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AUP - General Congress

Elrich von Richt

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However that would raise objections from the international community. One cannot exactly claim protectorate over a region one has no access to. We would suggest that the area be left unoccupied as it remains now. After all the nations of New Cymru, Acca Dacca, Golgotha, Minila Islands, Rakatan Imperium and Promised Land have greater claim to declare a protectorate over the region apart from us.

"Why not?" said Nagato. "The Haruhiist Empire is extremely close. I see no reason why not."

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Haruhi continued to overhear the conversations that were ongoing.

"My belief is this, if possible the Empire could claim one of the smaller, less habited islands of the Indonesian chain and use this as an AUP operated joint-base. Thus, this could allow a protectorate region to exist, with some sort of backlying ability. Either that, or we could propose a joint-protectorate with the Dragon Empire, although I doubt they'll agree to it. As to what the Austalasian group will do about such a protectorate attempt, i don't see it as harmful."

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"The Australasian nations would be foolish to make war with us over a few Oceanic islands." agreed Korsunsky. "I believe we should get the unclaimed islands just west of Golgotha. I was considering claiming them for Diadochoi, but I am willing to make it a protectorate of the AUP as a whole."

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Haruhi raised her eyebrow.

"Imperialism is something i refuse to agree with. I'm rather ashamed Diadochoi once thought in such a way. As for location of the AUP Base, the remainder of Bangka-Beitung and the Riau Islands, would be more than enough to suffice for such a plan. The other advantage, is the non-distinct placing of such bases would make them not important to a nation planning to claim the remainder. They wouldn't be of much vital importance. However, they could be ceded if the nation in-question asks for them alongside part or all of the protectorate."

OOC: Indonesian Map


Edited by Elrich von Richt
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Haruhi raised her eyebrow.

"Imperialism is something i refuse to agree with. I'm rather ashamed Diadochoi once thought in such a way. As for location of the AUP Base, the remainder of Bangka-Beitung and the Riau Islands, would be more than enough to suffice for such a plan. The other advantage, is the non-distinct placing of such bases would make them not important to a nation planning to claim the remainder. They wouldn't be of much vital importance. However, they could be ceded if the nation in-question asks for them alongside part or all of the protectorate."

OOC: Indonesian Map


"Imperialism?" Nagato snapped. "It was imperialism that nearly destroyed our nation, Haruhi. We are not Imperialists."

Korsunsky cut in. "It is not a desire for greater power that drives us to desire this land. Our land is densely populated, so much so that we are afraid we may not be able to accommodate. Do you follow?"

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Haruhi laughed for a second, and then switched to her normal eccentric tone.

"I understand rather clearly. However, Nagato, control your temper. I use the word loosely. I do not mean to offend you, why would I do that as an ally? A sour taste in my allies tongue, is like asking for the fall of this pact. I will not allow that to happen, and I request you review what i'm saying now before snapping at me. I do not mean to threaten, I do not mean to anger, I only meant to make a blunt joke. Currently, the two lands mentioned before would make perfect basing locations. I hope to see what the DE's representative has to say, so we can infer the possible stance of his Imperial leader, Vortex. Although, we understand you still have sovereignty, Vikram, I do not mean offense there either. I can understand overpopulation, but you should seek the before-mentioned Antarctic land rather than other Asiatic land, as it dissuades cultural unity. For the sake of Freedom, may we reign."

Haruhi sat down, and began a short nap. She opted to let Kagami talk now.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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Zhukov said, "With all due respect Korsunsky, though we also had a similar problem earlier, it does not mean that your leader should get angry over the situation." Then speaking to Kagami, he said, "Though Antarctica may seem like the best place to go to, they are currently unable to them to transport their citizens over, do the lack of developed runways and the fact that they have no ships available to them at this time."

OOC: This is based solely on info concerning Nagato's IG stats.

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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Amyante stood up as well, having an offer she believed the Diadochoians would be interested in.

- "With the departure of the former Yamatojins, Zargathia has quite a low population density. We would be more than willing to house a large number of Diadochoians in Zargathia under a special double passport. Jobs and housing aren't an issue due to several ongoing nationwide projects, and we are closer to Diadochoi than the islands are. Until you would have developed the necessary means for civilian mass transportation over the sea we certainly wouldn't have any objections to helping out in this manner."

With her offer now on the table, she sat down again, awaiting the reply.

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Zhukov said, "With all due respect Korsunsky, though we also had a similar problem earlier, it does not mean that your leader should get angry over the situation." Then speaking to Kagami, he said, "Though Antarctica may seem like the best place to go to, they are currently unable to them to transport their citizens over, do the lack of developed runways and the fact that they have no ships available to them at this time."

OOC: This is based solely on info concerning Nagato's IG stats.

OOC: I planned to get them there by airplane, if i ever planned to. the antarctic territory was meant for military and other purposes, not for civilain housing. i don't think you, for example, would like to move to antarctica, would you? and Korsunsky's actually the leader. nagato is his subordinate, as leader of the party, while Korsunsky is actually the premier.

IC: "Unnecessary, thank you very much." Korsunsky said politely. "We can use air transport, but that is not the point. Antarctica being the inhospitable land it is, i do not plan to use it for civilian purposes, at least i wish to limit it. You would not want to move to Antarctica, for example, would you? That is why we desired the land, which it seems the AUP now has."

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"Why not?" said Nagato. "The Haruhiist Empire is extremely close. I see no reason why not."

OOC: You need to have these territories within your SOI or you should RP it to success before claiming it. I did IC negotiation before I received the territory in Africa and west of Marscurian Pakistan. I had also extensively RP'ed before claiming in Antarctica. Only a person whose SOI covers the white region can declare it protectorate. If you decide to go in otherwise you will raise a lot of heat from other RP'ers.

Haruhi continued to overhear the conversations that were ongoing.

"My belief is this, if possible the Empire could claim one of the smaller, less habited islands of the Indonesian chain and use this as an AUP operated joint-base. Thus, this could allow a protectorate region to exist, with some sort of backlying ability. Either that, or we could propose a joint-protectorate with the Dragon Empire, although I doubt they'll agree to it. As to what the Austalasian group will do about such a protectorate attempt, i don't see it as harmful."

Dragon Empire at this time has no interest in the Indonesian islands and thus would not be extending a protectorate over the region. We firmly believe that the region there could be left unoccupied so that in future new governments may be established there.

OOC: White regions are places where new nations can claim land without hassles.

"The Australasian nations would be foolish to make war with us over a few Oceanic islands." agreed Korsunsky. "I believe we should get the unclaimed islands just west of Golgotha. I was considering claiming them for Diadochoi, but I am willing to make it a protectorate of the AUP as a whole."

Why seek such an easily blockaded position? Would it not serve your interests by expanding in your immediate vicinity?

Haruhi laughed for a second, and then switched to her normal eccentric tone.

"I understand rather clearly. However, Nagato, control your temper. I use the word loosely. I do not mean to offend you, why would I do that as an ally? A sour taste in my allies tongue, is like asking for the fall of this pact. I will not allow that to happen, and I request you review what i'm saying now before snapping at me. I do not mean to threaten, I do not mean to anger, I only meant to make a blunt joke. Currently, the two lands mentioned before would make perfect basing locations. I hope to see what the DE's representative has to say, so we can infer the possible stance of his Imperial leader, Vortex. Although, we understand you still have sovereignty, Vikram, I do not mean offense there either. I can understand overpopulation, but you should seek the before-mentioned Antarctic land rather than other Asiatic land, as it dissuades cultural unity. For the sake of Freedom, may we reign."

Haruhi sat down, and began a short nap. She opted to let Kagami talk now.

"I understand , Your Highness. Though as part of a larger entity there is a slight compromise in sovereignty it is nothing we see as a disadvantage to us. Dragon Empire is a nation formed by merger of several nations with a common sense of principles and singularity in ideals.

As I said, Dragon Empire would not be able to help you much if you try to claim the Indonesian islands for the very reason that there are many other nations with a greater claim and it could lead to a conflict albeit limited in nature. Such a conflict would be detrimental to the Pan Asia peace and stability that both Dragon Empire and AUP has worked so hard to preserve. "

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"Seeing how the deed was done peaceably without any opposition from other regional powers, we dont expect you to receive opposition. However any bold act would call for indignation from lesser powers and the same may affect you too. Once AUP becomes as strong as Dragon Empire, you may feel it yourself."

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Kagami understood the words all too perfectly.

"Strength and power are often words associated with pressure, strength, and great influence. If the AUP ever does reach the size and influence of the Dragon Empire, it wouldn't be suprising to see such traits come to the Congress."

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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"Precisely why we are taking such pains to ensure that we have no misunderstandings at all. It would hurt our common interests of a peaceful and stable Asia if our two entities were to remain polarized. Even now there are forces at work trying to sow discontent between us for the explicit reason of weakening us both and thus bring the specter of war to Asia."

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Kagami sighed, and answered.

"Under normal conditions, no. Our military's shall operate separately. Although an Asiatic Unity Pact Joint Command (AUP-JC) can be established in times of war, to coordinate defensive and offensive movements among pact members. Although, as with the recent situation in Yuktobania, I doubt Haruhi minds sending troops of both our nations under joint AUP command."

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"Make that the three of us."

Amyante had spoken up when word was mentioned of a joint AUP force to assist Yacrania in dealing with the EoD threat. Though she didn't doubt the ability of her troops, who had been holding war games with Lu and the Dragon Empire almost since the Hulunbuir Treaty was signed, her tank crews were still a little green. She would be needing to evaluate those...

"Any idea how large this Task Force would be?"

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Hearing the numbers, Amyante simply nodded. There were a number of troops necessary for patrols, another part was tied up in other duties, which would mean...

- "I'd have to run the numbers, but i think i can supply around eight thousand troops and three hundred tanks."

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Kagami was a little disturbed by the currently low troop counts, but for the neccessity of Yuktobanian defense it was understandable. Situations at home were more meaningful, and who would send a large army to help an ally? Such was viewed as suspicious.

"Well, at most during wartime the Haruhiist Empire can maintain about 150,000 troops. I'm curious at to what your respective counts are. Could help us figure out our future strength tally, should anyone ever attack. We also have around 2,000 tanks."

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