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Revolution is afoot

Emperor Stranger

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An example of SDF's government.

Last week, a random rouge hit my member. At first i thought it was a raid, but my warriors told me that he stated that my member threatened SDF. I contacted andrew wanting an IRC meet. He read it, no response. The next day i sent another PM to him. Once again, no response.

I hope you realize that I rarely get a response right now, even though he's my second in command of WOLF in SE, right? I also hope you realize that he has RL issues to deal with, which is why he handed over his position to me.

If you want, you can take this up with me right now on IRC. I promise that I will do what I can to resolve this without further conflict between the two nations. (Shoot me a PM first with the IRC channel.)

1. As you stated, a lot of that cash was start-up cash from when you rerolled. I disagree on the rest as well. Running your own nation is much easer than running an alliance. If you can't do the first very well, I doubt you'll be good at the last. If you make poor decisions with your own nation, it's more than likely you'll make poor decisions with other people's too. I hope you do lead SDF better than you than you use your own nation though. They deserve better.

Of course it was. I gave up trying to save cash after spending it all. I figure that if my nation's going to be destroyed anyways, why bother building it up in the first place?

But no, I run real alliances much differently than I ran Fight Club or my own nation. I am a bit more protective of SDF. (Seriously, it was hard enough to accept a position in the government, let alone accept full power of it..)

2. The only people you are fighting are the three AZTEC nations you attacked and three LE nations that atacked you, as LE is honorably defending AZTEC as part of the protectorate agreement from that recent war. We certainly weren't going to bother with you. That shows how seriously we take you, much less this "coup."

I hope you will take me a bit more seriously as the leader of SDF, rather than just a rogue with the mindset of the Joker.

3. Not logic, facts. It also wasn't a single man who formed WOLF either. Most of WOLF was in place a couple round previously - including OB, which had been a TPF protectorate during that time. I should think you'd know that much at least. Gabryal just gave it a name and some epaper, and a whole lot more organization. Regardless. BG isn't going anywhere, and your "coup" was/is complete utter fail.

Gabryal wasn't the one who slaved hours to make WOLF? Or are you just trying to make all the work he did seem like nothing? (Not even I am going to say that anyone else did much to form WOLF. As Gabryal said, he made it, and he took full responsibility for it when it crashed.)

As Itsuki Koizumi points out, we at TPF were a bit busy to worry about FC at the time. Fighting Fark and LE at the same time is quite a challange, and we were outnumbered. We just didn't have any nations left over to go fight anyone else. I don't see the point in holding a grudge over it.

It wasn't that TPF didn't give military aid, it's that their government poached from my alliance and, by extension, kicked me out of WOLF's channel, never even considering the fact that FC had applied to join multiple times. Not to mention how many times TPF has pissed me off so far since..

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Gabryal banning me from #WOLF-TE after never even mentioning my application for admittance to WOLF; TPF poaching Fight Club; AI never coming to help (though, I will admit that their reason was a bit better); OB "forgetting" my resignation letter and becoming mad at me; and a few others that I forgot. (Yes, my memory does fail me sometimes.)

You know what the funny part about it was, though? Even though SDF was fighting TWO sanctioned alliances far more powerful together than SDF, Andrew still promised to help out Fight Club if he could. What was WOLF's response? Oh, Fight Club is too small and not actually in WOLF to help... Yea, shove it up yours WOLF.

SDF offered help even during their two huge defensive wars. Where was anyone in WOLF? Where was any of my supposed allies during this? The only support I ended up getting was from alliances I never even knew or really cared about at that point.

If I were ever put into such a position where my friends are getting the !@#$ kicked out of them, then even if I am fighting the world, I will still do what I can to defend my friends first, just as SDF did with me. (Alliance first, then friends, then self.)

#1 if TPF did poach which i didn't see myself but i'll believe it just to give you some points, WOLF was in a state of chaos from the war! Gabyral had to ban you because you could've been dangerous. Even sippyjuice, a reliable member of WOLF accepted her ban with grace and dignity. you on the other hand cryed out onto the OWF's.

#2 did you honestly expect SDF to help? they were fighting a force about 3x their firepower.

#3 as you have put it

(Alliance first, then friends, then self.)
You would save your alliance first. Thus why you as friends came 2nd to us.
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I hope you realize that I rarely get a response right now, even though he's my second in command of WOLF in SE, right? I also hope you realize that he has RL issues to deal with, which is why he handed over his position to me.

Even if he had RL issues, why couldn't he just at least tell me to contact you instead?

no point now about that issue, kid's got 20 some infra left

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#1 if TPF did poach which i didn't see myself but i'll believe it just to give you some points, WOLF was in a state of chaos from the war! Gabyral had to ban you because you could've been dangerous. Even sippyjuice, a reliable member of WOLF accepted her ban with grace and dignity. you on the other hand cryed out onto the OWF's.

Oh please. Dangerous to WOLF? WHO THE HELL WORKED WITH GABRYAL TO BRING WOLF INTO EXISTENCE? Many of the ideas brought to Gabryal were originally inspired or thought up by me, including the representation system that was eventually used. Yea, I am VERY dangerous.

But no, I was banned because I said "nation strength is not everything, it's heart that matters" or something like that to a member of RE. (I later found out that Gabryal was trying to get information from him, I guess.) Either way, there's no reason for it. I applied for FC to join and it was never even mentioned to WOLF.

#2 did you honestly expect SDF to help? they were fighting a force about 3x their firepower.

Yes, I did expect that he would help. I refused the offer because I saw that they were having greater problems. That's when I asked BC and AI for help; we both know how that went..

#3 as you have put it You would save your alliance first. Thus why you as friends came 2nd to us.

If I am not mistaken, AI was going on the offensive and couldn't help FC. There was no "save AI" war, there was a "our other, probably better, friends need help" war. As I said, I am not holding that as a grudge against AI. It was a lot better reason than why BC gave.

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Even if he had RL issues, why couldn't he just at least tell me to contact you instead?

no point now about that issue, kid's got 20 some infra left

Because today was the second time this week I talked to him? Because it was only a few hours ago he asked me to become government? I almost got in trouble in SE because I have been too sick lately to get on to pay off my tech deals. It was actually Andrew who brought it to my attention. (They thought it was him who was the alliance leader; go figure..)

The nation in SDF?

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If I am not mistaken, AI was going on the offensive and couldn't help FC. There was no "save AI" war, there was a "our other, probably better, friends need help" war. As I said, I am not holding that as a grudge against AI. It was a lot better reason than why BC gave.

i myself is close friend to arrnea and many of the SOS Brigade members such as youmaka, wraith, skoshuke, alekhine.

Fight Club was already beyond saving i must say and not nearly as a high percentage of Brigaders were in anarchy. I thought that if AI saved SOSB, we might still stand a chance to fight another day with TPF or RE to save the coalition.

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Because today was the second time this week I talked to him? Because it was only a few hours ago he asked me to become government? I almost got in trouble in SE because I have been too sick lately to get on to pay off my tech deals. It was actually Andrew who brought it to my attention. (They thought it was him who was the alliance leader; go figure..)

The nation in SDF?


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Gabryal wasn't the one who slaved hours to make WOLF? Or are you just trying to make all the work he did seem like nothing? (Not even I am going to say that anyone else did much to form WOLF. As Gabryal said, he made it, and he took full responsibility for it when it crashed.)

It wasn't that TPF didn't give military aid, it's that their government poached from my alliance and, by extension, kicked me out of WOLF's channel, never even considering the fact that FC had applied to join multiple times. Not to mention how many times TPF has pissed me off so far since..

The last response I'll bother with.

Of course I am not denigrating Gabryal, rereading my post alone will show that. Gab put an awful lot of work into making WOLF what it was, from the forums to the channel to all the legwork with all those alliances. Ignoring everything else I said won't make it wrong either though. The bulk of WOLF (especially TPF, RE and TF's friendships) had been around for two rounds prior to WOLF forming.

FC had four nations did it not? Then it went under after picking a fight with a group 5 times it's size? I don't think we poached from you and this is the first I have heard of it. Non-WOLF members were not allowed in the WOLF channel, it's that simple. When you left OB you left WOLF.

One last time: This "coup" and you were not worth bothering with. Running an alliance requires a lot of diplomacy, not just within itself, but with other alliances as well. This thread alone is an example of how much you've yet to learn. Good luck with SDF - they deserve it and you will need it.

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i myself is close friend to arrnea and many of the SOS Brigade members such as youmaka, wraith, skoshuke, alekhine.

Fight Club was already beyond saving i must say and not nearly as a high percentage of Brigaders were in anarchy. I thought that if AI saved SOSB, we might still stand a chance to fight another day with TPF or RE to save the coalition.

At the time, I felt betrayed. But at the current moment, I don't honestly have a grudge against AI.

I have sent him a message.

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Of course I am not denigrating Gabryal, rereading my post alone will show that. Gab put an awful lot of work into making WOLF what it was, from the forums to the channel to all the legwork with all those alliances. Ignoring everything else I said won't make it wrong either though. The bulk of WOLF (especially TPF, RE and TF's friendships) had been around for two rounds prior to WOLF forming.

They were around, but it took one man to formulate their allegiance to each other, which was the point I was making. That one man was accredited with the formation of that alliance, and therefore the change in TE that came with it.

FC had four nations did it not? Then it went under after picking a fight with a group 5 times it's size? I don't think we poached from you and this is the first I have heard of it. Non-WOLF members were not allowed in the WOLF channel, it's that simple. When you left OB you left WOLF.

I applied multiple times with the promise that my application would be heard. It never was heard, and it was never brought to the proper channels. I distinctly remember Gabryal telling me "I don't think that you would get the 3/4 approval needed", to which I replied "I probably will".

I applied, my application was never heard. Either it was Gabryal's intentions to not have it brought to the floor, or something else. Maybe he forgot? I don't know, it just seems to me that mentioning it on the forums would have at least brought WOLF's attention to the application.

One last time: This "coup" and you were not worth bothering with. Running an alliance requires a lot of diplomacy, not just within itself, but with other alliances as well. This thread alone is an example of how much you've yet to learn. Good luck with SDF - they deserve it and you will need it.

Yes, I learned absolutely nothing from running my own alliance (Andrew's the second in command of it, ironically), and I never once learned anything about diplomacy during my time as MoFA for OB.

I know how to run an alliance; just because I actually felt like going rogue for a change in TE doesn't mean that I am incompetent. (OOC: Look at Rebel Virginia in SE. He went rogue a lot, yet he was competent enough to beat several alliances using the resources he had in his micro alliance.)

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I pity the people in SDF

and as I am a man of my word, I'll just generalize and say no one who has yet posted here helped me "think up" any of the ideas for WOLF except the name, which came from another TPF member. I want to say it was The Wizard of Oz

Edited by Gabryal
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something tells me he could careless. it could have been that pm he sent me..

either way, im declaring war on anyone i can! hes a great ruler.

I was just about to mock you for saying that you'd attack anyone you can, then I noticed this. Good to see you stick by your word and declare war...but not actually do anything. Your money is helping my nation recover from a devasting war with LE and for that, I thank you.

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I pity the people in SDF

and as I am a man of my word, I'll just generalize and say no one who has yet posted here helped me "think up" any of the ideas for WOLF except the name, which came from another TPF member. I want to say it was The Wizard of Oz

Stop taking all the credit, Gabryal. You did a lot of work to bring about WOLF; however, you didn't do ALL the work. There were the select few of us who helped to form WOLF. Why you want to take 99% of the credit is beyond me.

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Stop taking all the credit, Gabryal. You did a lot of work to bring about WOLF; however, you didn't do ALL the work. There were the select few of us who helped to form WOLF. Why you want to take 99% of the credit is beyond me.

Wait a second. I know he just pretended his tiny little failure of an alliance was significant, but is he now overextending his monarch-like pretentiousness to think he played a part in the formation of WOLF?

Mate, if WOLF had anything to do with you, we wouldn't have had to fight it, it would have just imploded.

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Wait a second. I know he just pretended his tiny little failure of an alliance was significant, but is he now overextending his monarch-like pretentiousness to think he played a part in the formation of WOLF?

Mate, if WOLF had anything to do with you, we wouldn't have had to fight it, it would have just imploded.

Just like SDF is imploding right now, right?

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Hey ES, stop the bs, you think you can go rogue on us then threaten us with SDF & allies now you're in charge because you don't get peace after one day? Bring that, you don't have a leg to stand on, I'll ruin you and yes, now you made it SDF them too.

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Stop taking all the credit, Gabryal. You did a lot of work to bring about WOLF; however, you didn't do ALL the work. There were the select few of us who helped to form WOLF. Why you want to take 99% of the credit is beyond me.

allow me to show an earlier post from this thread:

Yes, your logic is excellent. Let's not forget that it only takes a single man to change everything. It was a single man last round who brought sixteen alliances together to form a bloc that changed TE for a while. And ironically, it's usually one man who declares war on another alliance. (IE, the leader of the alliance.)
Edited by Itsuki Koizumi
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Hey ES, stop the bs

Was that meant to rhyme like that? :blink:

you think you can go rogue on us then threaten us with SDF & allies now you're in charge because you don't get peace after one day? Bring that, you don't have a leg to stand on, I'll ruin you and yes, now you made it SDF them too.

I didn't? I remember specifically stating that I won't bring SDF into it, and that I'd rather let my nation burn.

Oh, and here's a kicker, here's the messages I sent to the three AZTEC nations a few hours ago. I even emphasized the spot I want you to see:


What am I supposed to do, not even mention my new position?

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allow me to show an earlier post from this thread:

It was a single man who brought them together; a single man who initiated the change. After they were brought together and after the change was initiated, someone had to help to keep the change going, otherwise it would have flopped.

Never once did I say that it took one man to change the world for good. I did, however, say that it takes one man to change the world.

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You attack people cos of me, but not me, if you expect niceness, it aint gonna happen.

I attacked AZTEC because of AZTEC. I never bothered to find your nation as I thought that you'd be too strong to declare war on.

All that aside, I want peace now. If I don't get it, then oh well. I stayed at 1k NS for a reason.

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You can't attack 3 members of an alliance without expecting to be held accountable for your actions. It does however say something about a leader you attacks recklessly and then whines when he's held accountable. I really think SDF can find a much better leader than you, between the threats you made to aztec last round when you were a member of OB and this round as a member of SDF. you really need to work on delaing with things diplomatically as opposed to just outright aggression. But best of luck to you and SDF. I hope for their sake you learn the proper way to lead.

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