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Clearing the Road

Nagato the Great

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The horse archers scooted away, losing a dozen men to the archers. They remained ahead of the Russian cavalry, firing their arrows at the vulnerable riders. A number of the horse archers laughed, for the thought of infantry chasing horses was amusing to them. They were only wearing themselves out, running in full battle garb.

The chief of the tribe smiled. "For freedom!" he roared. The other 2600 horse archers rode up a small slope and onto ground level with the Russians, and spread out. They began a loop around the infantry, firing their arrows as they went, in a modified, giant version of the Cantabrian Circle.

OOC: I beg to differ, as do your own words.

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1. Your troops can't have traveled 100+ yards to the cavalry ring, which can shift AWAY from your infantry.

2. Your cavalry would have to run back from chasing my other horse archers, and would have those same archers shooting at them from behind as they withdrew.

You lost more than 20 men. Edit it.

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OOC: 50 is no better. This is 2600 people, firing at least 2 arrows a minute each. 5200 arrows, plus those 400 other horse archers.

OOC: And at the same time, for the third time:

1. My infantry is hacking at the legs of their horses

2. My cavalry is attacking them as well.

100 is the most I'm willing to go. More than that is unreasonable.

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OOC: And at the same time, for the third time:

1. My infantry is hacking at the legs of their horses

2. My cavalry is attacking them as well.

100 is the most I'm willing to go. More than that is unreasonable.

OOC: the Huns slaughtered entire armies ten times larger than yours using this tactic. How is over 100 unreasonable?

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OOC: Let me repeat.

You have 2600 men firing arrows at yours.

They are moving very fast in a circle around your men.

If your guys get too close, that horse archer is able to scoot out of the way.

Your men are stuck in a death trap, with thousands of arrows flying at them.

More than 50 men.

And these odds aren't far off from what the Huns dealt with. It's about 3 of yours to 1 horse archer. Huns fought in even less favorable conditions sometimes.

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OOC: This is not a discussion of what the Huns fought against and with, Drake. 100 men in thirty seconds is being very generous on my part.

You have 2600 men circling 7,000.

If 2 men go at each horseman, it's pretty hard for that horseman to 1. scoot out of the way, 2. scoot out of the way without being attacked by another soldier, and 3. he would break the circle. considering that your horsemen have to 'scoot' to doge, your circle gets broken up rather quickly.

And for the last time my cavalry is attacking as well

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OOC: Lots of arrows, men on horseback, multiple arrows fired per second > 100 casualties. I'm leaving this up for Nagato and Drake to work out, but the bickering is disgusting. You definitely lose more than 100 men, I would say 500 men would be a good ball-park estimate. After than continue the battle and mind you this was in 30 seconds after that you can move your forces around. But you should lose more than 100 men, he did encircle you...

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OOC: Okay, 500. But i better get just as good kills when I counter.

IC: By the time the cavalry reached the circle almost 500 infantry had died in it. They had been hacking and slashing at the horses legs when they could, and when the warriors fell off their horses they stabbed them on the ground. The cavalry used the horsemens own attack on them, encircling them, so that the enemy was effectively trapped between the cavalry and the infantry. The cavalry fired arrows at the brigands, while others hacked at them and their horses. Meanwhile, the infantry were also doing their part, hacking at the legs and at the riders.

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OOC: With all due respect, Nagato, I don't think you really understand Medieval tactics. First, firing blindly into the woods is not going to kill many people, period. Perhaps losing only one was pushing it for Drake, but at most he would have lost half a dozen.

Cavalry is more mobile than infantry. And didn't you hactually have LESS cavalry than him?

Although, Drake, remember few other than the Mongols were able to effectively use such tactics. A horseback archer takes much, MUCH more training than either a standard cavalryman or a foot archer (even a longbowman takes less training).

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OOC: What part of "I did not shoot arrows blindly" do people simply not get? My men closed in on his, that's what happened. We have about the same amount of cavalry I would think. And anyway I left MRP. I can't keep track of what's going on in three different things on RP.

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OOC: With all due respect, Nagato, I don't think you really understand Medieval tactics. First, firing blindly into the woods is not going to kill many people, period. Perhaps losing only one was pushing it for Drake, but at most he would have lost half a dozen.

Cavalry is more mobile than infantry. And didn't you hactually have LESS cavalry than him?

Although, Drake, remember few other than the Mongols were able to effectively use such tactics. A horseback archer takes much, MUCH more training than either a standard cavalryman or a foot archer (even a longbowman takes less training).

OOC: I mentioned they were Mongol-influenced. Even then, barbarians have used similar tactics in the past, such as the Scythian tribes.

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