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Your ships were clearly in Yuktobanian waters, you were violating Yuktobanian territorial sovereignty, I am done trying to negotiate with you!!!!!!!!!

As of today, the Yuktobanian Government hereby delares a state of war between us and the Great Lakes State.

OOC: So the ball is now in your court.

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Your ships were clearly in Yuktobanian waters, you were violating Yuktobanian territorial sovereignty, I am done trying to negotiate with you!!!!!!!!!

As of today, the Yuktobanian Government hereby delares a state of war between us and the Great Lakes State.

OOC: So the ball is now in your court.

No, they were in the international waters, genius.

A war is what you wished for? Expect it as your late Christmas present.


Classified, in the Arctic waters:

After receiving orders to attack, both of the aircraft carriers unleashed their B-2 Spirit stealth bombers first, then followed by F-22 fighter, F-35A bomber, and and the heavier F-35C bomber jets at a small port to blast any enemy defenses to pieces. Meanwhile, the military cargo ships' crews worked quickly to place their anti-aircraft MIM-104 Patriot vehicles on deck, along with anti-bomb/missile turrets connected to the ships' radar or the MIM-104 Patriot vehicles' radar system.

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Yuke forces were caught by surprise when their defensive lines when the GLS Navy didn't attack the eastern coastline, but rather attacked the Yuke port city of Darina, in Northern Yuktobania, because of this, the Yuke forces in the city were thinly spread and bombed to hell by Yuke air support.

The Yuke air force called in all of their fighter aircraft (all 55 aircraft) to engage the GLS forces in Darina while the Yuke Army repositions itself to defend Darina.



A meeting was called in the Duma building to focus on a stable war strategy to fight against the invading GLS forces. All Yuke Ministers and Parliament membersw were there to meet.

4 people armed with light machine guns wearing suits came walking into the Duma and started firing at the Parliament members. All the doors were locked and the windows were barricaded. These 4, working for Dimitri Petrenko, fired their guns at all members of the Parliament building, killing everyone who had ties to the government, this way he can ensure that only his men would have a say in his new order in Yuktobania.

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By the time the Yuke air force had arrived to fight GLS air force, the would already notice an issue. There were dozens of cargo ships, two specialized anti-aircraft/missile frigates, a cruiser, two aircraft carriers, and a battleship. All of them had at least a basic anti-aircraft/missile/bomb system online, allowing the fleet to leave serious dents in the Yuke air force. Worse, all of the naval ships (not the cargo ships) had carbon nanotube armoring with carbon fiber mesh and bullet proof shock absorbent gel in the armoring. All of the aircraft in the GLS air force had thin carbon nanotube/fiber armoring allowing them to withstand shrapnel, small explosions, few 20mm shells, and to buffer severe damages enough to allow emergency landings for repair.

When the GLS battleship was close enough, all of its .50 caliber machine gunners, snipers, cannons and missile launchers open fired, spraying anything that posed a hazard to the cargo ships with explosions and hot lead.

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The Yuke Air Force were being swatted out of the sky, with 80% of the Air Force being shot down before they could get in range to launch their missiles, aircraft too damged to fly were flying towards their ships, hoping to kamikaze the enemy ships and put them out of action.

OOC: Obviously I'm Zerg Rushing again.

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The Yuke Air Force were being swatted out of the sky, with 80% of the Air Force being shot down before they could get in range to launch their missiles, aircraft too damged to fly were flying towards their ships, hoping to kamikaze the enemy ships and put them out of action.

OOC: Obviously I'm Zerg Rushing again.

A few of them were lucky and damaged the cargo ships, but none of them were knocked out of action completely. The rest of the kamikaze aircraft were shot down by the automated turrets set up on the cargo ships' deck that recognized the kamiakze aircraft as "OMG! BIG MISSILES!"

As the cargo ships sailed closer to the port, snipers on board opened fire, hoping to kill as many enemy soldiers as possible. One of the leading cargo ships managed to anchor next to a dock. For a few minutes, nothing happened, then large cranes built in the cargo ships opened up and unloaded their first set of cargo onto the docks using armored pulleys and thick chains.

The Rapid demolisher tanks. Their first tasks? Run over enemy soldiers and destroy any enemy vehicles or artillery guns. (OOC: Info about those tanks here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73021 :OOC)

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The Yuke soldiers in Darina, in a crazed panic, kept firing at the enemy vehicles as they were retreating, all vehicles that could be used by the Yuke Army was destroyed.

Soldiers began evacuating the port city of Darina and marched towards Cruik Fortress, defending the front of the capital city. With the majority of their tanks still moving from the western front, the retreating troops will have to resort to using scorched earth tactics to ensure victory.

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With the Yuke army out of the way, some of the cargo ships also docked and unloaded their cargo. Other ships had to wait since there weren't enough room. The army then split up into two groups. First two would march toward their capital city and attempt to surround it, third group would attack another port with the help of their battleship to help speed up the cargo unloading, and the last group would attack a local airport to be used as a temporary airfield for the arriving cargo aircraft and jet planes.


OOC: I realized that there is no way two supercarriers can hold over three hundred aircraft in total, so I am OOCly reducing the amount of F-22 down to 5 squadrons.

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OOC: If you plan on surounding Cinigrad, you're gonna have to take out Cruik Fortress, defending the city.

IC: Yuke Forces from Darina were sent to garrison Cruik Fortress, in the defense of the capital city, Cinigrad, while the main Yuke force are moving eastward across the Sonza Plains, headed towards Cinigrad.

With the members of the Yuke Cabinet and Parliament dead and the Judicial building bombed, Dimitri's word has now become the law, as an absolute dictatorship has now taken hold in what remained in Cinigrad.

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With the conflict on our border, the government orders the deployment of 30,000 soldiers, 1000 tanks and 10 BA-774 Dragon Breath units are moved within 5 miles of the Vauleyo-Yuktobania border and ordered to remain there.

500 soldiers and 20 Mi-28 attack helicopters are moved to the B.S.N.

The government issues no statements, but uses RADAR and ships based at the B.S.N. monitor movements in Yuktobania and further developments. Reconnaissance aircraft are put on standby.

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Yuke Forces from Darina were sent to garrison Cruik Fortress, in the defense of the capital city, Cinigrad, while the main Yuke force are moving eastward across the Sonza Plains, headed towards Cinigrad.

Communication between the B-2 Spirit jets:

"Those Yuktobanias are holed in their little base and are going to be an annoyance to our army."

"Bomb them to -bleep-!"


B-2 Spirit bombers came in first, dropping their high explosive payload onto the Cruik Fortress. Soon, it was followed by escorted F-35C and F-35A who showered the fort with more high explosive bombs and bunker buster missiles. The bombing run would continue while the two groups of GLS army units came within the range of attacking.

Not only the fort's defenders have to survive the raining of bombs and bunker busters from the sky, they also had to kill the fast yet tough Rapid demolisher tanks that came by to say, "Hi!" with their 185mm semi-armor piercing high explosive shells. Within a minute, the rest of the army units made up of M-1 Abram tanks, slower but more damaging and tougher Demolisher tanks, APC, IFV, Panzerhaubitze self-propelled artillery guns, a total of 40,000 soldiers, and AH-64 Apache attack helicopters would catch up to the Rapid demolisher tanks and also joined in with the bombardment of the fort.


OOC: Are you going to RP any of your soldiers trying to defend the airport and another port? If not, then I will automatically consider them taken by the GLS military.

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"We warn GLS to step out of Asian Soil or face consequences."

We will, after you let us send a spy to your nation, attempt to steal your military and research files, rack up $10 billion worth of damages, kill and injure a double digit amount of people, attempt to assassinate your nation's leader, sink some your civilian cargo ships that were in the international waters, deny everything, refuse arrest or reparation, claim every last bit of evidence you present to us as a lie, taunt you, and then declare war on you.

Now you see why we attempting to arrest Dimitri Petrenko, Yuktobania's rouge Prime Minister?

-President Roger

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"Infact try that. If your government wasn't so weak that they couldn't stop the spy attempt, the terrorists attacks and safety of their own leader and a foreign dignatory, then your a disgrace. Sorry get out of Asia."

It doesn't matter if Dimitri Petrenko's spy or Catherine's rouge bodyguards got past our security system, it only matters that Dimitri Petrenko committed repeated acts of war and refused arrest and reparation. Plus, he even declared war on us. What, you think we are going to sit on our -bleep- and wait for them to attack us?

Your such as good influence on your citizens. I guess crime does pay.

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30,000 additional soldiers move to the border with Yuktobania and are accompanied by 300 tanks and 20 Mi 28 attack helicopters. UAVs begin scouting along the border on the Vauleyo-Buryatian side.

The Air Force moves to DEFCON 2 and waits for further orders.

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Communication between the B-2 Spirit jets:

"Those Yuktobanias are holed in their little base and are going to be an annoyance to our army."

"Bomb them to -bleep-!"


B-2 Spirit bombers came in first, dropping their high explosive payload onto the Cruik Fortress. Soon, it was followed by escorted F-35C and F-35A who showered the fort with more high explosive bombs and bunker buster missiles. The bombing run would continue while the two groups of GLS army units came within the range of attacking.

Not only the fort's defenders have to survive the raining of bombs and bunker busters from the sky, they also had to kill the fast yet tough Rapid demolisher tanks that came by to say, "Hi!" with their 185mm semi-armor piercing high explosive shells. Within a minute, the rest of the army units made up of M-1 Abram tanks, slower but more damaging and tougher Demolisher tanks, APC, IFV, Panzerhaubitze self-propelled artillery guns, a total of 40,000 soldiers, and AH-64 Apache attack helicopters would catch up to the Rapid demolisher tanks and also joined in with the bombardment of the fort.


OOC: Are you going to RP any of your soldiers trying to defend the airport and another port? If not, then I will automatically consider them taken by the GLS military.

OOC: No, I'm not gonna bother with those, I rather focus on the defense of Cruik Fortress. Fortunatly, to your surprise, The PM is there, since they would expect you to try and take the city. I also hope that others will fight in this war, help hasten my new year's plan.

IC: Cruik Fortress was known for withstanding many sieges. Despite bunker busters and carpet bombing, the fortress still stood, as the last defenders of Cinigrad stood by, waiting for reinforcements coming in to besiege the besiegers. Troops armed with Anti-Tank Weaponry took cover behind the walls and various buildings within the mountainside fortress. The few T-80 Tanks remaining, equipped with HEAT rounds surrounded the front doors

As soon as the Demolishers broke down the door with their 185mm Cannons, the defennders immediately countered back with their RPG's and cannon fire, concentrating their fire one tank at a time.

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Radio communication between the bomber jets:

"What? They are still alive?..."

"Aw screw this, everyone start showering them with only bunker busters, try to hit as many enemy cannon, missile launcher, or artillery gun positions as possible."


The Demolisher tanks moved forward to take most of the brutal beating off the weaker units. A few of them switched to their 200mm depleted uranium armor piercing shells and fired them at the enemy T-80 tanks or cannons. As for the HEAT shells and RPG, they were ineffective against GLS tanks; either they exploded prematurely or were deflected.

Figuring that enemy reinforcements are going to come, the GLS soldiers that just arrived from taking an airport and another harbor quickly worked to set up various types of automated turrets and landmines around the bombardment area to delay potential enemy reinforcements and to buy time for the GLS military to prepare for more fighting. There were also snipers stationed on top of any nearby mountains to serve as lookouts.

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OOC: Wait, I've seen this type of armor before but I don't know how it works, care to enlighten me on that?

IC: The losses of several military tanks and soldiers forced many of them to regroup inside the fortress itself, the remaining tanks moved back towards the southern gate to Cinigrad to defend their wall. This will force the GLS to fight room by room to ensure that Dimitri escapes, despite the continuous bunker busting.


Meanwhile, atop the Command Tower in the western side of the fortress, Demitri Petrenko look over head at the battle and saw first hand what the GLS aircraft are capable of.

One of the officers came in saying, "Mr. Petrenko, your chopper is fueled and ready."

Mr petrenko responded, "Good, I will head to Bastok Fortress and coordinate our resistance there, you go ahead and continue the offensive here."

"Understood sir."

Dimitri left the room and boarded an elevator that would take him to the hanger, where he would board his Mi-17 assault Helicopter Gunship. (Armed with 6 AGM-114's)

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OOC: Wait, I've seen this type of armor before but I don't know how it works, care to enlighten me on that?

IC: The losses of several military tanks and soldiers forced many of them to regroup inside the fortress itself, the remaining tanks moved back towards the southern gate to Cinigrad to defend their wall. This will force the GLS to fight room by room to ensure that Dimitri escapes, despite the continuous bunker busting.


Meanwhile, atop the Command Tower in the western side of the fortress, Demitri Petrenko look over head at the battle and saw first hand what the GLS aircraft are capable of.

One of the officers came in saying, "Mr. Petrenko, your chopper is fueled and ready."

Mr petrenko responded, "Good, I will head to Bastok Fortress and coordinate our resistance there, you go ahead and continue the offensive here."

"Understood sir."

Dimitri left the room and boarded an elevator that would take him to the hanger, where he would board his Mi-17 assault Helicopter Gunship. (Armed with 6 AGM-114's)

OOC: M-1 Abram tanks have composite armoring which is made up of multiple types of material and can resist HEAT rounds. Demolisher and Rapid demolisher tanks also use composite armoring but with much tougher and more material. For the M-1 Abram, the ceramics in it has a better stopping power than steel even though prone to shattering. Depleted uranium, thanks to their density, can stop many powerful HEAT rounds effectively.

Also, it would take sheer luck to fly out of the bombardment area given the amount of GLS attack helicopters flying around and anti-aircraft turrets.



The Demolisher and Rapid demolisher tanks were the first ones to enter the base, then the M-1 Abrams as the carpet bombing mostly ended except for parts of the base that hasn't been invaded by the GLS military (where the rest of the enemy tanks are located). Knowing that their enemies are going to attempt a room-to-room style fighting given the small amount of enemy soldiers in the open, they might as well as blow up every last building using HESH (high explosive squash heads) shells and force them out into the open.

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OOC: Exactly how I planned on it.

IC: Despite the buildings being made using the same material as the fortress itself, it could not stand up to the HESH rounds, the soldiers were either crushed or forced to escape and rush the enemy using human wave tactics, they were trained to never surender, that their sacrifice will be lived on in the greater glory of the Yuktobanian nation, or what was left of it now that Dimitri had absolute control.

At the hangar, Demitri got into his Mi-17 and launched out of the side runway of the base, heading east, towards the enemy forces. Wearing body armor, he would be well protected in the event that he would be shot down and cornered by GLS troops. He also had a pair of .357 revolvers and M1887 shotguns as well as enough ammo to keep fighting. They would have to fight if they wanted to bring him alive.

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Despite the buildings being made using the same material as the fortress itself, it could not stand up to the HESH rounds, the soldiers were either crushed or forced to escape and rush the enemy using human wave tactics, they were trained to never surender, that their sacrifice will be lived on in the greater glory of the Yuktobanian nation, or what was left of it now that Dimitri had absolute control.

The GLS soldiers that just stepped into the fort backpedaled out while using the "spray and pray" tactic with their assault rifles and automatic shotguns. For the tanks, the enemy's human wave tactics were no problem, especially for the Rapid demolisher tanks that had two alternating rows of remote controlled, battery powered circular saws glued to the bottom front of the hull. That allowed the Rapid demolisher tanks to charge straight into enemy soldiers and either crush them or tear them into pieces.

At the hangar, Demitri got into his Mi-17 and launched out of the side runway of the base, heading east, towards the enemy forces. Wearing body armor, he would be well protected in the event that he would be shot down and cornered by GLS troops. He also had a pair of .357 revolvers and M1887 shotguns as well as enough ammo to keep fighting. They would have to fight if they wanted to bring him alive.

He was immediately spotted by GLS AH-64 Apache assault helicopters and was fired upon. There were a few Demolisher and Rapid demolisher tanks outside of the base that were equipped with anti-helicopter missile launcher systems and was also targeted by them. If he somehow manages to survive the hails of bullets and missiles, he would encounter snipers and automated 40mm anti-helicopter turrets.

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After the GLS used their spray and pray tactic, there were absolutly no Yuktobanians alive in Cruik Fortress. The whole Yuke garrison was wiped off the map, with no casualties to their enemy.

Dimitri Petrenko's helicopter began launching chaff and flares to try and confuse the missiles, but one of the missiles hit the tail of the chopper, Petrenko made a crash landing on the side of the mountain, he survived, barely, but now he was stranded behind enemy lines, with already a quarter of the entire military completely destroyed. Dimitri can only hope that the remaining 75% of the Yuke military (already passing through the Jilachi Desert and heading it's way to Cruik Fortress) would arrive to buy him time to escape Yuktobania, now in GLS hands.

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After the GLS used their spray and pray tactic, there were absolutly no Yuktobanians alive in Cruik Fortress. The whole Yuke garrison was wiped off the map, with no casualties to their enemy.

Dimitri Petrenko's helicopter began launching chaff and flares to try and confuse the missiles, but one of the missiles hit the tail of the chopper, Petrenko made a crash landing on the side of the mountain, he survived, barely, but now he was stranded behind enemy lines, with already a quarter of the entire military completely destroyed. Dimitri can only hope that the remaining 75% of the Yuke military (already passing through the Jilachi Desert and heading it's way to Cruik Fortress) would arrive to buy him time to escape Yuktobania, now in GLS hands.

"All enemy forces in the Cruik fort seem to be dead, sending in assault units to check." Major Thomson said in his radio after receiving no reports of any enemy soldiers running around. "What about the report of a crashed enemy helicopter that attempted to flee?" was General Gram's reply through the radio. "I already ordered a sniper unit to check it out. Even if the pilot escaped, he wouldn't survive for long against all of the turrets we had set up." Thomson replied.


A group of GLS snipers hiked down the mountain to investigate the enemy helicopter crash to check for any enemies. If they met resistance, then they would retreat and let the turrets scattered throughout the area to do the dirty work while sniping the enemies.

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