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The Second Great Infrastructure Project

Mergerberger II

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Prime Minister Maartens Announces Massive Infrastructure Project

In a Press Conference held today, the Prime Minister announced plans for the use of the massive amount of aid money sent from overseas. He has stated that the rebuilding of the Netherlands itself will be done primarily with the enormous aid package sent from Caucasia.

"The nations of the world have been more generous than we could ever have hoped for. They have given us enough to rebuild all of the damaged cities, repair all damaged infrastructure, and even upgrade existing infrastructure and provide the foundations for a functional and powerful Dutch economy," Maartens said in his Press Conference today.

About 25% of the money has been spent already and roughly 85% of the Caucasian aid package, the whole of which will go to infrastructure, has been allocated directly, a source said to the Telegraph.

The entirety of the Eurasian Aid Package will be allocated to help reestablish the Dutch economy. Funds will go to aid businesses, as well as major government investment into the telecommunications industry. It is estimated that by the time the recovery program is ended, roughly 98% of the industry will be government controlled.

The Infrastructure Project will be dedicated greatly to building highways, high-speed railways, subways, airports, port facilities, and dams.

This entire process will, according to the government, create huge numbers of jobs, and lay the foundations for a very strong economy, especially coupled with the reestablishment of formerly powerful Dutch businesses. It is said that the old Bank of Wästerdyskreich, which after the collapse of the regime for which it was named went to a private company and greatly reduced its size, will be moving its headquarters to the Netherlands, specifically to Brussels, where the largest branch of the Bank exists.

The whole of the project, the government said, is based on the Japanese Economic Miracle, which over the course of 15 years from 1965 to 1980 increased the Japanese GDP by roughly 11x.

De Telegraaf

OOC: Beginning my rebuilding here. I think I covered it all in the news post. Will continue as it progresses.

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The Infrastructure Project has continued as follows.

First priority was rebuilding homes and neighborhoods to pre-war standards. This has progressed 40%

Second priority is rebuilding infrastructure such as roadways, highways, railways, subways, airports, etc. This has progressed to 29% complete.

Third priority is constructing new and upgrading previous infrastructure to a more modern level. This has not begun yet.

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"While we are incapable of repaying your loan, we are even less capable of defending ourselves from invasion.

By this, we will begin making whatever sacrifices necessary to give you back your money. The Netherlands will do as you say, and our people will work to meet your demands."

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"Perhaps we did not make ourselves clear. We need that money to fund a project of ours. Or would you prefer the new infrastructure you built with it to be brought down again?"

"France will not tolerate unveiled threats levied at our allies, we suggest that Netherlands ignore the unreasonable and heartless demands made by the Kingdom of Caucasia."

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"Perhaps we did not make ourselves clear. We need that money to fund a project of ours. Or would you prefer the new infrastructure you built with it to be brought down again?"

"What is with this hostile attitude? If you wish, we can lend YOU money to begin your infrastructure project, at very low interest rate, we might add."

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"What is with this hostile attitude? If you wish, we can lend YOU money to begin your infrastructure project, at very low interest rate, we might add."

"Thank you for the offer, but I'd like to maintain a surplus. I haven't taken out a single loan in my life, even when starting my old business, and I intend to keep it that way."

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