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The Juggernaut

Nagato the Great

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Echo Research Facility

Great Mandalorian Desert

Testing Hangar B4

Experimental Room 1

In Experimental Room 1, there was little that could be called furnishing. The entire room was a dull metallic colour, and there were a few chairs, and a desk. Most eye-catching was the long, metal slab in the centre of the room, open which lay a man. His arms and legs were clasped down to the slab with cold metal shackles, while in front of him a harried-looking man in a black lab coat loomed over him.

"Are you sure you wish to do this, Gregoriy?" he asked the man on the slab. "The process is painful, more so than anything you have or ever will experience; the injection, the grafting of the armour..."

"I have never been more sure." Gregory responded; he himself looked rather pale. "I am serving my country in doing this, and that is more than i could ever want. The pain is nothing."

Two other men in similar black lab coats walked in.

"Are we ready for the procedure?" the younger of them asked.

"Do not be so impatient, Anton." the other warned him. "This is a very big and important decision."

"We're ready." said the head scientist. "Gregory is ready." He turned to Gregory. "Our first step is to inject you with a solution that will strengthen your bones tens of tensfold."

"Like drinking a hundred cartons of milk a day, eh?" Gregory laughed weakly.

"Er--slightly more painful." the scientist replied. "It will take an hour for the solution to fully set in, in which--I will be honest--you will probably feel like you are burning in the fires of hell. After that comes the grafting of the Juggernaut armour, which, well, is no less painful."

"What effect does the armour have?"

"It will allow you to withstand explosives that would usually kill a man, and it will allow you to resist most bullets as well. This by no means makes you invincible, don't get that impression, Gregory. But mark my words, it will take a very long time to kill you."

"Here is the solution, sir." Anton carefully handed a syringe of a shining, metallic substance to the head scientist.

"Well, Gregory," the scientist said. "This is your last chance. You can still back out now. If you go on with this, you will never again be able to live the life of a normal man."

"Do it." Gregory grumbled. His teeth were clenched tight shut, and his eyes were shut tight as well.

"Very well then..." the scientist took the syringe. "Good luck, my friend."

He stabbed the needle into Gregory, and injected the solution.

OOC: I've seen a lot of people making supersoldiers and what not (Hank and similar people) so I thought i would try making one of my own.

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"Can you stand, Gregory?"

It had been almost 3 hours since the Juggernaut armour had been grafted onto Gregory. He didn't even feel it anymore. It wasn't a second skin; it was now his skin.


"Release the shackles." the head scientist turned to Anton, who unlocked the shackles. Gregory stood up, unsure at first, and then straightened himself out. He glanced at Anton; the scientist shrank back, apparently afraid. Gregory realized that he towered over Anton, who himself was rather tall.

"How do you feel, Gregory?"

"Well, like I just got hit by a train, dragged 50 miles, thrown into a volcano, drowned in lava, and then thrown into a pit of dry ice...but regardless, I feel more powerful than ever."

"As you should." the head scientist said, nodding. "We have a few tests to run now." he turned to the wall, which was solid carbonite. "Smash through it."

Gregory looked slightly nervous for a moment, and then complied. He didn't even try his hardest, yet his fist went clean through the wall like it was little more than paper.

"Good, good." The head scientist clapped softly. "Bring in the turret..."

Anton and his assistant rolled a minigun mounted on a platform into the room.


Anton fired three bursts at Gregory; Gregory stumbled backwards, moaning in pain.

"It will take some getting used to, Gregory." the head scientist said. "But eventually you'll hardly feel it."

"What should I do now?"

"Well, we have the perfect test for you..."

Behind him, on a television, clips of the world-famous Hank fighting in the Dranagg arena played.

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OOC: Kintober also has 1700 tech. You're not going to be able to do any of this.

OOC: He can still make a supermouse. It will strike fear into the enemy's hearts as it snaps the mousetrap in two, before it is stepped on and crushed.

But in all seriousness, he's right. You can't.

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OOC: I think you were reading CN Heroes, with super people and the like.

OOC: no, Kintober does have a active super soldier project, and lavo it memory serves. However, they all have post-modern tech, and large RPs behind it. Not 213, and a trip to the SuperSolderMart.

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OOC: no, Kintober does have a active super soldier project, and lavo it memory serves. However, they all have post-modern tech, and large RPs behind it. Not 213, and a trip to the SuperSolderMart.

OOC: No, I don't think Lavo does. At least I don;t remember any such thing.

But that's beside the point. Let's let Nagato finish his RP.

And yes, Nagato, you can have just about anything in CNRPH. The H stands for heroes, after all.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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"Goddam it..."

"What happened sir?" Anton scurried up.

"It's Gregory. His strength has been leaving him by the second. Not only that, but he seems to be suffering from severe memory loss and if it continue he could have a brain hemorrage.

"The projects literally going to his head..."

"This is no time for jokes, Anton. See if you can stabalize Gregory, while I'll try to get Life Support System to him. The project has failed. Seems we'll need to wait a while before we have the proper resources..."

OOC: I'm going to repost this, but under CNRPH.

Edited by Nagato the Great
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