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Kotka Rapture


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We in the Islands of Ice find it quite funny how many nations are shouting down and threating Molakia over these last few events when it was the church that started this whole mess. Sure not all of them did carry out any attacks but they have insulted and protested against the Tsarina for her choice of lover. To be honest the Tsarina is being quite kind to the church, we would of had them shot currently. No group or organisation has the right to protest against their leader for such a pathetic reason such as being in love with another woman.

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We in the Islands of Ice find it quite funny how many nations are shouting down and threating Molakia over these last few events when it was the church that started this whole mess. Sure not all of them did carry out any attacks but they have insulted and protested against the Tsarina for her choice of lover. To be honest the Tsarina is being quite kind to the church, we would of had them shot currently. No group or organisation has the right to protest against their leader for such a pathetic reason such as being in love with another woman.

"So the Islands of Ice would deport or execute those who were innocent of wrongdoing, merely for the ungfortunate fact of association? Why should we expect any different from an openly aggressive regime? We did, however, expect better of Molakia."

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Tsarina Rescinds Romanov Doctrine

Vice Royal report: Internal Anguish

Earlier Today, the Tsarina of Molakia was said to have revoked the Romanov Doctrine. According to the Vice Royal, Katrina Zykova, It was done under much soul searching.

"She was tormented over the words of the world. All she wanted to do was protect her people, and instead she doomed them to international scum. As of now, the Doctrine is revoked, but Military units will be stationed near all Churches and major Commerce areas to prevent Terrorism." She was quoted as saying.

In other news, Several Military Bases in the far north of Molakia have gone silent. The Military leadership is not answering questions as to why this happened.


Temple Prime

Kotka, Molakia

Private Quarters of the Grandmaster

"My Liege...Is it time?"


"Yes my brother. We are in the last days of the Romanov Dynasty...and the start of the Era of NOD!"

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Citizens of the world and Molakia, hear my voice, for it is the voice of the people!

For too long has the Romanov Dynasty ruled over Molakia! They were "elected" by the people, as they say, but do we still want or need them? The Nordic "Rebels" are taking over large areas of land, while the Royals build up fortress Kotka.

People die in the heart of Molakia while the Queen and her wench suck the meat from their carrion bird dinners.


I come to you today to usher in a NEW ERA for Molakia and Europe!

Today, the Romanovs of Molakia DIE for treason. The Age of The Scorpion Begins!


(To be continued in "Rise of the Scorpion King"!!!! Also, feel free to comment IC about Boris/Kanes message. I wont post the next chapter for awhile.)

Edited by Comrade
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(To be continued in "Rise of the Scorpion King"!!!! Also, feel free to comment IC about Boris/Kanes message. I wont post the next chapter for awhile.)

From a no longer Abandoned Radio station in Svalbard

"A wise man once pointed out this information that I believe may be pertinent."

Public statement from Generalissimo:

I once again present the following evidence to the world, for those who didn't take me seriously last time around.


Former Darkmeind of the Dark Hand – deceased?


Boris Vladimov


Joe Duncan




Old USA Presidential Candidate John McKane, 1970


Unknown individual responsible for the rouge hijacked Helzan Missile strike on the Eastern Reich

Out of Character: So many people have used the image of Kane in CNRP - it’s about time someone pointed out the obvious.

"Coincidence? I THINK NOT!"

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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"I remember the days when men wore toupee's. I'm glad to see this man embrace his baldness, though I have to ask why someone would name themselves after a small desert insect that injects prey with poison to kill it. Why not a more manly animal, like a bear, or a T-Rex flying an F-15?" -President Uberstein.

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