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Umbrella Corporation News

Zoot Zoot

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Yesterday marked the largest loss of military life since the Battle for Goose Green.

A government facility, known only as Porton Down suffered a massive biohazardous outbreak in side one of its low level departments.

The deaths are tallied at 1700 personel.

Chairman Wesker released this statement.

"It is with great sorrow I report the loss of 1700 military and scientific personel at the Porton Down facility.

The outbreak was of a lethal strain of a classified government bioweapon.

The contamination of the labs and eventual spread throughout the facility was caused by reverred Doctors, Mike Hunt and Dr. K.Y Jelly through severe negligence.

The spread of the virus was Airborneand passed throughout the facilitys ventallation systems like a gas.

Apon infecting the personel the Virus mutated and caused massive contamination of the Facility.

SAS teams were sent in to search for survivors, kitted with HAZMAT uniforms for their own safety, once it was established no survivors were in the lower levels the team left the area.

However it it with great regreat I announce the loss of four SAS squad members who were killed via contamination whilst in the search.

No further details can be released for security reasons."

After his statement, Chairman Wesker said any questions regarding the incident should be directed to his office and he will respond as soon as possible.

This is the last seen footage of the SAS members code named Smudge and Pikey, from CCTV cameras inside the facility before their deaths.

Chairman Wesker claimed the weaponry being used was sufficient because at the time there was a strong belief the facility had been inflintrated by terrorists, these of course were deemed not true.


This is Umbrella Corporation News, goodnight.

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Chairman wesker read these comments carefully.


sorry to be rude friends , but the previous government declared they were researching bio and chemical weapons many months ago.

However I do like how you condemn a nation for suffering a massive loss of life and preventing such substance to escape into the open air and contaminating it, wheras I do not see you condeming the nations who possess nuclear weapons, and I definatly dont see you condemning the nations who fire them.

Good day to you sir.

OOC im not gravedigging so i cant go and find the post but i posted about it like 2 months ago now in regards to porton down being opened up.

*Private to Dranagg*

Our bioweaponry research center, porton down, is located in a mountain facility in our antarctic holdings.

The reason it was put there is because the subzero temperatures will not allow bacteria etc to survive in the event of a spill into the open world.

Please do not be worried good sir, we know what we are doing with our weapons, Dr Mike and Dr K.Y caused the accident due to neglect when handling a dangerous substance.

On a side note i am aware our nations havnt really gotten along for whatever reason, due to the old Government or whatever your reason was to... not be on the same page as us.

I wish to rectify this situation by opening talks with Dranagg to increase our relations.


Albert Wesker


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Today marks the Memorial service for all Umbrella Corp personel and Military personel lost in the Porton Down tragedy.

All Umbrella Corp flags hung at half mast today and Chairman Wesker, Prime Minister Anderson and King Arthur I all paid their respects by attending the funerals of the four soldiers who lost their lives trying to find survivors.

The Four soldiers cannot be named for security reasons but the familes have been notified.

In other news Chairman Wesker announced plans to reconstruct downtown CITY 17 and put into place new youth organisations such as the Umbrella Corp Cadets and the Umbrella Corp youth science projects.

His Downtown rebuilding revelation from the staggering statistics of homelessness, drug use and crime levels in that area of the city.

Wesker was quotes saying:

"The homeless people, the drug user and the criminals all have reasons for being in the situation they are in, many from their youth and i wish to give them a second chance at life.

with the opening up for six thousand more jobs in three new car plants situated across the Malvinas Islands and the newly re-opened Barney Stone International Airport, the underprivilidged people of this Nation have the chance to... earn for themselves and move forward and with financial stability.

In downtown CITY 17, I have ordered the construction of several tennant blocks, all of the highest standard, with low rent pricings and the contruction of three, government funded housing estates across the region.

I will do all in my power to improove the state of living for these people"

King Arthur was spotted touring Goose Green yesterday with his Royal bodyguard.

The Young King was apparently curious to what happened in the battle and was given an extensive tour of the field by survivors and is even rumoured to have had numerous interviews with captured prisoners of war from the Patriots to get their side of the battle.

He left Goose Green back to the Citadel later yesterday evening looking shocked and alarmedat the brutality of the combat.

He was spotted laying flowers at the Goose Green memorial.

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Later this evening soldiers from the Umbrella Corp Security Services discoveredthe bodies of several severley mutilated, half eaten corpses in a remote village in northern Malvinia.

When asked about the brutal killings the chief of police said no comment.

However this video has just come out of the area, sent into us from a russian expat who moved to Malvinia many years ago as a child.

The thirty two year old helicopter pilot was doing a helicopter tour over the village when his nose camera got this footage:

What are these killers?

Umbrella Corporation news.

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Classified Dispatch to Umbrella Corp

Seeing the recent events in your nation and these disturbing killings the Empire would like to offer a Security force to form an obvious message to those guilty. In addition we are willing to invest in your own markets and security measures. This force would at most consist of 5,000 Marines.

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Classified Dispatch to Umbrella Corp

Seeing the recent events in your nation and these disturbing killings the Empire would like to offer a Security force to form an obvious message to those guilty. In addition we are willing to invest in your own markets and security measures. This force would at most consist of 5,000 Marines.

Classified Dispatch to the Empire
Thankyou very much your excellency, we would be more than welcome to accomodate your marines.
They would of course be attached to the International Airport, about eight miles from the capital.
Conveniently enough the airport is nearby to the villages to where the killings are taking place.
However I must warn you in advance, your men must wear biowarfare gear.
We arnt sure what is causing the killings, all we know is that its human on human, but for whatever reason the killers are canablistic.
Umbrella Corp scientists believe it to be a viral infection or some sort of fungai spore which causes confusion of the electron messages into the brain causing massive confusion between lobes.

Albert Wesker

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Classified Dispatch to the Empire
Thankyou very much your excellency, we would be more than welcome to accomodate your marines.
They would of course be attached to the International Airport, about eight miles from the capital.
Conveniently enough the airport is nearby to the villages to where the killings are taking place.
However I must warn you in advance, your men must wear biowarfare gear.
We arnt sure what is causing the killings, all we know is that its human on human, but for whatever reason the killers are canablistic.
Umbrella Corp scientists believe it to be a viral infection or some sort of fungai spore which causes confusion of the electron messages into the brain causing massive confusion between lobes.

Albert Wesker

We understand, however the standard combat armor includes full NBC gear and the exoskeleton allows increased efficiency. Whatever gets thrown at them, they'll handle it. The Marines are being deployed as we speak.

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We understand, however the standard combat armor includes full NBC gear and the exoskeleton allows increased efficiency. Whatever gets thrown at them, they'll handle it. The Marines are being deployed as we speak.

 Ok your excellency,again I thank you for your offer of added security, my own military is currently on deployment in the Antarctic in and around Porton Down security the facility and surrounding area after the... incident.
The home Island is garrisoned by ten thousand Malvinian Soldiers, five hundred Troinian marines and 1 biological cruise missile loaded with a special formula for use in invading enemies. So your added ground force is welcome.

Some New inteligence for you also, it is now apparent that the killers have got a virus of some form and now number around fifty strong, our observation choppers dont seem to bother hem, but they dont sleep or move very fast unless they are going to attack somebody.

It is also apparent the virus or spore is transferred via airborne means OR by a blood exchange of sorts.
One survivor of an attack passed away soon after being ravaged by the creatures but quickly re-awoke and began attempting to attack the doctors/police. the subject is restrained and is held in a secure location for observation should you wish to see the...woman.

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 Ok your excellency,again I thank you for your offer of added security, my own military is currently on deployment in the Antarctic in and around Porton Down security the facility and surrounding area after the... incident.
The home Island is garrisoned by ten thousand Malvinian Soldiers, five hundred Troinian marines and 1 biological cruise missile loaded with a special formula for use in invading enemies. So your added ground force is welcome.

Some New inteligence for you also, it is now apparent that the killers have got a virus of some form and now number around fifty strong, our observation choppers dont seem to bother hem, but they dont sleep or move very fast unless they are going to attack somebody.

It is also apparent the virus or spore is transferred via airborne means OR by a blood exchange of sorts.
One survivor of an attack passed away soon after being ravaged by the creatures but quickly re-awoke and began attempting to attack the doctors/police. the subject is restrained and is held in a secure location for observation should you wish to see the...woman.

We request permission to take the woman to a maximum security research facility within the Empire, should you agree you can send your own scientists however our technology will be able to investigate the matter more intensively.

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We request permission to take the woman to a maximum security research facility within the Empire, should you agree you can send your own scientists however our technology will be able to investigate the matter more intensively.

Classified at the highest level

 Unfortunatly we cannot allow that, your scientists are more than welcome to come to the facility yourselves with your own gear and look her over... however she poses far too great a risk of contamination, three of her guards have already been "infected" and placed into quarantine.
Our version of quarantine is a reinforced glass and titanium room surrounded by a second reinforced observation window.

We know if this virus enter a civilian area, or reach a densly populated region it could devestate the region in a matter of days, if not hours.

Porton Down was a bio accident but with this paticular virus, observe the tapes from headcams recovered from bodies of the four lost soldiers, and CCTV tapes from inside the facility. of course this is strictly confidential, only yourself and Troina are aware.
However, we do not know, how the virus made it from a mountain facility in the Antarctic, to a remote village outside the Malvinian International Airport. Nobody who left the Antarctic was infected, we made sure of it. The only other "infected" person is SAS operative, codenamed "Hatter" but his strain isnt the same genetic makeup and certainly isnt contaigous.

I implore you, observe the tapes, you must know what we are dealing with here, once this gets to a large settlement the Island runs the risk of being over run.
The tapes involve lots of CGI to elaborate more about the hive etc, however alot of what is said has been edited digitally incase it falls into the wrong hands and to not compromise Porton Downs location.

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Today showed Troina complete the first of three new nuclear power stations in Busan Province.

Chairman Wesker had this to say:

"We congratulate our ally on this technalogical feat of engineering and hope it brings their homes the warmth and power needed for such an icey climate"

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More bodies have been found this morning by hikers outside of Barney Stone International, several bodyparts and two corpses were found nearby in a wooded area, one of them suffering gunwounds

Forensics released a statement a few moments ago revealing:

"It appears one badly mutilated corpse was a hunter looking for deer, and the "killers" spotted him and tried killing him, apon realising the threat to his life he opened fire on the killers but to no avail. However One of the killers was shot dead, by numerous gunshots and a severe head wound.

The DNA of the bodyparts match those of the hunter i am sorry to say, no identification is availible at the moment, fingerprints on the mans rifle will help us determine his identity."

Chairman Wesker also sent out a statement regarding the now dire situations regarding these murders:

"I am putting in place a curfew.

Nobody is allowed out of the house before 7AM and after 10PM.

I am placing the military on full alert and they will be enforcing the rule, martial law is in effect until this crisis is abated.

Currently, CITY 17 is on total lockdown, nobody is allowed in, nobody is allowed out, arrangments are being made with the port authorities so the doors into the harbour stay open for sea trade.

Four thousand men of the Malvinan military are currently sweeping the lands around the city, airport and all villages.

When these monsters have been found they will all be put to death on sight.

Umbrella Corporation Security Services will also be running sorties outside the walls of the city to help the army.

That is all"

Umbrella Corp News implores the citizens of this great Nation to obey the new laws until the crisis is over, here are some tips on how to handle yourself if the "killers" try attacking you:

*find shelter

*lock all windows and doors

*barricade the stairs

*find a weapon

*call for emergency services

*get into the attic and remain calm until help arrives

This is Umbrella Corp News,

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Umbrella Corp News.

Commander Alice.Tvirus was personally training the coastal defences today in a military operation that was in preperation for weeks.

The hulls of several Corvette class warships, two destroyers and one battleship were constructed earlier this year and placed into storage until facilities could hold them in anchor instead of the drydock.

Using tugboats from the harbour the warships were pulled out to sea and placed in a battle formation just over the horizon alongside the now retired "ave marie" hospital cruise liner.

These hulls and the now retired hospital ship were meant to simulate a seaborn invasion of the homeland.

Emplacments, numbering over thirty four 16inch artillery batteries opened fire on the mock battlegroup and swiftly sank all ships of the mock force.

The ships were built in the exact likeness of an operational warship, minus the equiptment and weaponry, they did however sport full armour etc.

The exercise lasted roughly nine hours, and with support from an airforce squadron of fighter bomber aircraft, and prooved to Chairman Wesker, and its citizens that they are safe.

All shipwrecks will, over the course of a number of years become artificial reefs for the wildlife of the seas.

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"Troina congratulates the UC on the exercise."



Dear King Arthur,

I remember you want to talk about the facility. What is it?

President Shiznay

Secure Connection
ah, hey buddy, the program has been relocated to the higher levels of Porton Down for obvious reasons, all security codes are the same and the local Troinian officials handling the project alongside the Umbrella Corporation and myself have been informed in the last fifteen minutes,

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Mandalore is alarmed by this...strange infection that seems to be occuring in Umbrella Corporation.

--Private to Wesker--

Are you sure you have this situation under control? If any of these creatures finds a way out of the Malvinas...

OOC: Maybeh you should hire our special agent Leon Kennedy to take care of them. :awesome:

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That's good to know.

Now about the naval defenses exercise, you could do what you did and throw in some Marines to make it more realistic.

Not with a live fire exercise matey... maybe a big paintball war or airsoft... ide give you some bruises if you joined in.
However, my SAS regiment is currently working alongisde the marines in the garrison teaching them close quarters combat, eg, inside buildings ingeneral.
They are also moving onto counter piracy and counter terrorism operations onboard flights and ships.

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Mandalore is alarmed by this...strange infection that seems to be occuring in Umbrella Corporation.

--Private to Wesker--

Are you sure you have this situation under control? If any of these creatures finds a way out of the Malvinas...

OOC: Maybeh you should hire our special agent Leon Kennedy to take care of them. :awesome:

OOC rofl i just woke my dog up cos I laughed really loudly.


The situation is under control, five thousand Imperial Marines and several thousand Malvinian soldiers and an undisclosed number of special forces etc are working on the situation, we beleive it will be resolved within the next few days.

I do however, thank the Mandalorian Government for its conern on the matter.

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Not with a live fire exercise matey... maybe a big paintball war or airsoft... ide give you some bruises if you joined in.
However, my SAS regiment is currently working alongisde the marines in the garrison teaching them close quarters combat, eg, inside buildings ingeneral.
They are also moving onto counter piracy and counter terrorism operations onboard flights and ships.

LOL! :)
The Troinan Marine Corps and I personally thank you for the training.

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Early this morning the Military and Umbrella Corporation security forces closed in on the killers.

At roughly 3.20am, twenty Umbrella special forces, 75 military units including an SAS regiment closed in around a village that was under attack by the "killers".

The call came in at roughly midnight to the emergency services alerting the forces to the location of the "group".

After mobilising via helicopter to the edge of the village settlement the small battlegroup went into the village, leaving behind the safe cordon of four hundred more soldiers.

A soldiers are quoted saying "its like shooting fish in a barrel" as they purged the town.

Helicopters overhead with thermal imaging cameras guided the soldiers to the creatures and killed them, and they then moved on to sweeping the entire home islands for them, with nill result.

The killers are gone.

Chairman Wesker had this to day:

"Today is a great day for us, for now we are safe from being brutally murdered in our sleep by some crazed manman or madwoman, as of this moment the curfew is lifted on the city and so is the lock down.

Martial Law is to be lifted and all MP's are to return the their bases when their Co's have the orders from the MoD.

Thankyou for your patience on the matter."

Good news always comes with bad news however readers, in the cleansing one soldier lost his life after being ambushed by several of the creatures/killers and was unfortunatly mutilated beyond survival.

His next of Kin has been notified.

Umbrella Corp News

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King Arthur was out around CITY 17 today with prime minister Anderson doing routine inspections of the police stations of the city.

The Police station in Downtown CITY 17, ajacent to the local "Corporation park" was underseige after the King and the Pm entered the building by squirrels.

The small grey squirrels were attracted to the aftershave of the King because of its... distinct smell, and began furiously trying to enter the building to get to the King to... fornicate with him.

The perfume contains the chemicals female squirrels release when ready for mating season and the manufacturers have released a statement regarding the chemicals.

"Royal Scent.co apologises for any inconvenience caused by the scent and all aftershaves and perfumes with that chemical have been recalled."

A chief Royal Scent worker was quoted saying:

"The resulting squirrel ambush on the King could not have been predicted"

The Squirrels were eventuually removed from the area by Umbrella Corp pest control, and the King was forced to shower in the police station to remove the smell so he could go back to the Citadel without being mistaken for a female squirrel.

King Arthur on his way out was quoted saying:

"bloody squirrels, cant help it, I mean come on, im a King and im a rather handsome bloke... who can blame them?"

Umbrella Corporation News

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