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WF takes ZC under its wing

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Protection agreement between The World Federation and the Zealot Confederacy

The World Federation(WF) and the Zealot Confederacy(ZC) have agreed to the following terms.

Article 1

1.1 The WF and ZC will show respect and good will towards the member nations of each respective alliance.

1.2 This will prohibit flaming, and flame baiting on the CN forums but will not restrict healthy debate or productive disagreement.

1.3 Alliance leaders will be expected to alert the other organization party to this agreement should this article ever be infringed upon.

Article 2

2.1 The WF and ZC will not conduct espionage or aid in espionage against the opposite organization party to this agreement.

2.2 Alliance leaders and representatives will be expected to alert the organization opposite to this agreement should espionage on either party be detected.

Article 3

3.1 The WF commits itself to protecting ZC from unwarranted attacks through direct military action as well as, though not limited to, financial and political means.

3.2 The WF will allow ZC full use of its guides. Along with this they will allow ZC access to their tech traders and trade circle options, to help ensure they continue to grow and prosper.

3.3 All foreign affairs brought to ZC will be first consulted with WF leadership before being enacted upon in ZC.

Article 4

4.1 This pact may be cancelled after 48 hours notice, which must be received and discussed privately and in a diplomatic manner.

4.2 This pact may be cancelled by any breach of Article 2.

4.3 This pact may be cancelled once ZC and the WF agree that ZC no longer requires the protection offered by the WF in Article 3.

Signed for World Federation:

Enrage - Founder

The Compound - Minister of Foreign Affairs

LRA - Minister of Defense

Signed for Zealot Confederacy:

LordCrusader - Zealous Archon

Zealos - Zealous General

Burnbarrel - Zealous High Priest

Edited by The Compound
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I do wish you all the best.

Also, wF, do you no longer use "wF" to abbreviate World Federation? Lately, I have noticed a preference for "WF."

While World Federation admittedly has some growing up to do yet, it's nice seeing them stretch their wings.

Live and learn.


Edited by Farnsworth
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Well way back when in The Shadow Legion, you guys dropped the protecorate of mine w/o giving me or anyone else notice, I had to go to the people raiding me to find out what was up.

WF never held a protectorate, this is our first one...

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They told me it was a merger. and i guess when 1 mil NS join wF it is a follow? Also, considering TC was only 1.2 mil at the time I consider it a merger. They also considered it a merger.

EDIT: We cant forget when a Nuke rogue attacked me and when I told you guys you told me to take the nukes before anyone would help me.

Edited by xR1 Fatal Instinct
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