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A Movement of Security


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"Troops of the 354th Stryker Battalion of the Old Dominion Home Guard(numbering 15,000 troops) are hereby ordered to standby(Defcon 2) and are prepared to move to regions of Pravus Ingruo that encompass the southern border of our lands. (OOC: real world state of North Carolina).

These will be the only areas that will be taken under administration until order can be fully brought back.

Edited by graniteknight
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So often, nations of the world cry out against Imperialism, and turn a blind eye to it as it happens before them. So often, nations of the world will use terms such as "Stabilizing" and "for the better good", in an attempt to downplay the violations they are committing, as filthy, putrid, Imperialists.

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"The Old Dominion troops were never ordered to move, merely moved to standby and PREPARED to move."

OOC: learn to read :P

"Then let me rephrase."

"The Carolinas are under the protection of the FRA and FRG per Article III of the Macon Pact. You're planning to violate our ally's territory. Don't."

-HRH King James II

-HRH King James II

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"We never planned to violate your ally's land, we were securing it( to hand it over at a later time"

"They can secure it themselves. Two nations working together is more than enough. Get your imperialistic hands off of North Carolina."

-HRH King James II

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"Oh? and you're nations rolling up of Florida and Georgia give you room to speak of Imperialism?"

"Caucasia is uninvolved. The Federal Republics of Grøenlandia and America have already begun stabilizing the region. They've already pulled the 'security' card. You're just landgrabbing."

-HRH King James II

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"Look at them...already squabbling over who gets to 'protect' the land. You have Tahoe from one direction, the Old Dominion from another, and then the FRA and FRG from a third and fourth..."

~Anthony Harlem remarking to Bejamin Wallace

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The Carolinas are under joint administration of the FRG and FRA, so we request you do not move troops into those zones, as that would be considered an aggressive move on your part, by the Federal Republic of America.

We are under no obligation to protect the FRG at all, nor are we militarily linked to them-- just to make that clear. However, we must abide by our treaties regarding the Carolinas, and it is also our protectorate.

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