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Let's try this again

Jeb the Wise

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Special thanks to Stefano of Polska for initiating this grand time for all.

Although I have to admit, the fact that hisk paid this thread any attention takes away from the fun quite a bit. Especially since there was an obvious lack of his usual brown-nosing the side who was winning at the time of his reply. :(

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A few of my guys are bill locked too. :P

Here's the latest stats from our Necronomicon

[ooc]I realized the "All Alliances Display" stats were all calculated at different times of the day for each Alliance which doesn't make for the best comparisons.

So I made another sheet "Stats+", that was made from the Cyber Nations Statistics Files and the most recent data from each alliances' "Alliance Query Results". I think the Cyber Nations Statistics Files might be data collected in the same manor as the data seen in the "All Alliances Display" and may not be as accurate w/ real time but supplies allot more detailed data blah blah blah.[/ooc]

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This is my first full-fledged knock down drag out fight that I havent been bill locked! I rather proud of myself actually.

Then again, I don't have much upkeep to pay since my nation lost like 2kNS lol... silver lining... silver lining...

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I won't lie, pretty interested! :P

Assuming I'll be getting an answer on my offer of white peace for the 19th before update, as soon as we "complete the peace talks" all Deadites will be ordered to send/receive peace. I'm sure the lot of them will be happy for a break.

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Well? Should I assume from hitokiri's attacks you guys have decided not to peace out or what?

That was a low blow hitokiri, I was about to do the same to you when I received this message below.

I figured you were all on the same page...

To: EvilAsh From: Bob White Date: 1/18/2010 7:36:59 PM

Subject: Joey Ramone...

Message: declared on one of our members today.

Alliance Seniority: 1/18/2010 8:18:05 AM (0 Days)

Are we to gather he's just some type of AoD sack rider who isnt playing by the same rules as the rest of us are playing by? Or is he going to make peace tomorrow like we plan on doing?

If you guys are jerking me around prepare to battle for the rest of the round, rerolls and all! :mad:

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Its been a pleasure Cat... i'd like to send a couple credits out

to SteelCityBoss... your a tenacious little fighter... for someone that got hit right back to 18 infra ive got to say you never gave up and for that you have my respect.

to The Tick ... our cruise missile tennis matches were fun even if we both normally failed to score a successful ground attack on each other (yeah we both suck there)

To Blublius... you got a laugh outta me with your updated nation bio...


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