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AUP - General Congress

Elrich von Richt

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"The MDoAP wasn't being questioned. Quite the contrary actually, as i praised the Aggresion part for being optional... The question was whether or not individual treaties of the member nations would chain to the other nations in the AUP as per the MDoAP. If it chains we fight as one, but at a risk of conflicting interests of member nations. If it does not chain, then obviously we cannot force members to join in a war of any kind regardless of any voting that is done on the topic, unless a member was actively declared upon. My suggestion was that if for example the PRC would declare on Furon, and if i would have an MDP with the PRC and Diadachoi an MDP with Furon, that neither of us would be able to participate as per the Friendship clause, which forbids us from fighting each other. Hence the need to work this part out, as it would have far reaching consequences to current and future treaties."

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Haruhi was carefully listening to the discussions. As such, she prepared her reply.

"I can understand everyone's point of view. However, i view that as such we should keep the MDoAP, and not reduce it. Korsunsky has made a good point, that while war is dirty and may discourage our reputation, motives, and what we stand for, it may be needed in the future. However, preventing treaty chains as of this moment is unneccessary, as per the friendship clause, which Amy mentioned. Due to this, we cannot declare war on one-another. However, i do propose we vote on united warfare under the AUP banner, before doing such. I also wish to make sure we condemn warfare as single-states unless absolutely required, in which democracy has failed."

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Amyante nodded in agreement to Haruhi.

- "Indeed. War should be used only if all other options have failed, and even then restraint should be used. The recent war of liberation in the Netherlands being an excellent example, where the allies did far more damage to infrastructure and caused a great many more civilian casualties than Dranagg ever could have. The reason i brought it up was to have something written down in the rare cases that it would happen, reducing the need for a last minute amendment or two."

She had picked up steam and was in full diplomatic mode, looking at the treaty from every possible angle at once, and making sure the chance of misinterpretation was ruthlessly cut out before it could have the chance to dig in. This was one of the most important treaties (after the White Cross) that she had signed, and she really wanted it to last, and if that meant a little nitpicking then so be it.

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"Suppose," Nagato suddenly said slowly. "The Dragon Empire saw us as a rival and decided war was the only option. Is it not a possible scenario? I personally think war with the DE is inevitable. One of our goals, being the liberation of Asia from the DE, would indirectly lead to conflict with them, as they would never go down without war."

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"I would tend to disagree. The Dragon Empire is incapable of declaring war if 2/3rds of their member nations do not support it. Thus, if we take no aggressive action against them -- thus honoring the Preamble of our own charter -- and instead persuade member nations to join the AUP through diplomatic means we would eventually grow to the point where the Dragon Empire would become a signatory of the AUP itself, acting as a single nation with a single vote. To absorb with the pen, rather than conquer with the sword."

"As for the scenario, Zargathia is located on a key position, bordering both the Dragon Empire as well as the Haruhiist Empire. For one to reach the other the troops would have to pass through our lands, and since we are both a Dragon Bloc as well as an AUP signatory either side is forbidden by their respective charters from declaring war on Zargathia unless the first move is ours. You'd be surprised how unwilling nations are to break a treaty."

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"That sure makes things more interesting (about Amyante being a DE member). Exactly as you all have said diplomatic solutions do not always work, that has to be where war comes in to achieve what you want. For if diplomacy fails to bring the Asiatic unity you all desire then what other option is left, besides pressure from military forces?" said Sgt. Vicktor Vitya calmly.

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The Kingdom of Cochin,


Dragon Empire Triumvirate


Asian Unity Pact


We would like to request you to permit us to send a representative from Dragon Empire to the current AUP Congress. We believe there is a lot of misunderstanding going on regarding us and perhaps we can sort them out?


HH Rama Varma,

The King of Cochin.

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OOC: The request was made in the light of the conversation being secret and only the information of Congress being public.

IC: Vikram Kerala Varma, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Cochin shall be the Dragon Empire representative to the AUP Congress, if AUP agrees.

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As per the standard, no bodyguards are permitted. The contents of this conversation also do not leave the room upon which they are being held. Any information can be leaked as a summary, but none of the more private inner-AUP discussions are to be released publically.

We shall wait for the arrival of Vikram, and have the citizens of Urajiosutoku guide him.

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As per the standard, no bodyguards are permitted. The contents of this conversation also do not leave the room upon which they are being held. Any information can be leaked as a summary, but none of the more private inner-AUP discussions are to be released publically.

We shall wait for the arrival of Vikram, and have the citizens of Urajiosutoku guide him.

The Crown Prince would have to brief the King of Cochin and by default Dragon Empire Triumvirate. He is after all a plenipotentiary.

The Crown Prince usually travels with a complement of King's Guards Chaver soldiers who would stay outside the conference room if it so pleases the AUC. Sending of any High level emissary with zero protection is no longer an option after the history if what happened to our delegation in the Khmer Empire. The Prince himself would be unarmed as per Cochin's Diplomatic Conduct Policy.


Vikram arrived from Ratnagiri to Urajiosukoto and landed at the newly built Air Force Base here. From here he would travel to the AUC Congress venue.

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Amyante grinned at the Diadochoian reaction, waving off the following apology as not being necessary. She wasn't offended by it, the Empire barely exerted any influence over the Bloc anyway from what she could tell.

- "Yes i am, it was one of the first treaties i signed when Zargathia was formed from the nation of Yamato. Though out of honesty, i'd need to mention i'm a member of the Dragon Bloc, not the Dragon Empire. The difference is minor, but the Empire members have given up sovereignty in return to be a part of the Dragon Empire nation, and thereby have a say in its legislature. The Empire has only a limited influence on the Bloc... and has a Council that honestly hasn't been called for a meeting in the time i've been a signatory, but the MDP in return for a membership fee was a good trade."

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"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Vikram Kerala Varma, here as a representative of Dragon Empire. Let me first convey the respect of my uncle His Highness Rama Varma, the King of Cochin to the Asian Unity Pact. "

"Of late there has been several unfounded rumors regarding Dragon Empire floating around the world and we only wish you to assure you to the contrary. We both live in the same continent and a peaceful and stable Asia is in both our self interests."

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Haruhi was a little annoyed but decided to answer honestly.

"We believe the Dragon Empire shouldn't be the only option for nations in Asia for unity. That's why we've formed this, for sovereignty, freedom and unity."

But of course we understand that. We respect the ideals of Asian Unity Pact. We only propose that we improve the relations between our two entities so that all misunderstandings could be solved amicably.

There is no reason why DE and AUP should remain polarized.

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Haruhi stopped and thought it over.

"Agreeable enough. Although i don't expect any formal treaties, military and such, to be signed. Friendship and economics, maybe. Also, about the recently collapsed section of the Indonesian Isles, where Yawoo once resided, i believe the AUP should proclaim a protectorate over the region for new states to rise in Asia."

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Haruhi stopped and thought it over.

"Agreeable enough. Although i don't expect any formal treaties, military and such, to be signed. Friendship and economics, maybe. Also, about the recently collapsed section of the Indonesian Isles, where Yawoo once resided, i believe the AUP should proclaim a protectorate over the region for new states to rise in Asia."

We do not expect any formal military ties with AUP at this time, however if ever you sought our help at a time of need, you would find that Dragon Empire stands by all peaceful Asian nations not just with signatories of Dragon Empire and Dragon Bloc.

At the present we only seek assurances of increased cordiality and if possible better economic cooperation.

With regards to the Indonesian islands Dragon Empire would have no problems if AUP declares a protectorate over the region. Who might administer the protectorate though? Which AUP nation currently shares borders with Indonesia?

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"Well, none of us currently border it. However, sending of an expeditionary force to maintain peace, a joint force obviously would be more than enough to secure peace for the time being."

Haruhi glanced, and hoped it answered his call.

However that would raise objections from the international community. One cannot exactly claim protectorate over a region one has no access to. We would suggest that the area be left unoccupied as it remains now. After all the nations of New Cymru, Acca Dacca, Golgotha, Minila Islands, Rakatan Imperium and Promised Land have greater claim to declare a protectorate over the region apart from us.

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"It does make some degree of sense. I just viewed it as within the AUP's agenda, and viewpoint. However, i guess we'll leave that up to debate. As far as this all concerns, i don't really know what else to bring up. I was considering giving Sarah Tintagyl the honorary title of Lady-Protector of the Asiatic Unity Pact."

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"So may we presume that AUP has no ill will towards the Dragon Empire? Nobody likes the strong and the powerful. That is one of main reasons why Dragon Empire has earned so many ill wishers in and outside the region. We urge you to see us impartially so that relations can improve and we have a truly stable and peaceful Asia."

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