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Where art thou Pyotr?

Imperator Azenquor

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***Supreme People’s Court, Vauleyo Buryatia (Present Day)***

In a closed door meeting at the Supreme Court, Prince Yuri and Prince Azenquor II stood before the four Chief Judges. The Judges silently read through a gigantic dossier with more than 500 pages of information as the two Princes stood by anxiously.

After a prolonged silence, the Chief Justice spoke:

“Your Majesties, we have reviewed the evidence presented in detail. We admit that there has not been a case with two competing claims to the Vauleyo-Buryatian throne in quite some time. As required by law we will have to trace and verify your family lineage and claims to the throne before any formal claims may be made.

Until the claims have been verified and a decision made as two who shall be crowned Imperator, we order that both of your Majesties shall remain in your current roles as Co-Regents. As such, you shall remain Prince Regents with equal powers and authority.

That is the binding ruling of this Court.”-Chief Justice

Visibly annoyed, both of the Princes storm out of the Court and return to their respective Palaces.

***Six Years ago, Novaya Zemlya, Vaule***

At the Imperial Winter Palace, a few servants moved about the corridors as the sun rose over the Siberian horizon. The Winter Palace, although smaller than any of the other Palaces, was majestic in its own right. It stood facing the rising sun in the east, and the Arctic Ocean to the west. Servants moved about the quiet halls rapidly, driven by purpose as the sun began to filter into the rooms.

In the Imperial Library, in the midst of the towering bookshelves stacked to the limit, two people sat at a desk working quietly. An elderly gentleman, with an air of nobility around him, sat tutoring a small boy. The man rambled on about art, philosophy, and Vaulean history for several hours, until they were interrupted. Azenquor strode quietly into the room, catching the attention of the rambling Professor.

“Ah, your Excellency, to what do we owe this pleasure?”-Professor

With a smile, Azenquor replied:

“I just wished to sit in on the end of your lecture”-Azenquor

The boy suddenly glanced up and ran towards Azenquor shouting:


As the father and son spoke quietly for several minutes, the Professor put away several large volumes, and set about preparing the next lecture. The Professor then turned to the Ex-Imperator and asked:

“Your Majesty, shall I continue with the next lecture?”-Professor

The young Prince stared up at his father and pouted.

“No, Sergei. It’s the eve of the Winter Festival. I think that we can skip a day or two.”-Azenquor

“Very Well, Sir.”-Professor

Before the Professor could say any more, both the Former Imperator and the Prince were already out in the hallway, walking towards the Royal Quarters.

“So, Daddy, what are we going to do today.”-Prince

“First we’re going to go see your Mom. Then we’re going to go sledding.”-Azenquor

At the word 'sledding', the Prince took off running to find his mother.

OOC: 10 cookies to the person who guesses who the kid's mother is :) I will give $3mil to the first person to correctly guess who the Prince's mother is, as long as the correct guess comes in the next 6hours

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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***Present day, Yakutsk, Vauleyo-Buryatia***

The Palace Gardens at the south of the Imperial Palace were a model to behold during the day, but at night they provided the perfect cover for a private conversation. Between the dense shrubbery and the high hedges one could easily slip out of sight and out of earshot.

The eerie quiet was suddenly broken by the quiet thudding of rubber boots down the cobblestone steps of the Palace. A lone figure in a cloak rushed silently out of the Palace towards the garden. The figure rushed quickly into the maze and dropped out of sight. Once inside the maze, the figure pulled off his hood and took out a cellular phone. He punched in a number and waited for a response.

A voice replied:“Operator, how where may I direct your call?”

Without hesitation the figure replied: The Republic, phone #061-224-0000”

The phone beeped, and another voice replied:

“Haven’t I told you not to call me unless it is necessary?”-On Phone

“I know….It is important. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up. Some key people are beginning to get suspicious, and that is a very dangerous thing.”-????

“Don’t worry about that yet. Just do what you were told to do, I’ll take care of the rest.” *click*

As the figure slipped the phone back into his pocket, suddenly the lights all across the Garden were turned on, and the sound of rapidly approaching feet could be heard. In less than a minute, Prince Yuri and five Palace Guards were standing next to the figure. Yuri looked up and down disapprovingly, then spoke:

“So Azenquor, what were you doing out here?”-Yuri

“That’s Prince Azenquor II to you, and what I do is of no concern to you.”-Azenquor II

***Casablanca,The Republic***

Pyotr downed the remainder of the glass of vodka before leaving the Hotel Bar. As he stepped outside he deleted everything on his cellphone, then threw it into the nearest trash can. As he walked off into the Casablanca night, he muttered to himself:

"If you want something done right, do it yourself"

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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***Kolyma Province, North Eastern Vauleyo-Buryatia***

It was a quiet night in the town of Panteleikha in north east Kolyma. The streets were almost deserted as the clock in the square chimed midnight. Suddenly the silence was broken by several loud explosions as fire rained from the sky. The explosions lit up the night sky hour after hour as the Vauleyo-Buryatian Airforce decimated the hills north of the city.

The bombing continued for several hours as alarmed citizens watched from their balconies and the roofs of their homes. As the air assault continued, the military moved artillery into position for a secondary assault. The BA-774 units launched a punishing volley of thermobaric weapons all over the hills. As the assault ceased for a minute, hundreds of soldiers in black uniforms rushed towards Panteleikha with their weapons in tow. Before the soldiers could retreat further into the city, they were cornered by the Specials forces and utterly annihilated.


As the noose closed in around the enemy forces, the Specials forces charged forward, cutting through the opposition and moving towards the hills. The first unit of Specials broke through the enemy lines and rushed into an underground facility under the mountain. Despite their dedication, the opposing forces were quickly overwhelmed as wave after wave of Special Forces moved in.

When the dust settled the next morning, the Specials hurriedly extracted a single high value prisoner to the capital, while the remaining forces summarily executed all surviving members of the enemy militia. Once the high value prisoner arrived in the capital, a public news bulletin was released.

BCNA News: War Criminal Marimeya captured

“An emergency military operation led by the Vauleyo-Buryatian Specials Unit took place in Kolyma province last night. The operation, based on land and in the air, took out a number of militia units loyal to the Former Imperatrix and led to her capture. Units from the Air Force and the Imperial Artillery Corps shelled the area around the Former Imperatrix’s base while troops rapidly advanced into the area.

In a few hours, the Special Forces had captured the Former Imperatrix and established total military control over the abandoned underground military facility which served as her base. The Former Imperatrix went into hiding shortly after the dissolution of the Vaule Socialist Republic and remained on the run ever since.


-Former Imperatrix Marimeya

The units of Former Imperatrix Marimeya’s Army attempted to resist the military advance to allow the Former Imperatrix to escape, but their efforts were thwarted by the Specials Unit. Additional details will be announced once we obtain them. The Supreme People’s Court is expected to formally indict the Former Imperatrix as early as tomorrow morning”-Reporter


In her office in the Military Intelligence Building, Lady Vache picked up the phone and dialed a number. Without waiting for a reply, she spoke:

"She was exactly where you said she would be. We went in and took her out perfectly."-Lady Vache

***Undisclosed Location, The Republic***

On the other end of the line, Pyotr smiled before replying:

"Excellent. You've done perfectly."-Pyotr

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***Private Message***

To: Commander of the Specials Unit

Fr: Classified location

Re: Mission parameters


All available troops are ordered to standby to deploy soldiers to the Yakutsk International Airport and the Imperial Palace. Soldiers are to establish a security corridor between the airport and the Palace for the transit of three unmarked SUVs.

No soldiers from the People’s Army, or its High Command should be deployed or notified of the parameters of the mission under penalty of high treason. The Supreme People’s Court is to be notified of the deployment only after it has occurred. Specials Units are ordered to erase the arrival records of a private Tu-144 scheduled to arrive at the airport during the period of deployment.

Authorization code: #2311-43A6-B0C9-ALPHA


***Sarnunga, the Republic***

Pyotr walked through Sarnunga trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Despite having more than enough cash, he opted to take a bus to the capital to avoid leaving a paper trail. Instead of going directly to King Sargun’s Palace, Pyotr ducked into a few side streets to make sure he wasn’t being followed.

Once he was reasonably sure that no one was following him, Pyotr walked up to the Palace to meet with the King. At this point, the next few hours would prove absolutely crucial.

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Pyotr was relatively ignored like many other of the petitioners to the Palace. The Palace was, of course, a recently renovated Roman-era building, and as such was right named as a palace. Pyotr was given a blank ticket and told to walk through the Velvet Hall to find the instructions. The woman told him that as per confidentiality laws, only himself and the person he was scheduled to meet would even know they would be meeting. She also noted that the paper was specially designed by Artemis' New Zealand branch years ago and eventually perfected, so that it could only be viewed under 'Velvet light', which was a weak UV light. The ink on the paper would briefly show under the Velvet light, and then break down within seconds.

As Pyotr walked through Velvet Hall, he would notice the instructions saying to walk to the third door on the right in the Wood Hall, knock thrice, and say 'Trice Megistus' to the blue speaker on the door.

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Pyotr stared at the blank ticket as he listened intently to the instructions. He had to admit that he was somewhat surprised that they knew he was coming. Nonetheless, he walked purposefully to the third door on the right. He hesitated for a moment and thought to himself:

‘My life seems like a poorly written spy novel. All it's missing is a few stunningly beautiful Russian women with guns’

He snapped out of it and knocked three times. He then leaned towards the speaker, and in a light Vauleyan accent, said: ‘Trice Megistus’

While he waited for a reply, he tapped his foot on the ground rhythmically. He thought for a moment about the password:

'Why Trice Megistus? Why not Duo Megistus?'

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The door slid open and Pyotr was ushered in by a slender hand. The hand was attached to an arm attached to a body clad in all black, which was only visible due to the LED lights giving a faint glow to the back. Three more figures stood, two to the left and one to the right of an ornate wood desk at the end of the room.

The door slid closed behind Pyotr. Sitting in the desk was a man in a white tuxedo. His eyes were the same shape as his sisters eyes. The sister who had a son.

"Welcome, Pyotr Peaceheart-Azenquor."

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Pyotr was somewhat surprised to hear his full name after so long. For several years he operated under aliases, but he found that it was somewhat intriguing that the man knew his full name. He slowly put the pieces together and concluded that the man before him was none other than his uncle.

With a genuine smile, Pyotr stepped forward:

“King Sargun, I presume? Or would you rather I call you uncle?”-Pyotr

He had a lot to discuss with the leader of the Republic, and he would need to discuss it in absolute privacy. Without saying a word, Pyotr nodded towards the two other men in the room as if to say ‘Why are they here?’

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"My friends call me Prince," Sargun replied, smiling and standing from his chair. The fourth figure stepped to the side of the desk, making it two figures to each side and Sargun in the middle. He gestured his arms out and the figures removed their masks, each revealing a woman with pale skin and sharp features.





All four of the women greeted Pyotr in Russian and drew some rather wicked looking pistols. The unmarked firearms were held out, handle-first, to Pyotr as a sign of obediance. "These women are your shadows. I happen to have a very talented intelligence agency, Pyotr. I also happen to train very talented operatives. You mean a lot to the family, Pyotr, but you must know how many times our family has attracted assassination attempts. Even in this world, where assassinations are as common as cows, our family stands out. Every time your mother and your father met publicly, there was either a bombing or a hijacking or a kidnapping. I hope that these women can keep you safe in the future."

He smiled knowingly. "Leave us." They bowed their heads and left the room.

Edited by Sargun
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Pyotr looked at the four operatives and thought to himself:

‘Yep….my life is definitely a spy novel’

Pyotr nodded slightly as he looked at the four operatives. As they walked out of the room, Pyotr turned once again to his uncle:

“I am aware that assassins are drawn to us like moths to a flame. My own security situation is bound to get worse upon my return to Vauleyo-Buryatia and I gladly accept your operatives to guard me. It is my return that I wish to speak of.”-Pyotr

Pyotr looked down for a moment and appeared deep in thought before continuing:

“Are you aware of my intention to claim the throne that rightfully belongs to my father’s heir upon my return to Vauleyo-Buryatia, and will I have your support and that of our family, in doing so. It will not be an easy task for me to dislodge those who have taken my place, but I am ready and willing to fight until death to restore that which is rightfully ours.”

For a moment, Pyotr looked exactly like his father; he held the passionate fire and charisma of his father, coupled with the patience, dedication and kindness of his mother.

“If it requires military action, will I have your military support uncle?”

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"You already do."

Sargun looked at his nephew and smiled, full of pride. "You have a rare mix of power and compassion. A sort of deadly grace." Sargun reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a fairly stiff, folded letter. In it was the military code of the Sarnungian Republic. He wrote down a personal note to his nephew.

"Give me a call when you need assistance. My planes will be there faster than you can say 'we request that no nations intervene'."

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"Thank you, uncle. With your support, it will be much easier to remove the usurper from the throne with minimal bloodshed."

Pyotr smiled as he read the note. He turned once more to his uncle and handed him a small scroll of parchment.

"Before I go, I'm sure that we should solidify our common positions in writing. I believe that this draft encompasses most of the important factors, but I would certainly value your input."-Pyotr

Written on the parchment was:

The Peaceheart-Zenn Accords (MDAP)

Article 1: Sovereignty

The Great People’s Socialist Union of Vauleyo-Buryatia, and the Sarnungian Republic are, and shall remain, sovereign and independent nations whose rulers are a family united by a common bloodline

Article 2: Intelligence Sharing

Both signatories of this accord shall agree to share any and all pertinent intelligence regarding threats to the other signatory without delay

Article 3: Non Aggression

Both signatories shall agree not to carry out, or provide support for an act of aggression against the other signatory, be it an overt or covert act of aggression

Article 4: Mutual Defense

An attack upon either signatory, is treated as an attack upon both signatories, except in cases where the signatory under attack has carried out an act of aggression resulting in the attack upon them.

Article 5: Mutual Aggression

Should either signatory, for any reason wage an aggressive war against another nation or entity, the other signatory is bound to offer its assistance upon the request of the other signatory. Should the signatory who is waging war request only financial assistance, then that is all that the other signatory is bound to provide. Should the signatory who is waging war request military assistance, then the other signatory is bound to provide such assistance to the best of their ability.

Article 6: Cancellation

The treaty shall remain enacted as long as a direct descendant of the Peaceheart line remains upon the thrones of the Sarnungian Republic and the Union of Vauleyo-Buryatia, unless either signatory decides to cancel the treaty.

Should a signatory opt to cancel the treaty, they are required to notify the other signatory and to observe a 48 hour cancelation period during which the accord shall still be considered active.


Sargun Iros Peaceheart II

Pyotr Vladimirovich Guttorp-Faronne-Peaceheart-Zenn

Pyotr waited silently for his uncle to read over the document.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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Sargun Iros Peaceheart II

"I am confident that we, that you, will be successful. Say hi to Juli." With that, Sargun pressed a small button on his desk and the door slid open once more. Four hands appeared from the doorway and quickly waved for Pyotr to come. "Have a... fun vacation."

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Pyotr nodded, and walked towards the door. Before leaving he looked back and replied:

"Thank you again."-Pyotr

As he walked out of the room, flanked by his bodyguards he took out his phone, dialed a number, then hung up before anyone could answer. The events were set in motion, and a mere 48 hours would determine the fate of an entire nation.

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