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What hapened to my harbor?


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My nation is Salguod

Like 2 days ago I purchased a harbor and a barracks.

They are not showing up in my list of improvements and the harbor no longer appears on my improvement list with the opportunity to purchase it nor on my list of currently owned improvements.

Any help would be appreciated particularly from the ADminators.


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Well, the Barracks is showing up. So the only problem is whether you purchased the Harbor or not two days ago. It won't be on your list of improvements you can buy if you don't have enough money. Do you have $200,000?

At the time I had the money to purchase it. But the main thing is there is no option to purchase a harbor as of now. WTF??

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Actually he does have an improvement slot available. He simply missed the point. The list of improvements you can buy is only going to show those you have the money to buy when you look and meet the requirements to purchase. Since it sounds like he no longer has the $200,000 purchase price, it's not going to be on the list of improvements he can purchase. Whatever happened two days ago when he thought he purchased the Harbor has nothing to do with the issue of it not currently being shown available to purchase. He's going to have to wait until he has the $200,000 purchase price for the Harbor to show up on his list of available improvements to purchase.

Edited by Count Rupert
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