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Oh my...


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Thomas Devereaux stood on the upper deck of one of many Dominion Air Carriers stationed in the Mediterranean; Gazing out upon the ocean he heard foot steps. He turned to see a flustered aid sprinting towards him. Suddenly stopping the man lowered his head to catch his breath placing his palms on his lower thighs. "What is it?"

"Sir... you are not going to believe this." Giving the aid an incredulous look the aid handed him a manila folder. Opening it Devereaux's expression turned to utter horror.

*Five minutes Later*

"It just Collapsed?"

"To be honest sir, we are not really sure." Devereaux raised an eyebrow.

"Here is the satellite footage" The large icy landscape once so tranquil seemed to erupt into an abyss, dust, and smoke filling the entire screen. Devereaux was still in disbelief.

"I... I don't understand, weren't those supposed to be fortified?"

"Yes sir. That's what has us confused." The man paused. "This may shed some light he said pointing to a picture of the recordings. "Just before the collapse a ring of dust is seen surrounding the area that would at that point collapse. Perhaps someone drilled charges, set it up to collapse." Devereaux sighed.

"How many dead?"

"It looks like all of Centre was destroyed."


"Should we set a new course, and return?" Devereaux thought on the matter.

"Ye-" A new screen appeared showing the entirety of the island, as well as Mc Donald's island. Three more even larger plumes of dust appeared.

"Was that..." Another aid asked.

Falling into one of the chairs Devereaux slumped. All he had worked for, all he had built, his friends, his family, all of it gone, erased. He then felt his mobil vibrate. He glanced around the room. Removing it the screen read "1 Message". Clicking the option indicating "read" he allowed the message to open. He stared, at the message, blinked, and then continued to stare... As he read and reread the message his heart filled with dread. All it said was. "I told you it wasn't over." Devereaux closed his eyes. Shaking his head.

"No... we're done. There is nothing left there now. We'll meet up with Marc, and decide what to do from there."

OOC: The Dominion is over.

Edited by iamthey
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"This is utterly despicable. Whle we did not agree with most of the Dominion's policies, the perpetrators of this attack had no excuse to do what they did."

"Indeed; it is rumored that the person who did this was the one that carried out a series of similarly barbaric chemical weapons attacks on the Alliance. Though none of that has really been confirmed. In either case whoever did it is still at large." -Unnamed Diplomat

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"The Dominion ships are free to refuel and restock at Posyet Bay, should their course take them in the area. Though our shipyards there haven't been built at this point, the necessary supplies can be loaded on board using transports."

Edited by Amyante
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"The Dominion ships are free to refuel and restock at Posyet Bay, should their course take them in the area. Though our shipyards there haven't been built at this point, the necessary supplies can be loaded on board using transports."

"Mr. Devereaux who is presently in hiding couldn't make a public statement, however he thanks you for your generosity. We will keep that in mind." - Marc Stephens

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