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SecSta Roosevelt sent a classified message to the Disparuean Government through the New Englander Embassy in Jubilife. The memo, passed on to the Disparuean Government by Ambassador Kirk Sweeney, was brief and to the point:

The TUO has resurfaced in the GLS. Undertake necessary preparations.

OoC: Am I too late? :unsure:



The classified message would eventually reach the hands of the Disparuean Minister of Defence, which was currently Todd Snap, after going through the bureaucracy known as the Government of Disparu. Since he wasn't in charge when TUO first attacked both Disparu and New England, he didn't feel the same amount of shock, anger and fury compared to what his predecessor, Terry Palkia, would've felt.

"Hrm...TUO?" he asked at no one in particular. He tried to remember what had happened during his predecessor's term, but unfortunately, he was unable to recall anything that rang a bell in his head. He pressed the intercom button in his desk.

"Er...secretary? Can you get all the files we have about "TUO"? Thanks." he ordered. His secretary would later come back with several, large folders. The secretary dumped all of them into the Minister's desk, kicking up a lot of dust. "Here you are, sir." she said.

Todd grabbed the folder on top of the pile and quickly skimmed through the files inside. His confused face began to rearrange itself into a shocked expression as Todd read further into the folder. He slammed the folder back into his desk, and pressed the intercom button.

"Secretary, I want you to prepare a document that's gonna authorize me in placing Disparu under high alert, now! Also tell all branches of the Disparuean Forces to get themselves ready." he screamed into the intercom. After pausing to take a breath, Todd continued, "And send a message to my predecessor, Mr. Palkia, he knows more about this stuff more than I do. Also send a message to the Executive Council, we need to have an emergency session."

After composing himself, Todd turned to his computer and began to type:



TO/À: SecSta Roosevelt

FROM/DE: Todd Snap, Minister of Defence

Greetings Mr. Roosevelt,

I am the Disparuean Minister of Defence, Todd Snap, responsible for almost anything that pertains to Disparu and it's allies' territories. I will be coordinating with you during the duration of this crisis.

I have alerted the Disparuean Forces to get ready, and may leave as soon as you give us the word. I have also issued an order to place Disparu under heightened alert in order to make things easier for the military.


Todd Snap

Minister of Defence for Disparu

Member of the Empire Party


As soon as the news about TUO's reactivation reached the ears of the Ministry of Science and Technology, all IP addresses and websites connected to the Great Lakes States were immediately blocked in Disparu, just in case they tried to pull another DDoS attack.

The border between Disparu and the GLS was also placed on high alert, and there was an increased Disparuean military presence in and near the border.

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OoC: Am I too late? :unsure:

OOC: You're right on time, TUO is going to launch a full-scale spy attack using proxies and computers based in other nations within a RL day or two. :awesome:



GLS-Disparu border:

TUO had captured the entire border security defense systems that bordered Disparu and brought it online, first activating radio jammers, automated computerized turrets, and Mobility Denial System to buy enough time for reinforcements in case if Disparu attempts to attack. Despite parts of it still under construction, it would last long enough. Enough before New England attacks from the rear and allows Disparu to join the fight. (OOC: Information about a typical GLS's border defense system: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1994924 :OOC)


Throughout GLS:

In the past, the GLS government decided it was a smart idea to equip every last large private buildings and all public buildings with anti-missile/bomb/aircraft systems and for ones that have a clear view toward the Great Lakes or canals (such as harbors and canal locks), they were also armed with anti-ship systems.

Now with TUO being able to hijack and bring all of those systems online, they set it to open fire at all aircraft, bombs, missiles, and ships except for TUO's.

That included New England's aircraft.

Edited by HHAYD
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OOC: You're right on time, TUO is going to launch a full-scale spy attack using proxies and computers based in other nations within a RL day or two. :awesome:

OoC: Fortunately, I've blocked all IPs and websites from the GLS. :P

(Though spy rolls will still probably decide if the attacks are successful or not)


GLS-Disparu border:

TUO had captured the entire border security defense systems that bordered Disparu and brought it online, first activating radio jammers, automated computerized turrets, and Mobility Denial System to buy enough time for reinforcements in case if Disparu attempts to attack. Despite parts of it still under construction, it would last long enough. Enough before New England attacks from the rear and allows Disparu to join the fight.

Disparuean soldiers would notice a sudden amount of activity in the border, however they refrained from doing anything. They still hadn't received any orders to shoot back.


In response to the suspicious activities happening across the border, as well as New England's sudden message, the Government immediately closed access to and from the Great Lakes via the St. Lawrence River. Disparuean military presence in the river was also increased.

Meanwhile, the Disparuean islands in James Bay began to turn into military outposts, with Disparuean troops beginning to fill the islands. Disparuean patrols in James Bay also increased, just in case TUO tried to do anything.

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OoC: Fortunately, I've blocked all IPs and websites from the GLS. :P

(Though spy rolls will still probably decide if the attacks are successful or not)

OOC: TUO isn't that dumb to attempt to attack using IP addresses from GLS, they would use IP addresses coming from other nations and use proxies (untraceable IP addresses but can be also blocked).



Private video sent from TUO to New England from an unknown source:

A masked man is seen sitting behind his desk with a flag of TUO behind it.

"Good day. You still remember what I had done before in our previous war. However, this time, I won't be using civilians as meat shields or slaughtering them, this time, it is to exterminate the "elites" that choose to corrupt GLS's already corrupted government. Here is a record of all of the funds that were sapped from GLS government ever since the reconstruction started."

The masked leader pulls out a long sheet of papers stapled together from GLS Department of Treasury and shows dozens of highlighted parts indicating miscalculations varying from a few hundred to nearly millions. He then pulled out sheets of papers documenting suspicious activities, indicating bribery, black-mails, and even government officials turning blind-eye to the problem, including NPA (National Police Agency). After that, he pulled out papers documenting suspicious arrests of anti-corruption activists, one of the reasons "Threatening national security and stability." for attempting to bring the corruption into public's eyes. After an hour of showing each sheet of paper to the camera, he then put down the last one and said:

"Nearly 5% of GLS's budget was sapped for various uses ranging from corruption, gambling, investment, or other greedy needs. Don't believe me?"...

The masked leader pulled off his mask, revealing President Roger.

"I am, or should I say, WAS the president of GLS. After receiving first hand experiences of idiotic government officials running illegal and unethical things when my back was turned and failed bribery, I was fed up. I was surprised that President Frank Swater was also one of the corrupted scums, and even if he wasn't one, it wasn't hard to spot the rampant corruption. When I attempted to bring the corruption to light, the Legislative secretly told they were going to impeach me for, "Destabilizing the nation and spreading harmful lies.". Within a day, NPA had already presented fabricated evidences, more than enough to impeach me. Thankfully your military in Great Lakes States went rouge and distracted the scums. Here are the papers containing their lies and illogical facts."

He then showed papers that stated that he will be impeached (ironically on the day of the rouges' attack) and then dozens of fake evidences ranging from accepting and sending bribes to prostitution.

Do not make it harder for me to bring down the group of corrupted scums, as you will end up just like them if you choose to support them. Leave us alone and innocent people won't get hurt in the crossfire."

Edited by HHAYD
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At New City:

A thick line of TUO tanks smashed into GLS's sandbag walls, knocking them over. Soon, more U-shaped groups charged in as the first groups begin to wreck chaos in the defense lines. While GLS soldiers were fleeing, thousands of TUO soldiers poured from the second groups into the defense lines. "Fall back to the second defense lines everyone!" was yelled throughout all of GLS solders' radio, and some of the soldiers informed the former rouges what they were going to do. Meanwhile, their super tanks were being ripped to shreds by TUO's missile launcher tanks and their M-1 Abrams were flanked and also ripped to shreds by TUO's regular tanks. The surviving GLS tanks retreated.

As for the suicidal New England soldiers, they received hails of machine gun fires from clustered TUO tanks that were rumbling into the city and TUO soldiers. The stealthy soldiers were kinda lucky in killing/injuring TUO soldiers, but not when they are out in the open and relying on rubble as cover.

The remaining New Englander soldiers, bereft of much heavy weaponry or equipment, were obligated to follow the GLS military on its retreat, but not before retaliating with heavy fire as they retreated. The 'suicidal' New Englander soldiers, well, chose to remain and fight, and were decimated as the result. However, some of them lobbied grenades just before they received hails of bullets from either the soldiers or tanks.

In the air:

Seeing that New England aircraft had finally found a way to destroy their air force, many of them retreated and loitered around their captured territory. Their massive fleet of anti-aircraft MIM-104 Patriots would take over the job of shooting down New England's aircraft. The loitering TUO aircraft would shoot down any enemy aircraft that survived the waves of Smart and Revealer AA missiles. In fact, TUO's loitering fighter jets flew back to their base for "upgrades" squadron by squadron and returned back to action with radio jammers (what's the point of needing radios if your only task is to defend an area?).

The TUO wasn't the only one to 'recall' their aircrafts to their bases; the New Englanders followed suit as several squadrons of fighters, interceptors, and bombers, turned around and flew toward Wisconsin, to refuel and 'upgrades' in airfields and bases. At the same time, fresh squadrons joined in into the fight from Wisconsin, all ready and prepared. And by prepared, it means they were ready for anything the TUO may throw their way, such as radio jamming.

Given fresh orders by their air force commanders, the New Englander pilots veered their aircrafts toward the 'loitering' TUO aircrafts, utilizing complex evasive manuevers and aggressive attacks. They unleashed overwhelmingly large number of missiles at the enemy, hoping to wreak damage to them and to 'scatter' them so they could pick them off, one by one. It was slowly turning in their favor.

Throughout GLS, on ground:

To lessen the brutal punishments from New England's military, retreating TUO ground forces covered the ground they were retreating from with Mobility Denial System, aka, the same ultra slippery liquid the defending GLS military used against the rouges. Their tanks simply scattered and avoided being caught in clumps to reduce their chance of being destroyed by bunker busters while purposely staying as close as possible to their enemies so they won't get bombed (unless if New England is willing to take serious friendly-fire attacks on their own ground forces). Less than a hundred tanks received emergency armor plating consisting mostly depleted uranium on their top parts to protect them from stray bunker buster or anti-ship missiles at the cost of reduced speed (their only job is to support TUO infantry).

In fact, they even used large radio jamming devices to hamper their enemy's fighting efficiency.

Fortunately for the New Englanders, their highly-advanced technology enabled them to overcome the radio-jamming by recalibrating their radio frequency to a level that would still make it possible to communicate with their superiors (OOC: I admit, I know next to nothing about radio-jamming and how to overcome it. :unsure:). However, some ground units were affected, but it didn't hinder them in the slightest. Utilizing advanced GPS technology, some New Englander soldiers were able to correctly pinpoint their location within the GLS and thus increase their fighting prowess.

However, the U-8 bombers continued to drop bunker-busters upon the TUO tanks as much as possible, whenever they located them through advanced satellite feeds.

At the New Englander border, approximately 1,500 Abrams and Panther tanks rumbled across the Ohio border into the GLS. They had been equipped with heavier battle armors as to enable them to withstand heavy attacks more effectively, and their role was to provide support to infantry. Another 2,500 tanks were on the way.

OoC: Am I too late? :unsure:



The classified message would eventually reach the hands of the Disparuean Minister of Defence, which was currently Todd Snap, after going through the bureaucracy known as the Government of Disparu. Since he wasn't in charge when TUO first attacked both Disparu and New England, he didn't feel the same amount of shock, anger and fury compared to what his predecessor, Terry Palkia, would've felt.

"Hrm...TUO?" he asked at no one in particular. He tried to remember what had happened during his predecessor's term, but unfortunately, he was unable to recall anything that rang a bell in his head. He pressed the intercom button in his desk.

"Er...secretary? Can you get all the files we have about "TUO"? Thanks." he ordered. His secretary would later come back with several, large folders. The secretary dumped all of them into the Minister's desk, kicking up a lot of dust. "Here you are, sir." she said.

Todd grabbed the folder on top of the pile and quickly skimmed through the files inside. His confused face began to rearrange itself into a shocked expression as Todd read further into the folder. He slammed the folder back into his desk, and pressed the intercom button.

"Secretary, I want you to prepare a document that's gonna authorize me in placing Disparu under high alert, now! Also tell all branches of the Disparuean Forces to get themselves ready." he screamed into the intercom. After pausing to take a breath, Todd continued, "And send a message to my predecessor, Mr. Palkia, he knows more about this stuff more than I do. Also send a message to the Executive Council, we need to have an emergency session."

After composing himself, Todd turned to his computer and began to type:

OOC: Nah, you're not too late. You're just in time, though. :wub:



In his office in the State Department building in Boston, SecSta Roosevelt received the message from Disparu, from Defense Minister Todd Snap. Upon reading it, Roosevelt composed a reply:

TO: Todd Snap, Minister of Defence

FROM: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, SecSta


I am the Secretary of State, and I am responsible for everything that pertains to foreign affairs, including war. I will be working with Secretary of Defense, Robert M. Gates, to coordinate policy and decisions with our allies in war, especially the situation that is currently taking place in the GLS. He is responsible for the Armed Forces, though.

We would like to request your forces be moved to southern GLS, in the Toronto area. We are planning an offensive to seize the area and the city of Toronto, and we would like your support as well. We, however, would like to advise your forces to be cautious, for the TUO may be up to anything. We will send aerial support to the Disparuean Armed Forces.

We cannot thank you enough for your support and assistance, and will repay you in full.

With regards,

Franklin Delano Roosevelt,

Secretary of State

OOC: HHAYD, I'd reply to the masked leader/Rogers's videotaped message, but then Johnson hadnt seen the video because he's still in Washington City. ;)

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The remaining New Englander soldiers, bereft of much heavy weaponry or equipment, were obligated to follow the GLS military on its retreat, but not before retaliating with heavy fire as they retreated. The 'suicidal' New Englander soldiers, well, chose to remain and fight, and were decimated as the result. However, some of them lobbied grenades just before they received hails of bullets from either the soldiers or tanks.

The TUO wasn't the only one to 'recall' their aircrafts to their bases; the New Englanders followed suit as several squadrons of fighters, interceptors, and bombers, turned around and flew toward Wisconsin, to refuel and 'upgrades' in airfields and bases. At the same time, fresh squadrons joined in into the fight from Wisconsin, all ready and prepared. And by prepared, it means they were ready for anything the TUO may throw their way, such as radio jamming.

Given fresh orders by their air force commanders, the New Englander pilots veered their aircrafts toward the 'loitering' TUO aircrafts, utilizing complex evasive manuevers and aggressive attacks. They unleashed overwhelmingly large number of missiles at the enemy, hoping to wreak damage to them and to 'scatter' them so they could pick them off, one by one. It was slowly turning in their favor.

Fortunately for the New Englanders, their highly-advanced technology enabled them to overcome the radio-jamming by recalibrating their radio frequency to a level that would still make it possible to communicate with their superiors (OOC: I admit, I know next to nothing about radio-jamming and how to overcome it. :unsure:). However, some ground units were affected, but it didn't hinder them in the slightest. Utilizing advanced GPS technology, some New Englander soldiers were able to correctly pinpoint their location within the GLS and thus increase their fighting prowess.

However, the U-8 bombers continued to drop bunker-busters upon the TUO tanks as much as possible, whenever they located them through advanced satellite feeds.

At the New Englander border, approximately 1,500 Abrams and Panther tanks rumbled across the Ohio border into the GLS. They had been equipped with heavier battle armors as to enable them to withstand heavy attacks more effectively, and their role was to provide support to infantry. Another 2,500 tanks were on the way.

In New City:

TUO continued to press hard on the New England and GLS military in New City. In Mackniaw City, TUO attacked in full force and wiped out the defenses. Radio jammers prevented GLS military from blowing up the buildings to delay TUO. After TUO forced GLS military to retreat back into New City using the Mackniaw bridge, they noticed the New City Eastern Military base and open fire on it using artillery guns and missile launchers.

If the base goes, so does GLS military's food, medical and ammunition supplies, equipments, and along with their only repair centers fitted to repair even the most extensive damages.


In the air:

Those New England aircraft would instantly come under heavy fire from public/private buildings' ground defense systems, especially around cities where there are more anti-aircraft defense systems setup.

However, with the radio jamming going on, the anti-air defenses weren't as effective, as a result, the air force disabled their own radio jammers.


Ohio-GLS border

The incomplete border defense systems were activated by TUO forces that managed to capture parts of GLS's borders. Although parts of the border defense walls and other systems were still under construction, they would last long enough to halt New England's military for a while. The rest of the border area came under fierce attacks as TUO military forces fought tooth-and-nail for the control the borders to stop enemy reinforcements from joining the fight after they were ordered via messengers who traveled using helicopters.

First mission for New England's tanks, advance uphill on the steep concrete slopping against the steady flow of Mobility Denial System liquid and then advance through a vast concrete field covered with the steady flow of the ultra slippery liquid while taking heavy fire. The amount of firepower is less in the incomplete border defenses, but still enough to deal serious damages.

Radio jammers were also activated, and TUO's military used landline or helicopters to send/receive messages.


Throughout GLS:

Radio jamming stopped one by one as all of the units were alerted via their helicopters to stop since jammed radio communication was messing up TUO's ability to fight, not to mention their anti-air defenses. However, radio jamming on the borders continued and the TUO military there relied on landline phones or helicopters to continue receiving orders from their HQ.


OOC: Radio jammers work by jamming ALL radio frequencies by flooding all of the frequencies with useless signals, basically making it harder for those devices to receive needed radio signals since those signals are diluted by the useless signals. That includes wireless signal, radio, radar, etc (anything that relies on any radio frequencies would be disabled if they come within TUO's radio jammers). Not sure about GPS, but it might if they relied on a constant flow of radio signals in the radio signal jammed area.

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In TUO's HQ:

The hackers went to work again, this time, bring down all of Disparu's services and computers connected to the internet to its knee by using computers stationed in other nations (therefor, different IP addresses) and proxies.


That failed when the hackers accidentally sent ALL of the viruses to their masked leader's personal computer and destroyed his computer. Things were not going to go well for the hackers.


OOC: Spy roll failed.

OOC: Just a little note, HHAYD...jamming the radios means the TUP would have just as much trouble communicatiing as New England. It's not a directional thing.

So don't depend on it too heavily.

OOC: I know that.

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OOC: In other words, if Jed shows lack of coordination in his forces, you have to too.

OOC: I RPed that TUO's military was ending the radio jamming slowly using helicopters (who carried the messages), except on the borders.

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In TUO's HQ:

The hackers went to work again, this time, bring down all of Disparu's services and computers connected to the internet to its knee by using computers stationed in other nations (therefor, different IP addresses) and proxies.


That failed when the hackers accidentally sent ALL of the viruses to their masked leader's personal computer and destroyed his computer. Things were not going to go well for the hackers.

OoC: :awesome:



In his office in the State Department building in Boston, SecSta Roosevelt received the message from Disparu, from Defense Minister Todd Snap. Upon reading it, Roosevelt composed a reply:


As soon as he finished reading Roosevelt's message, Todd turned to his workstation and began to compose a reply:


TO/À: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, SecSta

FROM/DE: Todd Snap, Minister of Defence


There is no need to repay us, sir. After all, Disparu and New England are friends, and should help each other in any way possible.

I will alert the Disparuean Forces to go ahead with the planned GLS invasion, and to get to Toronto as soon as possible.


Todd Snap

Minister of Defence for Disparu

Member of the Empire Party


All Disparuean radio and television stations would suddenly stop whatever they were broadcasting. After three beeps were sent through the airwaves, an instrumental version of Disparu's anthem would play before fading. People who were watching TV would see a luxurious-looking office. The King of Disparu, Lance Pikachurin, wearing his signature blue fedora and suit, sat behind his desk.

"Greetings, people of the Federation of Disparu. I come to you today with grim news. The United Organization, the terrorist organization that has caused our nation and several others great pain and harm, have returned from the ashes. Like before, the organization wishes to destroy Disparu and it's great ally, the Republic of New England out of spite. They want to destroy the order we have establish and replace it with chaos and anarchy.

I will not let that happen. I will not let the United Organization to destroy what we have built. It is time to strike back, destroy the terrorists, and restore peace throughout this part of North America. The Disparuean Forces is preparing for an invasion of the Great Lakes States as we speak, in order to protect our New Englander friends from harm's way.

But Disparu and New England alone cannot defeat this threat. I will need cooperation from all Disparueans to make this operation a success. The fate of every single citizen in the Federation rests in the peoples' hands. Disparueans, do our country a favor, and cooperate during this time of crisis. By cooperating, we shall prevail!

By the power vested in me by the Constitution of Disparu, I hereby declare that the entire nation will be placed under lockdown. Yes, that means that the entire nation will be cut out from the outside world for the time being. Don't worry, you will still be able to communicate within the nations.

Good luck, everyone, and Godspeed."

The screen suddenly went blank.


As soon as the King completed his speech, the Disparuean Ministry of Science and Technology activated several locks and switches throughout Disparu's communications network. Communication lines between Disparu and the outside world, whether they were wired or wireless, were disconnected and went offline. Broadcasting services were shut down. Anyone who attempted to access a Disparuean server from outside Disparu would find out would see a gigantic HTTP 404 error plastered in their screens. The only connections that still remained with the outside world were heavily encrypted and limited connections to three Disparuean military satellites, the New Englander Government and to the invasion force. Despite the fact that a lockdown was in effect, Disparueans within Disparu were still able to communicate, as long as the communication was within the lockdown zone. The Ministry of Science and Technology also made sure that all firewalls had their self-defense feature and their buffer overflow protection enabled.

Meanwhile, a military force composed of 95,000 soldiers, 400 tanks, 750 jeeps, 50,000 MPAR-74s, 20 MPPCAs, 2,500 MPA-7s, 90 F-22 fighter jets and 120 bomber jets was beginning to get ready for the invasion. Operation SOS was about to begin.


The first to attack were the bombers, escorted by all F-22 fighter jets. As soon as the jets crossed the border, the bombers began to drop their payloads while the fighters kept a lookout for any enemy jets. The interference being released by TUO was obviously affecting the force's ability to fight, however, the Disparueans were hoping that the interference would end as soon as they bombed the border. Besides, they still had a limited communication network in place by simply using the radio channel that had the least interference.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the Land Force charged through the Disparuean wall that separated Disparu from the GLS. The force shot anyone that tried to shoot back, while soldiers stationed on the border defended the invading force from behind by using machine guns and rocket launchers.

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As soon as the King completed his speech, the Disparuean Ministry of Science and Technology activated several locks and switches throughout Disparu's communications network. Communication lines between Disparu and the outside world, whether they were wired or wireless, were disconnected and went offline. Broadcasting services were shut down. Anyone who attempted to access a Disparuean server from outside Disparu would find out would see a gigantic HTTP 404 error plastered in their screens. The only connections that still remained with the outside world were heavily encrypted and limited connections to three Disparuean military satellites, the New Englander Government and to the invasion force. Despite the fact that a lockdown was in effect, Disparueans within Disparu were still able to communicate, as long as the communication was within the lockdown zone. The Ministry of Science and Technology also made sure that all firewalls had their self-defense feature and their buffer overflow protection enabled.

Meanwhile, a military force composed of 95,000 soldiers, 400 tanks, 750 jeeps, 50,000 MPAR-74s, 20 MPPCAs, 2,500 MPA-7s, 90 F-22 fighter jets and 120 bomber jets was beginning to get ready for the invasion. Operation SOS was about to begin.


The first to attack were the bombers, escorted by all F-22 fighter jets. As soon as the jets crossed the border, the bombers began to drop their payloads while the fighters kept a lookout for any enemy jets. The interference being released by TUO was obviously affecting the force's ability to fight, however, the Disparueans were hoping that the interference would end as soon as they bombed the border. Besides, they still had a limited communication network in place by simply using the radio channel that had the least interference.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the Land Force charged through the Disparuean wall that separated Disparu from the GLS. The force shot anyone that tried to shoot back, while soldiers stationed on the border defended the invading force from behind by using machine guns and rocket launchers.

OOC: There is a giant GLS's border wall standing between GLS and Disparu with various defense systems behind it, such as anti-aircraft and bomb defense systems. Your aircraft would have to survive constant waves of Revealer missiles, Sticky Flash-Bang AA missiles, Smart fire-and-forget AA missiles, and regular fire-and-forget AA missiles and attempting to bomb the armored missile launchers would be harder due to automated 80mm anti-bomb turrets guarding the border defenses. (OOC: Info about those missiles here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73021 ).


IC: The border defenses open fired on Disparu's aircraft, firing hundreds of missiles per minute per mile. Radio jammers would effectively disable Disparu's communication for a little over 10 miles away from the GLS border walls that were under TUO's control. TUO had helicopters and landline phones (connected to radios outside of the radio jammers' range) to use for communication.

As for Disparu's land forces, their first part was to advance through a muddy field filled with ultra slippery liquid streaming from the border defenses. Next, advance uphill on a concrete slope against the liquid's flow and then advance across a large plain covered with the flowing ultra slippery liquid against TUO's line of fire. (OOC: More info about the border defenses here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1994924 )

If Disparu wanted to avoid losing their military completely, they would have to march through New England and through parts of GLS's border defenses that haven't been captured by TUO yet.

Edited by HHAYD
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Hundreds of miles away, back at the Ministry of Defence at Jubilife, the inexperienced Defence Minister would facepalm as he watched his operation fail completely. Several Disparuean aircraft were being shot down from the sky, turning into gigantic fireballs that fell into the Great Lakes States' border defences. The Land Force, meanwhile, also wasn't doing well, with some of the force's vanguard sinking or slipping into the GLS' border defences, or getting shot by TUO's snipers.

"This is bad, bad, bad!" shouted Todd. "I want the Operation to retreat back to base, NOW! Tell them to get themselves fixed and recover!" said Todd, burying his face into his hands. "And I authorize a cruise missile attack against the GLS, the authorization code is **********."

Back at the border, the force would begin to turn back as they received weak messages telling them to retreat back. Some unlucky ones were unable to make it and were shot, but fortunately,most of the troops were able to retreat back into the "Safe Zone". Some soldiers remained at the Disparuean side of the border, trailing their guns towards the GLS side.

Three cruise missiles were launched from Disparu; the target was obviously the Great Lakes States' border area.


Scurrying back to his office, Todd faced his workstation and began to type:


TO/À: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, SecSta

FROM/DE: Todd Snap, Minister of Defence


I'm requesting for permission to let Disparuean troops go through New Englander territory in order to reach Toronto. The border we share with the GLS is heavily defended and hijacked by TUO, and we are unable to get through.


Todd Snap

Minister of Defence for Disparu

Member of the Empire Party

After sending the message, Todd heard a light knock on his office's door. "Sir Snap, you have a visitor." he heard his secretary. The door swung open, and a tall man with a smug on his face entered the room. At a glance, you could tell by his aura that the man was extremely tough and experienced. And he was. After all, he was the one that got Disparu through the Unknown War with TUO.

"Why hello there, my successor, it's good to see you. How's everything, Todd?" said Terry Palkia, mockingly, as he entered the room.

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Hundreds of miles away, back at the Ministry of Defence at Jubilife, the inexperienced Defence Minister would facepalm as he watched his operation fail completely. Several Disparuean aircraft were being shot down from the sky, turning into gigantic fireballs that fell into the Great Lakes States' border defences. The Land Force, meanwhile, also wasn't doing well, with some of the force's vanguard sinking or slipping into the GLS' border defences, or getting shot by TUO's snipers.

"This is bad, bad, bad!" shouted Todd. "I want the Operation to retreat back to base, NOW! Tell them to get themselves fixed and recover!" said Todd, burying his face into his hands. "And I authorize a cruise missile attack against the GLS, the authorization code is **********."

Back at the border, the force would begin to turn back as they received weak messages telling them to retreat back. Some unlucky ones were unable to make it and were shot, but fortunately,most of the troops were able to retreat back into the "Safe Zone". Some soldiers remained at the Disparuean side of the border, trailing their guns towards the GLS side.

Three cruise missiles were launched from Disparu; the target was obviously the Great Lakes States' border area

Two of them were shot down by the hijacked GLS's missile defense system, one of the missiles was damaged but managed to smash into the border defenses. At first it seemed like a hole was opened up given the amount of dust and debris flying everywhere, but that was dashed when it turned out the targeted border defenses were damaged yet still standing and operational.

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In New City:

TUO continued to press hard on the New England and GLS military in New City. In Mackniaw City, TUO attacked in full force and wiped out the defenses. Radio jammers prevented GLS military from blowing up the buildings to delay TUO. After TUO forced GLS military to retreat back into New City using the Mackniaw bridge, they noticed the New City Eastern Military base and open fire on it using artillery guns and missile launchers.

If the base goes, so does GLS military's food, medical and ammunition supplies, equipments, and along with their only repair centers fitted to repair even the most extensive damages.

The New Englanders fought back as hard as they could to try to delay the TUO advance. There were approximately 5,000 New Englanders left in the entirety of New City, given the brutal beatings they had taken at the hands of the GLS military and now the TUO.

In the air:

Those New England aircraft would instantly come under heavy fire from public/private buildings' ground defense systems, especially around cities where there are more anti-aircraft defense systems setup.

However, with the radio jamming going on, the anti-air defenses weren't as effective, as a result, the air force disabled their own radio jammers.

The New Englander fighters and interceptors managed to evade most anti-air fire, but the bombers weren't so lucky: three U-8s were shot down by the TUO anti-air defenses despite efforts by the fighters and interceptors to protect them. However, the majority of the bombers now turned their attention to the cities, targeting the anti-aircraft defense systems on top of several buildings. Unfortunately for the TUO, the bombers were now armed with bunker-buster bombs, and they unleashed their payloads with laser-precision.

Ohio-GLS border

The incomplete border defense systems were activated by TUO forces that managed to capture parts of GLS's borders. Although parts of the border defense walls and other systems were still under construction, they would last long enough to halt New England's military for a while. The rest of the border area came under fierce attacks as TUO military forces fought tooth-and-nail for the control the borders to stop enemy reinforcements from joining the fight after they were ordered via messengers who traveled using helicopters.

First mission for New England's tanks, advance uphill on the steep concrete slopping against the steady flow of Mobility Denial System liquid and then advance through a vast concrete field covered with the steady flow of the ultra slippery liquid while taking heavy fire. The amount of firepower is less in the incomplete border defenses, but still enough to deal serious damages.

Radio jammers were also activated, and TUO's military used landline or helicopters to send/receive messages.

Counter-jamming measures were enacted to counteract the radio-jamming efforts used by the TUO. The soldiers and tanks who crossed into the GLS via Ohio came under fire, but they preservered and fought on, utilizing grenade launchers, automated grenade launchers, as well as self-propelled artillery to deal with the opposition. Hundreds of AH-1 Zulu attack helicopters crossed into GLS airspace, cruising straight for the TUO helicopters, while the Abrams and Panther tanks blasted a hole through the TUO defenses, the infantry following closely behind. A couple of tanks inevitably slipped on the Mobility Denian System liquid, creating some chaos, but the vast majority of tanks proceeded on smoothly for the most part.

Scurrying back to his office, Todd faced his workstation and began to type:

OOC: Does Snap and Palkia have a rivalry or something? :P



In his office in the State Department, Roosevelt received Snap's message and immediately set about composing a response:

TO: Todd Snap, Minister of Defence

FROM: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, SecSta


The Disparuean Armed Forces has full permission to cross through New Englander territory. We will set aside several roadways in northern Vermont and New York State that you can use to cross into the staging area. We duly notify you that a large invasion force is now assembled at the New York-GLS border, and your forces are welcome to participate into the invasion. We will support and assist you in any way.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt,

Secretary of State

As soon as he sent the message, Roosevelt telephoned SecDef Robert M. Gates regarding this. Gates acknowledged this and immediately sent out orders, through secure channels, to Army commanders and officials to allow the Disparueans to cross through New Englander territory. Border patrol agents and officials began to open all border checkpoints in northern Vermont as the Army began sealing off portions of roadways and even highways to enable Disparuean forces to cross through.

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OOC: Does Snap and Palkia have a rivalry or something? :P



In his office in the State Department, Roosevelt received Snap's message and immediately set about composing a response:

As soon as he sent the message, Roosevelt telephoned SecDef Robert M. Gates regarding this. Gates acknowledged this and immediately sent out orders, through secure channels, to Army commanders and officials to allow the Disparueans to cross through New Englander territory. Border patrol agents and officials began to open all border checkpoints in northern Vermont as the Army began sealing off portions of roadways and even highways to enable Disparuean forces to cross through.

OoC: Kinda. :P



As soon as permission was granted, the Ministry of Defence would notify the Operation to head over to New England as soon as possible. Thousands of Disparuean troops, composed of the troops that retreated from the GLS as well as new additions, crossed the border between the Disparuean province of Coronet to the New Englander states of New York and Vermont. As soon as the entire Operation had reassembled in New England, the Disparueans would begin to head towards the New York-GLS border.

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The New Englanders fought back as hard as they could to try to delay the TUO advance. There were approximately 5,000 New Englanders left in the entirety of New City, given the brutal beatings they had taken at the hands of the GLS military and now the TUO.

The New Englander fighters and interceptors managed to evade most anti-air fire, but the bombers weren't so lucky: three U-8s were shot down by the TUO anti-air defenses despite efforts by the fighters and interceptors to protect them. However, the majority of the bombers now turned their attention to the cities, targeting the anti-aircraft defense systems on top of several buildings. Unfortunately for the TUO, the bombers were now armed with bunker-buster bombs, and they unleashed their payloads with laser-precision.

Counter-jamming measures were enacted to counteract the radio-jamming efforts used by the TUO. The soldiers and tanks who crossed into the GLS via Ohio came under fire, but they preservered and fought on, utilizing grenade launchers, automated grenade launchers, as well as self-propelled artillery to deal with the opposition. Hundreds of AH-1 Zulu attack helicopters crossed into GLS airspace, cruising straight for the TUO helicopters, while the Abrams and Panther tanks blasted a hole through the TUO defenses, the infantry following closely behind. A couple of tanks inevitably slipped on the Mobility Denian System liquid, creating some chaos, but the vast majority of tanks proceeded on smoothly for the most part.

In New City:

The GLS military was constantly retreating, their Assault units were no match against TUO's elite soldiers who weren't affected by point blank shots from automatic shotguns. They frequently left behind lone automated turrets to halt the massive waves of TUO's military forces, which they were often overrun and destroyed. "Retreat back to New City Eastern Military Base!" all of the GLS commanders yelled when they received orders that the base was under attack.


In the air:

TUO's bomber jets were launched to attack New England's military forces with napalm bombs. Many of the anti-aircraft defenses built into various buildings were destroyed, but some of them were lucky thanks to their anti-bomb/missile automated turrets. Meanwhile, TUI's fighter jets took advantage of the ground anti-aircraft fires and open fired on New England aircraft.


At the borders:

Any parts of the borders that wasn't occupied by TUO would soon find them being attacked from three sides by aggressive TUO forces. They will do whatever it takes to halt enemy reinforcements. A large portion of TUO's military were either arriving or had already launched the attacking to occupy the border defenses.


OOC: You can't counteract radio jammers, radio jammers work by adding extra static and background noise to the radio frequencies to the point where all you hear are buzzes and static. Kinda like trees that love to blur radio signals and mess them up, same thing with the radio jammers on a larger scale. However, you could amplify your own radios to increase the signal to noise ratio and block out some of the radio jamming signals, but TUO could easily counter than with amplifying their own radio jamming.

AS for the border defenses, I seriously doubt your tanks can waltz through them, especially when there is a muddy slippery field in front of it and your tanks have to climb up a steep and smooth concrete slope that is coated with constantly downhill flowing Mobility Denial System liquid. Any enemy forces that managed to reach the top part, the flat concrete plains, would still slip and slide on the liquid with no cover while under heavy fire. If too many enemy forces cluster on the concrete plains, then TUO would activate the liquid pumps into overdrive and unleash a flood of the liquid to wash away the enemy forces.

Your helicopters would have trouble flying past dozens of automated computerized turrets that had aircraft set as their top priority targets, including the 80mm cannons. Plus, those border defenses are made up of primary reinforced concrete so shelling it would be ineffective. More info about the border defenses: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1994924

The easiest way of getting past through the border defenses is by using openings that railroads, roads, and highways are located in and flying over offline sections. Be warned that TUO WILL fight tooth and nail for the complete control of the border defenses and any occupied border defenses will be brought online.



In the Hudson Bay:

As the war raged on, the damaged GLS ships managed to slip out of TUO's range of fire at the cost of the destruction of several of their cargo ships and their last naval ship, the anti-aircraft frigate. The fleet limped toward the closest Disparu seaport, board casting a radio message, "We can't dock in Great Lakes States, requesting to dock in your seaport for unloading of our military and repairs."

Edited by HHAYD
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In the Hudson Bay:

As the war raged on, the damaged GLS ships managed to slip out of TUO's range of fire at the cost of the destruction of several of their cargo ships and their last naval ship, the anti-aircraft frigate. The fleet limped toward the closest Disparu seaport, board casting a radio message, "We can't dock in Great Lakes States, requesting to dock in your seaport for unloading of our military and repairs."

The fleet would receive the following reply from a Disparuean radio operator: "Who the heck are you? And how do we know that you aren't one of those terrorists, huh!?"

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The fleet would receive the following reply from a Disparuean radio operator: "Who the heck are you? And how do we know that you aren't one of those terrorists, huh!?"

"Great Lakes States military force, we arrived here after attacking Yuktobania, attempted to dock and unload, and then was forced to abandon the landing operation when nearly a dozen of our cargo ships were sunken, others damaged, and all of our naval ships sunken. If you don't believe us, try contacting New England, they sent a military force to defend us during the unloading operation which failed. We have critically injured soldiers on board though and they need imminent treatment."

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"Great Lakes States military force, we arrived here after attacking Yuktobania, attempted to dock and unload, and then was forced to abandon the landing operation when nearly a dozen of our cargo ships were sunken, others damaged, and all of our naval ships sunken. If you don't believe us, try contacting New England, they sent a military force to defend us during the unloading operation which failed. We have critically injured soldiers on board though and they need imminent treatment."

"Ooorr...you could be terrorists using the "we're injured and tired" card to fool us into thinking that you're actually the legitimate military force of the GLS." replied the operator. "But, if you're actually telling the truth, I don't want to be blamed for the deaths of several innocent soldiers. I'll send over two Disparuean Coast Guard ships over to your location to see if you're the real thing or not. Just tell me your location and the ships will be on their way." he continued.

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