambers to prevent accidental discharge it is safe to say they are about as close to ghosts as it gets in this rank nasty jungle. The men are eager to make contact with the Kickapoo renegades as the rumor mill has been working at overtime.

Already they've heard about the impending arrival of Promised Land troops and forces from NoN. Given the nature of the rumor mill some of the wilder rumors range from the Executive Minister himself parachuting in with a claymore strapped to his shoulder to an entire Promised Land Army being shipped by submarine. None of this really matters to the lads in the African Legion. Their mission is simple, smash the Kickapoo forces in a concentrated attack along a narrow front.

To assist this attack the Legion is massing a considerable force of light infantry in an extremely narrow sector. Troops from the 9th Infantry Regiment have extended their lines to cover the gaps from Legion units being repositioned for the attack. Already the 3rd and 4th Battalions have been pulled back and are currently being given a few hours to eat, shower, change their uniforms, and resupply before being moved back upslope. These are only some of the preparations being made to support the attack.

In Deltrane's Command Center the mood is tense. Deltrane looks at a map and finally says, "So Chargin' Charlie himself is leading the drop."

"Yes sir," replies Dellion.

"I assume you'll be taking over the command of the Legion?" asks Deltrane.

"No, I'm going in with the Promised Land troops," replies Dellion.

"Why?" asks Deltrane with a surprised look on his face.

"Bob is going to need to see a familiar face, and I'm at loose ends so I'm going in," replies Dellion.

"You'll be taking an escort then, no way you are going into a firefight without back up," replies Deltrane.

"Yep, I'll be taking along an old friend," Dellion states as he motions to Jamal standing in the background.

"When did he show up?" asks Deltrane.

Dellion looks at Jamal, one of Bob's bodyguards from the Republic of Somal era, and says,"Just about the same time I stepped off the plane from Australia."

"Dear god, this war is dragging out all the crazies," mutters Deltrane.

"No, Bob being held hostage is doing that."

"Yeah, only in a time like this would we make Chargin' Charlie the leader of anything," snorts Deltrane.

Dellion tilts his head back and laughs before replying, "You remember the time we kicked Charlie out of the Legion for blowing up that brothel and then let him back in a week later for driving a school bus into the side of a house?"

"Wasn't his blood alcohol level so high the doc claimed he should be dead?" asks Deltrane back as he starts to laugh.

"Yeah, I remember Bob swore him back in right there in the hospital, both of them were drinking beer to celebrate," Dellion says as he chuckles.

"Damn, I hope the Promised Landers get Bob in one piece," grumbles Deltrane as he looks incredibly tired and worried.

"Yeah, me also, they look to be a sharp bunch, I'm more worried about the Kicks killing Bob before we even get a chance to rescue him," Dellion says as he shares Deltrane's worried look.

"Yeah," mutters Deltrane as they both turn to walk out the door.

[b]Red One[/b]

Eight large Mi-8 helicopters sit on the tarmac waiting to be joined with the NoN Heavy Lifters. Near the Mi-8s are loaded to the gills with equipment, food, water, and so forth. Not far away are six 105mm howitzers that are waiting to be deployed to a what will be known as Firebase Gloria. The howitzers are not the lightweight models designed for mountain fighting. If they were the light weight mountain artillery it wouldn't be necessary to request heavy lift choppers from NoN. However, since they are full sized 105mm howitzers they will have something of a range advantage over the pack howitzers normally used by mountain troops. The gun crews for the howitzers have already been moved into position by horseback and are waiting for the delivery of their weapons.

[b]Firebase Gloria[/b]

"Damn its cold," groans an Artilleryman.

"That it is," mutters his comrade.

"Ah shuddup you've both been whining the whole deployment about everything. Just be glad you are up here on this motherin' great mountain rather than down there in the jungle," snaps the cranky looking and very cold Captain who commands the battery.

"Hey, you boys want to keep it down, we are trying to concentrate here," requests one of the SOG troopers keeping watch on the Manor where Denard is imprisoned through a large telescope. The location of the Firebase gives the battery and the telescope team a clear line of sight of most of the Kickapoo interior, the manor, and the Western passes. Even better, the Kickapoo renegades didn't even bother trying to defend the mountain making it a fantastic feat of arms without even a shot fired.

[b]Elsewhere amongst the Sudanese Forces[/b]

The 4th Regiment prepares to attack by fueling their vehicles, doing last minute maintenance, and filling their ammo racks.

The high explosive shells for the 155mm Howitzers of Task Force Blanco finally arrive. The artillerymen are busy unloading them and preparing to send them on their way.

The men of the 7th and 8th Regiments tighten their lines to ensure no Kickapoo forces escape to the North or the South.

The pilots of the 555th Air Group (provisional) watch and help the ground crew men service their planes at Red One, Red Two, and Red Three.

SAST trucks rumble forward with fuel, replacement soldiers, medical supplies, munitions, and water.

SOG teams that are not attached to the African Legion make their own way to the front as they slip forward. Their silenced weapons, sniper rifles, specially prepared demolition charges, and other weapons make them ready to attack high priority Kickapoo targets along the Western Flank.

Joining the 9th Regiment and African Legion on the Western Flank are the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 10th Regiment. The 1600 Men move up the slope to reinforce the thin 9th Regiment Lines. For the duration of this fight they will serve under the command of O'Hare of the 9th Regiment.

12 F-4 Fighters from the Red Sea Wing are transfered to Red Two to assist with the coming fight. Joining them are 12 more Mi-8 gunships that have recently been equipped with rocket pods, machine guns, and a nose mounted 40mm grenade launcher.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[size="3"][b]Red One Air Base, TF Blanco AO[/b][/size]

"What the fark, over?" someone yelled as the C-130 banked to the left lining up for its final approach at Red One, an undisclosed Air Base near Task Force Blanco's Area of Operations.

The noise in the Aircraft is deafening. Most people wear ear plugs because yelling into someone's ear six inches away is annoying. Some people sleep, others listen to music while still others read books. Talking is challenging at best, which suited "Chargin' Charlie" just fine.

'I can't wait for this frackin' death trap to get on the ground. I need to get the Company Commanders and the Staff together to go over the plan for the mission.' Charlie thought to himself as the C-130 was lining up on the runway. The wheels were down and brushed the tarmac at a hundred twenty miles per hour. The passengers felt a vigorous jolt that visibly moved everyone and emptied stomach contents from at least three of them. Fortunately, they had enough forsight to have barf bags on hand.

Within minutes, the C-130s were dropping their ramps, Dengali Battalion soldiers were off loading and Sudanese Ground Crewmen were unloading equipment. Eleven C-130s from the Sudanese Air Force's 202nd Air Transport Wing lined the Tarmac. Dengali Warriors and Air Force ground personnel intermingled as they claimed their gear and sought guidance.

"Charging Charlie" was born Charles Montgomery Hicks from Edinburgh, Scotland. He'd seen his fair share of action and knew Major General Charles White of the Sudanese Defense Forces would not disappoint him. At forty nine years of age, Charlie stood 6' 1" tall and weighed 210 pounds. He was completely bald with blue eyes. A scar highlighted his left eye as it raked from the center of his forehead down to his cheek. His face was leathery from years of living the hard life.

"Leslie!" Charlie yelled to his Executive Officer with a wave. Leslie Covington was also from Scotland and served Charlie as his XO. Leslie stood 5' 10" tall and weighed 195 lbs. His hair was completely white at age 52. Covington suffered from Acid reflux. If he wasn't taking his omeprazole, he was vomiting. His eyes were dark brown and he rarely smiled.

"Is Francois Guilbert here?" Charlie asked his 2IC.

"Yes, he is." Leslie answered. "He brought his big brother, Jean as well."

"Oh good, those sick farks are always entertaining. Francois will take Ops and Jean, Intel. How about Griegor Ivanovich Stupenov? and Kalif Mbutu?"

Leslie looked over his manifests. "Charlie, I believe Griegor was killed three months ago in a plane crash, but Kalif is here."

"He's great with logistics. Make him the four." Charlie Referred to the Battalion S4 or supply and Logistics officer. The XO wrote as his boss spoke. As he was talking, the two men were walking and Charlie noticed a familiar sight. "Mari! Mari! Come here!"

Mari Contreras was born Maria Contreras in Valencia, Franciscan Republic. She was as organized as they come. "Charlie! it is so good to see you! It's been a very long time. I see you are still eating those fried foods!" She said with a smile referring to the hardly noticeable paunch in his mid section.

"Enough with the fried foods, already. I want you to be the One." Charlie was referring to the Battalion S1 or Personnel Officer. She had served in this capacity on previous missions.

"You know me and paperwork," Mari stated, "It's like me and oxygen. I can't live without it." She accepted the job with a smile.

"Leslie, do we have the Company Commanders lined up?"

"Yes, Charlie. We are going with the current CO's; not changing them at all. Dragon Yulenov is Service and Support Company, Miles Gibowicz is A Company, Jack Fenton is B Company, C Company Commander is Ahmad Hadda and D Company is Efraim Bazzi."

"And Communications?"

"Mohammed Al-Harabi."

Charlie was satisfied. He knew all of his Primary staff officers and Company Commanders. They were all veterans of many conflicts and knew their jobs well. Coming together as a team would not be difficult for this group as they had worked together in the past in various roles.

(OOC: Invited by Tidy Bowl Man. I'll be covering the Dengali Battalion)

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OOC: These were cribbed up by Gunther off google maps. The Elevations in play are much more severe, but the general gist of what we are working with are there. Many thanks Gunther.

And welcome.


Major General Charles White, Brigader Dellion, and Jamal are all waiting on the runway as the C-130s of the 202 Transportation Air Wing bring in the men of the Dengali Battalion along with the Promised Lander platoon. Charles White is of shorter stature, but a hard looking man with deep black skin. He examines the preparations being made by Charlie with approval. The man still knew his business and this reassures him greatly. As much as he loves Mad Dog Bob Denard he can't bear the idea of throwing the African Legion Alumni into battle poorly organized and unprepared.

Rather than make his appearance known he chooses to remain silent and allow Charlie to go about his work. A briefing will be held later to iron out the final details of the impending Operation. If anything now would be a good time to welcome the Promised Lander contingent to keep them out of Charlie's hair, as the man does look busy. With this in mind the Major General tilts his head to the side and quietly says to Brigadier Dellion,"Lets leave Charlie alone for a bit, he has work to do. We can meet the Promised Landers and have Jamal get Charlie and his mob over to the tents we have set up for them where the parachutes, drop containers, and other kit is waiting. I suspect Charlie will want to unpack every 'chute and repack it before getting on the hercs. He's careful like that."

"Just not so careful driving a bus or handling explosives in a brothel eh?" asks Dellion as the quietly leave Charlie and the Dengali Battalion alone for a few minutes to go meet the Promised Land platoon.

"Lucky for us we don't need him for his bus driving skills," comments the Major General.

"Indeed," responds the Brigadier Dillion as they make their way across the tarmac.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='28 March 2010 - 05:11 PM' timestamp='1269810661' post='2239448']
Once they were on the transport, he turned to Chargin' Charlie once more. "Since I take it we're going to be working together...it would be good to know each other's names. I'm Colonel Clancy. What would you prefer I call you?"

OOC: I can't really do much more until we land and meet EM's characters. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img]

De Falco strode over to a nearby clearing, where she would hope that the noise of the mass of rotors behind her would cause less interference. Two armoured men held their [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=59602&view=findpost&p=1617360"]Ripper[/url] assault rifles with both hands barrels up, their heads constantly turning back and forth to scan their surroundings. This was a war zone, and they would be loathe to get caught off guard, even in friendly territory. The NoN did not know Kickapoo's capabilities.

[b]"Gentlemen, good day! I trust the operation is about to commence?!"[/b]

Christina shouted over the din the helicopters made behind her into the communicator, and continued.
"As stated previously by the Executive Ministry, Skull and Eclipse squadrons will be on loan to the SDF coalition forces during this attack! We will be providing your close-in air support. Please, if you will!"[/b]

Christina transmitted Charlie a list of radio frequencies and laser designator pulse codes. It was with these that SDF forces could [i]'call-in'[/i] the tactical aid they needed should the helicopters be elsewhere in the theatre, or require even heavier air support from the Strike-fighters of Death Crusader squadron back in Adahunat.
"I am Wing Commander Christina De Falco, and will be personally flying with Skull and Eclipse to ensure nothing but the best is performed by my men and women,"[/b]

She motioned subconsciously to the three Harbingers in the immediate distance, [b]"I have arranged for the Assault transports to hold, in addition to your artillery, a Militant Cell each of Heavy Infantry. They will provide protection for your artillery crews and the transports in addition to any forces you may have stationed at Firebase Gloria."[/b]


As if on queue, 10 men from each 'plane' disembarked from the "Blood Tray" of each Harbinger. The Harbinger was capable of carrying both passengers and cargo using a combination of internal and external methods. The internal 'shelf' of the transport was capable of transporting up to 10 equipped men with an additional five if they stood, holding on to roof mounted handles.

She watched as the men began the process of preparing two howitzers each to a plane. They would be attached to the overhanging cargo ledge the crafts held when the time was right. Care was to be given to attach diagonal supports to prevent the howitzers from swinging violently or crashing into one another while in flight.

After the process was completed, the men would reboard, careful to avoid the down and back blasts the vector pylons would emit to stay in place. After everyone was secure, the loud whine of the three engines that facilitated all four pylons would rise to a crescendo. De Falco glazed over for a moment, remembering the first time she witnessed these unique craft in action. She had been hastily strapped into one during the Italican exodus- but that was another story to tell at another time.

While primarily a transport, the Harbinger did own a chin-mounted [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M61_Vulcan"]20mm gatling cannon[/url] for self defence and light ground support for disembarking troops and cargo. As such, the three Harbingers would travel alone, so as to not attract attention to the hidden base. Chugging along at the relatively slow speed of 120 km/h, the craft would have a noticeably reduced audio signature, to aid in their secret flight.

De Falco noted an uncharacteristic feeling of anxiety wash over her. She quickly dismissed the feelings as nothing more than reservations for being led by a non-NoN Commander.

[b]"I must confess Sirs, I do have my reservations on giving command over to outsiders. Please, do not take offense, but I take full responsibility for the well being of my subordinates. If you will give us our first sortie parameters, we will be off as soon as you wish us."[/b]

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='29 March 2010 - 01:56 AM' timestamp='1269842169' post='2239854']
[b]African Legion, Western Front[/b]

Already they've heard about the impending arrival of Promised Land troops and forces from NoN. Given the nature of the rumor mill some of the wilder rumors range from the [b]Executive Minister himself parachuting in with a claymore strapped to his shoulder[/b] to an entire Promised Land Army being shipped by submarine. None of this really matters to the lads in the African Legion. Their mission is simple, smash the Kickapoo forces in a concentrated attack along a narrow front.

[b]Red One[/b]

Eight large Mi-8 helicopters sit on the tarmac waiting to be joined with the NoN Heavy Lifters. Near the Mi-8s are loaded to the gills with equipment, food, water, and so forth. Not far away are six 105mm howitzers that are waiting to be deployed to a what will be known as Firebase Gloria. The howitzers are not the lightweight models designed for mountain fighting. If they were the light weight mountain artillery it wouldn't be necessary to request heavy lift choppers from NoN. However, since they are full sized 105mm howitzers they will have something of a range advantage over the pack howitzers normally used by mountain troops. The gun crews for the howitzers have already been moved into position by horseback and are waiting for the delivery of their weapons.


OOC: Lol, I really like the bolded bit.

Edited by Executive Minister
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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='30 March 2010 - 10:10 AM' timestamp='1269958240' post='2241092']
OOC: Charlie and Clancy were in Mid-air at the time in a C-130 on their way to Red One..

I'll add to this post in the morning.

OOC: Edited, lol just swapped out a few words and rearranged a couple of sentences.

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[quote name='Gunther' date='29 March 2010 - 11:09 PM' timestamp='1269918562' post='2240734']
[size="3"][b]Red One Air Base, TF Blanco AO[/b][/size]

Within minutes, the C-130s were dropping their ramps, Dengali Battalion soldiers were off loading and Sudanese Ground Crewmen were unloading equipment. Eleven C-130s from the Sudanese Air Force's 202nd Air Transport Wing lined the Tarmac. Dengali Warriors and Air Force ground personnel intermingled as they claimed their gear and sought guidance.[/quote]
(OOC: Not a big fan of OOCs like TBM, but Ex Min was correct. I still have his original text and it fits in fine. If he had read my post, he'd see that Charlie was walking with his XO, Leslie Covington and talking about the Bn Staff officers. They were on the ground at Red One at the time. When I read the brief from DeFalco, it fit in fine also. I was going to post this afternoon, how Charlie took the information from DeFalco and was going to ask her or one of her staff officers to join him in a meeting. I'm preparing an OPORD briefing. We'd like to Pre-plan some targets for DeFalco hit minutes prior to the Dengali Battalion hits the silk. Your original post is quoted below. I edited in the XO's first name. He's with them too.)

[quote]De Falco strode over to where Charlie, [i]Leslie[/i] and Clancy sat, their helicopter's rotors spinning. Behind her, two armored men held their Ripper assault rifles with both hands barrels up, their heads constantly turning back and forth to scan their surroundings. This was a war zone, and they would be loathe to get caught off guard, even in friendly territory. The NoN did not know Kickapoo's capabilities.[/quote]

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Leslie Covington reviewed the list of the Dengali Battalion Staff and the top three leaders for each of the Companies...

[quote]Commander: LTC "Chargin' Charlie" Charles Montgomery Hicks
Executive Officer: MAJ Leslie Covington "Les"
Battalion Sergeant Major: Command Sergeant Major Michael Perkins
S1 Admin Officer: CPT Maria Contreras "Mari"
PSNCO: Master Sergeant Jan Dzieweski
S2 Intelligence Officer: CPT Jean Guilbert "Jean"
Battalion Intelligence Collection Coordinator (BICC): Lieutenant Ferdinand Reyes
Intel Sergeant: Sergeant First Class Markus Felding
S3 Operations Officer: MAJ Francois Guilbert "Guns"
S3 Air Operations Officer: CPT Derek Quarcia "The Burgermeister"
Operations Chief: Master Sergeant Robert Marsh
Operations Sergeant: Staff Sergeant Claude Beaulieu
S4 Supply and Logistics Officer: CPT Kalif Mbutu "Kal"
Battalion Supply Sergeant: Sergeant First Class Raymond Milhouse
S5 CIMIC Officer: CPT Catherine Henshaw "Katey"
S6 Communications Officer: CPT Mohammed Al-Harabi "Mo"
A Company Commander: CPT Miles Gibowicz "Milo"
XO: LT Juli Andres
1SG: 1SG Peter Bowles
B Company Commander: CPT Jack Fenton "Tex"
XO: LT Yitzhak Kattan
1SG: 1SG Zakariya Al-Sarraf
C Company Commander: CPT Ahmad Hadda "The Butcher"
XO: LT Al-Yasa Gaber
1SG: 1SG Eugene Kakos
D Company Commander: CPT Efraim Bazzi "The Snake"
XO: LT Minos Papadakis
1SG: 1SG Napoleon Vassallo
S&S Company Commander: CPT Dragon Yulenov "Draco"
XO: LT Cadmus Riga
1SG: 1SG Chiron Demo[/quote]

He sent runners to let each of these individuals know about the meeting. He'd located a small building at the rear of the Hangars that would be suitable for the battalion's needs.

Meanwhile, Chargin' Charlie was with Clancy and DeFalco. Christina DeFalco had passed some call signs over to Charlie in order to maintain contact throughout the operation. "Mizz Defalco, I humbly request a representative from your command attend a meeting with my staff officers in order to go over our mission. Since you will escort us to the Drop Zones, we may have some targets for you to hit prior to our insertion."

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='28 March 2010 - 05:55 PM' timestamp='1269827701' post='2239679']
"Charlie," he replies as he straps himself into a fold out seat. The interior of the C-130 is crammed with troops, rations, munitions, fuel, and other gear. It is a tight fit, but with a bit of squeezing they all manage to get belted into their seats. Charlie motions to his 2iC who in turn pulls out a sheaf of documents and hands them to Colonel Clancy. "Colonel, these documents contain everything we know about Denard's place of captivity. You'll find photo recon, intelligence estimates, and the observations we've managed to take from a nearby mountain with a large telescope that had to be hauled up on horseback. Didn't want to give the Kicks the idea we have an observation post up there and all."

Chargin' Charlie then says, "It might be helpful if yall have one of your satellites do a pass over the valley and see what you can pick up with thermal imagery. We've sent over a few night flights, but our thermal gear isn't working out so well for us given most of the fighting on the Western and Eastern flanks is in dense jungle that masks the thermal signatures due to the background heat sources." With that being mentioned Charlie then quietly waits for the flight to end as he utterly loathes flying, and makes himself available to answer any questions the Colonel may have.
Clancy studied the documents in question, studying them quietly except for one sentence. "I'm sure we'll be told all we need to know at the breifing before we are deployed. If not, I can ask questions there."

he made a note to, upon landing, radio home for that satellite overview.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='29 March 2010 - 07:44 PM' timestamp='1269920670' post='2240785']


Major General Charles White, Brigader Dellion, and Jamal are all waiting on the runway as the C-130s of the 202 Transportation Air Wing bring in the men of the Dengali Battalion along with the Promised Lander platoon. Charles White is of shorter stature, but a hard looking man with deep black skin. He examines the preparations being made by Charlie with approval. The man still knew his business and this reassures him greatly. As much as he loves Mad Dog Bob Denard he can't bear the idea of throwing the African Legion Alumni into battle poorly organized and unprepared.

Rather than make his appearance known he chooses to remain silent and allow Charlie to go about his work. A briefing will be held later to iron out the final details of the impending Operation. If anything now would be a good time to welcome the Promised Lander contingent to keep them out of Charlie's hair, as the man does look busy. With this in mind the Major General tilts his head to the side and quietly says to Brigadier Dellion,"Lets leave Charlie alone for a bit, he has work to do. We can meet the Promised Landers and have Jamal get Charlie and his mob over to the tents we have set up for them where the parachutes, drop containers, and other kit is waiting. I suspect Charlie will want to unpack every 'chute and repack it before getting on the hercs. He's careful like that."

"Just not so careful driving a bus or handling explosives in a brothel eh?" asks Dellion as the quietly leave Charlie and the Dengali Battalion alone for a few minutes to go meet the Promised Land platoon.

"Lucky for us we don't need him for his bus driving skills," comments the Major General.

"Indeed," responds the Brigadier Dillion as they make their way across the tarmac.
As they stepped off the plane, Clancy was just swinging his pack off his shoulders to retrieve the headset that would allow for a secure transmission home. Just to be sure, as they always did, he spoke in code, and quietly to avoid being heard by even their allies.

"Lachesis needs to oversee her duties..." It was followed by a nearly incomprehensible sentence, with some numbers that sounded like dates on a calendar that gave the coordinates they needed scanned.

[quote name='Gunther' date='30 March 2010 - 09:46 AM' timestamp='1269971190' post='2241190']
He sent runners to let each of these individuals know about the meeting. He'd located a small building at the rear of the Hangars that would be suitable for the battalion's needs.

Meanwhile, Chargin' Charlie was with Clancy and DeFalco. Christina DeFalco had passed some call signs over to Charlie in order to maintain contact throughout the operation. "Mizz Defalco, I humbly request a representative from your command attend a meeting with my staff officers in order to go over our mission. Since you will escort us to the Drop Zones, we may have some targets for you to hit prior to our insertion."
Turning to Charlie, Clancy addressed the man. "I've just requested that overview you recomended on our ride over. We should have what we need in a couple hours, at most." He hardly paused before continuing. "Also, if you don't mind, my men and I will need a couple minutes to change into our armor."

OOC: Is Clancy going to be briefed other than with those documents?

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Major General Charles White watches the mob of arriving Paratroopers, Special Forces, Heavy Lifters, Bodyguards, and with the way things are going the he wouldn't be surprised if a car full of circus clowns came haring across the tarmac. Rather than trying to sort out the mob of incoming troops and equipment he simply stands on top of a nearby ammo container, takes a deep breath, and in his best parade ground voice he bellows, "Briefing in that tent for officers and their assistants in 10 minutes," as he points to a tent a few hundred yards away. The tent is easy to distinguish from the others near it as it is surrounded with guards and razor wire.

He then turns to face Charlie directly as he steps down off the ammo container and says, "Welcome back Charlie, see you in the briefing in ten," and turns and walks away to the ten. Dellion and Jamal remain behind to assist if needed, but mostly Dellion and Jamal mingle with the Legion Alumni and quietly greet old friends.

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Once he'd gotten the message to head to the briefing, Clancy turned around and re-entered the plane. With no one else in there now but he and his men, there was just enough room for them to change into their combat gear.

Once that was done, there really was no point in Clancy hanging around. He and his platoon filed off once more, with him and his XO following to the tent. The rest of them fell into a series of drills until they were given their orders. Though if permitted, they could listen in on the meating through Clancy's headset.

OOC: Here's a pic of their combat suit, basically.

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The Dengali Battalion Uniform:

[code]Personal clothing items
3 pair Lightweight tactical combat trousers, OD Green color
3 each Lightweight tactical combat blouse, Woodland camouflage.
2 pair 9” leather and canvas combat Boots, Black
1 each duffel bag
4 each OD Green T-shirt (as displayed below)
6 pair of OD Green cotton socks
7 pair of Cotton briefs or boxers.
1 each Algerian Shemagh
2 each Tan Military beret
1 each 1.75” black tactical nylon belt
1 set ALTA SUPERFLEX Knee Pads
1 ea OD Green Poncho
1 ea Woodland Camouflage Poncho liner
(All Team Leaders and above) 1 each Suunto 10x Wrist top Computer
(Integrated GPS unit with built-in USB charger and PC connection syncs up
with existing GPS mapping software. Compatible with several digital mapping
services across the world, including National Geographic TOPO!, Google
Earth and Fugawi. Altimeter, Barometer, Digital compass, Thermometer,
Extensive memory for storing routes, Time/stopwatch functions and it tells time.)[/code]

[code]Personal combat equipment (may need to be returned)
1 each Blackhawk Commando Chest Harness
1 each Maxpedition Monsoon Gearslinger
2 each one quart canteens for Chest Harness and pistol belt
1 each half gallon bladder with cover.
1 each pistol belt
2 each canteen covers
2 each canteen cups.
1 each Lightweight Blackhawk Balaclava, black color
1 each RBR Level IIIA Mach IV Helmet, Combat, Kevlar
1 each Helmet cover, Woodland Camouflage
1 pair fingerless leather gloves
1 pair Damascus tactical Gloves
1 each Gerber Diesel Multitool
1 each Blackhawk Night edge blade (7” blade)
1 each Blackhawk boot knife (4” blade)
1 each collapsible Entrenching tool /w cover
1 each weapons cleaning kit (with CLP, bore patches and pipe cleaners)
12 each 30 rd. 7.62mm magazines with magpul adapters attached.[/code]

PT shirt:

Combat Blouse:

Combat Trousers:




Knee Pads:

Chest Harness:


Combat Helmet:

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[b]Kickapoo Confederation, Greenly's Manor[/b]

"Get me the phone!" screams Greenly.

"Yes sah!" barks one of his orderlies.

Greenly Morris's world is imploding. The halt of the advancing Sudanese forces had caught him off guard. The unknown of when or what was going to happen next had played all sorts of merry havoc with his mind. His own family and friends had suffered as well as they endured the grief of loosing so many of the ones they loved in the initial Sudanese advance. Greenly Morris looks down at Mad Dog Bob Denard and says, "We are gonna have a little chat with your President."

"Go @#$# yourself," grunts Bob through his bloody and broken teeth.

"You are sinful man filled with pride, your lord is weeping for your sins," scolds Greenly Morris.

Sir, your satellite phone," replies the orderly.

"Thank you my child, now you go and fetch me one of the field slaves, I believe Mr. Denard needs some extra persuasion," orders Greenly Morris.

Bob flinches realizing that Greenly Morris is more than likely going to inflict pain on another just to force him into making the call. He looks at Greenly through eyes loaded with hate. The windowless room they are in grows smaller as Greenly takes his time punching the numbers into the phone. He smiles serenely at Bob and Bob glares back at him as he conserves his energy. There will be a time for reckoning with this Mr. Greenly Morris and that reckoning is going to be soon Bob thinks to himself as he silently prays that the reckoning involves a meat grinder.

[b]President Mbembe's Office[/b]

"Sir, Greenly Morris is on line one," the President's secretary says with a worried look on her face.

"Thank you Ondali," the President replies as he motions her to leave the room before picking up the phone to say, "Hello, President of the Sudanese Republic speaking, how might I be of assistance to you?"

[b]Greenly's Manor[/b]

"You listen up good you heathen creature of the mud!" orders Greenly Morris.

"What?" asks Greenly incredibly as he kicks Bob in the stomach. "That damn President of yours told me to mind my manners and hung up on me," screams Greenly.

"Hahahahahahahah, maybe you should say please or something," laughs Bob as he gasps for air.

"Your people are not fit to walk the earth amongst the children of god, why would I ever say please?" Greenly Morris demands.

[b]President's Office[/b]

"Mr. President, Mr. Greenly Morris is back on the line and this time he says if you don't talk to him he'll kill Denard," the frightened looking secretary says.

"Thank you Ondali, get me a cup of tea please, and put Mr. Morris on hold after telling him I'm in the toilet,." as he scratches his nose and decides to have Morris stew in his juices for a bit.

[b]Greenly Morris's Manor[/b]

"They PUT ME ON HOLD," screams Morris.

"God I hate that," replies Denard who wishes his feet weren't broken so he could at least attempt to kick Greenly Morris back, preferably in the privates.

[b]President's Office[/b]

President Mbembe takes a sip of his tea before setting the cup down and lifting the phone back up. He pushes the record button before saying, "Hello Mr. Morris I thank you for your patience, I was in the toilet."

"I'll kill Denard if you ever hang up on me again," screams Morris.

"Can I speak to Denard?" asks the President.

"Sure," replies Morris who kneels by Bob and presses the satellite phone to the side of Denard's head.

"Bob, yes or no question from me here, do we take prisoners or not?" asks the President.

"No sir," replies Bob.

"I'll take that back," grunts Morris who didn't hear the President's question.

"Mr. Morris, we'd like to enter into negotiations with you for the return of Mr. Denard," President Mbembe says as he jots down a few notes for the initial draft of his shoot on sight order for all members of the Kickapoo Confederation.

"We want out land and our godly way of life and you can have Denard!" demands Greenly.

"I can sympathize with that, but before we do this I have to point out that a Confederation of slaves in the midst of my nation isn't going to sit well with my citizens," replies the President.

"You are a member of the mud race, what you want isn't important," snarls Greenly Morris.

"Mr. Morris, need I remind you that should we decide to crush your Confederation you'd be facing a hangman's noose," states the President.

"I'm prepared to die for my god!" shouts Morris.

"I'm sure you are, however, should you be able to enter into an agreement with the Sudanese Republic that states your Confederation will not attempt to grow outside its current borders we'd be less interested in attacking in order to ensure the safe return of Denard," the President suggests as he deliberates between the use of eradicate and exterminate in his ordr.

"We don't grow outside our border and give you back Denard and you'll let us alone?" asks Greenly.

"That is the size of it," replies the President.

"It's a deal then," Greenly Morris says as he looks somewhat suspicious.

"We'll need a couple days to organize the specifics of the arrangement, but I'll be presenting myself in person to sign the documents and retrieve Mr. Denard," the President says as he examines the finish product in front of him.

"You aren't so bad for a mud person," Greenly Morris offers as he looks down at Denard and sneers at him.

"Might I have another word with Denard?" asks the President.

"Sure," Greenly says as he kneels again and places the satellite phone to Denard's ear.

"Bob, can you hear me?" asks the President.

"Yes sir," Bob says as he tries not to notice the flare of pain from Greenly's knee that is smashing his kidney.

"Pink Flamingos Bob, Pink Flamingos," the President say as he grips the edge of the desk with his free hand in nervous anticipation.

"No sir, go for green," Bob responds as he passes the request for the Kickapoo population not to be slaughtered to the last man, woman, and child.

[b]Briefing Tent, Red One[/b]

"Yes sir," Major General Charles White says as he pulls the freshly typed order off the secure fax.

"And White, I'm dead serious, if they even try to so much as flinch at them shoot to kill," snarls the President.

"I understand sir," replies White as he turns off his satellite phone before turning to face the crowd in the tent. He examines the familiar faces, he nods to the new faces, and without much of a welcome he says, "Take your seats and we'll get started. With the arrival of the NoN gunships our operation has changed somewhat, but I believe it best we have a chance to chat with Mr. Murphy before we depart rather than after."

He turns to the large map projected onto a screen behind him and says, "The Kickapoo Confederation, unknown to us just eight days ago, lays mostly within the confines of the valley on the overhead projector. The two points of interest to most in this room are Objectives Calagary and Recluse."


"Before we elaborate on the these two objectives lets examine what we know about the Kickapoo Confederation. Intelligence estimates supported by an observation team at Firebase Gloria, recon flights, and good old fashion guess work sets the population of the Kickapoo Confederation at roughly 48,000 men, women, and children. These are members of the white upperclass that I refer to as the enslaved underclass is roughly at 100,000," the Major General comments.

"The enslaved underclass is their biggest bargaining chip. The forces in motion just two days ago were on the verge of breaking through the Kickapoo lines when the orders to halt in place were passed down by the President. He passed this order based on a communication between Denard and Deltrane. The conversation took place as a result of the bombing of a barn near his place of captivity. He gave the proper authentication code so it is felt with a high level of certainty that his message was not coerced. However, because Mr. Denard overheard Greenly Morris threatening to slaughter the slaves the President felt it prudent to halt in place," the Major General states as he motions for the next slide to be projected onto the screen.

"This overhead shows the known location of the various Kickapoo Air to Air units. You'll note that the positions are in a pair of loose rings that surround Greenly's Manor and the larger population center at Objective Calgary. SDF F-4 strikes have discovered that the sites tend to be grouped into clusters of equipment. The center of the site is the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9K31_Strela-1]Strela[/url] with a pair of [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZSU-57-2]ZSU-57s[/url]. Five of these sites protect Objective Calgary and two of these sites protect Objective Recluse," the Major General states as he points to each of the A/A sites.

"The remaining Kickapoo troops are trapped on two fronts. If they weaken either the West or the East they face being defeated in detail. They can't reinforce as the slaves will likely take the opportunity to rebel. Objective Calgary will be for just that purpose, the arming and assisting the slaves in an armed uprising. Charlie and the Dengali Battalion will be taking additional weapons with them to arm the slaves, we've had a sizable consignment sent up from SDF stocks. At last count we've shipped forward three thousand rifles for servicing and packing. Each rifle has been checked over very carefully and will be sent with a bandolier of ten 30 rd magazines that are being filled as we speak. Additional supplies of ammunition, grenades, water, food, and medical supplies have been gathered and packed for deployment," comments the Major General as he motions for the next slide.

"Objective Calgary will consist of the Dengali Battalion and what other additional support deemed necessary by Charlie and his team. We do have stocks of vehicles and other weapons for which you can draw upon within reason. Do not be skint and get me that list within the hour," the Major General orders.

"Objective Recluse will be sorted by the Promised Lander detachment under the formidable Colonel Clancy. You'll be choppered in and flown out by a team of four Mi-8 gunships. Photo reconnaissance data is available, please check it over and make any requests for additional manpower or air support," orders the Major General.

"The NoN detachment having been expanded has a very special mission. You'll be leaving at sundown to go at low altitude to deliver the 105s to Firebase Gloria. It is important that you do not fly over to the Kickapoo side of the mountain. The coordinates for the LZ on the SDF controlled side will be given to you shortly. Drop the howitzers and return to base as we've assembled mule teams to drag the howitzers into place over prepared trails. SDF Engineers have been working nearly nonstop to prepare these roads and Mi-8 flights have flown in the bulk of the munitions and other equipment needed to prepare the base for its mission," states the Major General.

"Tomorrow, before sun-up you'll get the honor of leading the attack on the Kickapoo interior by obliterating the A/A sites around Calgary and Recluse. Once you've wiped them out the strike team for Recluse will hit and shortly after the Dengali Battalion will make their jump. After knocking out these sites stay on station and wait for strike orders from Overwatch or seek your own targets out if the opportunity comes available," orders the Major General.

"Overwatch has been established at Firebase Gloria. It is the forward command center for this engagement. All radio traffic between artillery, air, and ground units will be coordinated through there by a team of SOG radio operators. They've been in place for the last few days acquainting themselves with the valley and its terrain via telescope so they ought to be well prepared for the mission," mentions Major General Charles White.

"Last, the word has come down that this is not a Pink Flamingo. For those of you who don't know a Pink Flamingo is Legion speak for exterminating the opposition as they've proven too dangerous to let them survive. The President has engaged in negotiations with Greenly Morris, he has bought us two days to carry out this operation. His orders are to shoot any of them who even flinches at you, but to allow those who want to surrender to surrender. If in doubt, shoot to kill," commands the Major General.

"Why don't we take a few minutes to speak amongst ourselves to iron out the last few details as I have to make a couple calls to organize the other units that will be hitting the Eastern and Western ends of the line in support of this operation," the Major General suggests.

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The Dengali Battalion commander listened to the briefing and raised a hand to make a comment and ask a few questions. "Thank you, sir." Lieutenant Colonel 'Charging Charlie' Hicks appreciated the briefing. "Do the Kickapoo soldiers wear any distinguishable uniforms? How can we identify them? Will they be the ones with guns?" Charlie thought that put it pretty succinctly, but there was always the possibility that non-combatants could be armed. "I am under the impression that race is at the heart of this matter. Is it true that we will be fighting against White citizens and arming Black citizens? Is there any chance that black people are fighting alongside the whites? or vice versa? I don't want my boys out there shooting the wrong chaps, you know?"

"I appreciate the request for SEAD missions just prior to our drops. That does make the mission less of a mess." Charlie referred to the Air Force mission of Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD). This was usually performed by a team of two fixed wing aircraft; one Electronic Warfare that looks for ADA radar and jams it, then sends the location to its attack aircraft counterpart to destroy with Air to Ground Ordnance. But the NoN Aircraft tagging along were equally suited for this mission.

"How receptive will the locals be to our intervention? Do they know we are coming?" Charlie was concerned about being attacked by the locals or at the least, them avoiding him; making no contact whatsoever.

"I would like to request an Engineer Company to accompany us and help prepare our defenses. I envision we will operate out of Company sized Strong point defenses while we make contact with the locals and prepare them to fight the Kickapoo conspirators."

LTC Hicks (Chargin' Charlie) coordinated with the 202nd over the altitude of the Drop Zones. He wanted to insure that they dropped at 800 feet if possible; 1200 at the highest over the Drop Zones. Less time spent under the silk, the better. He wanted the battalion to get on the ground as quickly as possible.

"Once I confer with my staff and we have a workable Operations Order, I may have a request for barrier material and mines to be air Dropped after we've established our Strong point defenses. We may also request an aerial lift for some of our vehicles. Our Support Platoon consists of ten 10ton SASTs. Our Weapons Platoon consists of four Spider Attack vehicles. I also would like to drop my recon platoon 24 hours earlier into a suitable DZ as close as possible to the Objective in order to reconnoiter our DZs and Objectives; make contact with friendlies; confirm the location of known and suspected enemy positions to include ADA sites and to act as Pathfinder teams - marking the DZs for the main body of the Battalion 24 hours later. A location no greater than eight kilometers from the Objective would be sufficient." A Strong point defense is a 360 perimeter defense established to prevent the enemy from moving past that location. They can be used to overlook key intersections or natural choke points. They also prove to be great places to operate out of as Firebases or patrol bases. The longer a unit remains in a Strong point defense, the better the defenses should become.

[i][b]Airborne Recon Platoon[/b][/i] - 20 soldiers
[spoiler]Platoon Leader
Platoon Sergeant
3x 6-man Recon Squads

[u][b]Recon Squad[/b][/u]
Squad Leader: SSG /w AKM
Sniper/ASL: SGT /w SVD and XD-40
Spotter: SPVT /wAKM
RTO: SPVT /w AKM and Radio
Scout: SPVT /w AKM /w wz 1974 Pallad (40mm GL)
Scout: SPVT /w AKM[/spoiler]

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[quote name='Gunther' date='01 April 2010 - 07:45 AM' timestamp='1270129494' post='2243650']
The Dengali Battalion commander listened to the briefing and raised a hand to make a comment and ask a few questions. "Thank you, sir." Lieutenant Colonel 'Charging Charlie' Hicks appreciated the briefing. "Do the Kickapoo soldiers wear any distinguishable uniforms? How can we identify them? Will they be the ones with guns?" Charlie thought that put it pretty succinctly, but there was always the possibility that non-combatants could be armed. "I am under the impression that race is at the heart of this matter. Is it true that we will be fighting against White citizens and arming Black citizens? Is there any chance that black people are fighting alongside the whites? or vice versa? I don't want my boys out there shooting the wrong chaps, you know?"[/quote]

"All good questions. For the most part the Kickapoo soldiers tend to wear a mix of civilian hunting clothes and surplus military equipment from various countries. We have yet to see any Africans of any sort carrying anything remotely resembling a weapon since we've encountered the Kickapoo Confederation. We will absolutely be arming, leading, assisting, and supporting an African uprising against their non-African captors. Therefore, it is very safe to say the Kickapoo soldiers are the ones who are white and with the guns."

[quote]"I appreciate the request for SEAD missions just prior to our drops. That does make the mission less of a mess." Charlie referred to the Air Force mission of Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD). This was usually performed by a team of two fixed wing aircraft; one Electronic Warfare that looks for ADA radar and jams it, then sends the location to its attack aircraft counterpart to destroy with Air to Ground Ordnance. But the NoN Aircraft tagging along were equally suited for this mission.[/quote]

"The first version of my plan called for teams of SDF aircraft and fire missions from Firebase Gloria. However, it does seem obvious to me that NoN has the technological edge making it more sensible that they take on this mission. You'll have fire support from Firebase Gloria and SDF aircraft as well once on ground."

[quote]"How receptive will the locals be to our intervention? Do they know we are coming?" Charlie was concerned about being attacked by the locals or at the least, them avoiding him; making no contact whatsoever.[/quote]

"I suspect the Kickapoo military command, or what passes for one, knows we are up to something. They've been watching us for two days straight now while we fly in and out of their territory. The slaves are an unknown force. We do know with a certain reliability from Denard's message that the Kickapoo are unwilling to reinforce their fronts from the remaining thirty five hundred or so troops at home due to fear of the slaves launching an uprising. The only time the slaves and their captors will know for certainty that we are on the way will be when NoN's air-strikes start obliterating the Kickapoo air-defenses prior to the arrival of the Dengali Battalion and Colonel Clancy's men."

[quote]"I would like to request an Engineer Company to accompany us and help prepare our defenses. I envision we will operate out of Company sized Strong point defenses while we make contact with the locals and prepare them to fight the Kickapoo conspirators."[/quote]

"Do you want them air dropped or flown in by chopper?"

[quote]LTC Hicks (Chargin' Charlie) coordinated with the 202nd over the altitude of the Drop Zones. He wanted to insure that they dropped at 800 feet if possible; 1200 at the highest over the Drop Zones. Less time spent under the silk, the better. He wanted the battalion to get on the ground as quickly as possible.[/quote]

The lead pilot of the 202nd informs Charlie they'd be happy to fly low enough for them touch the tops of the trees by dangling their feet over the back ramp.

[quote]"Once I confer with my staff and we have a workable Operations Order, I may have a request for barrier material and mines to be air Dropped after we've established our Strong point defenses. We may also request an aerial lift for some of our vehicles. Our Support Platoon consists of ten 10ton SASTs. Our Weapons Platoon consists of four Spider Attack vehicles. I also would like to drop my recon platoon 24 hours earlier into a suitable DZ as close as possible to the Objective in order to reconnoiter our DZs and Objectives; make contact with friendlies; confirm the location of known and suspected enemy positions to include ADA sites and to act as Pathfinder teams - marking the DZs for the main body of the Battalion 24 hours later. A location no greater than eight kilometers from the Objective would be sufficient." A Strong point defense is a 360 perimeter defense established to prevent the enemy from moving past that location. They can be used to overlook key intersections or natural choke points. They also prove to be great places to operate out of as Firebases or patrol bases. The longer a unit remains in a Strong point defense, the better the defenses should become.[/quote]

"The President did just buy us 48 hours, so dropping in a recon platoon tonight shouldn't be a problem. The thing to remember is the longer we wait the greater the risks that this Greenly Morris individual will loose control of his men or he'll loose control of himself. The vehicles, barrier material, mines, and such will be no problem. Between the NoN Heavy Lift Aircraft and our Mi-8 Helicopters we'll be able to get all of it on the ground quickly. I can also provide an extra company of SDF regulars, to be choppered in once the DZ is secured, to provide base camp security while your battalion is on the move. This allows us to create an effective air-bridge into the valley to evacuate the slave women and children. The men will go last if they choose not to fight. Red Two is nearly ready to serve as a humanitarian station to house the freed slaves."

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Charlie turned to Major Covington and whispered, "Put out a warning order for the Recon platoon now. Let them know they are dropping this evening. Tell them to pack light and insure they have their pathfinder equipment. Let the snipers know to bring their [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghillie_suit]ghillie suits.[/url] Insure they get 3 days rations (3 C-rats) and one BLA." Charlie was referring to one Basic Load of Ammunition.

"Roger that, Charlie," Major Covington responded and quietly slipped out of the briefing room.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man']"Do you want them air dropped or flown in by chopper?"[/quote]
"Airborne Engineers would be perfect, sir." Charlie answered the Commanding General.

[u][b]Sapper Company[/b][/u] Open spoiler tag to see the Sapper Company.
[spoiler]Co. HQs
3x Sapper Platoons (Light)
Total: 88 Soldiers

[u][b]Company Headquarters[/b][/u] (7 men)
Company Commander (CPT)
Operations Officer (1LT)
Company First Sergeant (1SG)
Supply Sergeant (SGT)
Unit Armorer/Supply Clerk (SPVT)
2x RTOs (SPVT)

[u][b]Sapper Platoon[/b][/u] (27 men)
Platoon Leader (1LT)
Platoon Sergeant (SFC)
3x Sapper Squads

[u][b]Sapper Squad[/b][/u]
Squad Leader (SSG)
A Team Leader (SGT)
Combat Engineer (SPVT) (Demolitionist)
Combat Engineer (SPVT)
Combat Engineer (SPVT)
B Team Leader (SGT)
Combat Engineer (SPVT) (7.62mm Machine Gun)
Combat Engineer (SPVT)[/spoiler]

"How long should I plan on spending on Objective Calgary?" Charlie asked the CG.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='01 April 2010 - 07:17 AM' timestamp='1270120657' post='2243560']
[b]Briefing Tent, Red One[/b]

"Yes sir," Major General Charles White says as he pulls the freshly typed order off the secure fax.

"And White, I'm dead serious, if they even try to so much as flinch at them shoot to kill," snarls the President.

"I understand sir," replies White as he turns off his satellite phone before turning to face the crowd in the tent. He examines the familiar faces, he nods to the new faces, and without much of a welcome he says, "Take your seats and we'll get started. With the arrival of the NoN gunships our operation has changed somewhat, but I believe it best we have a chance to chat with Mr. Murphy before we depart rather than after."

He turns to the large map projected onto a screen behind him and says, "The Kickapoo Confederation, unknown to us just eight days ago, lays mostly within the confines of the valley on the overhead projector. The two points of interest to most in this room are Objectives Calagary and Recluse."


"Before we elaborate on the these two objectives lets examine what we know about the Kickapoo Confederation. Intelligence estimates supported by an observation team at Firebase Gloria, recon flights, and good old fashion guess work sets the population of the Kickapoo Confederation at roughly 48,000 men, women, and children. These are members of the white upperclass that I refer to as the enslaved underclass is roughly at 100,000," the Major General comments.

"The enslaved underclass is their biggest bargaining chip. The forces in motion just two days ago were on the verge of breaking through the Kickapoo lines when the orders to halt in place were passed down by the President. He passed this order based on a communication between Denard and Deltrane. The conversation took place as a result of the bombing of a barn near his place of captivity. He gave the proper authentication code so it is felt with a high level of certainty that his message was not coerced. However, because Mr. Denard overheard Greenly Morris threatening to slaughter the slaves the President felt it prudent to halt in place," the Major General states as he motions for the next slide to be projected onto the screen.

"This overhead shows the known location of the various Kickapoo Air to Air units. You'll note that the positions are in a pair of loose rings that surround Greenly's Manor and the larger population center at Objective Calgary. SDF F-4 strikes have discovered that the sites tend to be grouped into clusters of equipment. The center of the site is the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9K31_Strela-1"]Strela[/url] with a pair of [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZSU-57-2"]ZSU-57s[/url]. Five of these sites protect Objective Calgary and two of these sites protect Objective Recluse," the Major General states as he points to each of the A/A sites.

"The remaining Kickapoo troops are trapped on two fronts. If they weaken either the West or the East they face being defeated in detail. They can't reinforce as the slaves will likely take the opportunity to rebel. Objective Calgary will be for just that purpose, the arming and assisting the slaves in an armed uprising. Charlie and the Dengali Battalion will be taking additional weapons with them to arm the slaves, we've had a sizable consignment sent up from SDF stocks. At last count we've shipped forward three thousand rifles for servicing and packing. Each rifle has been checked over very carefully and will be sent with a bandolier of ten 30 rd magazines that are being filled as we speak. Additional supplies of ammunition, grenades, water, food, and medical supplies have been gathered and packed for deployment," comments the Major General as he motions for the next slide.

"Objective Calgary will consist of the Dengali Battalion and what other additional support deemed necessary by Charlie and his team. We do have stocks of vehicles and other weapons for which you can draw upon within reason. Do not be skint and get me that list within the hour," the Major General orders.

"Objective Recluse will be sorted by the Promised Lander detachment under the formidable Colonel Clancy. You'll be choppered in and flown out by a team of four Mi-8 gunships. Photo reconnaissance data is available, please check it over and make any requests for additional manpower or air support," orders the Major General.

"The NoN detachment having been expanded has a very special mission. You'll be leaving at sundown to go at low altitude to deliver the 105s to Firebase Gloria. It is important that you do not fly over to the Kickapoo side of the mountain. The coordinates for the LZ on the SDF controlled side will be given to you shortly. Drop the howitzers and return to base as we've assembled mule teams to drag the howitzers into place over prepared trails. SDF Engineers have been working nearly nonstop to prepare these roads and Mi-8 flights have flown in the bulk of the munitions and other equipment needed to prepare the base for its mission," states the Major General.

"Tomorrow, before sun-up you'll get the honor of leading the attack on the Kickapoo interior by obliterating the A/A sites around Calgary and Recluse. Once you've wiped them out the strike team for Recluse will hit and shortly after the Dengali Battalion will make their jump. After knocking out these sites stay on station and wait for strike orders from Overwatch or seek your own targets out if the opportunity comes available," orders the Major General.

"Overwatch has been established at Firebase Gloria. It is the forward command center for this engagement. All radio traffic between artillery, air, and ground units will be coordinated through there by a team of SOG radio operators. They've been in place for the last few days acquainting themselves with the valley and its terrain via telescope so they ought to be well prepared for the mission," mentions Major General Charles White.

"Last, the word has come down that this is not a Pink Flamingo. For those of you who don't know a Pink Flamingo is Legion speak for exterminating the opposition as they've proven too dangerous to let them survive. The President has engaged in negotiations with Greenly Morris, he has bought us two days to carry out this operation. His orders are to shoot any of them who even flinches at you, but to allow those who want to surrender to surrender. If in doubt, shoot to kill," commands the Major General.

"Why don't we take a few minutes to speak amongst ourselves to iron out the last few details as I have to make a couple calls to organize the other units that will be hitting the Eastern and Western ends of the line in support of this operation," the Major General suggests.

De Falco sat, cross-armed and watched the General speak. At the invitation to 'iron out' any details, De Falco spoke up.

[b]"What is to become of the civilian population of the Confederacy once our operation commences?"[/b] This was an extremely touchy subject for De Falco- as an ex-Italican national, she was once a member of a racially charged ruling minority in Africa. The war in Fascist East Africa was an ugly one. While she could understand the Sudanese' objection to having such a group in their midst, she couldn't help but feel a sort of obligation- a duty to those that may or may not even be to blame for their government's actions.

[b]"I would hate to see anyone from the Confederacy that is not responsible for the Sudanese' suffering become subject to... indignities. Furthermore, It has become apparent that my forces are to be the most fortunate in this war... our positions in the air will not force us to suffer the consequences of having to distinguish friend from foe via one's skin complexion."[/b]

Finishing her opening comment, a visible distaste present, she began to talk business.

[b]"The Harbingers will deliver the Howitzers at sundown. What will you have the men that accompany the craft do, remain at Gloria, or return to base? As for the gunships, Eclipse Squadron will join the elements engaging the RECLUSE. Skull will engage Objective CALGARY with the Dengali battalion. In both cases, my helicopters will act as frontal aviation assets to ground forces. We will engage these pityful AAD's personally, as well as any armored elements that dare show their faces. Skull and Eclipse will also engage enemy artillery positions should they become known to you.

The NoN believes this is more than what is required to complete our mission objectives, however, it has deemed it fit to also supply you with the services of Death Crusader Squadron back at Adahunat Airbase. Should you require it, they will be on standby to assist in multiple sorties into enemy territory. Whether their strikes be of a strategic or simply tactical scope, is up to the discretion of you, General."[/b]

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='01 April 2010 - 11:04 AM' timestamp='1270134263' post='2243752']
"All good questions. For the most part the Kickapoo soldiers tend to wear a mix of civilian hunting clothes and surplus military equipment from various countries. We have yet to see any Africans of any sort carrying anything remotely resembling a weapon since we've encountered the Kickapoo Confederation. We will absolutely be arming, leading, assisting, and supporting an African uprising against their non-African captors. Therefore, it is very safe to say the Kickapoo soldiers are the ones who are white and with the guns."

"The first version of my plan called for teams of SDF aircraft and fire missions from Firebase Gloria. However, it does seem obvious to me that NoN has the technological edge making it more sensible that they take on this mission. You'll have fire support from Firebase Gloria and SDF aircraft as well once on ground."

"I suspect the Kickapoo military command, or what passes for one, knows we are up to something. They've been watching us for two days straight now while we fly in and out of their territory. The slaves are an unknown force. We do know with a certain reliability from Denard's message that the Kickapoo are unwilling to reinforce their fronts from the remaining thirty five hundred or so troops at home due to fear of the slaves launching an uprising. The only time the slaves and their captors will know for certainty that we are on the way will be when NoN's air-strikes start obliterating the Kickapoo air-defenses prior to the arrival of the Dengali Battalion and Colonel Clancy's men."

"Do you want them air dropped or flown in by chopper?"

The lead pilot of the 202nd informs Charlie they'd be happy to fly low enough for them touch the tops of the trees by dangling their feet over the back ramp.

"The President did just buy us 48 hours, so dropping in a recon platoon tonight shouldn't be a problem. The thing to remember is the longer we wait the greater the risks that this Greenly Morris individual will loose control of his men or he'll loose control of himself. The vehicles, barrier material, mines, and such will be no problem. Between the NoN Heavy Lift Aircraft and our Mi-8 Helicopters we'll be able to get all of it on the ground quickly. I can also provide an extra company of SDF regulars, to be choppered in once the DZ is secured, to provide base camp security while your battalion is on the move. This allows us to create an effective air-bridge into the valley to evacuate the slave women and children. The men will go last if they choose not to fight. Red Two is nearly ready to serve as a humanitarian station to house the freed slaves."

[b]"Skull, Eclipse and Death Crusader Squadrons are on standby to assist with whatever you require," [/b]she motioned to Leslie.

Edited by Executive Minister
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[quote name='Executive Minister']"Skull, Eclipse and Death Crusader Squadrons are on standby to assist with whatever you require," she motioned to Leslie.[/quote]

"Thank you, ma'am." Major Covington addressed Christina DeFalco. Major Covington slipped out the back to brief the Recon Platoon and was back in the conference room in 30 minutes.

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[quote]De Falco sat, cross-armed and watched the General speak. At the invitation to 'iron out' any details, De Falco spoke up.

"What is to become of the civilian population of the Confederacy once our operation commences?" This was an extremely touchy subject for De Falco- as an ex-Italican national, she was once a member of a racially charged ruling minority in Africa. The war in Fascist East Africa was an ugly one. While she could understand the Sudanese' objection to having such a group in their midst, she couldn't help but feel a sort of obligation- a duty to those that may or may not even be to blame for their government's actions.[/quote]

"Obviously the leadership is going to be taken out, they've proven themselves to be a pack of collective lunatics that resort to torture and threats of murder. All those who resist SDF and Allied forces will be met with lethal force. We didn't ask for these people to set up their nation of slaveholders in our midst, and clemency we show them is far more than they deserve," replies Major General Charles White who picks up the RoE handout and passes it around.

"Those who surrender will be allowed to surrender. The President is currently meeting with his cabinet to discuss the post-war options. None of us for a second believe that these loons in the Kickapoo government are representative of their entire population. As of now the RoE is lethal force for all Kickapoo citizens who show themselves armed and dangerous. Simply possessing a firearm in a non-threatening manner will not be grounds for opening fire. After all, they are being allowed to surrender, hard to do that without giving up your weapon. Once the ADA network is reduced leaflet drops will be conducted to inform the Kickapoo citizens to lock themselves into their homes, and be prepared to disarm once SDF forces are sighted. The exact procedure for that is being arranged and once it is firmly set it'll be distributed to all SDF units. Once the valley is secured and the Kickapoo civilians and soldiers who surrender are disarmed we'll more than likely be exercising two options," elaborates the President.

"The first will be allowing those of the Kickapoo who aren't charged with any violations of the Sudanese Republic Administrative Code the choice to remain in the valley under SDF supervision, more for their own protection, minus their slaves. The second is wholesale deportation to their home countries. All of this depends on the state of mind of the Kickapoo civilians who surrender. Again, we don't believe their entire population is representative of their absurd government. If they can be worked with, and they haven't violated any Sudanese Republic laws, they will be allowed to stay in their homes," concludes Major General Charles White.

With a moment of extra though he adds,"It is important to note that the President has established a scale of priorities for this operation. He orders that when it comes to the SDF priorities the SDF will be putting the SDF and allied forces safety first, the safety and lives of the slaves second. The civilian Kickapoo slaveholders third, with the Kickapoo soldiers dead last."

[quote]"I would hate to see anyone from the Confederacy that is not responsible for the Sudanese' suffering become subject to... indignities. Furthermore, It has become apparent that my forces are to be the most fortunate in this war... our positions in the air will not force us to suffer the consequences of having to distinguish friend from foe via one's skin complexion."[/quote]

"It is bound to be messy, but with the Dengali Battalion's Operation we hope to extract as many of the Slaves as possible before they get it into their heads to go on a rampage for revenge. One of the first orders of business for SDF forces who will be breaking into the valley as soon as they can manage will be to institute martial law and to organize the evacuation of the slaves for their sake and to avoid any revenge fueled blood baths on a disarmed Kickapoo population," the Major General responds.

[quote]"The Harbingers will deliver the Howitzers at sundown. What will you have the men that accompany the craft do, remain at Gloria, or return to base? As for the gunships, Eclipse Squadron will join the elements engaging the RECLUSE. Skull will engage Objective CALGARY with the Dengali battalion. In both cases, my helicopters will act as frontal aviation assets to ground forces. We will engage these pityful AAD's personally, as well as any armored elements that dare show their faces. Skull and Eclipse will also engage enemy artillery positions should they become known to you.

The NoN believes this is more than what is required to complete our mission objectives, however, it has deemed it fit to also supply you with the services of Death Crusader Squadron back at Adahunat Airbase. Should you require it, they will be on standby to assist in multiple sorties into enemy territory. Whether their strikes be of a strategic or simply tactical scope, is up to the discretion of you, General."[/quote]

"This sounds like an excellent division of labor, our thanks for your willingness to participate. Perhaps keeping your men with Harbinger in their aircraft to act as an aerial RRF might be the best option as assets will be slim until the Dengali Battalion is relieved," replies the Major General.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Gunther' date='01 April 2010 - 01:44 PM' timestamp='1270151074' post='2244214']
Charlie turned to Major Covington and whispered, "Put out a warning order for the Recon platoon now. Let them know they are dropping this evening. Tell them to pack light and insure they have their pathfinder equipment. Let the snipers know to bring their [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghillie_suit]ghillie suits.[/url] Insure they get 3 days rations (3 C-rats) and one BLA." Charlie was referring to one Basic Load of Ammunition.

"Roger that, Charlie," Major Covington responded and quietly slipped out of the briefing room.

"Airborne Engineers would be perfect, sir." Charlie answered the Commanding General.

"How long should I plan on spending on Objective Calgary?" Charlie asked the CG.

"Airborne Engineers aren't currently within the ranks of the SDF, my apologies for offering them earlier, I've been far busier than normal of late. We'll have to chopper in a company of Combat Engineers with the first waves of equipment. How long you stay on Objective Calgary depends on you. If you see the advantage in attacking to hold the Kickapoo Military in the valley, do it. If they come to you, stay on Objective Calgary and use NoN air-support and the battery at FB Gloria to hammer them," replies the Major General.

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Charlie thought about his options. "Air Assaulting a Company of Sappers after our Drop, is workable. The DZs can be quickly converted to LZs as soon as the Airborne troops are clear." Charlie thought about his options. "We won't really need them until the Barrier material arrives the next day. How about we bring the rangers and Barrier Material in together at H+24 on Rotary Wing aircraft? Doesn't NoN have some heavy lift capacity aircraft? Us infantry types are issued Entrenching tools, we'll put them to work." Charlie cursed himself. He'd have to dig out his sandstone and sharpen that blasted E-tool up again after he was done using it. Then he thought to himself, 'Who you kidding, you old fart. Everyone knows the BC doesn't dig his own CP.'

"Did I just say, Ranger?" Charlie smiled realizing he made an error. "I meant Sappers."

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVHrDL16oaM&feature=player_embedded]Soldiers marching[/url]

Outside, A Company, Dengali Battalion marched by the Conference Room. "Sounds like the boys are getting ready for work, sir." Chargin' Charlie said to the Commanding General with a smile. The 128 soldiers were oblivious to the proceedings inside the conference room. They knew they had a job to do and they trusted their leadership to give them the necessary tools to carry the mission through to completion.

Captain "Milo" Miles Gibowicz was of Polish descent and joined the African Legion to bring some excitement into his life. Life in the old country was boring. He'd had his fill of excitement and more. Within time, he grew to love the Legion. It was his family he could never leave it of his own accord.

The A Company Commander yelled, "Column Right!" as the guidon bearer raised the staff of his guidon into the air. "March!" and the guidon bearer pulled the staff back down by his side. The formation sharply turned onto a side street heading towards their new barracks.

Edited by Gunther
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