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Grecco-Balkan Agreement


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OOC: This is not a DoE. I am going to RP a sort of unification, and war between a few city states in the territory. Think of it more as the status quo, of an extremely loose confederacy that really only unifies if threated from the outside. However I am earmarking it, and basically OOC claiming it as mine. Also Lavo was notified and has approved of my rerolling in Margrave's former land except the areas that are modern day turkey (so the straight).

Also Note: I am refferring to the land right now as "Eastern Regimes" as there is no real country yet.


The Following was signed by the different City States scattered in the territory formerly known as Stigia.

Codex of the East States

In the interest of common freedom, and self determiniation the undersigned Sovereignties do hereby agree to the following.

Principle I: Brotherhood

We as those of the East recognize one another as brothers, and at the same time rivals. While rivals and brothers may at times fight and quarrel with one another, there is a distinction between the conflict we on occasion have engaged in, and the conflict an outsider may impose upon us. It is the determination of this party that intervention by outside forces is unnacceptable, and is thus a threat to all those of the Eastern Territory. An invasion therefore by an outsider into one state shall be considered an invasion of all. In that event all states who are a party to this pact are obliged to defend the invaded, and thus repel the invasion.

Principle II: Sovereignty

While all signatories are obliged to assist against outside intervention, by no means does that restrict the freedom of each state to engage in war with an outside force at their own discretion, or engage in war against a member of this codex. Each party to this treaty retains the full extent of their right to struggle for what they believe, and defend themselves against challenges to their sovereignty.







Edited by iamthey
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OOC: Hmm...what you describe sounds almost like fuedal Japan.

IC: The treaty was observed, but little if any remarks were even considered. Promised Land had no plans for the region--and they were going to respect the people's right to be left alone anyway.

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OOC: More specifically, almost identical to ancient Greece. A loose confederation of city states who's bitter rivalry prevented them cooperating except in times of great peril.

IC: The document was noted, numbered, and filed away in the dark recesses of administration, where it would likely stay for the rest of time, such was the unimportance of this document to the current politics of New Cymru.

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OOC: Indeed; it was more based off ancient greece/renaissance Italy. But Fudal japan is a good example too.

Edited by iamthey
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OOC: Hmm...what you describe sounds almost like fuedal Japan.

IC: The treaty was observed, but little if any remarks were even considered. Promised Land had no plans for the region--and they were going to respect the people's right to be left alone anyway.

OOC: You thought "Japan" before "Greece?" :P

IC: "We are glad to see order is returning to the region."

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OOC: Yes, I did. Japan was constantly divided...except when invaded.

Like this confederation will be.

OOC: Yeah it is a fair comparision, I think what he meant was considering the region it self is greece :P; it just seemed odd.

Also this is really just a temporary transition, considering margrave left the land in basically a post war chaos. After an internal war and some other things it will unify.

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OOC: Yeah it is a fair comparision, I think what he meant was considering the region it self is greece :P ; it just seemed odd.

Also this is really just a temporary transition, considering margrave left the land in basically a post war chaos. After an internal war and some other things it will unify.

OOC: Ah, makes sense. I looke forward to seeing the unification.

Anyway, I'll stop cluttering this thread, otherwise I'll probably get warned.

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