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Girl's Night Out

Elrich von Richt

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Haruhi had a rather evil smirk on her face. She knew what she was about to do, and thought it would be both friendly and hilarious. Getting amusement out of others, or almost borderline ordering such was one of her more annoying traits. Well, at least to those she pulled it on, it was. She bust through the door of Amyante's door, and made a loud crash, upon entering. However, the best part was what she was ready to say.

"Yahoo! Wake up Mayoi, we've got a hell of a day ahead of us!"

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The room, Haruhi would notice, was a bit of a mess. From the looks of it, Mayoi had been going through her things rather thoroughly, eventually ending up with her upending a bag of toiletries on the ground. The diplomat herself would be in bed, fast asleep until the door burst open with a loud crash, causing her to stir and instinctively reach out for an alarm clock that wasn't there.

- "Hmmweh?"

Cracking open an eye, she lethargically crawled to where she kept her watch, noticing that the display clearly read "1 PM". Taking a deep breath, she turned to the source of her commotion, taking a few tries to recognize who it was... Ah yes.

- "Hhruhi-ssma? Iz urly... Watizzit?"

She pushed herself up, sitting upright on the bed as she leaned against the wall, head bobbing as she tried to fight off the urge to crawl under the sheets again. She felt as if her brain was slowly booting back up, though from experience she knew it would take a while before she could officially consider herself awake. She wondered what Haruhi could want though...

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Haruhi could see Mayoi's reaction. It was rather funny, in her opinion. She knew Mayoi was getting out of bed, whether she had to forcefully do so or otherwise. With that said and done, she ripped off the covers of the bed. Of course, this revealed Mayoi's almost naked figure, only wearing panties and a bra. Haruhi instantly had a little freakout, and turned away. She covered her eyes, to make sure not to get even a glance of the envoy girl.

"I assured you we'd have some fun, when I had time, today is the day I live up to that promise."

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Mayoi's reaction to having the covers pulled away was almost nonexistant, in that it barely even occurred to her. Taking a deep breath, she shook her head softly, this time opening her eyes a little further -- or at least far enough to see that she could see her own underwear. On a more positive note, the wave of alarm turning her blood to ice managed to wake her up nicely though.

- "Haruhi-sama...? Ah, true... Suppose you wouldn't know about that yet... Can't believe i *yawns* left my medication back home..."

Yawning, she crawled out of bed, wincing as she stepped on something that had rolled out of her purse during the brief moment she had woken up at night. It took a while to wake up, but fortunately there were little tricks to help her get started. Like walking around, for example. And get dressed too for that matter.

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Haruhi looked at Mayoi blankly. Medication and a condition? Eh, it wouldn't matter, regardless, Haruhi would never have a problem with something such as this. But she was prepared for the evening, and was wearing appropriate clothing. This would be a rather good night for Haruhi. She needed an outing for once, and had to get out.

"It's ok, i'll let you take your time. But you better hurry, so much to do!"

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Mayoi watched Haruhi groggily, still fighting off sleep. She took a deep breath, feeling herself becoming more awake but aware that that might change at any time during the day. She figured Haruhi would need to be filled in though.

- "Oh, speaking of, could you do something for me? What i have is called hypersomnia, basically means i sleep twelve to sixteen hours per day... Medicine called.. Methylphenidate. In Zargathia it's prescription only, could y'get me some?"

She still spoke slowly, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she took several tries to finish up getting dressed, resisting the urge to lie back down again. After the celebrations yesterday she had only slept nine hours, and it was showing...

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Haruhi noted Mayoi's reaction, and heard what she said. Hypersomnia, that was a weird condition. She'd heard of insomnia, but not this. She would make sure they stopped by the pharmacy, first thing, and grabbed her medication. If it'd wake her up, that'd be good.

She grabbed a small cup of tea, and handed it to Mayoi.

"Here, we'll stop by the pharmacy in town first. Drink this, it'll wake you up a bit."

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Mayoi took a couple of deep breaths, finally done getting dressed. Grabbing a shower would have to wait until she could be sure she wouldn't just fall asleep in the bathroom again. Mumbling a polite thanks, she took the tea and started drinking it without adding sugar, allowing the bitter aftertaste to help wake her up. Though she wasn't allowed to have caffeine, she figured a cup of tea wouldn't hurt every once in a while.

- "Hai, Haruhi-sama."

Putting the cup down again, she walked over to where her geta were, and picked them up. She would walk to the front door on her socks before wearing the sandals, knowing the Haruhiist Empire originated from Japan and not really sure how much of its tradition carried over.

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Haruhi was pleased to see Mayoi's respect for their Japanese origins. The Haruhiist culture was completely based on the original Japanese culture almost 90% of the population came from. The roots were deeply embedded, and the only primary differences were apparent in religion and such.

Even so, the religion was very deeply rooted in the ancient Shinto culture. She bowed, respectfully, to Mayoi after she put on her sandals.

She managed to get Kyon to come along, and drive them to the pharmacy. After then, she'd walk. Kyon probably didn't mind, usually.

She walked outside, wearing a casual outfit, and got into the car. Kyon hopped in the drivers seat, and she noticed Mayoi following.

They drove down to the pharmacy, and when they reached there, they got out and ordered the drugs Mayoi needed. She made sure they were methylphenidate. She handed the pills to Mayoi, and had Kyon drive back to the palace. Once he got out, and went back into the Palace, she gave him a quick hug, something she'd never normally do. A quick "Domo, Kyon." was heard. She wasn't usually this vibrant, but she remained in this state for awhile after the founding of the Empire, it made her a bit happier and more satisfied than usual.

Haruhi helped Mayoi out, and waited for her to take the pills, and get fully dressed and such.

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As Mayoi popped four of the pills into her mouth and swallowed, she took a deep breath. The good thing about the pills were that they started working relatively fast, though that meant they would only last some four to six hours. It didn't matter though, as long as she'd keep an eye on the clock she'd be good for the rest of the day.

She bowed to Haruhi again to thank her for helping out, and then draped a towel over her arm to get a proper shower. Between the pills and the shower she should be fully awake by the time she was done. Roughly twenty minutes later, Mayoi emerged from the bathroom again, looking pretty much like she had back at the festival.

- "Haruhi-sama, you mentioned there was a lot to do... How may i be able to help?"

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She waited as Mayoi took the pills, and got her shower. Afterwards, she noticed Mayoi's stance. She looked like the shy little girl she'd been at the festival, and was still oh so formal. It was understandable, she didn't want to upset the Empress. She obviously looked up to her, in a way.

"As for things to do, their is nothing formal, which explains my clothing choice. I woke you up Mayoi, because we're going to have fun."

She smiled, and then shrugged a little, her ideas of tonight's "fun" not fully complete.

"I'm going to take you to something that we've set up a little late, but is still important to the culture. An O-Bon Festival!"

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Mayoi smiled genuinely when Haruhi mentioned the festival. Though there had been another festival a day ago, she found herself with quite a few ancestors to thank for this assignment despite her condition, and the seemingly endless amount of things that had gone right to end up like this. And besides, she knew the Japanese culture made the festival less somber than the Chinese generally did, so she was looking forward to finding out the differences between the two.

- "That sounds great! Wait... Isn't O-Bon a Buddhist ceremony though?"

Though happy at the prospect of discovering more about foreign culture, she started to look a little confused. With Haruhi representing a Shinto Goddess, she figured the festivals to focus around Shintoism, which had been reseparated from Buddhism around the... Meji Era, she believed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haruhi smiled politely, and nodded back. Mayoi couldn't have known about the fact that Buddhist ideals partially made up the state's main religion, that being Haruhiism. It was a tie between cultural beliefs, that was very interesting indeed. O-bon would be a good experience for the both of them.

"Indeed it is. The only thing that you probably don't know yet, is that Buddhist philosophies about peace, serenity, and so forth, tie into the religion. That's what makes Haruhiism interesting, it ties newer beliefs into the older Buddhist and Shinto systems."

As she walked outside, she grabbed Mayoi's hand and took her outside with her. They both entered a limo, and prepared their arrival at the festival.

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Mayoi nodded at Haruhi's explanation, trying to link it with what she knew of Shinto, and how it related to Buddhism in particular. As she recalled something similar, she concluded that the medication was doing it's job at keeping her awake and focused.

- "I see... Kind of like the Shinbutsu shūgō, right?"

Haruhi grabbed her hand to walk outside with her, and as the young diplomat listened to the God-Empress she desperately tried to make her hair at least look somewhat presentable while being dragged outside and into a limoher outside, at varying degrees of success.

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