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Socialist Republic of Curristan's actions


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New Government established.

Area 60 reopened to research new weapons

Curristan Army renamed Curristan National Army.

All CPLF units to be reorganised into the new 10 Divisions of the CNA.

Production of new equipment underway.

Curristan Air Force reorganised and plans to re-equip with new aircraft.

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Classified Telegram:

"Perhaps your interested in buying some Military hardware or perhaps some more advanced weapons.. Our Economy is slacking and we could use some extra marks or resources.."

OOC: I know its classified post, but I thought this would be an appropriate place to send a Telegram.

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Classified Telegram:

"Perhaps your interested in buying some Military hardware or perhaps some more advanced weapons.. Our Economy is slacking and we could use some extra marks or resources.."

OOC: I know its classified post, but I thought this would be an appropriate place to send a Telegram.

OOC: I would prefer all military offers and purchases to be in here. Saves cluttering the forum with hundreds of threads with only 2 or 3 posts. :P


*Classified Telegram*

We are okay with most weapons at the moment, but what we most need is an effective man portable anti air weapon. Do you have one we can purchase. We will pay in Curristan Gold.

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*Classified Telegram*

We are okay with most weapons at the moment, but what we most need is an effective man portable anti air weapon. Do you have one we can purchase. We will pay in Curristan Gold.

Secret IC:

"Oh do we.. Your jaws will drop at the Military breakthroughs our Government is making with the CAU, NoN, and kitex. Can I offer you some Vulcans? We outfit all of our APC's with them for Anti personel and Anti Aircraft. We downed countless aircraft with this deadly weapon. If that does not suit your tastes, we can dig up some Blue Arrow AA missile launchers.. or something of the sorts."

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Secret IC:

"Oh do we.. Your jaws will drop at the Military breakthroughs our Government is making with the CAU, NoN, and kitex. Can I offer you some Vulcans? We outfit all of our APC's with them for Anti personel and Anti Aircraft. We downed countless aircraft with this deadly weapon. If that does not suit your tastes, we can dig up some Blue Arrow AA missile launchers.. or something of the sorts."


The Blue Arrow AA missile launchers sound interesting. We would like to purchase 300. Can we negotiate a price?

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The Blue Arrow AA missile launchers sound interesting. We would like to purchase 300. Can we negotiate a price?

*Secret IC*

Certainly. The funds will help jump start our Defense economy.. Those Missiles dont develop themselves.. err.. nevermind that, simply a joke..

Perhaps 400 Kriegmarks a piece? We have a stockpile, they are long past use since we have been upgrading our military to CAU Modern technology..

Also if you are going to pay in Curristan Gold, I will look up the Currency conversion.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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*Secret IC*

Certainly. The funds will help jump start our Defense economy.. Those Missiles dont develop themselves.. err.. nevermind that, simply a joke..

Perhaps 400 Kriegmarks a piece? We have a stockpile, they are long past use since we have been upgrading our military to CAU Modern technology..

Also if you are going to pay in Curristan Gold, I will look up the Currency conversion.

*Secret IC*

That price sounds reasonable. We are only paying in Curristan Gold cause the Curristan Dollar (C$) has lost value because of the war. We will pay you the equivalent of C$1 Million in Gold to pay for the weapons and the cost of getting them to Curristan. The gold that is left over you can keep as a gift on behalf of the Curristan Government.

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*Secret IC*

That price sounds reasonable. We are only paying in Curristan Gold cause the Curristan Dollar (C$) has lost value because of the war. We will pay you the equivalent of C$1 Million in Gold to pay for the weapons and the cost of getting them to Curristan. The gold that is left over you can keep as a gift on behalf of the Curristan Government.

Secret IC:

"The Krieg Government will surely take dule note of the Gift and will remember it and forward the memo to our allies for future reference should we feel obligated to return such a favor... Our Cargo plane will embark tonight. We will radio when we are approaching.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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Secret IC:

"The Krieg Government will surely take dule note of the Gift and will remember it and forward the memo to our allies for future reference should we feel obligated to return such a favor... Our Cargo plane will embark tonight. We will radio when we are approaching. We will make use of our Friendship with the Promised land to make an easier flight path."

"We thank you for these weapons. We are glad to have a friendship with your government and will be always grateful."

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Curristan Peoples Senate:

Resolution #002 - Curristan Ministry of State Security (CMSS)

Article 1 - Establishment

The Curristan Ministry of State Security (CMSS) comes into existence on 27th August 2009. The CMSS will provide state security and keep foreign agents out of Curristan.

Article 2 - Purpose

The CMSS will provide state security and keep foreign agents out of Curristan. It will monitor and capture any citizen that is suspected of spying for a foreign power or attempting to reveal state secrets.

Article 3 - Structure

The CMSS will employ around 20,000 employees and have its main headquarters in the Curristan Capital Jakirata, with other headquarters in the major cities.

Article 4 - Appointment of a Commissar for State Security

The appointment of the Commissar for State Security and the first head of the CMSS is Frank Williams.

Article 5 - Power of Dissolution

Dissolution of the CMSS has to be requested by the Commissar for State Security, then granted by the President.

Passed on 27th August 2009. Confirmed by the President and Commissar for State Security.

Edited by Curristan
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Curristan Peoples Senate

Resolution #003 - The Jakirata Doctrine

Article 1 - Diplomacy:

All treaties signed by the previous government will be kept. This is deemed necessary to promote Curristan as a friendly nation. The Socialist Republic of Curristan will be strictly neutral in foreign affairs and will always put negotiation first before resorting to arms

Article 2 - Economy

Curristan's economy will be a centrist left based one. It will include many of Curristan's existing structures such as the Curristan Trade Center and the Curristan Stock Market. It will also be installing major buildings in Washington and Montevideo in the coming months

Article 3 - Military

The Curristan Military will be geared towards protecting Curristan Soil. The Curristan National Army and the Curristan Air Force will be on a 24 hour defence of Curristan's borders and airspace.

Article 4 - Rescinding of Doctrine

This can only be done with the express order of the Curristan President.

This comes into effect immediate, 28th August 2009.

Confirmed by the Curristan President.

*This resolution has been made Public*

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Curristan Ministry of State Security


Purpose: To uphold state security and keep foreign agents out of Curristan.


Intelligence Division(ID)

- Monitors Curristan 24 hours a day using real time information from agents and informers

Counter Terrorism Division (COD)

Monitors terrorist activity inside Curristan and protects against any terrorist attacks.

Black Operations Division (BOD)

- Clandestine Operations.

Main Headquarters:

- Revolution Square, Jakirata

City Headquarters:

- Washington

- Curritiba

- Greisha

- Montevideo

Substations are in many towns in Curristan.

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Curristan Ministry of State Security

Directive #23 - Operation Treadfoot


Function: Assasination Program

Train agents in acts of assassination, covert intelligence gathering and capture. A pool of 40 agents have been selected for this purpose. They are all ex Curristan Military and have served at least 10 years.

Location of operations: Inside Curristan. Clearance has not be given for operations overseas as this would cause Curristan great comdemnation. These operations are to be done in secret. This is a Level 5 Operation.

Signed by Director of the Curristan Ministry of State Security and the Head of the Black Operations Division

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The weapons that were to aid you in the war has just docked near Curristan harbours and wishes for a government member or military command to take the weapons out for usage. The 5,000 men have also left Chinese Soil and will be there soon enough. They can protect your borders to make sure no Democratic supporter gets in or out of Curristan.

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The weapons that were to aid you in the war has just docked near Curristan harbours and wishes for a government member or military command to take the weapons out for usage. The 5,000 men have also left Chinese Soil and will be there soon enough. They can protect your borders to make sure no Democratic supporter gets in or out of Curristan.


We are sending a senior member of the Curristan Military High Command to collect these weapons. Thank you for the assistance. We would like some old aircraft you no longer use as we have only transport aircraft.

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We have about 35 old J-7 Fighter Jets which we are facing out, we are willing to give it to you free of charge, and train your men in using them. We also have B-17 Flying Fortress bombers, about 30 of them which we are willing to give to you free of charge. For a newer range we have 75 Su-27's which we can also give you if your interested. These are the maximum we can give you at the current time being. Once we introduce newer air crafts we shall ask you if you want the older models.

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We have about 35 old J-7 Fighter Jets which we are facing out, we are willing to give it to you free of charge, and train your men in using them. We also have B-17 Flying Fortress bombers, about 30 of them which we are willing to give to you free of charge. For a newer range we have 75 Su-27's which we can also give you if your interested. These are the maximum we can give you at the current time being. Once we introduce newer air crafts we shall ask you if you want the older models.


We would like to have all those aircraft please. It will be a good selection of aircraft to have in the Curristan Air Force. CAF Jakirata will await their arrival as its the largest airbase we have.

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Classified IC:

The 300 Blue Arrow AA Personal Missile Launchers have arrived by ship. Please sign and have the cargo sent to your designated areas, along with payment.


Payment in Curristan Gold has been placed on the ship in place of the weapons as promised. We will be buying from you in the future. We will worry about their transit to the areas.

*End Message*

The 300 Blue Arrow AA Personal Missile Launchers were moved by trucks to their respective headquarters.

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