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ICB Beer Review

Nick Bar

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I have decided to review Coors Light, there is no special reason it was just the first one i saw in my fridge. A good American beer it is boasted for having the special "blue mountains" that tell you when the beer is the perfect temperature.

When i first popped the top I had visions of fire hydrants spraying forth on a hot summer day. As i poured it into a mug I admired its golden amber color and watched as a nice, medium head formed. With my first sip i was rewarded with a mild flavor that had a trace of sweet bread and something flowery. After my first six i had quite a nice buzz and combined with the pain killers i took an hour earlier was feeling nothing. I cannot remember anything past eight beers but I'm told I consumed four more and was chasing a plastic bag outside my house screaming "the duck stole my hat" before I finally passed out trying to climb up the side of my house.


Overall it has good drinkability, something you could sit have have several of, if that's what you're into.

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What? Coors light?

Get out.

You shouldn't have even admitted that you had that in your fridge.

(well, that is an awesome pic, that sort of evens up a bit... but not by a lot. The description of the proceeding events did however, in combination of the pic, make this an enjoyable read).

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