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Disparuean Research and Military Developments


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Disparuean networks would suddenly come online as the Ministry of Science and Technology began to lift the lockdown that was imposed on Disparu's computer systems.

All Disparuean channels would display the words "Stand by..." The display would then switch to stock footage of a Disparuean flag waving in the sky, with the anthem playing in the background. After a few seconds, the display would switch again to a live broadcast from the King's residence at Château Jubilife. Viewers would see the King behind his study's desk, wearing his signature suit as usual.

"Good evening, my fellow Disparueans. As the Ministry of Science and Technology has determined that suspicious activity from the Great Lakes States seems to have decreased during the past couple of days, I have ordered them to lift the lockdown put in place more than a week ago. Even though life might return to normal, I advise all Disparueans to remain vigilant of suspicious activities. The Government will also remain vigilant and remain on high alert, just in case the terrorists across the border pull something out of their sleeves again.

Before I go, I'd like to make a few announcements. The border between the Great Lakes States and Disparu will remain closed to the public indefinitely. The entrance to the Great Lakes from the Saint Lawrence River will also remain closed to inbound and outbound traffic. In regards to the war that's currently occurring in the Iberian Peninsula; since we don't seem to have any ties with anyone currently involved in the war, Disparu will remain neutral on this war until one of our allies' homelands are attacked.

Well, that's...pretty much it. Have a good night, Disparu."


Despite the fact that the lockdown over Disparu had already been lifted, the Ministry of Science and Technology would continue to remain catious, wary, vigilant and on high alert, just in case TUO attempted to pull a fast one on them. All firewalls were still set to "Elevated mode", which slowed down Disparuean computer networks but provided more protection. All services and utilities deemed critical were also disconnected from the Internet and reconnected to an isolated intranet network that was completely cut off from the Internet.

At the border between Disparu and the GLS, border patrols continued to be on high alert and kept a lookout on the Great Lakes States.



As soon as the lockdown was lifted, the Government immediately sent an order to the Ministry of Science and Technology to develop something that will allow them to overcome the Great Lakes States' ridiculously fortified border with Disparu and New England.

The Ministry's finest minds immediately began brainstorming...

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You should reply to this:

In the Hudson Bay:

As the war raged on, the damaged GLS ships managed to slip out of TUO's range of fire at the cost of the destruction of several of their cargo ships and their last naval ship, the anti-aircraft frigate. The fleet limped toward the closest Disparu seaport, board casting a radio message, "We can't dock in Great Lakes States, requesting to dock in your seaport for unloading of our military and repairs."

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You should reply to this:

OoC: Done.



After an hour of brainstorming, the Ministry's scientists managed to come up with several ideas:

Problem: Great Lakes States' ridiculously fortified border is preventing the invasion force from invading GLS. The border is also going to make us lose a large part of our military if we continue to fight in a normal way.


1. Launch rockets containing soldiers and tanks over the border and into the GLS.

2. Ask the GDR's leader, Lynneth Sarkara, to hack into their network systems for us. <-- Probably too busy in Europe

3. Launch a DDoS against their computer systems with the help of the Federated States of America

4. Dry up the Great Lakes <-- No.

5. Cause extensive flooding in GLS's coastal areas

6. Launch unmanned military vehicles to GLS

7. Launch a missile into space, then make it drop into the GLS

8. Shower the GLS with space debris

9. Find an asteroid large enough that will turn the Great Lakes States into the Great Lakes Crater

10. Reroute invasion force through Viniland

11. Release lead and other poisonous materials into Great Lakes.

12. Make them go crazy by playing something irritating at the border.

13. Build temporary bridges over the border

14. Keep on launching missiles into the border until it's destroyed

15. Just give up. <-- No.

Some of them were plausible enough and could actually help them, while some were just plain silly.

The Ministry of Science and Technology would also send a message to three Disparuean military satellites currently in orbit to take snapshots of the GLS's border areas.

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Some of them were plausible enough and could actually help them, while some were just plain silly.

The Ministry of Science and Technology would also send a message to the Disparuean three military satellites currently in orbit to take snapshots of the GLS's border areas.

They would notice GLS's border insanely fortified defenses are located on land, but not on or in the water. In parts of the border defenses that are bordering New England, smoke can be seen from TUO's forces fighting aggressively for the control of the border defense systems.

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OOC: Ehm, New England is no more, it's now the Federated States of America. lol :P

That, the GLS's insanely fortified border defenses are nothing when compared to New England (now FSA)'s epicly fortified border defenses. :ph34r:

OOC: Mine has rail guns. I can keep on shooting your defenses until there is no more electricity or shells left to fire. :awesome:

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OOC: Ehm, New England is no more, it's now the Federated States of America. lol :P

That, the GLS's insanely fortified border defenses are nothing when compared to New England (now FSA)'s epicly fortified border defenses. :ph34r:

OoC: Fixed. :P

They would notice GLS's border insanely fortified defenses are located on land, but not on or in the water. In parts of the border defenses that are bordering New England, smoke can be seen from TUO's forces fighting aggressively for the control of the border defense systems.



"Well, that isn't good. At all." said the scientist who analyzed the satellite photos. The border defences were made up of a complicated system composed of slopes and a continuous flow of an unknown substance. Soldiers who were present during the failed invasion of the Great Lakes States reported that the substance was like a slippery liquid that "kinda acted like quicksand". And the fact that it wasn't on or in water didn't help too - only land was important, and unless they found a way to flood the border areas bordering water, they still wound't be able to penetrate the defences. Hmm...

The scientist walked back to the main table, where his other colleagues had gathered, pointing at different charts, diagrams and blueprints. They had just heard that the border defences bordering the Federated States of America had fallen to terrorist forces, and they had to quickly readjust their plans.

The current plan they had was to use light UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) that could bomb the hell out of the terrorist forces' bases. They couldn't rely on land vehicles to attack due to the border defences, but they had a much better chance if they used aircraft to attack.

The UAVs would be light enough to dodge the terrorists' slow aircraft, and would contain chaff to interfere with radar detection and to act as defences against anti-aircraft missiles. The only problem was the interference being released near the border, but hopefully they would be able to find a solution for that problem.

Edited by Pikachurin
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After a week of brainstorming and research, the Ministry's numerous scientists eventually agreed that the UAVs would be their best bet in disabling the border defences to make way for the actual invasion force. The UAVs were light enough to outmanoeuvre the terrorists' aircraft and were simple enough to produce hundreds of them in a day. Each UAV would carry a low-resolution camera, a radar and communications dish that would help the UAV's system with it's tasks. Each UAV would also carry two to five missiles, and packages of chaff to protect them from rogue missiles. As soon as a UAV runs out of missiles to launch, the computer would use the on-board camera to find a suitable target and direct the UAV to the target at full speed. The scientists even found a possible workaround for the interference being launched in the border areas - each UAV's computer would use the on-board camera and radar, as well as GPS technology and a weak link to nearby UAVs, to guide the UAVs to their targets. They would also secretly build large, high-power antennas near the border in order to maintain a link with the UA's. As soon as the UAVs overcame the border defences, troops would dump tons of rubble into the border defences and cross over to the GLS.

Several prototypes were immediately constructed, and construction of the antennas near the border immediately began...


Despite this new breakthrough, the scientists still knew that their plan could still fail if the border defences managed to destroy their UAVs. They needed a distraction, a distraction that would catch TUO off guard when they finally invade the GLS. Perhaps they could somehow plant false information into TUO's leadership...

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"I got it!" shouted one of the scientists. "I have an ingenious plan that could potentially distract TUO away from the main invasion force. I remember reading about it in a history book about wars. What we'll do is we'll intentionally crash a plane into the GLS by letting it get shot down by the terrorists. That plane will look like a messenger plane, and make it look like as if it was heading towards the American soldiers currently within the GLS. The plane will be filled with fake intel that will tell the terrorists that we're planning to invade them in Location A, though we'll actually invade them in Location B. It's still a rough idea, but I think it'll work." he continued.

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  • 1 month later...


The Ministry's scientists immediately went back to work after the Disparu Day celebrations. A lot of things had already happened to the scientists' research during the past two months. After hundreds of test flights, they had finally perfected their UAVs. They had even refined the plan they developed last January involving fake battle plans and a dead pilot. Unfortunately, though, the war in the GLS had already ended in a stalemate between the Allied forces of Disparu and the Federated States, and the United Organization. Since the war already ended, the Ministry had decided to perform military research on other fields, as well as improving Disparu's military strategies and equipment.

First off, the Ministry began to look into acquiring and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_dolphin"]training dolphins for military purposes[/url]. Dolphins, after all, were considered to have [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cetacean_intelligence"]more intelligence[/url] compared to other animals. It was possible to train dolphins to aid the Disparuean Forces' marine operations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[b]***ALL CLASSIFIED***[/b]

[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Science et la Technologie | Ministry of Science and Technology
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Project Seaking[/u]


[b]Project Seaking[/b], the codename for the project designed to train dolphins for military purposes, is going fairly well. The Ministry was able to obtain two dolphins from a marine park about to go bankrupt. No information about the dolphins' purchaser was disclosed to the marine park in question. No information about the Project has been leaked to the public, or the rest of the Government, for that matter.

The dolphins have been nicknamed "Magi" and "Karp". They are currently in a secure military training camp somewhere in Labrador. Trackers have been installed on both dolphins. The pair is currently being trained to wear devices (such as cameras and sonar devices) while swimming.[/font][/quote]
[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Science et la Technologie | Ministry of Science and Technology
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Concern for Aerial Vehicles[/u]


It has recently come to our attention that the terrorist organization known as "The United Organization" (TUO) may have used substances designed to clog the engines of enemy aircraft during the last war. The Disparuean Forces has asked the Ministry to remedy the problem, in case the substance in question is used again by the terrorists.

We currently do not have samples of the substance, however we do have some pictures and video footage of it being used. Based on these, we have concluded that the substance is designed to stick into the engine and clog it until it ceases to operate.

The Ministry is currently attempting to recreate the substance based on our current knowledge of chemistry. The Ministry will also check to see if polytetrafluoroethylene (more commonly known as Teflon) can be used to remedy this problem.

The Ministry will also reprogram the automatic UAVs recently developed to take this situation into account. After being reprogrammed, the UAVs will deactivate the engine when it clogs and begin to glide. The onboard computer will select a possible target and will crash into it. Only one UAV has been reprogrammed so far. This UAV will be tested against the substance as soon as we replicate the substance's effects.[/font][/quote]
[quote][font="Courier New"][center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/thumb/7/7a/Logo_of_the_Disparuean_Space_Agency.svg/180px-Logo_of_the_Disparuean_Space_Agency.svg.png[/img]

[b]Agence Spatiale Disparuenne | Disparuean Space Agency
Leclerc Space Centre - Longueuil, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Developing Lunar and Martian Rovers + Space Probes[/u]


In an effort to increase Disparu's technical and spatial capabilities, as well as to expand our knowledge of space, the DSA has began research on developing lunar and Martian rovers and probes, as well as interplanetary/stellar space probes. The Federated States' National Space Agency may be asked to help us develop spacecraft for these initiatives.

More information about this will be released soon.

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[quote][font="Courier New"][center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/thumb/7/7a/Logo_of_the_Disparuean_Space_Agency.svg/180px-Logo_of_the_Disparuean_Space_Agency.svg.png[/img]

[b]Agence Spatiale Disparuenne | Disparuean Space Agency
Leclerc Space Centre - Longueuil, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Cont'd: Developing [s]Lunar and[/s] Martian Rovers + Space Probes[/u]


The Disparuean Space Agency has decided to cancel missions to launch rovers and probes into the Moon due to budget and time constraints. Besides, no one cares about the Moon since humanity has studied it repeatedly. And it isn't interesting - it's only a gigantic, lifeless rock blasted out of the Earth billions of years ago.

The Martian and interplanetary/stellar missions will continue as planned.

[b]Martian missions[/b]

The DSA is planning on launching two missions to Mars. One will be a rover while the other will be an orbiter.

The rover is currently named "Gallade". Gallade will be used to determine the nature and inventory of organic carbon compounds, identify features that may represent the effects of biological processes, investigate the chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical composition of the Martian surface and near-surface geological materials and interpret the processes that have formed and modified rocks and soils.


The orbiter is currently named "Giratina". Giratina will be used to act as a communications relay between Earth and Gallade, as well as for future missions. Giratina will also be used to take high-resolution images of the Martian surface to choose landing sites for future missions. Giratina will also be used to study the Martian climate and atmosphere. Giratina will be sent to Mars ahead of Gallade to map out possible landing sites.


[b]Interplanetary/stellar Missions[/b]

The DSA is planning on launching two interplanetary/stellar missions.

The first one will be a robotic space probe named "Jirachi". Jirachi will be directly launched into an Earth-and-solar-escape trajectory. It will fly by Jupiter and its satellites and perform observations before using gravity to slingshot itself to Pluto. Jirachi will fly by Pluto and perform observations and science experiments. It will then continue on to interstellar space.


The second mission, known as Heatran, will be a robotic space probe sent directly to Jupiter. Heatran will carry an atmospheric entry probe known as "JED" (Jovian Entry Device). JED will perform observations of the Jovian atmosphere and send the results back to Heatran, which will then be relayed back to Earth. Heatran, meanwhile, will take images of Jupiter and its satellites from different wavelengths, as well as gather more data about its atmosphere.

More information will be released soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...


[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Science et la Technologie | Ministry of Science and Technology
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Project Seaking[/u]


The project is still going well. Magi and Karp are now used to carrying loads while swimming, and can compensate the added loads by swimming in a different style. We are currently training them to perform underwater reconnaissance missions and to peg explosive devices into ships, submarines, and other aquatic vehicles.

The Ministry of Defence and the head of the Disparuean Forces have been informed about the existence of Project Seaking, Magi and Karp.
[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Science et la Technologie | Ministry of Science and Technology
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Concern for Aerial Vehicles [SOLVED][/u]


Our scientists have managed to reproduce a substance similar to the ones used by the United Organization. We conducted two main tests on how the substance reacts with our aircraft.

In the first test, we made one of our reprogrammed UAVs fly, then released the substance into its engines. The test produced results we were expecting - the engine was clogged, and the UAV's onboard computer immediately found a target (a dummy tank) and glided until it crashed into it.

In the second test, we coated the engine of one of our reprogrammed UAVs with polytetrafluoroethylene and released the substance into its engines. The test produced positive results - the substance was unable to fully clog the engine, and the UAV continued to operate normally. Due to this, we will now be coating polytetrafluoroethylene to all of the engines of all high-risk aircraft (such as the UAVs we are using in case of an attack, and most of the Disparuean Forces' aircraft operating in the southwest).

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"The Disparuean Ministry of Science and Technology has two announcements to make today.

First of all, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=66490&view=findpost&p=1968913"]after nearly two years of work[/url], the Black Mesa Research Facility's particle accelerators have been fully repaired and upgraded. Here is an image of the site, along with an outline on where the particle accelerator is currently located.


The Research Facility will be owned and used by the Ministry itself. Tommorow, the first protons around the entire tunnel circuit will be fired in stages.

Secondly, we would like to announce that the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope has finally arrived at Lagrange Point 2 six months after it's [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79528"]launch[/url]. The Space Telescope has finished performing it's initial calibration and diagnostic tests, and will soon begin it's scientific mission."


[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Défense | Ministry of Defence
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Border Defences[/u]


In order to protect us from the terrorists residing in TUO-controlled Great Lakes States, we will be constructing a buffer zone on our side of the Disparu-GLS border. The buffer zone will be similar to the one currently in place between TUO-controlled GLS and FSA/Disparu-controlled GLS. Basically, the buffer zone will be located along the border between TUO-controlled GLS and will extend 3 km from the border. The buffer zone will be packed with thousands of land mines, and several missile launchers will be pointed at it. At the end of the buffer zone on our side, we will construct several walls with outposts placed in intervals along the wall. These outposts will be equipped with communications devices and machine guns for our soldiers.

We will also be constructing a network of high-power antennas and dishes (similar to the ones used to broadcast numbers stations) near the buffer zone in case the terrorists attempt to jam our communications systems again. We will also occasionally launch missiles to TUO-controlled GLS's border defences in order to sabotage their defences.
[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Science et la Technologie | Ministry of Science and Technology
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Computer-Guided Missile Launchers[/u]


The Ministry has realized that something similar to our computer-guided UAVs can be adapted on the ground for the Disparuean Forces' Land Force Command. We have begun constructing prototypes of computer-guided missile launchers that can select targets automatically when in the battlefield. The automated missile launchers can also be overridden by a human if a target needs to be manually selected.

We have also looked into making computer-guided and automated machine guns, however they will be more difficult to adapt since the computer will have a harder time selecting targets, or the computer may shoot at friendly forces. The UAVs and the automated launchers only fire at unknown targets. It does not fire at objects considered by the computer as friendly or neutral or objects too close to them (it uses radar, cameras, an internal pre-programmed list, and AI software to handle unexpected events), unless if they are manually controlled by a human. It will be harder to adapt these technologies on machine guns since it will be harder to register objects on the ground, and the machine guns will have to shoot at a closer range. The machine guns may suddenly just begin shooting at friendly forces since they were unidentified by the onboard computer.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Isabelle Auberjonois, the Disparuean Minister of Science and Technology, smiled as she toured the Disparuean Space Agency's construction facility in Longueuil, Coronet. So far, everything has been going well - from the construction of rockets capable of reaching escape velocity, to the construction and fine-tuning of the probes themselves. The facility was currently focused on finishing the construction phase of Project Ares, the code name for the two, interconnected Martian missions. However, they've also began to work on the three other missions - Jirachi, Heatran and JED. But first, they had to see if they could even send and deploy something as far away as Mars before they could move on to larger things, such as sending a probe to Jupiter itself or sending a probe to infinity and beyond...literally.

"Look here, Miss Minister." said Mark Devon, the Director of the DSA, as he gestured towards a diagram showing how Gallade would land on Mars. Devon preferred using "Miss Minister" over "Miss Auberjonois" since he claims that the former was more respectful, but in reality Devon always had difficulties with pronouncing the Minister's last name.


"This here is a diagram showing how we designed Gallade to land on the Martian surface. Obviously, the landing phase is more complicated than this, but it gives a general idea of how it'll happen. Anyways, at first, the rover will be packed away in an aeroshell to protect it while travelling in space and while it enters the Martian atmosphere. The craft will be using a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_reentry#PICA"]PICA[/url] heat shield to slow it down during descent and an entry guidance algorithm to help it survive entry and land on the target site. The craft will also have four pairs of [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reaction_Control_System"]RCS[/url] thrusters to allow the craft to react with the Martian environment.

After that, the craft will be slowed further by a supersonic parachute, and the heat shield is jettisoned. Gallade and its descent stage will then unstow themselves and drop out of the aeroshell. The descent stage will then slowly lower the rover until it touches the Martian surface. The rover will confirm that it is on solid and stable ground before ejecting the descent stage far away. The rover will then perform a self-diagnostic test and send the first signals to Giratina, which will then be relayed back to control centres here at Earth."

Devon led the Minister to another construction site where a different component of Project Ares was being built. It is here where Giratina, the link between Gallade and Earth, was being built. Only Giratina's high-gain antenna would be seen by the Minister today though, as the other components were either completed or were being built somewhere else.


"As you can see, Miss Minister, this is Giratina's high-gain antenna. This will be Giratina's main antenna, and will be backed up by two smaller low-gain antennas. They can be used to communicate with Giratina even if the main antenna is pointed away from Earth. Anyways, the antenna will operate at X band frequencies at eight gigahertz, and will also use the Kay-a band at thirty-two gigahertz for higher data rates. The maximum transmission speed, at ideal conditions, would be around six megabits per second, which is actually quite good for a space agency like us. Oh, um, anyways, Giratina will be carrying two 100-watt X band amplifiers, a 35-watt Kay-a band amplifier and a pair of [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_deep_space_transponder"]SDSTs[/url]."

Devon turned to Isabelle. "Would you like to see the rest of the facility, Miss Minister?"

"Certainly, Director." replied Isabelle. The two of them, accompanied by other scientists, headed for the next site, where Giratina's solar panels were being fine-tuned...

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  • 1 month later...


The Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were considered the cornerstones of the Government of Disparu. Together, they wielded more power than the other ministries of the Executive Council combined. The only governmental instruments that kept these ministries in line were the Supreme Court and Parliament.

But those two didn't need to know [i]everything[/i] that happens within the ministries, right?

While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs duly gave reports to Parliament about everything important that was happening, the first two ministries tended to be secretive about its operations. Especially if it concerned operations jointly operated by both ministries. Reports from them were often minced and censored, and did not always reach public attention. After all, stuff they didn't know about wouldn't really hurt them.

One such example of an operation that didn't quite make it to the report annually released to Parliament was Project Arceus. Basically, it was an initiative launched by the Government (actually, only the Chancellor and the two ministries knew about, while the rest of the Government remained out of the loop) to develop nuclear weapons for Disparu (similar to the Manhattan Project launched by the Allied forces during World War II). The Project remained secret even in the highest levels of government, and continued to operate in stealth while it gathered uranium and other materials needed for the Project. During this time, there would be a suspicious decline in atomic-related articles in scientific and normal journals alike.

Eventually, after months of painstaking research and work, the Disparuean researchers would be able to test their research on the field by conducting an underground nuclear test in the wilderness of Disparu. The first few tests ultimately failed, however, learning from their mistakes and refining their research, the researchers would finally be able to successfully detonate a nuclear weapon underground. People who were really observant in seismological affairs would notice a series of minor earthquakes in the Disparuean interior. The earthquakes occurred with unnatural regularity, and conspiracy theorists would immediately create theories of nuclear testing in the area (the Government would, of course, dismiss these theories as "crazy talk").

Even though the test was successful, the researchers still had a long way to go before they can produce the first nuclear weapons for the Disparuean Forces.

(OoC: I bought my Manhattan Project and first nuke yesterday. :D Many thanks to Fizzy for supplying me IG with uranium.)


Meanwhile, the Ministry of Science and Technology also launched its own plans and goals. Since the Disparuean space program was doing so well (the Sarkara-Leclerc Space Telescope was still providing researchers back on Earth with valuable data, while Giratina was nearing Mars, and the DSA was planning on launching Gallade within the next few weeks), the Ministry decided to grant the space agency a larger percentage of the Ministry's budget. There was a catch, though: the space agency had to develop a reusable spacecraft for orbital human missions (similar to the Space Shuttle), and also had to develop a habitable space station for Disparu's future astronauts.

The DSA's scientists immediately began to work...

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  • 4 weeks later...


The Disparuean Space Agency's success continued following the successful launch of the Martian rover [i]Gallade[/i] and the successful orbital insertion of the orbiter [i]Giratina[/i]. These successes certainly help raise public awareness of Disparu's attempts to reach out into space, as well as receive more funding from the Government. However, it should be noted that, compared to certain space-faring nations, the space agency's achievements were only minuscule. Therefore, the DSA hired more of the brightest scientists and engineers of Disparu, and made sure that every penny they spent would benefit the entire Disparuean space program. Now that two of their planned projects were now in space, the agency focused its efforts on completing [i]Jirachi[/i]. To send a human spacecraft flying at supersonic speeds towards the edge of the solar system would truly be an amazing feat for them.

Meanwhile, the development of a reusable vehicle for low earth orbit continued despite the war with the GLP. The space station project was already scrapped, citing financial, launch and logistical concerns. The experiments slated to be done in the space station would be performed in the space vehicle instead. The Ministry didn't have any problems with this, since most of the Government's money was already going to the war effort anyway, and the Ministry needed to divert some of the DSA's budget into weapons production.


The planned space vehicle would be officially known as the [b]Disparuean Space Vehicle[/b] (or [b]DSV[/b] for short). The DSVs were extremely similar to the former ESA's [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermes_(spaceplane)"]Hermes spaceplane[/url]. The DSV would be launched by an Ariane 5 rocket (the same one that launched the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope). The rocket would jettison when the DSV reaches the right altitude and disintegrate in the Earth's atmosphere. The DSV was only 19 m in length, but could carry three astronauts on board. It could carry up to 3,000 kg as payload, and could spend one to three months in space. The agency planned on constructing three DSVs - the one pictured at the top would be known as DSV [i]de Champlain[/i], named after the French founder of Quebec City, Samuel de Champlain. The other two will be known as DSV [i]Galileo[/i] and DSV [i]Gauss[/i].

Work on constructing the DSVs immediately began, and the agency contacted several contractors were contacted about the project. Simultaneously, the agency began to look for potential astronauts.


At the same time, the Ministry of Science and Technology continued Project Arceus. At this point, the Ministry has managed to produce six nuclear weapons that could be mounted on a missile and accurately launched at a target. The Ministry had hoped to build more, but unfortunately, they ran out of resources. So instead, the Ministry began to look into using nuclear weapons during warfare, as well as the effects of radiation on society.

The Ministry also began to look into making Disparu's most important centres, such as Jubilife, Eterna and Montreal, EMP-proof. After seeing the horrors caused by a nuclear attack on the Imperium of Canada, the Ministry realized that such an attack on Disparu would be extremely fatal for the Government and the people. Hence, protecting necessary centres, such as government buildings, financial institutions, hospitals, schools, emergency shelters, and other facilities would be quite necessary to ensure that Disparu continued to work even after a nuclear attack.

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To be honest, the Ministry of Defence has been fed up with the Great Lakes Provinces' continued belligerence and isolation towards its neighbouring nations. Every single Great Lakes appended regime in the area always seemed to follow a pattern of corruption, aggressiveness, deception and chaos that never ceased to annoy the Ministry. They often received reports of terrorist attacks and the like from the border, but the news of the nation's new government reconstructing the border defences that killed thousands of Disparuean and New Englander (and eventually, Federated States) soldiers in an attempt to bring down the United Organization (again) and restore stability in that part of North America (again). Since the Great Lakes Provinces' government never bothered to reply to their inquiry, the Disparueans have decided to do something that would (hopefully) prove to be a long-term solution against the nuisance.

[i][color="#FF0000"]Red: Aquatic (Rivers and Lakes) Border[/color]
[color="#0000FF"]Blue: Land Border[/color]
[color="#008000"]Green: Planned Security Zone[/color]
[color="#800080"]Purple: Border With Another Nation[/color][/i][/center]

The Great Lakes' border defences weren't a major concern to military personnel in the red line, considering the fact that the border was primarily made of rivers and lakes, and are surrounded by cliffs on either side (after all, who on their right mind would cross a river and climb cliffs just to meet their doom on the other side of the border?). It was an important concern for the blue line, however. Instead of directly dealing with the new defences by, say, destroying them, the Ministry instead decided to construct a counter-defence system on the Disparuean side of the border. It wouldn't really impact anything, since Disparu had always maintained a closed border with the Great Lakes States/Provinces due to the nation's track record of aggressiveness, isolationism and chaos.

First off, the Ministry would begin to dismantle the border wall they had formerly constructed to hastily defend Disparuean positions during the Unknown War. The wall was, in essence, a terrible excuse for a border defence. While this was happening, the Government would begin a program to move Disparueans living in cities, towns and settlements directly adjacent to the border (such as Gatineau and Ville-Marie) to safer regions. The people in these areas were more than happy to oblige, due to their negative experiences with the constant war sparking up in the border and the fact that the new Great Lakes regime was being aggressive as usual. Plus, all of their expenses would be paid for by the Government and they would be compensated for their homes, buildings and farms. As soon as this was done, civilian and non-essential utilities and institutions in these cities would be torn down and replaced by military bases. These bases would be staffed by about 1,000 soldiers, 500 tanks and all the necessary military equipment and weapons. They were designed to act as the first line of defence in the event of an invasion from the Great Lakes. Bases within the two security zones (A and B) would be more heavily defended from attacks (for example, bases in these zones would be staffed by more soldiers and would be equipped with better weapons and equipment). All bases would be at least 20 kilometres away from the border, the reason for which will be explained further down below.

As for parts of the border not within the security zones and were in the middle of nowhere, there would be military outposts every thirty kilometres. These outposts would be staffed by around thirty soldiers and five tanks, and would be equipped with enough defencive turrets and artillery to defend themselves. These outposts would also be at least 20 kilometres away from the border.

At the border itself, the Ministry would construct an electric fence topped with strings of barbed wire. Security cameras would be placed every ten kilometres to keep an eye on the other side, and each would be monitored by a dedicated technical crew. A two-metre thick wall, meanwhile, would be constructed seventeen kilometres away from the border and would also be monitored by security cameras as well as the military outposts and bases mentioned before. The area between the two walls would be littered with landmines and other traps. The Ministry would maintain secret, non-armed paths strategically placed throughout the zone in the event that they needed to go to the border itself.

The Ministry would also construct defences and traps along the road that linked Montreal and Gatineau in the event that invading forces got through Security Zone B. Hidden mines, traps and camouflaged turrets and outposts would be constructed along the road. The road itself would be closed to civilians. The defences after Security Zone A was much more lax, since the terrain after that is extremely hilly and muddy, therefore they should have enough time to launch a counterattack if invading forces got through Security Zone A.


Meanwhile, the Ministry of Science and Technology also launched its own defence initiative. The new initiative's goal could be boiled down into one statement; protect essential computer systems from all computer attacks. More specifically, the initiative's goals were:

[*][b]Develop a new operating system that will only be used in government and military institutions.[/b] The new operating system must have unique code and should not use current computing systems that are susceptible to malware, but should also be able to open and/or run file formats currently used in today's businesses and institutions.
[*][b]Develop a network that is disconnected from other networks, such as the Internet.[/b] This will prevent hackers from accessing our networks in the first place. Despite this, the network should continue to implement security protocols, such as hardware and software firewalls, and antimalware software that can work on the new OS.
[*][b]Develop a secure communication protocol with Government and military officials that are unable to access a networked computer[/b]
[*][b]Develop a digitalized verification system that can easily verify someone's identity while preventing unauthorized users from using them.[/b]
[*][b]Train all personnel on how to properly use a computer, as well as standard security protocols.[/b]
[*][b]Develop a cyberwarfare department that can respond to attacks against Disparuean systems.[/b]
[*][b]Develop an Internet-filtering system that will filter out anti-Disparuean and other dangerous sites, while being un-intrusive to Disparueans as much as possible.[/b]

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  • 2 weeks later...


Strangely enough, the military had not released any comments regarding the destruction of the Eterna Stock Exchange or the hostile takeover of DNN Jubilife's office. Instead, they decided to release information regarding Disparu's claims to the oceans, seas and rivers within range of its territories. Two images were provided - the first one showed all of Disparu's aquatic claims, while the second one merely showed a close-up of the St. Lawrence River's western end, and it also depicted where Disparu's claims to the river ended.



Everything within this general area will be subject to all laws and regulations of the Federation of Disparu and its respective provinces. For example, ships within Disparuean waters may be escorted into international waters or may be boarded if they are deemed to be suspicious or dangerous. Also, resources within this area may be exclusively explored and used by Disparu, and its allies. However, other nations may be allowed to access these resources as the Government sees fit, and as long as they have a licence and/or contract with the appropriate Disparuean authorities. Please refer to this graph to determine the order of precedence as to which nations and organizations based on those nations may utilize these resources.

[center][size="4"][font="Book Antiqua"]Disparu > Major Allies > Other Allies > Friendly Nations > Apathetic Nations > Belligerent Nations[/font][/size][/center]

[*][b]Major Allies[/b] are nations that have extensive, friendly, cordial and cooperative relations with Disparu. Only the Maritime Republic of J Andres falls under this category at the moment.
[*][b]Other Allies[/b] are nations that have formal treaties and friendly relations with Disparu. The United States of America, the Imperial Hudson Reich and the Union of Arctica fall under this category.
[*][b]Friendly Nations[/b] are nations that are considered to be friendly to Disparu by the Government. This includes, but is not limited to, the United Isocoles, Blue Heaven and the Atlantic States.
[*][b]Apathetic Nations[/b] are nations that do not fall under the other categories.
[*][b]Belligerent Nations[/b] are nations that are considered by the Government to have a hostile, aggressive and belligerent stance against Disparu. This includes, but is not limited to, the Great Lakes Provinces.


Simultaneously, the military would begin to construct anti-aircraft and anti-ship fortifications along the Disparuean coastline. Usually, they will be located at ten kilometre intervals, however more of them will be placed along the St. Lawrence River and near major urban settlements that have maritime borders. In addition to this, military outposts would be constructed at all of Disparu's islands scattered throughout the ocean. Each outposts would be staffed by enough soldiers and would be equipped with helipads, ports, enough supplies and weapons (such as artillery) to defend their island in the event of an attack. The military would go one step further for Mansel Island, Akimiski Island, Akpatok Island, and Anticosti Island. A military base would be constructed in those four islands, each complete with an airfield, ship ports, bunkers, emergency facilities and enough soldiers and staff to operate and defend their operations.


Work still continued on the DSVs and Project Arceus.

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[quote name='Californian' date='15 July 2010 - 10:26 PM' timestamp='1279247192' post='2373965']


This map makes it appear as though Disparu is intruding well into Atlantic States territorial waters.


We would like to know the boundaries of the Atlantic States' territorial waters so that we can readjust our own boundaries.

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