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Imperial Assault Alliance

Voodoo Nova

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The Imperial Assault Alliance (IAA) community has been around in its current incarnation for almost a year. The current incarnation was founded by Chimaera in April 2009, but the original IAA was formed in 2006 with Darth Andrew as it's founder. Our community is a very strong one, with many members referring to us like a family. We have a very diverse alliance, having many different members, ideas, ideologies and beliefs. We all can speak our minds, comment on anything we wish to within the alliance and share our ideas on how to make IAA even better.

What sets IAA apart from other alliances isn't much, but very distinct. We're like a family, and everyone has a role in our family. Our family is an open family. We allow freedom of speech and expression. Our government serves the members of the family, and places them first above anyone else in this world. We treat our family to tech deals, trades and one of the best nuclear growth programs in this world. For the members that wish to undertake the program, they will obtain nuclear arms by 15000 nation strength.

If you're interested in joining or just want to hang out, check out our forums and IRC channel to get a feel for our home and who we are as a community. Our Charter is located below and is a must-read for any person to read if they wish to join.

If you wish to join, please make an account on [url="http://forums.theimperialassault.com/index.php?act=idx"]our forums[/url] and [url="http://forums.theimperialassault.com/index.php?showforum=34"]then apply in this section[/url] of our forums. If you have any questions, please follow this [url="http://www.freewebs.com/emperormathias/IRC.html"]link[/url] to visit our IRC channel.


[center][size="3"]Declaration of Empire- Imperial Assault Alliance Charter[/size][/center]


The Imperial Assault Alliance (IAA) is an alliance dedicated to the fundamental qualities of security, safety, prosperity, and camaraderie. Founded in earnest and in good faith, we hereby solemnly dedicate this Charter to the continuation of our ideals and sovereignty.

The Empire does hereby reserve the right to take diplomatic or martial action in any sort of situation that arises, whether the situation is foreign or domestic, that we feel infringes upon the sovereignty, freedom, or rights of others, and whose aforementioned sovereignty, freedom, and rights we deem necessary or correct to defend.

Article I: Structure of the Alliance

A. The Imperial Senate

Once a nation is accepted into the Imperial Assault Alliance, that member nation obtains the title of Imperial Senator where they automatically have a seat in the Imperial Senate and will be responsible for participating in alliance-wide votes. This includes, but isn't limited to, votes such as Votes of No Confidence, treaties and declarations of war. A 66%+1 majority in favor will pass all votes except declarations of wars. A ¾ majority in favor will pass a declaration of war that does not involve a treaty partner. The rights of the Senate shall be detailed in "Basic Rights of the Imperial Senate".

B. The Imperial Government

The Imperial Government is made up of His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor, and his Imperial Ruling Council, which consists of the Grand Vizier, the Imperial Regent, the Grand Admiral, the Grand Moff, and the Imperial Exchequer whose respective deputies serve within as lesser-ranking members of the Council. Imperial Regent is head of foreign affairs for the alliance. The Grand Admiral is in charge of the Imperial Military. The Grand Moff is in charge of the internal affairs of the alliance. The Imperial Exchequer is in charge of the economics of the alliance. The Grand Vizier is the second in command of the alliance and in the Emperor's absence will take his place. Individual government member's responsibility shall be detailed in "The Responsibilities of the Imperial Government".

Article II: The Imperial Government

His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor -

The sovereign Head of State of the Imperial Assault Alliance, His Majesty the Emperor maintains order over the Imperial Ruling Council. He retains veto rights over any treaty. He maintains the ability to issue executive orders, as well as grant pardons during judiciary proceedings that can only be overturned by a majority vote of the Ruling Council.

Should the Emperor be deemed unable to execute his duties properly for any reason, he may be impeached by a majority vote of the Ruling Council, as well as a 66%+1 majority vote by the Imperial Senate. Should the Emperor be replaced, whether by resignation or by impeachment, he shall appoint someone to take his place. The new appointee must be approved by the senate 66%+1 in favor of his appointment.

The Imperial Ruling Council -

All Imperial Ruling Council members are appointed and fired by the Emperor at his discretion, and each individual member of the Ruling Council retains the right to the same privilege over his own deputies. All appointed IRC members must be approved by the senate with a 66%+1 majority. In addition, all Ruling Council members have the right to create additional Deputy-level positions in their own ministry, though these positions will not be official members of Imperial government. There shall be one official deputy per Council member.

Article III: Additions to the Charter

Charter Amendments may be proposed by any member, at any time, in the Imperial Situation Room. If the Grand Vizier deems the proposition has gained significant weight through discussion, he may post it for a full vote of the Imperial Senate in the Convocation Chambers, a vote to last 48 hours. The amendment passes if it garners a 66%+1 majority in favor.[/quote]

[quote][i]Basic Rights of Imperial Senators:[/i]

1) All Senators of the Imperial Assault Alliance are deigned the right to free speech in such forms that it does not perpetuate dissention and/or treason within the Empire, or such that causes poor public perception of the Empire.

2) Senators are granted the right to recommend any and all courses of action to the Imperial Ruling Council. This shall be, first and foremost, an alliance for the people.

3) Senators may call for a vote of No Confidence against any appointed official above the rank of Senator.

4) Senators shall not be accused of wrongdoing without ample and sufficient evidence such that shows reasonable cause for an accusation.

5) Senators have the right to challenge any decision the government makes, in which case a public forum shall be held where the Ruling Council presents the rationale for the decision(s) in question.[/quote]

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' date='31 January 2010 - 10:50 PM' timestamp='1264996236' post='2149457']
The current incarnation was founded by Chimaera in April 2009, [b]but the original IAA was formed in 2006 with Darth Andrew[/b] as it's founder.[/quote]

I would like recognition for this accomplishment. Like a certificate. Or a gold star sticker.


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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' date='11 March 2010 - 06:31 PM' timestamp='1268353856' post='2222637']
When you join, you'll receive an IAA special edition of



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Since the Cookbook is taking longer than we thought........
Wookie Cookies

1 Cup ground Wookie
1 tsp nutmeg (optional)
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups flour
1/2 cup Sugar
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup Walnuts or hazelnuts (Optional)

Stir flour, sugar, baking powder, nutmeg and cinnamon together slowly add Wookie, stir in egg and liquid ingredients, add walnuts or hazelnuts or both (they are YOUR cookies, go nuts) :rolleyes:
Bake at 350F for 10 minutes, makes 1 dozen cookies (careful they may bite back)

Join IAA Today!!

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[left]Not only do we have a great looking flag, you get to meet the women.


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