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Dranagg in Australia


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Every time a group of Dranaggan soldiers performed one of their signature pacifist sit downs, the leader of each group was taken away seperately from the rest. Each would be interrogated harshly. All of the allies had been duped in one way or another, and the New South Wales commanders wanted an explaination.

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TO: General Hannah Asgeirsson
FROM: Subtleknifewielder

Have you determined, at all, what the ultimate purpose behind all this was? A man in my position cannot help but be suspicious that there was more than just the obvious intention of trying to portray you in a bad light, and considering Dranagg's past, certainly not just to re-build Brisbane as they want the world to think.

If I had been behind such a thing, I would have at least taken the opportunity to install some kind of listening devices or other bugs in some of the buildings being 'repaired.'

***End Message***

Attention, allied forces against these mislead soldiers, I ask you to stop your attack as I prepare for a national broadcast, please. 

[i]Queen Ava Jones of Acca Dacca[/i]

What is the purpose of pushing your attacks on these soldiers if they arent acting like soldiers? They are unarmed and by the looks of it are attempting to rebuild Brisbane. You continuing to attack is not only harming unarmed soldiers who seem to be without a leader and focusing only on the mission, laying down thier arms in hopes of possible surrender...

Just go arrest them. If you dont wish to do it for them, do it for Brisbane, for it is slowly burning to the ground now.

With all due respect, your majesty, when fifty thousand troops enter your land and doo not respond in any way to multiple messages, one does not asume they are there for a spot of tea.

And once we saw they were not here on a violent mission, you will notice that we did not press our attacks, as you seem to think.


Would you be needing our assistance?

HRH King Raymond II

***Classified to Minilla Island***

Thank you for the offer of assistance, but no, it looks to be just about over.

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TO: Subtleknifewielder
FROM: General Hannah Asgeirsson

I appreciate your concern at the situation and I will definitely look into this further. At the moment I have no real idea of why the Dranaggians arrived though as you do, I doubt they had arrived for anything positive and if I could go back in time I would have attacked on their march to Brisbane to avoid casualties in the city, however one cannot see all that goes on. As to the areas being repaired, most regions were under heavy attack by the Hanseatic air force and those municipalities will be completely demolished and rebuilt as per my reconstruction of Brisbane itself. Therefore during construction we will be replacing most of the standing buildings, many of which are ruined. However I will instruct my construction teams to play close attention to what was done in the 'repairs'. I must hand it to you, I am much more paranoid about the operation as I believe they may have gone as far to place bombs or more inside the city. Therefore Brisbane will not be considered truly safe until further investigations and construction is completed.


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Landing on the ship was only made difficult by the sheer amount of damage inflicted by the ships that had shot it. This ship in particular seemed to be filled with corn syrup, which was leaking into the ocean by the hundreds of gallons. Nothing happened as the helicopters flew over. Also nothing happened when the equipment cases were dropped. A further nothing happened when the soldiers zip lined onto the ship.

It could probably be described as creepy since it was a large half rusted old transport, leaking corn syrup like almost clear blood, stinking of sugary sweetness, and apparently devoid of life.

*Open ocean*

Groups of life boats from sunken transports have made small lifeboat collection areas. Where dozens of life boats strap themselves together and float around as a group.

*South Wales forces*

Each of the interrogated troopers and officers all tended to say the same types of things. The clearest responses sounded like this.

"We landed at World Protectorate city Torquay, and then came to the Queensland city of Brisbane as we were allowed to by the New Angelica forces that were in control here. We start carrying out our mission, to repair the city, and then we got bombed. Then you all showed up, and we were told to just surrender to any armed force we met."

"Uh? The mission? To repair the city. Some guys were told to collect pieces of wood or concrete that could still hold weight, but I dunno what that was used for. Something with the 1st company off in the command division."

"Cameras? You mean those creepy guys that kept watching us and messing with things we were repairing? Those cameras. No idea what they were doing. Damn useless if you ask me."

"Er, so this guy that was with us, had this big camera with him, gave us a box of these electronic things. Told us to use our imaginations and put them any odd place we could think off. I dunno about the other guys, but I put the one I got and taped it to the back of a toilet."

*Brisbane, Airport Road*

The wounded man was silent as the forces moved around him, and as captain Lenahii approached he didn't seem to care. His dark uniform was quite different from the light grey of the standard Dranagg army uniforms, and the hand he held over the wound was covered in blood. As the captain started his questions he cut him off on the last one.

"I am Lieutenant Arja of the 54th Company, BZ-RK. Keep your medics, these 1st company fools died because they had to, and I have no need for one. Now take me to someone in more command than you. I have nothing further to say to you."

The only thing of note in the area, besides the burning wrecks, was a small white tube on the ground. One of the troopers could probably see it while they moved around. On it, marked in yellow with a yellow band under it, was a capital B. It had a injection needle on the front, and appeared to be empty.

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Lenahii chuckled. "So you want to be brave is that it Dranaggian?" He shook his head as the medic approached. "No need, the man doesn't want you to help him, he's trying to be a hero, unfortunately you've done more murdering alone here it seems than our planes did and no sympathy? Pity". He took out the binds and walked over to Arja. "We'll just take you to the prison hold then."

But before he reached the Lieutenant, another Hanseatic infantry man barked up after scanning the ground. "Captain, we have something here." He said picking up the white tube off the ground and walked over to where Arja stood.

"Oh. Well." Lenahii looked over and smiled at the BZ-RK. "I suppose you're not going to tell me what this is are you? Or are you going be cooperative?"

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Joseph Tucker walked into Foreign Minister Wallace Jones' office, Tucker was one of the influential members of the Foreign Ministry and was concerned about the crisis in Australia. "Mr. Jones,", he said, "The situation in Australia is growing worse and worse, should we intervene or..?", Jones replied, "No, Mr. Tucker, it would be unwise, for our nation is just too tiny to intervene in foreign affairs. We'll just observe.", Tucker responded, "Alright, we won't intervene."

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"Shocking." Lenahii put his hand under Arja's chin and looked into his eyes. "Well you seem to already to have taken what ever was in the tube here. Lieutenant!"


"Take the Dranaggian back to the medical tent, give the doctor there this tube and tell him that we have reason to believe that he injected himself with what ever is in this tube. Therefore, we're going to need a blood sample to send back to the authorities in Apophis and have them analyze anything that was on or in the tube. I'm sure they'll be able to find something. Also Lieutenant."


"Make sure that you keep him surrounded by armed guards. If he makes one wrong move, reduce him to ash."

"Of course sir."

As Arja was taken away towards the Hanseatic hospital area, where he would then be processed, laid down on a medical bed as his blood was withdrawn and would be analyzed at a later date, as well as the tube was placed into a holding tank to keep the air from messing with the chemicals anymore than it could. Lenahii looked out at the burning ashes of the airport camp. "Get this cleaned up. The city is ours now."

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*On the Transport*

As the troops that landed on the ship moved to secure it one would likely find the bridge. Empty, but with a odd construction. A camera on a swivel mount, and a crude remote control system to steer the wheel and run the engine controls.

Besides this the entire ship was empty.

Except for a box, that was placed under a door. As the soldier stepped near the door confetti popped out of it, and a note was inside.

"Congratulations on taking this ship. You have been delayed for _____." the note was cut at that line to reveal a stopwatch that had hours and hours counted on it, and was still counting more.


Arja made no efforts against the troops that led him away. The only note of trouble was he again refused to let doctors anywhere near his injury, but he did not resist them taking a blood sample from his arm.

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Arja made no efforts against the troops that led him away. The only note of trouble was he again refused to let doctors anywhere near his injury, but he did not resist them taking a blood sample from his arm.

But that trouble was just enough for everyone to get suspicious and after the blood sample and the white tube was on its way to Apophis, the doctor in charge of operating on Arja motioned for a few guards to come over. He would have to be knocked out and with a kick blow to the head or as many blows as was necessary until he fell back unconscious. They couldn't risk giving him tranquilizers for the possibility of it reacting with whatever he had injected himself with. After he was down the doctor looked closer at the wound...

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"Off the ship! NOW!" The troops scrambled for the ropes still hanging from the chopper. They quickly tied the equipment boxes to the ends and started up. As they did, the squad leader checked to make sure the note and watch were secure in a pocket then climbed up himself. When all were safely aboard, he radioed the new information back to the Hurson, and from there it was passed to Adm. Coohan.

He mulled this information for a scant few seconds before growling "Enough. Recall the teams and then blow the bridges off those ships. Ensign, send this message along with the time on the watch to allied command. Maybe they have something on shore. Also, have the Búanann crew figure out who the highest ranked prisoner we have is that can be questioned. I want whoever that is in our brig in twenty minutes."

"Aye sir"


The guns of the cruisers opened up again, the high explosive shells slagging the control systems of the transports still on the water. In minutes, they would be adrift, their only worth as salvage.

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The battlegroup that had earlier been dispatched to the Hanseatic coast finally arrived, in time to see the Dranaggian transports have even more holes put in them. If they had looked like swiss cheese before, they looked even more so now.

One of the more enterprising captains debated with the others on the merits of possibly salvaging the wrecks for the metal, if nothing else.

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*The transports*

Old ships like this could only take so much beating. Though they were originally built to be war time transports, they were under repaired rust buckets barely afloat as it was. Now with the addition of even more shell holes almost every single one of them began to take on water. Either from accidental holes at the water line, or simple failure of the ship hulls to not crack where rust and paint loss were the worst.


Arja seemed to go out like a light after only two hits the the head. The first staggering him from force and the second dropping. To the doctor that was about to inspect him it was probably assumed the soldiers had been a little over zealous with their blows.

It was probably a shock then when, as the doctor started to open the uniform, that the eyes of the prisoner snapped open shortly before a vicious head butting. Barreling into the nearest soldier with the force of a runaway train was probably unusual to for someone that had an apparent bad wound and now blows to the head. The sheer speed and force of his reactions a complete reversal of the lax way he treated his capture.

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Arja seemed to go out like a light after only two hits the the head. The first staggering him from force and the second dropping. To the doctor that was about to inspect him it was probably assumed the soldiers had been a little over zealous with their blows.

It was probably a shock then when, as the doctor started to open the uniform, that the eyes of the prisoner snapped open shortly before a vicious head butting. Barreling into the nearest soldier with the force of a runaway train was probably unusual to for someone that had an apparent bad wound and now blows to the head. The sheer speed and force of his reactions a complete reversal of the lax way he treated his capture.

For the mysterious man with the mysterious wound, while one soldier was yes, knocked off balance and onto the ground. With the assistance of five other soldiers, Arja would be back on the bed, knocked out and this time held down. Struggle as he might, the would was going to be examined and then it would be handled to how severe the wound was. If it was diseased and the possibility of it being transferred anyone in the tent would be placed into quarantine, at least until if the possibly that what he had injected himself with was deadly. But they would understand what the wound was and where it had come from.

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This time it took much more than two blows to the head to put him down. In fact it almost seemed as if he was dead when he finally wen unconscious. Considering the amount of damage the soldiers had to inflict just to get him to stop struggling he might die anyway.

As the doctor opened the uniform the wound was revealed to be covered by a piece of blood soaked cloth that might have been used as a makeshift bandage. The wound itself was a ugly thing almost 2 inches across, and looked like he had been shot or stabbed. Inside was lodged a piece of metal. Round in shape it seemed to match the wound size, and might possibly be the cause of the wound if it was shrapnel from something.

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*The transports*

Old ships like this could only take so much beating. Though they were originally built to be war time transports, they were under repaired rust buckets barely afloat as it was. Now with the addition of even more shell holes almost every single one of them began to take on water. Either from accidental holes at the water line, or simple failure of the ship hulls to not crack where rust and paint loss were the worst.

The one captain who had initially been in favor of salvaging began biting his nails in worry. Such a profitable venture, but it was not likely to last much longer.


On land, the sheer number of allied troops aided in processing prisoners that much faster, and thus, securing the city that much more quickly.

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This time it took much more than two blows to the head to put him down. In fact it almost seemed as if he was dead when he finally wen unconscious. Considering the amount of damage the soldiers had to inflict just to get him to stop struggling he might die anyway.

As the doctor opened the uniform the wound was revealed to be covered by a piece of blood soaked cloth that might have been used as a makeshift bandage. The wound itself was a ugly thing almost 2 inches across, and looked like he had been shot or stabbed. Inside was lodged a piece of metal. Round in shape it seemed to match the wound size, and might possibly be the cause of the wound if it was shrapnel from something.

While it would be a shame that he may have died from their blows, if he had tried to behave and stay calm they would not have had to inflict any such pain on him. However after carefully removing the bandages, the doctors looked at the wound and looked down at the piece of shrapnel and with scalpels at the ready the removed the piece of metal from his body to get a closer look of what it was.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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It appeared to be more than a piece of metal, but an entire cylinder lodged in the wound. As the doctors removed it a piece of long flat metal fell to the floor off the cylinder. Wiping away the blood on it revealed writing.

'Fragmentation grena-----'

And then it blew up.

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"How many dead?" The green eyes, full of quiet rage asked the trembling officer.

"Twenty-five Milady and ten more wounded."

She closed her eyes, her fist squeezing tightly in her hand. "They're lucky I just don't treat all of them as prisoners of war and demand ransom."

"Understandable Ladyship."

"In fact I want nothing to do with that miserable country ever again, they got to have their stunt, making us look like fools. I should invade them, destroy the entire country. The Imperial Union has already declared war, all this is, all this was was an attack on the well being of this Commonwealth that's it and to be brutally honest its sickening."

"I don't know your Ladyship. Its your decision. But the city is now firmly in Hanseatic hands. Will you be traveling down with the Council to the capital?"

"No, I have a meeting with the King of The Citadel on our Economic Exclusion Zones, I'm sure the Council will be able to handle themselves. How many troops do we have stationed in Brisbane at the moment?"

"Two-hundred fifty thousand Milady."

"Did the transports arrive?"

"Their last reports stated that they were nearing the harbor and could begin boarding by dawn."

"Good get them out of this country, after that, if a Dranaggian is found within our borders I want them arrested is that understood? Just make it an understood verbal law, illegal immigrants and all that."

"Very good Ladyship."

Hannah chuckled. "I didn't think there was a people that I could begin to despise as much as the Germans, but I guess there's always room to expand the hate."


At daybreak, the rest of the Dranaggian captives, were take back through the city, through the rubble and ruin towards the harbor. Hanseatic soldiers could only shake their heads at how much trouble these people had caused them. The northern part of their glorious capital had been shaken and the harbor and beaches still had the remnants from the attacks the night before. They handled the prisoners with respect, even though it was probably only due to orders and that the Hanseatic name had already tried to have been brought down. They as soldiers would not allow that reputation to be brought further down because of their actions.

Twenty-five pristine Hanseatic transport ships now waited in the harbor to take the captives back towards the Dranaggian homeland. They would dock at the main Dranaggian Port, the human cargo would be unloaded, and the ships would return home. Every ship was given one-hundred Hanseatic marines, the most well trained and loyal of the Hanseatic military as well as ten females each from the Hanseatic Lillian Guard, the resurrected regiment who had served as the Lady Protector's service now gave their loyalty to the Potenate and the state, those these Lillians were of Hanseatic nationality, not Marchar.

Once the ships would set sail, the reports would be radioed back to Apophis and the arrival of the Council of Governors would be expected by mid afternoon.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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TO: Hanseatic High Command
FROM: Promised Land High Command

Is there any need for further assistance from our troops? Or should they be recalled?

Also, one of the ship captains is requesting rights to salvage some of the Dranaggian transports for metal. Please inform us of your decision on this ASAP.

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TO: Promised Land High Command
From: Brisbane Garrison Command

We thank you for your assistance in this matter, if you would be so kind as to withdraw your troops. The city is now firmly under Hanseatic control. As to the wreaked transports, take as much as you like, we don't want such vile filth in our harbor.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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TO: Promised Land High Command
From: Brisbane Garrison Command

We thank you for your assistance in this matter, if you would be so kind as to withdraw your troops. The city is now firmly under Hanseatic control. As to the wreaked transports, take as much as you like, we don't want such vile filth in our harbor.

Upon receipt of the message, the soldiers returned to the vehicles that had brought them there. A few who had made friends while there said goodbye, and then, like that, they left Brisbane, returning home once more.

The captain who was told he could salvage whatever he wanted was overjoyed. He knew the government would pay good money for the metal, and when he informed the crew of his ship, he also told them that anyone willing to help would get a portion of any profits made from the venture.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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The regular soldiers of the Dranaggan army were pretty much just average soldiers. They didn't do much out of the ordinary most captured soldiers would do. No trouble was caused as they were loaded and shipped out. Most didn't even pay attention to the guards, and just talked with others of their units to get news.


Out at sea only one of the old transports remained floating. It had apparently been filled with rubber cement, and everywhere at that. The only places not filled with the stuff was the bridge to allow the ship to move, and the engine room to allow the engine to work. Every other room, cabinet, box, bin, and cargo hold was filled with the stuff.

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Out at sea only one of the old transports remained floating. It had apparently been filled with rubber cement, and everywhere at that. The only places not filled with the stuff was the bridge to allow the ship to move, and the engine room to allow the engine to work. Every other room, cabinet, box, bin, and cargo hold was filled with the stuff.

"Hey, Captain, will you look at this?" After determining that it should be relatively safe (after all, the ship was still floating, and if it was going to explode, it would have done so already), the captain along with three of his crew had boarded. The crewmember in question pointed with his finger at the cement behind the door. Apparently they were in one of the few places not filled with the stuff.

"Just a little more work to salvage it, lads, that's all."

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