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Annexation of World Protectorate


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Had we announced our intentions earlier we would still be in bureaucratic red tape while nations discuss their own rights to the land. Meaning that the economic stimulus the resources of the area could provide would continue to sit idle and unused to rebuild our national currency.

A waste of resources like that would be a crime against social economic health.

and stealing land from the world is NOT crime is it?

the resources have been sat doing nothing for some time now eveidently, so im sure they can sit for a while longer, The Malvinian government respectfully requests you cancel your annexation of the land until the nations of the world can decide wether you can have to protectorate, of course with it a world protectorate, you nations opinion counts towards the overall decison.

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We pose a question for the world's interest in the World Protectorates in Antarctica. As only one remains we ask this question. Answer it well and we will put the annexation on hold, and pole the world for claiming the protectorate. Answer ignorantly, and we will consider that enough reason to ignore any right the world has to any say of World Protectorate land.

In the large World Protectorate in East Antarctica. What would be the most important thing that exists there that doesn't exist in the rest of Antarctica?

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Had we announced our intentions earlier we would still be in bureaucratic red tape while nations discuss their own rights to the land. Meaning that the economic stimulus the resources of the area could provide would continue to sit idle and unused to rebuild our national currency.

A waste of resources like that would be a crime against social economic health.

So according to you, the strength of your national currency and the stealing of land is more important to you than maintaining the sovreignty of a world protectorate? While I do think that you have every right as the leader of Dranagg to be worried about you nation's currency, you have no right to steal something that is the worlds. The nation of Kitex is always willing to open its borders to more trade, why not send us or any other nation a trade agreement? Also just because you heavily relied on one trading partner and that partner was dissolved, it gives you no right to takes resources from a world protectorate, it is your own foolishness that your nation's currency is in a mess as you seemed to have put all your eggs in one basket.

In the large World Protectorate in East Antarctica. What would be the most important thing that exists there that doesn't exist in the rest of Antarctica?

OOC: Oh NOSE!!! A riddle!!! :)

Edited by kitex
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I believe we made that quite clear we will be searching for the mines and excavations once used by the Commonwealth. They should make adequate stimulus for the nearly catastrophic decline the Dranaggan currency after the Hanseatic Economy disappeared over night.

As of today, not one representative, from any nation, in the world has conducted any mission, in any area, marked as World Protectorate. Perhaps if the world took more interest in their protectorates people would care to consult them about them.

Because the people are to be respected, not interfered with. if they requested something, we would have sent in whatever they asked for.

As for the economic stimulus...you have the rest of the continent minus what is already claiomed by others. Use that.

Had we announced our intentions earlier we would still be in bureaucratic red tape while nations discuss their own rights to the land. Meaning that the economic stimulus the resources of the area could provide would continue to sit idle and unused to rebuild our national currency.

A waste of resources like that would be a crime against social economic health.

You are manufacturing excuses. With most of the continent to draw on, why do you need the protectorate?

We pose a question for the world's interest in the World Protectorates in Antarctica. As only one remains we ask this question. Answer it well and we will put the annexation on hold, and pole the world for claiming the protectorate. Answer ignorantly, and we will consider that enough reason to ignore any right the world has to any say of World Protectorate land.

In the large World Protectorate in East Antarctica. What would be the most important thing that exists there that doesn't exist in the rest of Antarctica?

The people that live there, antd their right to self-governance.

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My own Personal Answer as the ambassor for the Malvinas, would be the place itself. Being under a world Protectorate, gives it diplomatic immunity so to speak, it is a place of pure neutrality where all nations could come together in neutral lands and sort problems out.

A World court could be established in the world protectorate to try international criminals, terrorists, men/women wanted for warcrimes and the likes.

Because of the world protectorates Neutrality on the diplomatic stage, it makes the location ideal for peace talks, trade talks and other diplomatic and political actions.

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Because the people are to be respected, not interfered with. if they requested something, we would have sent in whatever they asked for.

No one lives there anymore. They were dependent on external food sources, when that source vanished they left. Ice and rock is all that lives there now.

As for the economic stimulus...you have the rest of the continent minus what is already claiomed by others. Use that.

You are manufacturing excuses. With most of the continent to draw on, why do you need the protectorate?

Most of the continent is covered in ice, and has no built up infrastructure to speak of to access the resources. This area not only has exposed rock faces, but mines, ports, and transit routes already mapped. They simply need to be re-manned.

The people that live there, antd their right to self-governance.

No one lives in that area anymore. Without a government or organization to ensure food and heat no one lives long anywhere here. The world has provided none of that.

Perhaps another nation will have a better guess.

My own Personal Answer as the ambassor for the Malvinas, would be the place itself. Being under a world Protectorate, gives it diplomatic immunity so to speak, it is a place of pure neutrality where all nations could come together in neutral lands and sort problems out.

A World court could be established in the world protectorate to try international criminals, terrorists, men/women wanted for warcrimes and the likes.

Because of the world protectorates Neutrality on the diplomatic stage, it makes the location ideal for peace talks, trade talks and other diplomatic and political actions.

As there have been no previous discussions, plans, or even suggestions of this before it doesn't exist. We asked what exists there already.

We would also like to take this time to note to the nation of Kitex, that the Hanseatic commonwealth was not simply a trade partner, but a full Economic merger between our two nations. In effect when they fell, half our economy went with them.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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My own Personal Answer as the ambassor for the Malvinas, would be the place itself. Being under a world Protectorate, gives it diplomatic immunity so to speak, it is a place of pure neutrality where all nations could come together in neutral lands and sort problems out.

A World court could be established in the world protectorate to try international criminals, terrorists, men/women wanted for warcrimes and the likes.

Because of the world protectorates Neutrality on the diplomatic stage, it makes the location ideal for peace talks, trade talks and other diplomatic and political actions.

The government of Kitex backs this idea of the World Protectorate being used for peace talks, trade talks and other diplomatic and political actions. However we question the formation of a World Court as any nation that is on it will have their biases.

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Most of the continent is covered in ice, and has no built up infrastructure to speak of to access the resources. This area not only has exposed rock faces, but mines, ports, and transit routes already mapped. They simply need to be re-manned.

So? they weren't always there, and what was done once can be done again with just a little patience.

No one lives in that area anymore. Without a government or organization to ensure food and heat no one lives long anywhere here. The world has provided none of that.

Perhaps another nation will have a better guess.

OOC: I'm pretty sure Sarah would have noted it if they disappeared... :P

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then how bout you stop speaking in riddles, the place is a hole on the earth full of ice and resources and you are blantantly practising imperialism in the face of the globe on land that by LAW belongs to everybody right or wrong.

your annexing the place to hoard its natural resources like some kind of beast, if your piss poor and have no money, stop being a diplomatic recluse and open up trading talks with other countries around the world, im sure big and might Dranagg can manage that one simple task without splattering its politcal bollocks across the world telling other natiosn they cant annex this place and that, and then you go and do exactly what you go around commanding other nations what to do.

your nation is a massive contradiction in its policies.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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We do not ask for aid. Who do you think we are? Nordland? Begging for table scraps from the world at large because of problems caused by outside events.

We took what we need for survival and, eventually, growth. We will always take what we need for survival. Our new glorious leader, Kaan Tarii, made that clear in his announcement of ascension. You should blame the old government for not annexing it sooner, and for being to passive.

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We do not ask for aid. Who do you think we are? Nordland? Begging for table scraps from the world at large because of problems caused by outside events.

We took what we need for survival and, eventually, growth. We will always take what we need for survival. Our new glorious leader, Kaan Tarii, made that clear in his announcement of ascension. You should blame the old government for not annexing it sooner, and for being to passive.

"No one is saying you should ask for aid, but to open yourselves up to trade from around the world. One does not always need to take what they need by force. But continue on this path, and what you have will be taken from you and given to others."

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"No one is saying you should ask for aid, but to open yourselves up to trade from around the world. One does not always need to take what they need by force. But continue on this path, and what you have will be taken from you and given to others."

With no money to buy goods, and no surplus resources to trade, what are you expecting for us to trade?

We found a new supply of resources that no one has cared for, and left to freeze. Now we can trade.

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With no money to buy goods, and no surplus resources to trade, what are you expecting for us to trade?

We found a new supply of resources that no one has cared for, and left to freeze. Now we can trade.

"Have you considered the very ice you live on? People will, believe it or not, trade for that."

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"Have you considered the very ice you live on? People will, believe it or not, trade for that."

Platinum and Gold have a certain higher value in the world economy than water these days. Besides, we're quite certain the large ice berg that cracked off the continent not to long ago is quite enough to satisfy any world water crisis. 11,000 square kilometers of ice 200 meters thick does that.

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Platinum and Gold have a certain higher value in the world economy than water these days. Besides, we're quite certain the large ice berg that cracked off the continent not to long ago is quite enough to satisfy any world water crisis. 11,000 square kilometers of ice 200 meters thick does that.

"Not for the water content, but the fact that it is ice--it is cheaper in the long run to keep what is already cold cold, rather than freeze what is lukewarm or even hot."

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"Not for the water content, but the fact that it is ice--it is cheaper in the long run to keep what is already cold cold, rather than freeze what is lukewarm or even hot."

We won't argue the poor economics of that idea.

We are still waiting for any other nations to answer our question. We are rather confused why anyone would think it is a riddle though. If the world knows about its protectorate then it would know exactly what we are talking about.

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With no money to buy goods, and no surplus resources to trade, what are you expecting for us to trade?

We found a new supply of resources that no one has cared for, and left to freeze. Now we can trade.

The government of Kitex is willing to give you several million dollars to help you get your economy off the ground. Also even though HC had a full economic merger with you, what we've said is still correct, the reason your economy is in ruins is because of your foolishness.

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The government of Kitex is willing to give you several million dollars to help you get your economy off the ground. Also even though HC had a full economic merger with you, what we've said is still correct, the reason your economy is in ruins is because of your foolishness.

The reason the economy is in ruins is because of the old government's foolishness, unfortunately the Minister of Trade and Natural Resources managed to escape our purging of those failed fools. Kaan Tarii has already increased wealth of the nation, by this one act of annexation, by several hundred billion in precious metals and other natural resources, and many more that lie in untapped veins and deeper mines. A mere couple million would be more of a insult than a boost.

And as we already said, we do not beg for scraps.

Invading another nation's protectorate is essentially an act of war against the protector. Basically we believe you have declared war on the world. Maybe it would be a good idea to revoke your claims and try again the right way?

We'd like to see the nation willing to send troops to a land they know nothing about beyond that their skin will freeze in minutes, their engines seize, and their fuel will solidify.

Additionally as there is still not one satisfying response to our question, we will be continuing with the annexation. If the world is ignorant of what it owns it shouldn't complain when it learns it is gone.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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The reason the economy is in ruins is because of the old government's foolishness, unfortunately the Minister of Trade and Natural Resources managed to escape our purging of those failed fools. Kaan Tarii has already increased wealth of the nation, by this one act of annexation, by several hundred billion in precious metals and other natural resources, and many more that lie in untapped veins and deeper mines. A mere couple million would be more of a insult than a boost.

And as we already said, we do not beg for scraps.

We'd like to see the nation willing to send troops to a land they know nothing about beyond that their skin will freeze in minutes, their engines seize, and their fuel will solidify.

Additionally as there is still not one satisfying response to our question, we will be continuing with the annexation. If the world is ignorant of what it owns it shouldn't complain when it learns it is gone.

No ground forces would be needed to convince you withdraw your declaration of war on the world. Consider yourselves on notice.

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On notice for what. Veiled attempts at threats are not troubling in the least.

We dont shroud our threats behind veils, please make sure you remember that in the future. You've invaded a protectorate which the people of the Hansa entrusted to the world. You're disrespecting the wishes of the people and their leaders, which you apparently must have had great respect for or else you wouldn’t have relied on them so much. What you're doing in unacceptable and makes you look like a irresponsible member of the world community, it would be a good idea to withdraw and go about this the right way.

Also To answer you question, one would need more clarity. There's a lot of things in that area, and many countries have owned the region recently. What's there could range from geographic formations, to old ports and facilities, or sacred artifacts.

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We dont shroud our threats behind veils, please make sure you remember that in the future. You've invaded a protectorate which the people of the Hansa entrusted to the world. You're disrespecting the wishes of the people and their leaders, which you apparently must have had great respect for or else you wouldn’t have relied on them so much. What you're doing in unacceptable and makes you look like a irresponsible member of the world community, it would be a good idea to withdraw and go about this the right way.

We have absolutely no respect for the old government's decision to chain ourselves to a nation who's leader we know murdered our dear Catherine's fiancé. Killed during the signing of the very economic pact that requires drastic actions to correct. Apparently the world is so ignorant of what occurs in the South that they cannot even keep up with anything besides their own interests.

Also To answer you question, one would need more clarity. There's a lot of things in that area, and many countries have owned the region recently. What's there could range from geographic formations, to old ports and facilities, or sacred artifacts.

Such a vague and uninformed answer. Perhaps if you sent someone there to actually look over the World Protectorate you would know what was so important there.

OOC: Just a note Justinian, the BZ-RK military leader that took over dranagg is a bit aggressive and full of himself :v: don't take it personally. however if you remember the RP where I killed my Prime Minister, Edward, you'd know who Catherine was and why he'd not like the Hansa :ph34r:

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