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Dranagg in Australia


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Fifty thousand troops and equipment were contained in the Troop fleet. Fifty thousand troops that had been waiting for days outside of Brisbane for some silly ships to get out of the way. Those same silly ships were still squatting there. Blocking the port with openly hostile actions in sinking the first drone the Dranaggan's had sent in. So they would go a different route. A route where they could land.

Torquay Australia isn't a major port. Probably only good for its beaches and small marina. It was never designed to handle a fleet of large transport ships. That wasn't about to stop the Dranaggan captains though. The stone wall marina barricades, with their paved roads on top, would make excellent impromptu docks for the ships. The hardest part being that they had to come from the North, around Fraser Island, and then navigate into a channel to avoid the sand bars just outside of the Marina. However, it wouldn't be long before the first ships were docked, and offloading once they got there.

Then it was a march South back to Brisbane..

Edited by Tahsir Re
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TO: Dranaggian High Command
From: Hanseatic High Command, H. Asgeirsson

As I explained to the Southern Welsh I will explain the same to you, Dranagg is welcomed to help me take back Brisbane as is the right of our Commonwealth. However, your intentions given the recent invasion of the Netherlands, is dubious at best. Your offers of aid that the Taeunasians destroyed was a misfortune but your commanders made no such attempts to communicate with the powers in the region. Therefore, given the recent rise of our Commonwealth again, we find you in our territory, uninvited. You will withdraw your ships from Torquay immediately along with your troops, whether they go into New South Wales or not.

All in all we demand communication of your intentions with our commanders. If you do not communicate we will view you as a hostile force in OUR land and deal with your accordingly. Your actions of the past proceed you, you have to earn our trust.

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Dranaggan HQ responds very simply.

*To interested powers*

We were allowed into Brisbane. We are going to Brisbane.



The first of the troop ships was docking at the stone break waters that made up the Marina. It forced small pleasure craft, seeming to be celebrating something that was unknown to the troop fleet, out of its way if they did not move out of the way. Purely infantry and military engineering corps was its cargo. Their first objective was to cordon off the Marina, and begin to ready the marina to receive the divisional equipment for the 2 and 1/2 division strength force. Although, to most standard military divisions, it was closer to 5 Division strength, as the Dranaggan standard divisional size being 20,000 troopers with equipment.

The ships of the fleet queued up in a line stretching North to be unloaded one by one, and, as the units embarked, to form up into companies and begin the immediate move southward.

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TO: General Hannah Asgeirsson

I am sorry I was unable to meet you in person when you arrived in my nation. I hope to see you very soon. In the meantime, if you need help with deeling with the Dranaggians, the men and women of my armed forces are yours.


P.S. Oh, and Anderson says to tell you to please not frighten his secretary again. He'd rather not have to break in a new one so soon after training this one.

OOC: Quoted from here.

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Hanseatic High Command, 50 miles west of Apophis

Hannah looked across the table at the map in front of her and tapped her fingers lightly against each other. The map was covered in various multi-colored icons, it was her least favorite part of war, the 'war games'. Along with a map, the laconic message that the Dranaggians had sent back to her command post, that they would continue to Brisbane whether she wanted them to or not. This made her mad, for one Hannah had no trust or these Antarctic invaders, they had done the same thing in the Netherlands and the fact that the New Anglican's and the Queenslanders could be that stupid to just allow them in their territory, it really showed the lack of intelligence of her adversaries. However, the Dranaggians themselves were a different story, the BZ-RK, their elite regiments along with the rest of their military was very well trained. Not that the Hanseatic military wasn't, but she needed to be cautious. In total, the Hanseatic military at full strength was at thirty-eight hundred thousand men, thirty-five hundred Niflheim S-1 tanks (T-72s), three hundred artillery pieces, consisting of Katyusha rocks, and heavy guns. Along with the military, the Hanseatic air force consisted of fifty squadrons of F-22 Raptor fighters, along with ten squadrons of Tupolev Tu-160 bombers. An intimidating force that she felt was being mocked by the lack of respect Dranagg was showing towards her, though she expected it as well. At the fall of the Commonwealth they had only given words of disdain and so she had no desire to associate with that country in the future, yet there they were, in her country and that was something which had to change.

"They're positioned in Torquay and marching south towards Brisbane, about one hundred miles south of their position. On the other end, the Southern Welsh are attacking, making this entire operation much harder for us."

"What are you telling me Colonel Sagittel?"

"That we can't catch them. The Dranaggians landed in Torquay before the announcement of the Commonwealth and our soldiers are only just being prepared. Though in essence at the moment, we don't have much to worry about. They haven't shown any actual hostility."

"Sagittel, they want our people dead. They are most definitely hostile." Hannah shook her head sarcastically. "However, you are correct that we are not ready for open warfare at least not immediately. I want them to be contained, then slaughtered, otherwise we'll have problems with them rampaging on their way south. At least for now they have to behave themselves in the world's eyes." Hannah stood up from her chair and looked down at the icons littered on the map. "One hundred-fifty thousand in Apophis, fifty thousand in Bilolea, one hundred thousand in Rockhampton, and eighty-thousand men in Blackall. Eight hundred seventy five S-1s are equally divided in those regions and our air force is in the capital. What we can do, is push them."

"Push them General?"

"Monitor them, if they get out of hand then we engage but I would rather not cause an international incident all ready, especially that the country is only days old. I want one squadron sent out and fly near their positions, sending feed back back to High Command. If something goes wrong, the rest of the air force is to be alerted and I want them under constant bombardment from that point on. As to our soldiers, the army in Rockhampton is to hold while the other armies began to circle around in a wide movement heading towards Brisbane. Did the Southern Welsh respond to our message?"

"Not yet General."

"Damn. Well try to keep contacting them, I can at least trust them rather then these Antarcticans. If this the situation does get volatile however, send a message to the Imperial Union and we'll talk about how to get rid of these invaders. Is that understood?"

"Yes General, it will be done."

"Do not fail me Sagittel. This country has seen enough problems, I do not want foreigners in my country uninvited."


Apophis, Hanseatic Commonwealth

About an hour later, one squadron, consisting of twelve planes, of Hanseatic F-22 fighters took off from the military bases outside of the temporary capital. They few south towards the city of Torquay where the Dranaggian forces had already begun to disembark and march south towards Brisbane. Their orders were clear, they were to fly above the Dranaggian main force and circle back towards the capital and then repeat. This was Hanseatic territory, they were trespassing, and Hannah would not let the Dranaggians forget this.

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The forces on the border continued to build, waiting for some unknown signal, some sign of the reason they were there. At least two hundred more armored vehicles have been moved to support these men, and two squadrons of F-16's flown to the airbase nearest the border. A naval Battlegroup (including one aircraft carrier and its compliment of fighters and bombers) from the Home Fleet was dispatched from Darwin, the port nearest the situation.

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The forces on the border continued to build, waiting for some unknown signal, some sign of the reason they were there. At least two hundred more armored vehicles have been moved to support these men, and two squadrons of F-16's flown to the airbase nearest the border. A naval Battlegroup (including one aircraft carrier and its compliment of fighters and bombers) from the Home Fleet was dispatched from Darwin, the port nearest the situation.

TO: Promised Land High Command
From: Hanseatic High Command, H. Asgeirsson


I have you to thank for the will to recreate this country again and I did receive your first letter, I apologize for being so slow in responding. However, my men have begun to march towards Brisbane, though I doubt we will be able to reach it before the Dranaggians, however I have notified the South Welsh to our movements and hopefully Australia can once again repel the invaders. Your troops are welcomed to march with our own and if you desire to meet with me face to face you will find my camp fifty miles west of Apophis (Gladstone). I have no respect for those keeping my country from being united and they will be slaughtered if they do not yield. 

As to your secretary, my apologies, my time spent in Eggman has changed me a great deal. I will try to be a bit more friendly next time I run across her.

-Hannah Asgeirsson

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TO: Promised Land High Command
From: Hanseatic High Command, H. Asgeirsson


I have you to thank for the will to recreate this country again and I did receive your first letter, I apologize for being so slow in responding. However, my men have begun to march towards Brisbane, though I doubt we will be able to reach it before the Dranaggians, however I have notified the South Welsh to our movements and hopefully Australia can once again repel the invaders. Your troops are welcomed to march with our own and if you desire to meet with me face to face you will find my camp fifty miles west of Apophis (Gladstone). I have no respect for those keeping my country from being united and they will be slaughtered if they do not yield. 

As to your secretary, my apologies, my time spent in Eggman has changed me a great deal. I will try to be a bit more friendly next time I run across her.

-Hannah Asgeirsson

TO: Hanna Asgeirsson

Regretfully, I can't yet meet you in person. War may be your arena, but it is not mine. General Sergei Gogol will personally be leading the troops sent to your aid. You may have met him at one time--he was the general in charge of the troops that aided the Commonwealth while our borders were closed.

If I can make one suggestion, though. If it comes to combat, let us deal with the Dranaggians, and free your forces to deal with...whatever else. I'd rather not send my troops to directly fight the Welsh if it comes to that. Plus we have both superior numbers and technology as compared with Dranagg.


With the word given, 80,000 men, along with five hundred tanks and three hundred other armored vehicles, along with supplies, moved across the border. The Aircraft would not take off until later, to ensure they arrived at the right time, and not before.

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Dranaggan forces continued to offload in a steady stream of men and equipment. Most of the ships were carrying transport trucks to move the supplies and men of the army. The rest were almost pure infantry. Only one ship contained a single platoon of light tanks, and had already offloaded as one of the first in line.

The marina itself was converted to successfully handle three ships at a time, and with the perfect weather unloading was going smoothly. Troops quickly marched on foot to the country side only a few miles away to a rally point. There companies and their trucks were joined and organized before being sent off and the next company prepared. An long line starting out at sea and ending at 1st Division 1st company already some 20 miles South of Torquay.

There was some initial trouble with the river that runs close to the landing area, but the engineers, having finished with the marina quickly, were able to make a fast bridge over it able to handle the light tanks and numerous trucks. Heavy artillery seemed to be non-existent as well as aircraft. A nearly pure infantry army.


* 1st division HQ. BZ-RK 54th company in command* (ooc: unless you can read minds its classified obviously :v:)

Captain Mira of the 54th watched the dis-embarking of the Dranaggan regulars. She was an average BZ-RK captain. Rather unimposing in stature, but extremely aggressive in nature and action. Old scars criss-crossing on her face though kept anyone from making the mistake of calling her anything approaching pretty.

"Good to see the army on the move again isn't it Lieutenant? We can't have them sitting idle watching the weaklings cower in their mountains."

"It is good Captain Mira. With the way these Australians tug at the leash for war we might even get to have a fight."

Lieutenant Arja was almost the male version of Mira. Short, unassuming, but almost as aggressive as the captain.

The flight of fighter jets over head interrupts their conversation. Causing a few of the troopers marching by to look up as they head South

"Ah, it would seem they are getting bolder Captain. I would so like for them to do something foolish."

"Everything they do is foolish lieutenant. They simply haven't done the most foolish thing yet."

Edited by Tahsir Re
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The last ship had offloaded its last truck hours ago and sailed off toward open ocean. They were under orders to scatter around the South Pacific and North Antarctic oceans until called on to pick up the army.

At the rally point a few 4th Division companies were still organizing as the BZ-RK 54th company dismantled the temporary HQ tent. Within the hour they would all be gone. Leaving nothing behind in Torquay except a worn out Marina.

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Even with their best efforts, the Dranaggan transport fleet could not outmanouvre the New South Wales Coastal Defence Fleet. Six nuclear submarines, aided by the corvettes already on station, now had permanent fixes on the engines of more than two dozen Dranaggan vessels, and from the information they could gather, there were no escorts. If at any point this conflict became violent, a great proportion of Dranagg's transport capability could be destroyed in a matter of minutes.

Not to mention the collection of Battleships, Frigates, and Missile Cruisers that were patrolling the most direct routes south.

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Quoting from here

TO: All High Commands in the Queenslander War
From: Hanseatic High Command, H. Asgeirsson


Recently I have received the surrender of the Queensland Republic. They are now a Hanseatic Protectorate and Brisbane will return to the Commonwealth. As such, I already have over two-hundred fifty thousand men and some two thousand armored forces marching towards the capital. DO NOT engage Queensland or I will take this as an act of war against my own people. Your cooperation in the matter is appreciated but it is time to end this without bloodshed. To specifically Australian armies, you may take perimeters outside of Brisbane, however, to Dranagg you are ordered to stop where you are outside of Torquay, if you march any closer to my capital, I will destroy you. As to the Queenlander government, once my soldiers arrive in Brisbane, they will take your leaders to my capital in Apophis where we will begin negotiations for your surrender and new home. I thank you for being cooperative.


However even with the surrender of Queensland, Hannah doubted that either the Southern Welsh or the Dranaggians would stop. She could at least trust the Welsh and the Promised Landers, but with Dranagg's previous reply there was no point to think that they were going to respond with positivity. Therefore, being monitored that they had entered the first throws of Queensland proper she demanded the first moves of her own troops. The Apophis army had reached and pacified Torquay, still behind of the main Dranaggian force, those from Bilolea had reached Gayndah, while Blackall had reached Charleville. In addition to the forward movements of the Hanseatic Army, the full air force was mobilized counting all fifty squadrons of fighters and ten squadrons of bombers. After mobilization and the bringing up of planes, within fourteen hours, the first vanguard squadrons of bombers and fighters began to fly south towards Torquay.

**Private to Welsh Command**

Secure the city do not let the Antarcticans in.


Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Taeunas spy sats had showed the Dranagg landing at Torquay. Aboard the Morrigan, a UHARV was readied and launched. When it reached 40k ft., it was directed search for and follow the advancing Dranagg forces, transmitting live feed back to the ship. The Admiral wanted eyes on the targets should he receive orders to engage them again. Already on deck, bomber and attack aircraft were being loaded up.

He smiled slowly. He didn't yet have those orders, but he could still affect the outcome of the coming fight. "Ensign, contact the Commonwealth Military Command. Get them to give us an encrypted data link. We'll send them the feed from the drones. Also, inform them that if they want the invaders harassed, we're up for it. We've already fired the first shots on these fools, why not a few more?"

"Aye sir." said the ensign and started tapping at his work station.

Aboard the FDC's, a subtle ballet was being watched, as the transports from Dranagg scattered. Another group of ships was seen as well, checked and confirmed by the sats to be the Welsh fleet. All in all it was shaping up to be interesting watching.

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TO: Taeunas Naval Command
From: Hanseatic High Command, H. Asgeirsson


I thank you for the monitoring of the situation taking place in Australia. I have only good things to report at this moment, with Welsh, Promised Lander, Taeunasian, and Hanseatic Commands working together this will hopefully be an easy campaign. We have received the surrender of the Queenslander government and our troops are already on their way to secure the city. As such I have issued orders that Brisbane is not under any circumstances allowed to be occupied by the Dranaggians. At the moment, my recon planes have reported that their vanguard has broken past the first borders of Queensland, however the Welsh have already begun to fortify in Brisbane itself. Your orders are this, if the main Dranaggian force enters the city itself, you are to open fire on them at will. You will be aided by my own air force and hopefully we can make them wish they never showed up in Australia.

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The Admiral smiled as he read over the message. Then called in the commanders of the SFHCT units from aboard their two ships, as well as Col. Larkin and his staff from the Highwaymen brigade aboard the two transports, Raven and Blackbird. They spent just under an hour discussing the situation and possible strategies. Finally it was decided that aircraft would be launched if the enemy forces passed the Glass House Mountains. After that, the Dranaggians would have until the bomber were overhead to turn back. If they didn't, they would ask God to be merciful to the fighting men.

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TO: All High Commands in the Queenslander War
From: Hanseatic High Command, H. Asgeirsson


Recently I have received the surrender of the Queensland Republic. They are now a Hanseatic Protectorate and Brisbane will return to the Commonwealth. As such, I already have over two-hundred fifty thousand men and some two thousand armored forces marching towards the capital. DO NOT engage Queensland or I will take this as an act of war against my own people. Your cooperation in the matter is appreciated but it is time to end this without bloodshed. To specifically Australian armies, you may take perimeters outside of Brisbane, however, to Dranagg you are ordered to stop where you are outside of Torquay, if you march any closer to my capital, I will destroy you. As to the Queenlander government, once my soldiers arrive in Brisbane, they will take your leaders to my capital in Apophis where we will begin negotiations for your surrender and new home. I thank you for being cooperative.


However even with the surrender of Queensland, Hannah doubted that either the Southern Welsh or the Dranaggians would stop. She could at least trust the Welsh and the Promised Landers, but with Dranagg's previous reply there was no point to think that they were going to respond with positivity. Therefore, being monitored that they had entered the first throws of Queensland proper she demanded the first moves of her own troops. The Apophis army had reached and pacified Torquay, still behind of the main Dranaggian force, those from Bilolea had reached Gayndah, while Blackall had reached Charleville. In addition to the forward movements of the Hanseatic Army, the full air force was mobilized counting all fifty squadrons of fighters and ten squadrons of bombers. After mobilization and the bringing up of planes, within fourteen hours, the first vanguard squadrons of bombers and fighters began to fly south towards Torquay.

**Private to Welsh Command**

Secure the city do not let the Antarcticans in.


FROM: Promised Land High Command, S. Gogol
TO: General Asgeirsson

My men have been itching to see some sort of action for some time now. The fizzled war over the Dragon Empire left many off-balance, and they wish to do something somewhere to help an ally. I am therefore requesting permission to flank, or even cut off possible retret, of the Dranaggian forces.

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TO: S. Gogol, Promised Land Command
From: H. Asgeirsson, Hanseatic Supreme Command


I don't know if you remember me or not from our expeditions during the expansion of the Hanseatic Empire. Its be a long time and I'm sure we've both changed a great deal, I know I have. Anyways, you have full permission to engage the Dranaggians if their main force passes deep into Queensland territory, the are invaders and will be treated as such. I want them out of the Hansa as fast as possible and if you are willing to help, I am willing to receive it. Good luck on your expedition.


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TO: S. Gogol, Promised Land Command
From: H. Asgeirsson, Hanseatic Supreme Command


I don't know if you remember me or not from our expeditions during the expansion of the Hanseatic Empire. Its be a long time and I'm sure we've both changed a great deal, I know I have. Anyways, you have full permission to engage the Dranaggians if their main force passes deep into Queensland territory, the are invaders and will be treated as such. I want them out of the Hansa as fast as possible and if you are willing to help, I am willing to receive it. Good luck on your expedition.


TO: H. Asgeirsson, Hanseatic Supreme Command
FROM: S. Gogol, Promised Land Command

Indeed I do remember. And thenk you.


"All right," he said, after sending off this message, beckoning an aide over. "Tell the troops we will be marching east northeast, and pass on the directions to General Hammond."

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The rally point was filled with the rumble of trucks as they readied for deployment to objectives. Damp ground from the morning was turned into a thin layer of mud over everything and had slowed the process down, but the entire army was ready to move. Then the orders to move out came from Mira and the army started moving.

In ten different directions.

All of them were decidedly Southern, and all of them towards points in Brisbane. Easy observation revealed some of the more obvious destinations. Almost 5 companies alone were heading toward Solidor Manor, almost half a Division toward the main Government districts. At least one company each was heading toward major public buildings and parks. Two companies were also heading toward the beaches.

They were not moving particularly fast. Rather at a slow pace of steady march. All of the groups had almost 7 times the regular number of military transport trucks with them as well. Another reason it had taken so long to even land everyone. Much of the army seemed to be behind a truck's steering wheel.

It doesn't take long before the first companies are entering the edges of the suburbs of Brisbane. Where several companies from the force actually break off and move to less obvious places, with their trucks. Stop. And take out tools?

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"Any word from the Dranaggians Sagittel?"

"No My Lady and their army has reached the outer portions of Brisbane, scouts report that their army has broken off into various directions, some heading towards Solidor Manor, some towards the main government districts which were destroyed by the nuclear explosion by the rogues, while other divisions are heading towards the seaboard."

"Very well they ignored my warning, now they will feel my wraith. Attack and send messages to the Promised Landers, Welsh infantry to attack and push them out of the city. To the Taeunasian navy and Welsh navy, I want the transports destroyed and the beaches bombarded. These people have been in my country long enough."

TO: All Allied Commanders
From: Hanseatic Supreme Command

Destroy these invaders that seek to defile Brisbane.

Taeunas/Welsh Navies - Bombard Dranagg divisions taking the beach front, in addition we will be sending out recon planes to assist you in finding enemy transports on the open ocean. Though given the blockade, this shouldn't be too hard.

Welsh Infantry Command - The Dranaggians have arrived in Northern Brisbane, push them out of the city, we will provide air superiority. Our bombers and fighters are already on their ways.

Promised Lander Infantry Command - Continue to make your way towards Brisbane, have have three armies totaling around two-hundred fifty thousand soldiers marching south and should arrive in another day or so.

Good Luck and happy hunting!

-General Hannah Asgeirsson


On command, the full force of the Hanseatic air force, began to fly south towards the city. It was a brilliant sight to behold as ten squadrons of bombers, numbering one hundred twenty planes, Tupolev Tu-160 bombers flew out from Apophis towards Brisbane in the south. Directly after the bombers, they would be reinforced by thirty squadrons of Hanseatic F-22 Raptors to pellet the infantry that had already arrived in the city. All ready being mobilized they took to the air in the blink of an eye heading south towards their objective. Given the desire to try and preserve the city itself, the air commanders wanted to exercise extreme caution when dealing with the Dranaggians, however Hannah had told them herself that at the moment, this was not their city and that she would rather have the city burned to the ground rather than it briefly in the hands of outsiders.

Both sets of planes had the ability to have an average speed of a bit mach two without external weapons, though with the weapons added they would easily reach the Dranaggian front in the city in about an hour. Given coordinates by the recon fighters already flying around the skies above Brisbane the Hanseatics would be able to easily pinpoint the Dranagg positions in the city. Upon receiving this data, air command made sure to separate their squadrons in response to the Dranaggians own spacing of forces. Four bomber squadrons would head towards Solidor Manor, two squadrons towards the ruined central city, two towards the beaches, and two towards the outskirts of the city, near the parks and recreational areas. Behind them followed ten fighters towards Solidor, while the other twenty squadrons were equally divided throughout Brisbane, and the beaches.

It would be a glorious destruction, indeed, the Hanseatic air force found much of the Dranagg army behind the wheels of their transport trucks, staying on the roads as they moved through the city. This was where the F-22s would come in, their air to ground capabilities rested in the use of JDAMs(Joint Direct Attack Munitions), each fighter jet was equipped with two, and once focusing onto the Dranagg convoys. With a range of twenty-eight kilometers, the F-22s were able stay at a distance and deliver their attack, the Dranaggians would only hear the distant buzzing of the planes arriving over them before the entire area would be riddled with explosions. In heading towards Soldior Manor, one hundred twenty planes would unleash a steady stream of attacks against the convoys traveling along the road. The Hanseatic advantage here, the area around Soldior Manor was largely empty, with large homes having wide acreages of rolling hills. In the northern suburbs the process was repeated along the narrow roads, the fighters would sweep down, take aim at the convoys and fire. On the beaches, the bombers were also added to the attack after the Dranaggians would reach any wide open expanse that constituted near the shores, dropping tens of hundreds of bombs onto enemy positions running up and down the coasts in question.

All in all, it would be a blazing inferno that would engulf the Dranaggian soldiers, equipment and convoy trucks that would be marching through northern Brisbane. The smoke could be seen for miles as I sign for allied troops, this was where the battle would take place. Some ninety miles north of the city itself, the Hanseatic army, making a large 'C' front extending from Oakey to Maroochydore continued their advance on the Dranagg forces. They would arrive by nightfall and secure the city permanently.

The allies were now in motion.

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