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RnR Flies with Kiwis

Dom Zak

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We, the alliances of R&R and the Flying Kiwis, sign this pact in essence of friendship, and stronger bonds of faith through security, defense, and intelligence.

Article I: Optional Defense

A declaration on one signatory through military means is considered an attack and a 24 hour notice will be given to the other signatory alliance to respond to the aid of the defending alliance. This does not chain to outside ODPs which are only linked to one signatory and not the other.

Article II: Espionage

Neither alliance may directly participate in espionage on the other signatory of any form. If either of the signatories conducts espionage on the other signatory through means authorized by its alliance government, the treaty shall become void. If either alliance conducts espionage through means deemed unauthorized by both governments, diplomacy shall remain open to solve such problem.

Article III: Termination

If either signatory violates any of the above articles or wishes to remove itself from the treaty, 72 hour notification shall be given in private before officially terminating the treaty.



Dante Valentine- Triumvir of Foreign Affairs

Dom Zak - Triumvir of War

McShady511 - Triumvir of Internal Affairs

The Flying Kiwis-

Richard VII - Minister of Defence

Ogden Chichester - Minister of Foreign Affairs

Theadric - Minister of Internal Affairs

Edited by Dom Zak
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