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Terrorist Attack!


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Kitexian soldiers heard the explosion and rushed to see what the problem was. Upon the sight of dead bodies, they began to do a damage assessment and help the wounded and take out the dead.

President Shinzay has released this statement: "The Faction has gone to far in their terrorist acts and I am ordering that the entire 100,000 personnel that make up our military be activated. We are going to rid this nation of The Faction once and for all. Also I offer my deepest sympathiest to the dead of Kitexian families and also Malvinian soldiers."

All garrisons were put on DEFCON 1. The 1st Marine Division was deployed to Fukoka province. Their ROE: Kill any and all Faction members and arrest anyone who seems to be a Faction member.

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Premier Barney has confirmed that he is deploying the entire 1st army into Kitex to Aid in destroying these scum.

10000 Malvinian Soldiers and 700 Armoured Vehicles are to be deployed later today and should arrive next week (OOC tomorrow).

Attacks on Civilians and Malvinian Soldiers will NOT be tolerated. Kitex requested the Military assistance via private coms to the Premiers Desk himself.

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All 1,100 M1A2 tanks and 500 M113 Gavin armored vehicles have also been called up for duty and are patrolling their assigned provinces. Also there have been reports of Faction members spotted in Matsue, Fukushima, and Aikita provinces.

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Faction terrorists noticing the mass build up of soldiers have started to send most of their numbers into the civilian population until a time that they can be recalled once the military forces have reduced in number. In the meantime a hardcore group of volunteers have began to place roadside bombs throughout cities across the nation, not caring if they destroy military or civilian targets. Any Faction member caught is told to fight to the death and incase of capture to kill themselves instead of being taken prisoner.

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****Secret IC****

General of the Army, Robert Petraus and Commandant of the Marine Corps, Shu-nay Rafastan, are currently trying to contact the leaders of the Malvinian First Army to discuss a strategy.

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****Secret IC****

Telegram to Gen. Applause

So what's going to be our strategy for defeating these terrorists? I reccomend that we need to make sure that the public despises them so that we can somehow differintiate between coalition forces and the terrorists.

-Gen. Petraus

OOC: Zoot, please have your responses to this as secret ICs

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secret to Kitexian Command

General Applause is the fallguy for the 1st Army.

the real commander is General Stone, AKA Premier Barney.

General Stone is his Offical Title when the Military is concerned.

ok we have drawn up the strategic of "flaming sword"

Seek and destroy. kill any and all Faction members located.

a sustained Bombing campaign on possible locations of the Factions base of operations.

failing that scorched Earth Policy and full martial Law

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****Secret IC****

We have a reason to suspect that The Faction is planning something. Please move at least 1,000 troops to the capital of Shiftyville, other than that please spread out around the nation.

News Update:

Today there have been a chain of IED explosions across the nation as 50 Malvinian and 100 Kitexian soldiers are now dead. Also-

This just in! About 1,500 Faction members are currently undertaking a seige in at the National Palace! The president and his entire cabinet is in danger! The 4th Infantry Division is currently dealing with 1,000 Faction members in another part of the province and cannot help.

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Elements of the 4th rendezvoued with the Malvinian troops and began to attack faction members, however the faction had begun to enter the palace and were dug in, thus causing a long and hard firefight.

Inside the Situation Room:

President Shiznay: I think its time, Gen. Powell, I think that we need to activate them

Gen. Powell: I agree 100% sir, I'll place the call in now.

And with that Powell took out his cell phone and dialed number xxx-xxx-xxxx and said the code word xxxx. The Unit was then activated and this meant that it was on.

Outside the Palace:

Meanwhile, 3 IEDs went off killing a total of 20 Kitexian soldiers and 25 Malvinian soldiers.

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General Appluase was receiving his orders directly from Premier Barney, directly from the Command bunker in the Malvinas.

Reports had come in of multi detonations at the Palace and the medics were working furiously to help the wounded.

*classified message to Gen.Powell*

Malvinian Armour is requesting permission to bombard the palace to collapse strategic sections of it to trap the Faction members inside and force them to come out.

failing that if it poses to much danger to our own men we suggest we seige the Palace and starve them out.

Either way sooner or later they Must come out and face us in Open combat.

also reports for shiftyville have concluded the area is clear, but a fort with a 250 man garrison has been left just incase.

***message ends***

Sgt Brighouse had never seen street combat like it. not since the revolution.

The main street leading up to the Palace was strewn with rubble and wreckage, soldiers ducking behind cover each time the machineguns opened up.

His squad had entrenched themselves on the far right flank in a small crater which they dug down a little deeper and fortified it with sandbags and a step up to get our of the "trench" as it were.

It had been a good few hours since the fighting stopped... the odd crackle of gunfire from the Kitexian Soldiers around the city, but the main fighting around the Palace had slowed down to a standstill since the IED explosions.

Colonal Sanders, being the ballsy man that he is just wanders through the destroyed street up to Brighouses trench in his emaculate dark grey uniform and says

"well god damn get your heads up, you cant see a goddamn thing down there" he exlcaimed pointing at our resident noobie Private Jupe.

Jupe responded immediatly and clambered up onto the firing step and kept a vigil on the Palace. jsut at the right time aswell.

"BATTLE STATIONS MAN YOR POSTS ITS A COUNTER ATTACK!" shouted Jupe at the top of his voice and everyone in the vicinty got ready for the onslaught.. this was it then. do or die. the fight for the Palace would be decided here and now.

a group of 10 or so kitexian marines sprinted back to the fortified battle line where several thousand soldiers of the Malvinan exped force lay in station, concentrated in 360 degrees around the entire palace. They got within 30 feet of the line and a machine gun opened up on the left and cut them down, bullets shredding them up.

by the way one mans legs cam clean off and then his arms Brighouse gathered it was a 50 cal and ordered a nearby tank to lay into the window with its cannon... effectivly shutting the gun up.. but it was too late.

and then they came.

Hundreds of them moving outside the palace, but not one shot fired.

Colonal Sanders was a great beleiver in honour, and being the senior Officer present Ordered the 200 or so Malvinian troops on the battleline to fix bayonets and prepare to fight to the death....

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Colonal sanders turned to his men, his pistol Drawn and a look of determination on his face as he strode acorss the street shouting at his soldiers.

giving them the hearts of Lions for the coming fight.

he said this to them, like a general on horseback of old leading his men to battle...

"I don't know what to say really.

a few minutes

to the biggest battle of our professional lives

all comes down to today.


we heal

as a Battlegroup

or we are going to crumble.

Inch by inch

man by man

till we're finished.

We are in hell right now, gentlemen

believe me


we can stay here

and get the !@#$ kicked out of us


we can fight our way

back into the light.

We can climb out of hell.

One inch, at a time.

Now I can't do it for you.

I'm too old.

I look around and I see these young faces

and I think

I mean

I made every wrong choice a middle age man could make.

I uh....

I pissed away all my money believe it or not.

I chased off

anyone who has Loved me

And lately,

I can't even stand the face I see in the Mirror

You know when you get old in life

things get taken from you.

That's, that's part of life.


you only learn that when you start losing stuff.

You find out that life is just a battle of inches.

So is combat.

Because in either

life or combat

the margin for error is so small.

I mean

one shot too late or to early

you don't quite stop them.

One half second too slow or too fast

and you dont supress them.

The inches we need are everywhere around us.

They are in ever break of the battle

every minute, every second.

On this street, we fight for that inch

On this street, we tear ourselves, and everyone around us

to pieces for that inch.

We CLAW with our finger nails for that inch.

Cause we know

when we add up all those inches

that's going to make the fugging difference

between WINNING and LOSING

between LIVING and DYING.

I'll tell you this

in any fight

it is the guy who is willing to die

who is going to win that inch.

And I know

if I am going to have any life anymore

it is because, I am still willing to fight, and die for that inch

because that is what LIVING is.

The six inches in front of your face.

Now I can't make you do it.

You gotta look at the guy to your right in your trench

Look into his eyes.

Now I think you are going to see a guy who will go that inch with you.

You are going to see a guy

who will sacrifice himself for this Nation

because he knows when it comes down to it,

you are gonna do the same thing for him.

That's a battle, gentlemen

and either we heal now, as a battlegroup

or we will die as individuals.

This is the real thing.

That's all it is.

Now, whattaya gonna do?"

The moment his voice stopped making noise a ragged battlecry of thousands Kitexian and Malvinian roared out across the streets and over the square infront of the Palace. the Colonal turned half a step towards the oncoming faction soldiers... who by this point where a scarce 600 feet away, now stood their ground staring intently at the roaring hoard.

He raised his arm towards the enemy and clicked off the safety of his weapon...

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Just as Col. Sanders clicked the safety off his weapon, a loud boom was heard and a shell exploded into the Palace, killing most Faction members. Everyone then turned to see who had fired and saw themselves facing an entire division along with 10 tanks. In front of everyone was man. He was white, about 6'3, 250 pounds, had deep blue eyes, blonde hair, and a large, somewhat muscular frame. It was Col. Jerron.

"Hey Col. Sanders. We thought you needed some help."

"W-who are you?"

"We are the newly created 7th Infantry Division thats just been deployed to help you guys. 8th Division is also about to be deployed tomorrow. You guys look like you need to rest, we'll take it from here."

Col. Jerron then ordered his men to go in and take the Palace, they bravely charged the Palace and saved the President and Cabinet.

Then the Kitexian and Malvinian soldiers went and back to the nearby base of the 3rd Infantry Division and rested while the 7th took over patrols.

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The 5 forts have been constructed all with close proximities to uban centers to draw the attention of the faction away from civilians.

OOC: /late; Well telling them that might have an opposite effect :v:.

IC: We offer our sympathies to kitex, and will apprehend those responsible should they be caught traveling through the Citadel, or Pacifica.

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OOC: /late; Well telling them that might have an opposite effect :v:.

IC: We offer our sympathies to kitex, and will apprehend those responsible should they be caught traveling through the Citadel, or Pacifica.

The government of Kitex thanks the Swiss Empire, prehaps after this war is over we could trade embassies?

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OOC: Getting weary of this am gonna end it now.


Special Forces have killed the leading members of the Faction. Seeing this, all Faction members have laid down their arms and are now being sent to maximum security prisions. President Shiznay made this statement " The defeat of the Faction has done our nation a great good, as we can now live in true peace and harmony! I am proud of our military and also proud of Malvininan troops who fought beside us so boldly, so proud, in fact, that I am giving Gen. Applause the Medal of Honor!"

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OOC: Getting weary of this am gonna end it now.


Special Forces have killed the leading members of the Faction. Seeing this, all Faction members have laid down their arms and are now being sent to maximum security prisions. President Shiznay made this statement " The defeat of the Faction has done our nation a great good, as we can now live in true peace and harmony! I am proud of our military and also proud of Malvininan troops who fought beside us so boldly, so proud, in fact, that I am giving Gen. Applause the Medal of Honor!"

General Applause received the medal of honour and sent back cigars for the Kitexian Leadership

(OOC sorry its not like massive and happy, was on a stupidly long phonecall whilst im typing)

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General Applause received the medal of honour and sent back cigars for the Kitexian Leadership

(OOC sorry its not like massive and happy, was on a stupidly long phonecall whilst im typing)

OOC: That's alright. I am typing up something for school :)

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