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KoL Declariation Of War on UJA


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Knights Of Lunaris hereby declares war on the UJA...

Reason: Member protection and me coming to you and ask for peace between are members and you denying is a big NO NO.

Guess what We made new friends to and what you did to are frineds SDF just wasnt fair.

Good Luck!


Marcus The Great- Leader

Edited by marcus the great
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Haha, what a Faux CB. We did everything that could have reasonably been expected of us to work with you - despite your demanding, insulting and haughty appearance in our IRC channel - to work this situation out amicably. You chose alliance war instead. That's fine by us.

Neither our actions with SDF or AI were out of line. if you need to pretend that we were to justify your attacks on the UJA, so be it. At least when we declare war we don't puff ourselves up with falsehoods.

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Haha, what a Faux CB. We did everything that could have reasonably been expected of us to work with you - despite your demanding, insulting and haughty appearance in our IRC channel - to work this situation out amicably. You chose alliance war instead. That's fine by us.

Neither our actions with SDF or AI were out of line. if you need to pretend that we were to justify your attacks on the UJA, so be it. At least when we declare war we don't puff ourselves up with falsehoods.

does CB truly matter? I could've sworn this TE...

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That is true but they went to the trouble of constructing one that is false. They would have been better off not using a CB at all.

I'm not gonna lie all I'm hearing is BAWWWWWW They're trying to make us look bad BAWWWWWW guess what either way this is how it happens. Tonight there is gonna be some epic amounts of deforestation, and we'll see how many tree are left standing in the jungle in the morning, and then we'll make sure to burn them down like the rest of you.

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Has political interaction in this community digressed so much that pointing out the blatant misrepresentations of another is automatically considered "Bawwwing?" If that's the case, why even have a discussion? Why even make a declaration of war? The CB against the UJA was built on faulty logic and blatant misrepresentations. We've noted it for the record and welcomed the military challenge. There's no "bawwwwwing" in stating the nature of things.

The only "bawwwwing" I've seen on Steve recently was when certain rulers in WOLF whined about their battle odds. We've made no such complaints.

tl;dr Welcome to the jungle suckas :P

Edited by Rooman33
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If they're going to go through the work of posting something that is BS then we're going to rebuttel. There can be two sides to war: political and what goes on the battlefront. I can't let SE go that easily metaphorically it's in my blood, and I believe there's an element of rapport that still exists in TE to a certain extent.

Edit: grammar.

Edited by SonOfHoward
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