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A private Yacht arrives in Port Sudan.

Maelstrom Vortex

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A man gets out wearing robes, a cloak, and his face is mostly covered save his eyes. He looks like a nomad. He registers his arrival with the dock master and peacefully makes his way through customs. Having arrived directly in the capitol, he drops a letter in a mail box to Mad Dog Denard, and heads towards a local hotel.


Greetings from the Eternal Emperor Dragon,

I am Terra Melikh, Priest of the First Circle of the Imperial Dragon Cult. I have traveled from Dragonisian City in Cochin to meet with you and discuss a friend of yours, the late Maelstrom Vortex. I will be staying in the Scorching Sands Hotel, please feel free to contact me if you wish to talk.

Terra Melikh

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[quote][b]From: Mad Dog
To: Cultist Lunatic[/b]

I'm very hung over today. I spent all night boozing it up with my ex-wife's brother. Nice fellow he is, but my god almighty he can put away the sauce. You might be wondering why I was drinking with my ex-wife's brother. Well for one he's a good dancer, not that we danced or anything, but you have to appreciate a man who can swerve the ladies like he can. The other is my ex-wife's family actually are in fear of my ex-wife. Formidable woman doesn't come close to describing her, I miss her at times, but I value having my skin on my back.

You came here to discuss ol' Maelstrom did you? Well, any friend of Maelstrom is a friend of mine. I never did get to spend as much time or any time around him for that matter. But he dealt with me and my boys down in Somalia fairly. Even gave us a leg up when we first came into nationhood. He didn't even bat an eyelash, just gave out a helping hand to a bunch of raggedy looking bums who needed it. So yeah, come on over, I'll roll out the welcome wagon and put you up for lunch.

-Mad Dog Bob Denard[/quote]

Mad Dog hollers to his aide, "HEY, someone cook up a mess of something good to eat, we are hosting some lunatic cult guy!"

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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The Cultist took up the offer despite being called a Lunatic, it was expected. Melikh was escorted in to see Mad Dog.

"Greetings Mad Dog, I heard a lot about you. Kind of you to make a lunch for me. You're probably wondering why I am here. Just a couple quick questions, and I'll get into the heart of the matter. 'Do you believe the spirits of the dead might wonder among the living?' and 'Do you still have the amulet that the Emperor sent you prior to his departing this life?'"

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Bob reaches under his shirt and pulls out his amulet and sets the item on the table. He shovels another fork of Somalian style pasta into his mouth, chews it, swallows, and washes it down with a glass of wine. He levels Melikh with a stare and says, "Son, my momma and I have conversations all the time, she died a few years back and once I got into a fist fight with an angel."

He then motions to his aide and says, "You go on downstairs and help yourself to something to eat. I think Melikh and I are going to need some time alone." After the aide leaves he focuses his attention back on Melikh and nods for him to continue as he takes another bite of his food.

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"Then this will likely not impress you much..." the cultist chuckled, "all the same. I do my duty for my savior." He takes the amulet and puts it on the ground, he lightly strokes the dragon's scales upon the amulets a few times and it begins to move. He steps back a few feet and slowly but surely a mist rises above the amulet.. any electronics in the room start to short as the image of Maelstrom in his traditional suit slowly materializes. He is complete now though, wings and tail adorn his spirit and there appears to be a cross embedded in his forehead.

"Fought with angels you say?" Maelstrom's voice chuckles without his mouth moving. The image crosses its arms, "Well.. I'm definitely not hear to fight with you Mad Dog. See you're still having a good time. I have come to speak to you because I have seen beyond death's veil.. and with sufficient worship and the fact I am still needed, I have chosen to remain here upon this Earth in answer to the millions of citizens I ruled under the Empire crying out in need at the recent global instability which has gripped this world. They don't have stable governments, but they need a stable protector and they have chosen me. I guess the great temple worked. Anyhow, direct to business as I always was, have been, and forever shall be in the service of my Lord. I wish a to construct a worship area in Sudan around which my followers can conduct their operations. In return, they will help you implement social and moral reforms with the influence they gain here for us so long as you do not act against them and your actions are relatively moral. What say you?"

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"You'll have to explain how this will work a bit more. I'm not opposed to my people deciding for themselves who and how they'll worship. What lord do you support? Because most of my population are die hard followers of that Allah fellow. I can see what you mean though about your people needing guidance, half of the old DE looks like they are one foot in the grave of their own conscience. Bunch of commies or money grubbing industrialists who are intent on smacking down commies. Not that I hate commies they are just too long winded and tedious for their own good," replies Bob. Nothing about the situation seems out of place to him.

Why would it? Mad Dog Bob Denard has fought an angel, been cursed at by his mother for being lazy from beyond the grave, and was sober both times. The only thing that worries Bob about all of this is possible civil unrest brought on by an irate and very traditional population of Muslims. The absolute last thing he wants is a religious war on his hands.

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"Well, my lord is Christ and God. I see the dilemma you speak of, but my followers are instructed to absolutely respect the beliefs of the native populations. We are not out to correct via force, as that is pointless. You cannot force someone to accept your religion as their true faith still lies elsewhere. Besides, they're just fragments of your own soul Mad Dog, unless you do not wish them to be.. all of your people are.. and if they aren't then there is no soul to save even if we teach them our moral structure. So the question actually more is what do you truly believe?" The creature tilted its head curiously. "Because even though you want them all to follow Allah, the real truth of their actual faith lies within you. They're all fractions, facets.. of your own spirit. Who is your Lord?"

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"I don't worship anything really. I worship my duty to my people. Which is why I'm concerned about the possible impact of having a group of what they would see as inflammatory heretics in their midst. I'm lucky in the sense that the Muslims in Sudan are the moderate sort. All the real radicals blew themselves up months ago or they disappeared," Bob explains as he uses his fingers to make quotation marks when he says disappeared.

He scratches his chin a bit and continues after saying, "I'm not going to talk philosophy or spirituality with a guy who is on the other side. No offense that's a bit too out there for me and I'm still hung over from last night. Let's stick to the specifics of this situation, how can I ensure your people are kept safe and how can I ensure my people aren't made to feel their believes are being attacked by your people's presence?"

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His eyes glow faintly green as he thinks, "Simple. My people are well aware of the security risks. We will build our temple with some light walls and a mild security force. We will keep our beliefs to those who come within the temple grounds to inquire and as our base of worship expands we shall build more such structures as demographically and geographically appropriate. My people will be instructed to adhere to all local customs and respect the traditions of the local population when outside the temple. That, I imagine, should be sufficient if they are moderates."

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Bob thinks for a bit, turns around, pulls a map off his cluttered desk, and pushes his plate to the side to make room for it. He pulls out a pencil and makes some notes on the map. A grunt, a snort, and a mumble later he sets the pencil down. He walks over to the another table picks up a file and returns. After taking his seat he opens the file and pulls out a document. His eyes scan it and when he finds the information he needs he says, "No, mild to light security forces won't work as it represents an internal security issue that I have to deal with. No private security forces are allowed that are over twenty persons strong under Sudanese Law. However, I do believe I have a solution for the problem. Outside of Port Sudan there is an abandoned monastery. It belonged to a Christian minority group that was wiped out by those radicals that disappeared. Security wise it is in an ideal position as it is already walled in on a nice parcel of one hundred acres of land."

Bob holds up an aerial survey photo for Maelstrom to see and says, "As you can see the compound has several large structures that are in fairly good shape. I toured the place myself last week. Most of the buildings are over two hundred years old and crafted out of stone. As for your security issues I have an easy way of solving that as right next to the monastery is a Sudanese Army Base. People might not respect the word of god, but by golly they'll respect a burst of .50 cal fire over the tops of their heads."

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Maelstrom glances at the map, "That's perfect. We'll be glad to take that. Thank you Mad Dog. I.. unfortunately and fortunately, have no need to eat anymore, however.. if you'll let the living part of me that is my Priest over there enjoy your banquet I'm sure he'd be honored and grateful. He had a long trip." With that.. the vaporous image that was Maelstrom faded from view and into the amulet.

Melikh looks somewhat nervous, "I guess that means he is pleased with me. Is this all we need to speak of your excellency?"

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Bob pours out two large glasses, hands one to Melihk, and promptly begins to regale him with a tale involving an impossible feat so perverse it boggles even the most jaded of imaginations. Not that Bob actually did that, but he came close late one night in Bangkok a year ago before his return to Africa.

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Melikh is amused, in return he tells his own tale,

"Before our Emperor left his earth, his breath never quite caught flame. But it will soon. The sign will burst in the heavens for all to see. He is maturing in his eternal sleep very rapidly. He will also return to be among us. The time will be soon, we do not know how soon, but the time is near..."

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